The White Whispers: Threesome African American Romance

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The White Whispers: Threesome African American Romance Page 8

by Kizzie Hayes

  “I will plead with you not to. I-I know we pretty musch fucked up, but Johnson hasn't been the same since that day. And after you shut him out of your apartment, he's only gotten worse, and it's affecting his performance badly.”

  "I’m sorry to hear that, but I wasn't relishing my experience either. And my boy…” she paused and glanced away from his face. “What do you want from me now?” she asked studying his face carefully when looked back at him.

  “He just wants an audience with you. He feels a lot of guilt and is ready to settle with you for any amount you demand as payment for damages and inconvenience.”

  Carren scoffs, "I don't need his compensation . I will rather just have his apology, but I’m only doing this for my boy. It's funny he's still a big fan of Johnson’s after the accident, and he's been unhappy with me after I shut Johnson out of my apartment when he came over to apologize."

  Nelson managed to smile, clasping his hands. “Thank you. Thank you so much.”

  “I’m watching the game tonight with my boy at Barclays. I’ll see him after the game.” She looked at her watch. “You better get going before you miss out, too.”

  Nelson chuckled weakly. “It’s fine. You mind if I get someone to pick you up?”

  Carren raised her eyebrows at him. “What for? We will find our way there just fine.” She said and started to stroll away slowly. “See you tonight. And…good luck.”

  "Yes, ma'am," Nelson replied comically.

  Carren found herself smiling involuntarily and turned back to see him walking toward his car already.

  “Um…Nelson right?”

  Nelson stopped and turned to face her. “Yes,” he replied without looking surprised that she knew his name. She had already said her son was a fan of Johnson. That means he knew his best friend’s name too.

  "You tracked me down somehow and sent Johnson my address, right?" she asked, and Nelson strayed his face from hers briefly with a grin.

  “And why would you think that?”

  Carren shrugged, “You seem to be his kickback.”

  “Yes, I am and yes, I tracked your address for him.”

  “You know how weird that is right? Do I have a reason to start worrying?”

  "Not at all. I’m no serial killer but sorry for the inappropriate behavior."

  “I hope so,” she teased with a phony smile and left him staring after her as she walked away.

  The New York Islanders didn’t win the game that evening, but she and Sammy had a great time. Minaj couldn’t go along with them because she had a shift that night but Carren though she had been acting strangely since she refused to file charges against Johnson.

  During the game time, Carren found herself wincing involuntarily every time Johnson was fouled.

  After the game, Nelson and Johnson walked up to meet Sammy and herself, and it appeared their meeting had been rehearsed because no sooner had they arrived when Sammy begged her to allow Nelson to show him around the arena.

  She hesitated to give him a favorable reply.

  “He doesn’t bite or elbow,” Sammy joked childishly to their amusement, giving her a pleading stare and she gave in.

  “Please be safe,” she begged him with a worried expression on her face.

  “I’m in good hands, Mom,” he replied quickly.

  "Yeah, I know, but get a helmet if you have to,” she joked before shooting Nelson a warning stare. She didn’t have to say anymore.

  After the two left, she and Johnson were alone. She became nervous and tried so much to compose herself. Johnson wasn't intimidating, but somehow his presence had a strong effect on her.

  For close to a minute, she and Johnson kept avoiding each other's stare until she summoned the courage to start the conversation. She was biting her lips unconsciously.

  She cleared throat gently. "You wanted to apologize about something," she said trying to look stoic, and that was the icebreaker.

  “H-honestly, this is very much unlike me,” Johnson started to explain.

  "Yeah, I have heard a lot about that," she said flatly, but her heart was racing for the mountains.

  "Can we walk, please? I’m somewhat nervous right now." He gave her a pleading stare.

  “Sure,” she replied and followed his lead closely beside him.

  "I truly regret the incident with your son. I lost my temper with my brother at a very ill timing, and I wish I can undo the events of that day."

  Carren glanced at him and looked back forward. “You must hate your brother so much to have that lot of temper planned out for him," she said bluntly.

  Johnson's face flinched when she said that. He stole a stare at her from the corner of his eyes, and he wondered if she meant her pinching words.

  "I…I don't hate him, but he can be overbearing and very annoying most of the time. I shouldn’t have overreacted but his bad joke about me…about me and, and my ex had the better of me.”

  Carren clenched her purse tightly when she perceived the emotion in his voice, that he was trying to bury so much, when he mentioned his ex. He seemed fragile that very moment, and she softened her uptightness toward him.

  “You shouldn’t have walked away after you hit my boy, Sammy, by accident.” She glanced at him and looked away when they eyes were about to lock stares. “You looked a coward to me and didn’t seem much of a role model.”

  Johnson stopped walking and sighed. “I have made so many mistakes in my life, but that…is my biggest so far,” he placed his hand on his chest, “and I regret it deeply.” He searched her a face for a response. She stared clear of his eyes and continued walking. The wind was picking up slowly, and spectators were still making their way out of Barclays. But they were walking down a less busy end of the big arena.

  “Did you lose your voice the other day at my apartment or you pretended to? I was still mad to accommodate your little drama although I was shocked to see you on my doorstep."

  “Something about you intrigued me the first time I saw you at the restaurant. I tried so much to make eye contact, but you seemed to dodge me deliberately."

  Carren looked down at the paved path and suppressed a smile. "Yes, I did."

  She sniffed in gently, drinking in his rich cologne with her nose. It mesmerized her.

  "Thought as much. Immediately after the accident just before I was dragged out, I caught the look in your eyes and couldn't forget them." He paused for some seconds like he recalled the moment. "But right there at your door step, I looked into her eyes and saw the most beautiful and most haunting eyes I have ever seen,” he continued while glancing at her but Carren kept her stare on the path ahead.

  "Hmmm…smooth," she said directly, and Johnson reached out for her hand gently and stopped her in track.

  Her heart melted as their body touched. Carren looked at his hand holding onto hers gently and looked up to meet his compelling stare.

  Johnson felt her soft hand and could feel his heart beating faster and his male organ hardening.

  Carren pretended not to see the rising bulge through his pants, but his touch felt so warm, and it made her heart skip a beat. Ordinarily, she would have slid her hand free, but she let him hold on to her. She felt her heart beat even faster and her breasts start to breathe for more space inside her bandeau. The last time she felt this way was the father of her son, some years before she conceived him and her guts were firing warnings at her, still for the first time in a while, she ignored them.

  “Honestly,” he closed his eye briefly, sighed and opened it. “Please don’t think I’m doing all of this to stop you from pressing charges against me, but…” he was about to tell her frankly how he felt about her and it would have been his first time doing that to any lady that intrigued him so much, but she cut him off.

  “I was going to ask that,” she said, cutting him off and he looked away like he was embarrassed. “So?”

  Johnson pursed his lips. "I honestly don't want you to. It could hurt my career, and I haven't been doing well late
ly since the accident. You saw me play today. It wasn't my best, and now our closest rivals in the conference have an opportunity to close up on us. I have found it hard to focus.”

  “Yeah, I heard about that and I’m sorry for your loss. But you didn't play badly as you think, except that you put yourself in harm's way a lot. That got me worried.”

  “You were?” he smiled before guiding her to continue walking when he heard distant voices approaching.

  “Well, yeah, any fan of the team would have.”

  Carren felt him squeeze her hand gently. It sent uncontrollable shivers down her spine and she could feel her nipples hardening.

  Gosh what’s going on? Get a grip of yourself Carren. She warned herself.

  The rest of the evening went on seamlessly between them and the emotion that was brewing between them, went from one pedestal to another.

  Johnson insisted on dropping her and Sammy off at her apartment.

  Before she walked in into her apartment, Johnson surprised her when he came around and hugged Sammy like he shared a blood bond with him and Sammy was ecstatic. Johnson apologized to the boy for hitting him while on his knees. The scene was touching, and it was one of Sammy’s best moments ever.

  Later that night, after she had succeeded tucking Sammy into bed, she stared at herself in the mirror for a very long time in her lingerie. She traveled back into her memory lane and recalled the moments she shared with Johnson. She thought of his physique, his strong arms, his warm touch, his smile. She recalled how he had said she intrigued him, how and before long she began to fantasize about him. And gradually her emotions became heated, and she yearned to be touched after so many years.

  Slowly, she peeled the turquoise lingerie she wore from her golden brown and curvy body until the truth of her nakedness was glaring in front of the mirror before switching off her light and touched herself till ecstasy on her bed while imagining Johnson that was caressing her all over.

  As the Stanley Cup playoff final drew closer, Carren's and Johnson's friendship grew stronger. He had asked her out a few days after they had gotten in good terms but she told him she preferred to take things slow and he respected her decision but kept reminding her he was never going to give up on his request.

  As their friendship bond tightened, Sammy became, to Minaj’s displeasure, too fond of Johnson who had already begun to tutor him on how to become an ice hockey player.

  Finally, the Stanley cup final arrived, and it was a show down between New York Islanders and their opponents. The final was played in Canada, and that pit their opponents as the favorites to win the cup. However, after a frustrating and exhausting draw during sudden death overtime, Johnson's coach was forced to play him and Kyle in front together, and it paid off when Johnson assisted Kyle to shoot in the puck into the net and end the game. He could apparently take the shot, but he seized the opportunity to bring to an end their unending rivalry.

  Carren was the last guest to leave Johnson's large apartment after the celebration party he had organized for their victory. As she was about to step out of the door, Johnson held her hand to stop her in track.

  “Hey,” he said seductively and gently guided her around in a circular motion until his back was facing the door. He shut the door with his back and drew Carren into his strong embrace. He brushed his finger across her lips slowly, caressed her face and looked into her eyes with a surge of passion and desire burning through his touch.

  She couldn't resist him anymore and waited impatiently for him to make a move. Her breasts swelled against his chest as he looked into her compelling eyes. She closed her eyes as he leaned forward and kissed her lightly on her lips like a tease. She moaned and yearned for more.

  Johnson studied her eyes after he had kissed her lightly, there was a desire burning in her eyes, and they pleaded with him to kiss her even more. That was the invitation he hoped for and without any word said, he leaned forward and kissed her deeply.

  His kisses sparked an electric wave through her body, she had desired him greatly since the day they met, and now she had her wish.

  Carren wrapped her hands around his neck and returned his delightful kiss. She opened up to him as he searched for more nectar in her mouth. She moaned as he carried her off her feet and continued to shower her with more delight with his kiss.

  Slowly, he carried her toward the white settee in his large living room. He clipped her lips gently and sucked on them.

  “Don’t stop, please,” she moaned when she felt him drawing his lips away.

  Carren ran her hands through his hair and wouldn’t let go of his juicy lips. She caught his tongue and sucked them gently but intensely. She wanted all of him, nothing but all of him.

  She closed her eyes and moaned even more as his soft lips trailed her neck with kisses.

  Slowly she began to caress his abs gently with her long tender fingers. She caressed her way down his torso, stroking every inch of him with her seductive touch as his kiss strayed down her exposed shoulder toward her cleavage.

  Carren began to hear Johnson moan softly too when she started to make her way down below his waistband with her fingers. Her target was hard to miss cock, as it was erect and aching for her touch already when Johnson pushed her back gently and interrupted her seductive progress.

  "I got something to tell you," he said breathlessly, and in a quick move, Johnson extracted an exquisitely designed small box and knelt on right knee.

  Carren still panting softly from the surge of aroused feelings that rocked her body, followed his movement intriguingly with her eyes as fast as she could and before she could say any word Johnson asked her to be his girlfriend. He, too, was breathing heavily.

  Carren laughed heartily when she saw the serious expression on his face.

  "What's with you and ill timing?" she teased, and before he could say another word, she leaned and kissed him deeply for over a minute.

  “There goes your answer,” she said finally with a charming smile that spread around the room and made everything along its path to glow.


  Another bonus story is on the next page.

  Bonus Story 2 of 44

  Hunter in the Flight

  Scarlet waltzed into the room where she would see Cody Jacobson play, wondering how everything would go. She mused upon this, knowing full well that this would be one of the first ever interviews with him, and Scarlet wanted to make sure that everything would be okay. Sure, this was an article that wouldn’t be published anywhere big, just the college newspaper, but the fact that the NBA star wanted to conduct the interview with her when typically, he refused this sort of ordeal, surprised her. She found out later on it was because her journalism director was actually good friends with him, but it still made her feel good about herself. It made her feel like she could potentially make a career out of it, and she wanted to more than anything.

  Her brunette hair was tied back into a low ponytail, her brown glasses perching on her face. She crossed her legs to appear ladylike, waiting for the man to finally show up. They said he would be here in a few minutes, but she already assumed that he would probably be late. It’s not like he could help it though; in fact, she was surprised he even agreed to this at all.

  When the door opened, she looked over at him and immediately she was surprised. He was a man who was about a foot taller than her, with blue eyes and blonde hair. He looked gorgeous, and she wondered how in the world she got so damn lucky. This man seemed to be even cleaner than the eyes let on, especially since he was perfectly showered and groomed even though it had been only fifteen minutes since the game ended.

  “Hello there Mr. Jacobson. Have a seat,” she mused.

  “Call me Cody. And I sure will,” he told her.

  His gait was strong, and she could see the prominent leg muscles appear under his pants. It was barely a hint of skin, but it was enough to make her drool. Gosh, why was she all over this man all of a sudden? It wasn’t like her to feel like this.
r />   He sat down across from her, grinning excitedly as he stared at her.

  “So, will we be getting started? I’m not used to these interviews and such. My manager insists upon me not doing them unless they’re for a small group, especially considering the consequences it can have on people,” he explained.

  “I understand. Don’t worry, it will take only a few minutes. So have you been playing basketball for a long time?” she asked him.

  “Yeah I guess. I mean, when I do short interviews they always ask me that. It’s been about ten years since I started playing on a team, but I have been playing since I was about 10 years old. I’m 24 now and I guess I’m okay,” he told her.

  “Only okay? You’re the star center in the league right now. People clamor over you day and night. Hell, my best friend Courtney practically fainted when I said I was getting an interview with you,” she cried out.

  Okay, she didn’t mean to sound that unprofessional, but it seemed that there was something about him that wasn’t like how she expected it to be. Cody sighed, looking at her with sad eyes.

  “Nobody knows your true face, and typically they only like the side of you that you show off all the time,” he told her.

  She looked at him with a curious glance. What the hell did he mean by that? It made no sense that he was saying this sort of thing.

  “What are you talking about? I mean, I thought that you were a man whowas idolized by other people. I thought you would take pride in the fact that you’ve been slated as one of the most eligible men in the country to date. I thought sports magazines would be flocking to you for an interview,” she told him.

  He looked at her, the same forlorn expression.

  “Well, I’ll tell you right now that the ‘me’ that you see on television, the one that plays basketball and is the apple of so many people’s eyes, is not real ‘me’. I don’t feel that way all the time. In fact, I’m probably a monster,” he told her.

  A monster? This made no sense! Why was he pretending to be something he wasn’t? Why was he so goddamn humble all of a sudden?


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