Rhythm Bay Love

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Rhythm Bay Love Page 19

by Patricia A. Bridewell

  “Definitely, I love the atmosphere in the Bay Area.”

  Eddel followed the caterers with another tray of food for the table. They made their plates and she guided everyone out to the patio. The backyard was spacious. It had a large pool and lots of green plants, flowers, and trees that created a scenic environment. Joy and Eddel were engaging and friendly, and Jada blended in with the family.

  “Well, well, if it isn’t my one and only son.” Antoine’s father walked onto the patio.

  Antoine hugged his father and shook his hand before introducing him to Jada. His dad smiled and that made her comfortable. Merlon breezed in five minutes before dinner and introduced himself to Jada. Antoine’s family treated her well and everyone was extremely pleasant. Hoping for a positive solution to the eviction, Jada could not wait to get past this evening.

  Chapter 36



  Pleased with the flow of conversation and comradery between his family and Jada, the evening couldn’t get any better. The fact that his father wanted to shoot a few rounds of pool after dinner was not surprising; pool was his favorite game for winding down. Antoine and Merlon went along, even though Antoine’s hope was to get straight to their meeting. Jada had acclimated to his family and was chatting with Joy and Eddel. She seemed comfortable with the men fleeing to the game room in the back of the house.

  Pop had a shot at the ball; he drank a sip of rum and Coke and stepped up to the pool table. “All right let me dunk this ball.” Pop picked up the pool stick, and his olive brown, clean shaven face appeared brighter than a full moon. He smoothed his silver hair back, studied the table carefully, bent down, and made his shot. “Yes!” he pumped his fist in the air. “Straight in the pocket. I’m done. You young bucks take over.”

  “What?” Antoine shook his head. “Pop, you can’t quit in the middle of a game.”

  “Nah, I’m tired. Finish up. I’ve gotta make a few calls anyway.” Pop picked up his drink and left the room.

  That was just like his father to quit while he was ahead of everyone. Antoine caught the smile on Merlon’s face; neither was surprised by his father’s actions.

  “Brother.” Merlon laughed. “I guess it’s just me and you.”

  While they played, Merlon seemed preoccupied.

  “Hey, bro’, are you okay?” Antoine said.

  “Yes. Just ready to get the meeting done.”

  “You? That’s all I’ve thought about this evening. How’s everything looking?”

  “Uh, man, I have to be honest.” He paused, and then shot the ball, which did not go inside the pocket. “This situation is perplexing, we’ll run it by you.”

  Antoine rolled his shoulders and picked up the pool stick. Merlon’s facial expression and words, literally summed up part of his findings. Antoine analyzed the shot, but his mind was not on the game. A plethora of possible solutions, but not one that he could see as alternatives, stuck in the back of his head. Well, he was minutes away from receiving the lab results and private investigator’s report. At least he’d have some closure.

  Eddel entered the room, “Hey guys, Roland’s ready when you finish this game.”

  “Cool, we’re almost done,” Antoine said. He walked around the table, assessed, and found the vertical center of the cue ball. He hit the ball with the pool stick, and the ball rolled into the pocket. “Whoa! Best shot this evening.”

  “Yeah, that was a super shot,” Merlon clapped Antoine’s hand.

  They cleared the table and placed the pool sticks on racks before heading down the hallway. Antoine peeked in on Jada, who was watching a movie with Joy and Eddel. Merlon removed the cell from his pocket and disappeared. Antoine glanced around and started toward his father’s office. His steps were slow and steady, but it seemed as though he’d never reach the office. Or was it that he purposely delayed his arrival? He knocked.

  “Come in.”

  “You ready?”

  “Yeah. Have a seat. I called Nikki; spoke with your mother earlier.”

  “How is she?” Antoine took a seat across from his father.

  “She’s a bit better today. The doctor came out and she’s on antibiotics. I, uh…flew up to D.C. last month and visited her.”

  “What’s the antibiotics for?”

  “She’s got a respiratory infection.

  “I talked to mom yesterday; Nikki didn’t mention that. Joy told me.”

  “Yeah, well, she probably forgot. Say…is Jada the girl you knocked up?”

  Antoine’s mouth gaped open. “Who told you that?”

  “I’ve got my sources. Son, you’ve gotta stop bangin’ all those women. Get one pregnant; it’ll cost you plenty.”

  Attempting to simmer down before he responded, Antoine rolled his shoulders. “Fiona was the only girl who got pregnant, and she lost the baby. That wasn’t planned. You know the story, so don’t sweat me about it.”

  The silence in the room was so thick, a machete knife wouldn’t slice through it. Pop lifted a cigar out of a box labeled Arturo Fuente. He flicked a cigarette lighter, lit the end of the cigar, and drew in a long puff before blowing smoke through his mouth. Swiveling his chair, he turned on the fan that sat on the credenza, and then stared hard at Antoine. “Think about what I said.”

  Antoine pressed his fingers against his jaw and stared back at his father. “Jada is the only woman I’ve been intimate with in almost two years. Nobody else. She’s not pregnant.”

  “Then who’s the other woman?”

  “Some chick at the station who’s trying to set me up. Joy and Merlon are on top of that.”

  “Yeah. You better hope they are. Because your hide is grass if they’re not.”

  “Can we get to Jada’s business?” Antoine didn’t want to argue with his father; he’d done that for too many years. Drilling him about the women in his life was not what he’d anticipated.

  Pop thumped ashes in an oval crystal ashtray. “Ellen Carson. Astute businesswoman, paid her rent on time. She died; her kids acquired the dress shop.”

  Talking fast as usual; Antoine often questioned how his father had made so many major real estate deals using rapid, choppy speech. His mother’s eloquence and giving spirit in contrast to the fast-talking businessman’s arrogance and selfishness left many questions circulating as to why she was drawn to him.

  “That’s correct. And they’d like to stay at their location. Why would you want to throw them out after they’ve been there twenty-one years? They have nowhere else to go.”

  “Not the point. Their rent’s been low, and I’ve lost money for years. Got a buyer who’s interested in the building.”

  “Yeah, but Pop, why that building? I’m sure you have tons of buildings other than the dress shop.” Antoine extended his hand.

  “To make money, son. Jada seems nice. But your priority… handle your business with that pregnant girl.” He puffed the cigar and blew out a whirlwind of smoke. “Pay for an abortion, if necessary. And does Jada work or is she making clothes like her aunt?”

  Antoine’s thoughts hit the brakes. “An abortion? That would be like admitting I’m the father. I’m handling that, okay? Jada’s a college graduate, and she works at the station. Can I ask you to help her family? Even if it means raising the rent. You know…give them some slack and let them stay.”

  “Humph. So, Dee’s still cranking out clothes, huh? Thought she’d retired by now.”

  Antoine propped his leg up over the other. “Are you serious?” he said with a light laugh. “You knew Mrs. Carson and you know Aunt Dee?”

  “Yeah, I knew them well. Your mother referred them some clients.”

  “Well, you know they’ve worked hard. Her family’s business is stable. Their aunt’s kept things afloat, and that business is her livelihood. Twenty-five years in business, twenty-one in your building, and you have no empathy for this family?”

  “Empathy? That what you want from me?” Pop frowned. “I didn’t get this far off
empathy. Didn’t want it. Didn’t ask for it.”

  Antoine tilted his head and pulled his earlobe. “I take it that’s a no.”

  “There’s three months left. Find them a new location.”

  Antoine opened his mouth to speak. An inner voice said, Don’t. Keep your mouth shut, even if you feel like saying words that will force him to jump from the seat like his pants are on fire. Challenge him, call him the son of a— No. He rubbed his temple with two fingers. I’ve got to stay in control.

  After moments of reconsideration, calmness overpowered the disgusting words in his head. He was better than Pop. He’d followed all of Joy’s suggestions, remained calm and mellow, but to no avail. But it was okay. He was tired of fighting, tired of attempting to reason with a bull-headed man who cared about nothing but wealth and money. He’d have to figure out a way to help Jada and her family. Removing his phone from his pants pocket, he texted his sister.

  Joy, it’s a no go.

  A few seconds later she texted, I’m on my way.

  Let Jada know I’ll be out soon.

  “Who’d you text. Jada?” Pop asked.

  “Joy. She’s coming in here.”

  There was a quick knock, then without waiting for an answer, Joy stormed in and sat next to Antoine.

  She crossed her legs. “Pop, you’re saying you won’t help Antoine’s girlfriend?”

  “Help? What’s wrong with you two? The Carsons have…wait a minute.” He tapped information on his desktop and read through it. “They’ve got a couple of months left.”

  “Is that reasonable?” Joy asked. “Jada’s like family now. And you shouldn’t have given them an eviction notice anyway. They’ve paid you on time, never skipped any payments or violated the lease. You can extend the lease, but what you should do is let them stay where they are.”

  “They had six months.”

  “No, they didn’t,” Joy said. “Jada didn’t get the letter right away. Please be lenient.”

  Antoine didn’t want to hear any more of Joy coaxing their stubborn father. It was useless. He got up and started toward the door.

  “Ant, stop! Don’t leave,” Joy folded her arms.

  He stared at Joy with a look of defeat. She pointed to the seat next to hers. Again, salty words formed in his mouth. He grappled with restraining himself. If he expressed what was in his heart, he’d ruin any potential chances of obtaining favor on this eviction.

  “Sit. We’re not finished,” Joy said.

  Antoine shuffled back to the chair, stretched his legs out and pressed a palm against his face. If his father said no to him, he would likely say the same to Joy. So why waste time?

  “Is dessert here yet?” Pop asked.

  “Who’s thinking of dessert after you made this appalling decision?” Joy frowned.

  “Joy, this is business, and you should understand.” Pop steepled his fingers. “I have a buyer. I’m done.”

  She bobbed her head up and down. “You’re done all right. Effective Monday, you’ll have thirty days to find a new lawyer. I’m resigning to work for Merlon’s law firm.”

  Antoine jerked his head around to face Joy.

  Their father’s eyes widened. “What? No, you can’t do that. You’re my lead attorney.”

  “Watch me,” she said with a sly grin.

  “For what reason? You get paid well; you have flexibility.”

  She waved both hands in the air. “No, no, no! You don’t understand. It’s not about pay. We’re wealthy. I’ve prayed daily, and this is about giving back. My interest was in criminal law, and what did I do? Sacrificed my preference to help you all these years. And here you are…too ornery and greedy to help your own people.”

  “Darling, slow down. A buyer made an offer for the building.”

  “That’s no excuse,” she snapped. “You must’ve listed it for sale if a buyer made an offer. Pop, please reconsider your decision. You have a long-term tenant in the building, they may lose clients…their business.”

  Antoine saw a change of expression on his father’s face as he listened to his youngest daughter. He didn’t expect Joy to go this far in his defense, but better her than him. He would’ve kicked him out the office by now.

  “I said I’m done. My decision is final.” Pop puffed his cigar and leaned back in his chair.

  Joy shifted her attention to their father and said, “Timothy 6:10: For the love of money is the root of all kinds of evil. Thirty days. Now, I’m done.” She touched Antoine’s hand. “Let’s go.”

  Immediately after Antoine and Joy exited Pop’s office, water in the corners of Joy’s eyes made him feel guilty that he’d accepted her help. He hugged his sister.

  She quickly wiped her tears away. “Ant, I’m sorry. I don’t know what else to say or do.”

  “You did the best you could. I’ll work things out.”

  Joy summoned Antoine to follow her. She opened the door to another bedroom, and they went inside.

  “Lady, you shocked me. You resigned?”

  With one finger, Joy brushed a strand of hair from her face and smiled. “It’s time for a change, but I’d planned to give Pop a three-month notice. I’ve been doing some part-time work for Merlon’s law firm for over a year. Pop doesn’t know that.”

  “Are you really leaving in a month?”

  “I have to. Some of his decisions are off the wall. But this one…it’s ridiculous and gut-wrenching. It’s getting late. I’ll find Merlon and see if Pop will let us use his office.”

  “Okay, I’ll get Jada.”

  “Jada?” Joy said with a surprised look.

  “Yes, she’ll be in the meeting. She’s gotta know what happened.”

  “Why not wait and talk to her in private after you get home?”

  There was a momentary lull as Antoine considered his sister’s recommendation. Her point was valid, but he felt certain Jada would prefer to be present.

  “I’m sure she’ll be okay,” he said.

  Chapter 37



  The second Antoine ambled into the den; Jada suspected his father hadn’t approved the lease renewal. He tried to hide his feelings, but she picked up on the change in his mood and his distinct swagger. The dejection seeped through his dimpled smile, a cover-up for whatever had occurred behind closed doors. He reached out and lifted her hands to his lips.

  “Time to meet with Joy and Merlon,” he said. They strolled down the hallway to a door that was slightly open where Joy and Merlon were seated and waiting.

  Joy moved one chair over so that Antoine and Jada could sit together.

  “Ant, Merlon’s going to discuss the labs first, and then the PI’s findings. I’ll interject comments as needed,” Joy said.

  “I’m okay with that. First, I want to thank both of you for pitching in,” Antoine said.

  “No problem, brother. We’re always here to help.” Merlon put on his glasses and opened a file folder. “I hate to say this, but you may be the victim of a date rape drug. The lab report showed a fairly high amount of Rohypnol and a small level of alcohol in your bloodstream.”

  Jada sucked in a breath so hard her chest hurt. She made brief eye-to-eye contact with Antoine.

  Antoine shook his head. “Nah, how is that possible? Where’d the Rohypnol come from?”

  “It is possible,” Merlon said. “Both men and women get date raped. Most men can’t perceive a male being date raped, and many don’t report it. The drug Rohypnol is a powerful drug that’s used to incapacitate people. Scopolamine is another one that’s used. Once the victims ingest one of the drugs, they become dizzy, confused, and exhibit other symptoms; some go into an unconscious status. You said while you worked on Kiley’s sound system, she served food. I believe tea and cake.”

  “That’s right.”

  “Did you have cocktails at Kiley’s?” Joy asked.

  “No. I had one glass of wine at the event where I was the MC. And I never left the table, so nobody could have
tampered with my drink. Man, I remember feeling dizzy, nauseated one minute. I had the kind of chills a snowstorm would cause. I couldn’t remember where I was either, and then I remember laying on her couch.”

  “What?” Jada repositioned herself to face Antoine.

  “Those symptoms are congruent with drugged date rape victims. How to prove that happened at Kiley’s is the problem,” Joy said. “Consumption of alcohol and the drug Rohypnol combined could’ve killed you.”

  “In fact, if there was a date rape, a possible pregnancy could have occurred,” Merlon said.

  “I don’t see how. I woke up with my clothes on.”

  Jada’s mouth dropped open. “Date rape? Pregnancy? What the heck is going on,” she asked Antoine. “Is this what you couldn’t say earlier?”

  Merlon’s eyes widened. “I apologize. I thought you knew.”

  Antoine glanced at Jada. “Babe, I’m sorry. I was trying to wait for the labs and PI reports to come back. Kiley, accused me of…” he twisted his mouth, “of being the father of her unborn child. I’ve never willingly slept with that woman, ever.” He wiped his moist forehead.

  Jada clapped a hand to her mouth; her mind trailed off to one person. Gordan. Conflicted and unsure of whether to bring up the information that he’d mentioned, she remained quiet. How could she disclose Gordan’s relationship with Kiley if she had no specific information? She knew something happened that made him angry enough to break off the engagement. Did she tell him she was pregnant, too? What if she’d told the other men she’d dated the same?

  “Well, since that’s established,” Antoine folded his arms over his chest. “What can I do?”

  Merlon, lifted a small paperweight and laid it back on the desk, apparently pondering an answer. “Has she asked for money?”

  “Lately, yes.” He let out a deep breath and looked at Jada. “She called yesterday while I was at the deli. That’s the reason I was gone so long. This woman is trying to destroy my life. Calling my cell, harassing me, now she wants ten-K for prenatal care.”


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