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Spurtacus Page 9

by Callista Hawkes

  “And you?” You ask, raising an eyebrow.

  “You seek praise where none is required. My cries of pleasure should have provided the necessary reassurance.” Aurelia notices you smile at the compliment. “Your head swells almost as much as your cock!” She grins before stretching up and tenderly kissing you on the lips. She breaks the kiss and continues to the slaves’ quarters, disappearing into the shadowy interior. You smile to yourself and follow her inside, grateful for a chance to sleep.


  “How are you?” Atticus asks you the following morning, wandering across the slaves’ quarters.

  “Sore.” You smile, cupping your groin and wincing theatrically. He grins, before glancing around furtively at the other slaves.

  “I would have words with you in private.” He whispers, the grin vanishing.

  “Of course.” You reply. You walk to an isolated corner of the room.

  “Have you thought any more about escaping?” He asks.

  “I need to.” You grin. “I’m going to get fucked to death in weeks at this rate!” Atticus does not return your smile and his eyes narrow.

  “I’m being serious.” He tells you earnestly.

  “Last time we spoke on this matter, you were in opposition.” You remark. “Why the sudden change of heart?”

  “A gilded cage is still a cage.” He replies. “If opportunity arises, I think we should make attempt.”

  You slowly nod. “Fabia must come with us, perhaps Aurelia too.”

  “Too many and chances of success dwindle.” Atticus replies. “Despite your witty nickname, you are not fucking Spartacus!”

  “Fabia is from my village in Gaul.” You tell Atticus. “I have known her all my life. I cannot leave her behind.”

  “Very well.” Atticus replies reluctantly. “But three is enough, so the whore must remain here.”

  You glance over at Aurelia who is curled up asleep on the floor.

  “We are in agreement.” You sigh.

  “Good.” Atticus smiles. “Be ready. We may have to move at a moment’s notice.”

  You nod and leave the slaves quarters to pursue your duties.

  A few hours later, you stand in the hot, sweltering midday sun, sweeping the courtyard with a broom. The sun is beating down on you and you pause for a moment, leaning on the broom handle and mopping the sweat from your brow with the back of your wrist. You glance over at Aurelia, who is also sweeping the courtyard. She blows out her cheeks theatrically and grins at you before returning to her sweeping. There is the gentle thumping of hooves and the rattle of cartwheels on the cobbles on the road leading up to the villa and the guards swing open the gates. A middle-aged man, probably a farmer by the look of him, rides a rickety cart into the courtyard. He jumps down from the cart and talks briefly with one of the guards before they both turn to you.

  “Titus.” The guard shouts. “Get your lazy Gaul arse over here and unload this hay.” You wander over and look at the cart, your heart sinking at the sight of the hay piled high.

  “Only half is for you.” The farmer adds, his sun beaten, heavily lined features smiling kindly. “The rest is for my farm.” You nod and move to the rear of the cart and begin to unload the hay into a barrow.

  “Come Cicero.” The guard tells the farmer. “We’ll find Lady Servilia and see you paid.” The farmer nods and follows the guard into the villa. You sigh and begin to pull the hay from the cart.

  A few minutes later, as you finish unloading the hay, you uncover a pitchfork slid down one side of the cart. You glance over at the remaining guard, who leans lazily against the inside of the archway in the shade, his back to you. You glance at Aurelia, who, curiosity piqued, has stopped sweeping and is gazing over at you.

  Grab the pitchfork, kill the guard, steal the horse and escape.

  Suggest to Aurelia that you hide in the remaining hay and escape when the farmer leaves.

  Put thoughts of escape to the back of your mind. You have unfinished business here at the villa.

  Tempting as it is to take this opportunity to escape, you decide that the risks are too great and that a better opportunity will no doubt present itself in time. You wheel the barrow towards the stables and unload it before returning to the courtyard to continue sweeping just as the guard and Cicero return. Cicero jumps up on the cart and sets off while you pause, watching the cart disappear through the open gate, agonising as to whether you made the right decision and whether the Gods will grant you a second chance for freedom. You placate yourself with the thought that this way, you have not abandoned Fabia to her fate and you still have the chance to lie with Servilia.

  “Back to work.” The guard growls at you. You turn your attention back to your broom and continue to sweep the courtyard.

  By mid afternoon, you have just about swept every paving slab in the courtyard when a guard appears in the doorway from the villa.

  “Titus!” He growls. “Get your stinking Gaul arse over here. Lady Servilia summons you.” You glance at Aurelia, who smiles and gives you a knowing wink before you cross the courtyard towards the guard.


  You reach out and grasp the wooden handle of the pitchfork, silently sliding it from the cart and glance over at the guard. He continues to lean against the archway, his back to you. You glance over at Aurelia as you turn towards him, pitchfork in hand. There is fear in her eyes and she shakes her head mouthing at you not to do it. You ignore her and silently stalk towards the guard. You edge closer towards him, your heart thumping with each step. You are just a few paces from him when he suddenly shifts his weight onto his other leg. You freeze, fear gripping you tightly, fingers clutching the pitchfork but knowing you are too far away to pounce. The guard stretches out his arms, yawns and leans back against the arch. You pause a moment and creep forward, closing the distance between you. You set yourself and thrust forward with the pitchfork driving it into his side. The guard screams in agony and twists around, the pitchfork torn from your grasp. He pulls it from his side, blood seeping from the wound and draws his sword, pain and fury etched in his face. Before you can react, he has swung the sword savagely in an arc through the air, the blade slicing diagonally across your chest from shoulder to hip. You drop to your knees, agony consuming you as blood gushes from the deep wound. You look up just in time to see the guard line up the killing blow as he swings the sword down onto your head and everything goes black.

  Go back a few minutes and rethink your actions.

  Start Again.

  You cross the courtyard to Aurelia.

  “This is our chance.” You murmur. “We can hide in the hay and be away before anyone realises we’re missing.”

  “I don’t know.” Aurelia whispers, looking nervously about the courtyard, doubt in her eyes. “If we’re caught, it will be the mines for both of us and that’s if Domina is feeling merciful. Besides, I quite like it here. Domina has always been kind to me.”

  “You are nothing but a pet, a plaything.” You tell her. “Eventually you will grow older, your looks will fade and your usefulness to her will be at an end.” You can see the conflict in her eyes. She knows you speak the truth.

  “Come with me.” You implore her. “We can be free!” She considers for a moment before finally nodding her head.

  “Very well.” Aurelia tells you reluctantly. “But what of Fabia, of Atticus?”

  Reconsider until there is an opportunity for you all to escape.

  You may never get a better chance. Escape with Aurelia.

  “You are right.” You sigh, your shoulders slump in resignation. “Fabia and Atticus would not abandon us. We shall await an opportunity that will give us all our freedom.”

  “I think it is the right decision.” Aurelia nods. “I don’t believe the Gods would want us to forsake our friends.”

  “You are a kind woman Aurelia.” You tell her. “A far better person than I.”

  “A whore with a heart of gold?” Aurelia muses before smiling. “
Who would have thought it?”

  The guard and Cicero emerge from the villa and Aurelia quickly moves away, continuing to sweep the courtyard while you wheel the barrow towards the stables and unload it before returning to the courtyard to continue sweeping just as the cart disappears through the open gate. You watch it go, agonising as to whether you made the right decision and whether the Gods will grant you a second chance for freedom. You placate yourself with the thought that this way, you have not abandoned Fabia to her fate and you still have the chance to lie with Servilia.

  “Back to work.” The guard growls at you. You turn your attention back to the broom and continue to sweep the courtyard.

  By mid afternoon, you have just about swept every paving slab in the courtyard when a guard appears in the doorway from the villa.

  “Titus!” He growls. “Get your stinking Gaul arse over here. Lady Servilia summons you.” You glance at Aurelia, who smiles and gives you a knowing wink before you cross the courtyard towards the guard.


  “Fabia and Atticus will have to find their own opportunity.” You shrug your shoulders. “We must grasp this chance.” Aurelia reluctantly nods and with a glance over at the guard, who still has his back to you, you both clamber into the cart and crawl into the pile of hay. Satisfied that you will be hidden from view, you lie silent before you feel Aurelia’s hand reach for yours and tighten around it.

  You lie there for several minutes, your heart thumping in your chest as you wait for Cicero to return. Eventually you hear voices as the farmer and guard return, feel the cart shift as Cicero pulls himself up onto it. The horse snorts as it is driven forward and the cart begins to move.

  “Wait!” You hear one of the guards cry out. Cicero stops the cart and you hold your breath, fear gripping you even more tightly than Aurelia’s fingers. You close your eyes tightly, gritting your teeth and waiting for one of the guards to pull you from the cart or to feel the blade of a sword thrust through the hay and into you.

  “You forgot your hat!”

  “Thanks.” You hear Cicero tell him. “I’ll need that on a day like today. It would seem we have incurred the wrath of the Gods and Vulcan has been sent to scorch us!”

  The guard chuckles and the cart lurches forward again. You allow yourself to breathe a sigh of relief as you feel the cart lurch on the uneven cobbles of the road and you feel Aurelia’s tight grip on your hand loosen.

  Eventually, perhaps an hour later, you feel the cart come to a stop.

  “You can come out now.” Cicero says, his voice echoing slightly. You squeeze Aurelia’s hand, but remain in the hay. “Please yourselves.” Cicero continues. “But you are safe here. The guards may not have noticed that two slaves had disappeared, but I had. And I may be a lowly farmer, but I also know when my cart is carrying just hay or the weight of two extra people! I shall go to my house now. If you wish, you may disappear into the night, but my wife and I would be happy to share our meal with you if you choose to come up to the house.” You listen to his footsteps fade into the distance and pull yourself from the hay, a dishevelled Aurelia emerging next to you, her long dark hair covered in pieces of hay. The cart is inside a barn, straw lining the floor while the horse stands in a stall and eyes you with mild interest. You help Aurelia down from the cart and cautiously look out of the open door. You appear to be far outside Rome with nothing but rolling countryside all around you apart from a small farm house fifty yards from the barn.

  “We did it!” Aurelia smiles at you. You return her smile and press your lips to hers. She seems initially surprised, but kisses you back.

  “Do you trust him?” You ask her, finally breaking the kiss.

  “He seemed genuine.” She replies, chewing her bottom lip thoughtfully. “What do you think?”

  Go up to the house.

  Take the cautious approach and wait for nightfall before moving on.

  You leave the barn and walk up the overgrown path to the house, your shadows lengthening as the sun descends towards the horizon. The rustic old farmhouse reminds you of your own home back in Gaul. You knock firmly on the sturdy timber door and step back waiting. Momentarily, you hear footsteps approach and the door creaks open to reveal Cicero’s buxom wife.

  “Ah, the fugitives I presume.” She grins kindly. “We’ve been expecting you. Come in, come in.” She steps back and you cautiously step inside.

  You step in to a small dining room, which despite the rough stone walls, uneven floors and simple furniture is quite cosy and has a certain rustic charm. Cicero sits behind a thick timber table and glances up from behind a cup of water at you as you enter.

  “Welcome.” He grins, setting down the cup. “I’m glad you came up to the house. The barn is for livestock, which you are not, though many might disagree. My wife Laelia and I are but simple farmers and you have nothing to fear from us.” Laelia nods in agreement, pouring you both a cup of water from a jug. Parched, you both eagerly drain them, glancing gratefully at Laelia. Though a Roman, she is a world away from Servilia and the elegantly dressed noblewomen from the villa. She is perhaps in her mid thirties, ten years or so younger than her husband. Her long brown hair is tied back and her tanned face tells of many hours spent toiling outside in the fields. Though she has a fuller figure, her easy smile and pleasant features give her an attractive appearance. She feels your eyes on her and blushes slightly. Embarrassed, you turn to Cicero.

  “You have our gratitude.” You tell him. “Most would have given us away.”

  “This is the world we live in.” He agrees sadly. “I am a Roman and proud of it, but I don’t believe in slavery. I believe…”

  “They don’t need to hear your ramblings.” Laelia interrupts. “Please, join us at the table. Dinner is cooking and I’m sure you are hungry.”

  “Yes you must stay for dinner.” Cicero nods. “Then we will share a jug of wine and you will spend the night as our guests.”

  “You are very kind.” Aurelia tells him, glancing at you. You give her a subtle nod. “We would be most grateful for your hospitality.”

  “Excellent.” Cicero’s lined face beams at her. “Then it is decided.”

  You take a sip of wine from your goblet. Though you have little basis for comparison, the wine tastes good. You enjoyed your meal which was far better than the meagre rations you had grown used to at the villa. Cicero had brought a jug of wine to the table and you had all enjoyed several goblets. You are feeling pleasantly inebriated, as are your companions. You glance over at Aurelia and Laelia, who are giggling together on wooden bench. You sit at the wooden table opposite Cicero, who reaches for a jug and refills both yours and his goblet.

  “You are very beautiful.” You overhear Laelia tell Aurelia. “I had a figure like yours once.”

  “A long, long time ago.” Cicero adds with a grin. Laelia narrows her eyes at him, but returns his smile.

  “It is true.” Laelia admits. “We eat and drink well and here is the result.” She sweeps a hand dismissively down her body.

  “No!” Aurelia objects. “You are beautiful too.” Aurelia reaches out and runs a hand over Laelia’s ample chest. “I wish I had breasts like yours.” Laelia turns to Aurelia, her eyes widening in surprise. All three of you watch in stunned silence as Aurelia cups a breast through the rough fabric of Laelia’s dress. The two women lock eyes and as if in slow motion, tentatively lean in to each other, lips pressing together. Laelia responds, her hands exploring Aurelia's body as they kiss. You glance at Cicero, whose mouth is agape in shock as he watches his wife in a passionate embrace with another woman. Aurelia's hands are pulling at Laelia's clothes and the plump farmer's wife breaks the kiss and allows Aurelia to pull the dress off over her head. Aurelia gazes at Laelia's curvaceous naked form, her large breasts hanging like ripe fruit, the soft curve of her belly, her wide hips and her broad thighs self-consciously pressed together with just a hint of dark curls visible between them.

  "So beautiful." Aurelia purrs before dippin
g her head to Laelia's chest, taking a nipple into her mouth. Laelia gasps, her eyes closing and head rocking back, letting out a soft moan of pleasure. She reaches for the younger woman's head, her fingers running through Aurelia's long, dark hair as she guides the younger woman from one breast to the other, enjoying her lips on each. Aurelia finally lifts her head from Laelia's ample breasts and gets to her feet, stripping off her own dress. You hear Cicero gasp as Aurelia's lithe, toned body is revealed to him. Laelia gets to her feet, untying her brown hair which drops past her shoulders. The two women embrace again, bodies pressed against each other, lips meeting and hands roaming over each other's flesh.

  "By the Gods!" Cicero mutters, transfixed by what he is witnessing.

  "Shall we retire to the bedroom?" Aurelia asks Laelia, breaking the kiss. The older woman glances over at Cicero, her expression a mixture of desire and uncertainty as her mind reels with conflicting emotions. Cicero can only nod dumbly and the two women move towards the door to the bedroom. Aurelia glances over her shoulder at you.

  "I would see you both join us." She smiles, raising an eyebrow, Laelia grinning coquettishly behind her. “I crave a strong masculine embrace as well as the pleasure of Laelia’s delicate caresses.”

  Follow them into the bedroom.

  You feel uncomfortable sharing Aurelia with Cicero. Remain behind.

  You both get to your feet and eagerly follow the two women into the bedroom. The bedroom, like the rest of the farmhouse, is simple and sparsely furnished and decorated. The bed, while plain, looks comfortable enough and Aurelia guides Laelia to lie on her back. You stand with Cicero beside the bed, watching as Laelia complies, smiling up at the beautiful slave girl, shedding her inhibitions as she parts her legs in anticipation, gazing lustily into Aurelia's eyes. Aurelia crawls on top of her, their lips meeting as they kiss passionately. You feel your cock hardening beneath your tunic and notice Cicero is rubbing himself through his as you both watch. Aurelia breaks the kiss and smiles naughtily as she begins to kiss her way down Laelia's body, showering her ample breasts with kisses before kissing down the soft flesh of her belly. As Aurelia's lips graze her patch of pubic hair, Laelia moans with delight, spreading her legs wider. Aurelia accepts the invitation and buries her face in Laelia's wet folds. Laelia cries out with pleasure as she feels Aurelia's tongue on her clit and your aching cock twitches, desperate for stimulation. You don't have to wait long as Aurelia pulls her face from Laelia's thighs just long enough to glance at Cicero and you and say:


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