Crossing Nexis

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Crossing Nexis Page 16

by Barbara Hartzler

  “You can’t be serious.” She cocked her head at me with an expression that said you-can’t-be-that-dumb.

  “What do you mean?” My heart dropped.

  Her face softened, but she held my gaze. “He’s not different. The only one who’s changed is you.”

  “That’s ridiculous.” I mumbled half-heartedly as the idea rolled around in my brain. Maybe my bestie was right.

  “For a girl who’s supposed to see things, you really are blind sometimes,” she tisked, shaking her head at me and leaning closer. “Will’s the same guy he’s always been, and just as into you as ever. Trust me, he’s the only decent Nexis member. Not like that moron Kevin, or those evil twins Colleen and Monica. Well, I guess Mindy’s not so bad, when she’s not gossiping like a little girl.”

  I cocked my head at her. “Your point, Sherlock?”

  She exhaled an exasperated breath. “My point is, you’re not buying into the Guardian spiel any more. You’re finally thinking for yourself. I’m so proud of you for that.”

  “Huh, I hadn’t thought about it that way.” I slumped forward, resting my head in my hands. Another idea to roll around in my brain, already chockfull of drama.

  “That’s why Will seems so incredibly different. Maybe you’re just finally seeing him for who he really is.” The way she patted my knee reminded me of my grandma.

  Flashes of memories popped in my head, memories of Will’s face. “Now that you mention it, there’s something else too. Ever since he crashed my New Years, I’ve been seeing different visions around him. Less shadows. More light. Maybe I’m not the only one changing. Maybe he’s changing, too.”

  Shanda waved her hand front of my face. “Focus, Lucy. I’m just saying, give the boy a chance. He might surprise you.”

  “I can’t believe you’re telling me to go out with Will. It’s just because you’re so happy with Tony.” A familiar, excitement wriggled around inside me. For a moment, I felt weightless. Like I stood on the edge of a precipice, about to dive into something new. Was I really ready for something new, even with someone as amazing as Will? After all, I’d thought Bryan was pretty amazing until he dumped me on the quad.

  “I am happy.” A dreamy sort of smile lit up her eyes. Then she turned my way. “But I’m not telling you to go out with Will. I’m just saying, give the boy a chance.”

  “Fine.” I huffed, crossing my arms over my chest. “I’ll take it under advisement.”

  “That’s all I ask.” Her eyes glazed over in a faraway look.

  “What is it?” I unfolded my arms and inched closer.

  “Okay, there’s one more thing. I need your help with my party.” She sat up straight, knuckles white on the edge of the bed frame. “It’s going to be mostly Nexis goons, and Daddy’s not happy about it. So I invited Tony. Now I’m worried everyone will figure out we’re together.”

  “Hey, it’s your birthday. Do whatever you want.” I patted her hand in an attempt to get her to loosen her grip on my comforter. “Just tell them you’re trying to turn Tony or get intel out of him. They’ll love that.”

  “Or I could just tell them you invited him.” Her eyebrows arched in a mix between hopeful and desperate.

  “Fine.” I gave her a headshake and tried not to roll my eyes. “But if you want my help I want all the gory details.”

  She put a hand to her chest, and her face went all goopy. “Even though I like to think I’m still such a rebel, I actually like dating the good guy for a change. He’s the best, especially because he treats me like I’m a princess. What’s not to love about that?”

  “Wait, hold on a sec.” I sucked in a breath, fanning my face with my hands like a true drama queen. “Are you saying you’re in love with him?”

  Her lips curled up slowly. How cute. Her little secret.

  “I can’t believe it. My Shanda’s all grown up.” I fake sniffed and mock-dabbed my eyes. “How long have you guys been dating, anyway?”

  “It’s only been four months, but I just can’t help myself.” She hung her head, trying to hide her enormous grin, but it couldn’t be contained. “I just hope the Guardians don’t find out. Or worse.”

  “Nexis,” we said at the same time.

  I flopped back on my pillow. “Ugh, let’s not talk about Nexis for one night. Please.”

  “You’re right.” The springs squeaked as she rose from the bed to loom over me. “Let’s talk about my party.”

  “Right.” I snapped back upright, giving her a thumbs up. “Just tell me what I need to do.”

  “Well, for starters,” she said, pointing her index finger at me. “You need to get there early and run interference for me.”

  “Okay, got it.” I nodded. “Can do. Next?”

  “Next.” She held out a second finger. “We must look fabulous.” She almost squealed out that last word.

  A smile lifted the corners of my mouth. “With your help, my little fashionista, we will be the most fabulous girls at your party.”

  “You better believe it.” She danced over to her closet and started humming to herself. “But we might have to go shopping first.”

  “Ugh,” I groaned, dissolving into a heap on my covers. “How about sleep first and then shopping?”

  “Deal.” She clicked off the light and before I knew it, the soft sounds of sleep drifted from her side of the room.

  My eyelids were heavy as I rolled over and stared up at my plastic ceiling stars, but my mind wouldn’t stop racing. Could I really handle a Nexis party, not to mention seeing Will again? Maybe it would be nice to get off campus and have a little fun. If only I could be sure certain people didn’t have other agendas. No matter what I did or where I went, there would always be someone wanting something from me. And trying to manipulate me to get it. If I couldn’t escape from them, maybe I could at least have some fun.


  March 15th had finally arrived. Anticipation gurgled in my stomach like a thousand high-kicking Rockettes. A night away from Montrose Academy drama. What would I do with myself? By the looks of it, Shanda’s fabulous seventeenth birthday party would not disappoint.

  The Jones’ condo had never looked better. The modern living room glittered with black-and-white garlands of beads and pearls, much different than my birthday parties. Not a streamer in sight.

  My knees wobbled on the step-ladder, but I managed to tape the last corner of the Happy Birthday sign above the hallway. Mr. Jones lumbered down the hall, headed right for me.

  “Lucy, it’s crooked,” Shanda practically whined. “Daddy, can you fix it?”

  Mr. Jones tucked something in his jacket then reached up to adjust the silver string of letters. “There. How’s that, princess?”

  “Much better.” Her eyes zeroed in on his jacket pocket. “What’s that? Is it my birthday present?”

  “I wanted you to have it before your guests arrive. Happy birthday, sweetheart.” He pulled out a tiny box of pale aqua tied with a white ribbon.

  “Something from Tiffany’s?” Her eyes lit up like diamonds, and sure enough that’s exactly what she uncovered in the box. “Look, it’s the Cleopatra. Thanks, Daddy.” She thrust the ring at me.

  I gasped. A sideways oval diamond gleamed in the middle, surrounded on top and bottom with a curved line of mini-diamonds. An eye made entirely out of diamonds.

  She slipped the ring on her chocolate finger. A striking effect.

  So striking that the room started to spin, and suddenly I saw her again.

  A fuzzy image of St. Lucia came into focus. This time her eyes were like Cleopatra diamonds. She opened her mouth, whispering words into my head.

  You can be the last. You can end this. I was the first, but you will be the last.

  The vision faded, leaving my brain scrambling through questions. St. Lucia was the first Seer to do what, exactly? My head spinning, I stumbled down the stepladder, a strong hand steadying me back to the carpet.

  “Lucy, are you okay?” Mr. Jones asked.

bsp; I blinked up at him. Nodded. “I’m fine. Just a little dizzy. No more ladders for me.”

  “Yes. Let me take care of the rest of this. You girls just go get ready.” He took the tape from my shaky hands.

  “You’re the best.” Shanda hugged him, then pulled me down the hall to her room. She shut the door firmly. “You just had a vision or something, didn’t you?”

  “Yeah, I did. It was the same thing I told you about last night, except this time it was St. Lucia telling me I’d be the last Seer. Plus, she said she was the first, but the first at what? Until we figure out what she means, can’t we just forget about it and have a fun night? It’s your birthday, after all.” My hands were shaking, but I knew if she pried any further I’d start freaking out. In front of the entire Nexis crew. No bueno.

  “Fine, but only because it’s my birthday. And because it’s time to look fabulous.” She threw open the door to her immaculate walk-in closet. Of course. Shouldn’t expect anything less from my best friend.

  “Here, try this one.” Her eyes gleamed in the closet spotlights.

  And I couldn’t say no. Not tonight.


  Muffled laughter greeted me as I ran my fingers over the black tulle and sequin number Shanda foisted on me. The things a girl will do for her best friend.

  Shanda flounced down the hall in a glittering silver mini dress that highlighted her new ring perfectly. Making quite an entrance, too. The mostly-Nexis crowd hooted and hollered as she pranced in, and I trailed behind. Trying to stay off the radar.

  The party was in full swing now. Standing room only. Music blaring, dancers swaying to the beat, clusters of kids yelling at each other over the roar. She was right, all Nexis—except for Tony guarding the corner by the gift table. Correction, gift mountain.

  At least Colleen and Monica weren’t at this shindig. Kudos to the birthday girl for that choice.

  I clunked into the kitchen in my ridiculously unnecessary strappy heels, poured myself a Dr. Pepper, and surveyed the scene. Mindy stood huddled in a group of little-black-dress girls, engrossed in conversation with some hot guy. Rick something.

  “Five bucks says there’s gonna be a catfight over Rick by the end of the night.” Tony poured Mountain Dew into a clear plastic party cup, all neon yellow fizz.

  “Not a chance, ’cause I’m so with you on that.” I turned his way. “But who’s gonna win? That’s the real question.”

  “My money’s on Madison.” Tony pointed at one of the blonde girls.

  “Hello? There are two Madisons vying for your boy, Rick.” I laughed, taking a sip of my soda. “Still, I’ll bet a Dr. Pepper on my girl, Mindy, there.”

  “Yeah, wouldn’t want to cross her.” Air whistled through his teeth. “Or the birthday girl, for that matter.”

  “You know her too well.” I raised my eyebrows at him, lowering my voice. “Seriously though, I’m glad you guys are together.”

  “Me, too.” A grin spread like taffy across his face. “She’s pretty cool isn’t she?”

  “The coolest best friend I’ve ever had.” The realization warmed my heart.

  From across the crowded dance floor, Shanda caught my eye. I lifted my chin just to prove I wasn’t a full-time member of the boys club. We had a secret all our own, just between us. No Guardian council or Nexis conspiracy could change that.

  Tony cleared his throat a little too loudly. “Shut up, here comes el maestro.”

  Will threaded his way through the dance floor, his golden head bobbing in a sea of black and gray.

  I rolled my eyes. “You better hideout somewhere. I doubt he’ll be cool with a Guardian superhero mixing it up at a Nexis party.”

  “Good call.” His grin faded and he squared his shoulders at me. “You sure you’ll be all right, alone with him?”

  “We’re hardly alone.” My stomach did a backflip anyway. “Don’t worry about me. You can resume your post at the gift table.”

  “Ay, ay, captain.” He raised his Mountain Dew and disappeared as fast as he’d come.

  I chugged my soda, bubbles fizzing on my tongue. If only they were made of iron to fortify me.

  Will crossed into the dim kitchen, shadows sliding over the contours of his face. “Did you save some for me, gorgeous?”

  The earth froze on its axis. At least, it felt that way with the two of us just standing there.

  His gaze was a little too familiar, his shoulder a little too close. I choked back the memory of last night. His arms around me. Being too vulnerable.

  I cocked my head at 2-liter bottle of Dr. Pepper and he dumped the last of it into his cup.

  “What’s Tony doing here?” He took a sip, eyes trained on me.

  A shiver crawled up my neck. I couldn’t out my bestie. Right, that’s my cue. “I begged Shanda to let me bring a friend.”

  “Since when are you and Tony friends?” He reared back, examining every inch of my face as a muscle in his jaw twitched. “I know it’s only been a couple of months since your breakup. Do you like him?”

  I snorted, spraying Dr. Pepper all over the counter. I rushed to wipe my face with a napkin. “Jealous much?”

  Will’s shoulders were shaking as he laughed his head off. “I’m guessing that was a dumb thing to say.” He watched my face, still laughing.

  “Tony’s been like a big brother to me since I got here.” I mopped up the sticky spatters on the countertop, trying not to laugh right along with him.

  “That’s good.” He swiped a napkin from my hand, dabbing the spill right along with me. “You know this feels awfully familiar.”

  “What do you mean?” My heartbeat galloped in my eardrums. Had he figured it out already? I knew I’d be a horrible spy.

  “This. Cleaning up your Dr. Pepper mess.” His lips curled up.

  “Oh. That.” Heat licked at my cheeks. I only hoped the darkness would hide them.

  He wadded up both our napkins and grabbed my still-sticky hand. “C’mon, Lucy. Let’s dance.”

  Before I could say no, he pulled me out of the kitchen and down to the dance floor.

  He lifted his hands as a fast song kicked up. Throwing his head back, he rocked to the beat. I followed his lead, trying to keep up. He was a good dancer, and he knew it, too. Every few minutes he’d grab my hand, twirl me around. Eyes dancing with the beat. A huge smile dimpled his cheeks, highlighting his chin cleft. His happiness seeped into my limbs, and I let myself fall into rhythm with him.

  The music died down, transitioning to a slow song. One of the Madisons cocked her head at him, trying to cut in. He shook his head, blocking her with his hip. She shrugged, fired a glare at me, and stalked off. Poor girl. It just wasn’t her night.

  Did that mean it was my night?

  Will’s hands settled on my waist, inching me closer. I slid my hands up his firm shoulders, twining my fingers together behind his neck. His eyes lit up as they rested on my face. I inhaled shallow puffs of air.

  “You look so gorgeous. I’ve wanted to do this all night.” He pulled me closer, his breath in my ear.

  “You know, you’re really great at parties.” I couldn’t stop my lips from curving. They forgot whose side they were on.

  “I don’t know about that. Didn’t go so well the last time, if I remember right.” He shrugged, chin stubble grazing my cheek.

  “I didn’t say you were great at crashing parties.” Laughter tickled my throat.

  “Agreed.” His lips curled, but his eyes said something else I didn’t want to think about. “I hope I’m not, um, I hope this is helping . . .”

  “Shh,” I whispered pressing two fingers to his mouth. “I don’t want to think about anything else right now. I just want to have some fun.”

  He kissed my fingers before I slid them behind his neck again. “Then, Miss Dr. Pepper princess, I’m just the guy for the job.”

  “I thought so.” The words came out too syrupy, morphing into a thick river of sludge in my gut. I didn’t want to play him, but it just
slipped out.

  The slow song ended, and another fast beat pumped into the air. I dropped my arms like lead weights at my sides, cold without his proximity.

  “You sure you can keep up?” That trademark grin spread across his face.

  “Try me.” I let him take my hand, whirl me around the dance floor. Black faded into silver and sequins and glinting squares of disco light. I forgot about everything else but the music, throwing my head back as he dipped me. For the first time in weeks, I was happy. In the moment. A new me.

  Chapter 17

  Blackness swirled behind my eyelids. Too heavy to open. A soft finger tapped my shoulder.

  “Lucy, wake up. It’s time to go home,” Shanda croaked, sounding about as groggy as I felt.

  “Can’t I just stay here?” I yawned and rubbed my eyes. Arching my back, I hit my head on something solid. The arm of the couch?

  “I wish, but you’ve gotta get back by curfew. Apparently they’re being super strict ever since some crazy people broke into our room.” She narrowed her eyes and glanced at a shadowy figure behind me.

  “Hey, I didn’t do it.” Will reached for the sky. Of course he was here now, staring down at me. Lips curved in an annoying little smirk. He’d probably drive me home, too. Perfect.

  “Okay, let’s go.” I smoothed down the wrinkles of my once-fabulous party dress, but they just popped right back up.

  “Whenever you’re ready.” Will took my hand and helped me to my feet.

  “Aren’t you coming, too?” I scrunched up my brow at the birthday girl, hoping she could read my mind. But I couldn’t dare ask why Tony wasn’t the one still here. She probably had some Shanda-scheme in mind.

  “I got a pass to stay overnight since Dad’s in town.” She waved her palm in front of her face, stifling a yawn. “So I’m off to bed. Night, you two.”

  With that, she turned and padded down the hall, leaving me alone in her partied-out living room. With Will.

  “Don’t worry, I won’t bite.” He got my coat from the dining room nook and draped it around my shoulders.

  “Where’ve I heard that before?” I followed him out the front door and into the elevator. As the doors shut, his proximity became palpable. Even after hours of dancing, he still smelled cinnamony and woodsy all at the same time.


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