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Jessie Page 2

by Karen Botha

  Her fingers work me with an expertise her sweet face belies, and the sweet relief of her touch is building uncontrollable ball of fire.

  “Stop a second,” I rasp.

  Her huge eyes laugh as they meet mine. But her mouth remains sultry, tormenting me as she bites at her very wet, and very swollen, bottom lip.

  Her hand continues to drive the ache which is sending my brain and my body into spasm.

  Grabbing her hand to stop her motion, I slip my other under the hem of her skirt until I reach the flare of her hips. She leans forward and claims my mouth in a deep sensual kiss, allowing me to remove the lace of her panties in one easy move. She has allowed me to expose the dampness between her legs and the throbbing between mine intensifies.

  A groan escapes my throat as my hand finds her heat and sits back, moving moves on top of my fingers. The wrap of her dress splays and all I can think about is how to insert the ache between my thighs between the captivating folds of hers.

  My wallet is in my pocket, I shift my weight to access what I need from it and there’s a knock on the divide.

  “We’re here.”

  We both stop, not having considered that we would arrive so quickly.

  “Shit.” I laugh.

  Her face lights up, the flush of her cheeks radiating the pleasure which is now pulsing under the surface.

  “I guess we’d better go.” Those tormentuous eyebrows tease me again with a little waggle as she hops off, slipping back into her discarded underwear.


  The car arrives at the dock and when we hop out, I’m still straightening my disheveled appearance. There’s no line for the transfer over the lake to the island, but with only two speedboats to ferry guests, I can imagine earlier there would have been quite a wait.

  And that’s when we first hold hands. It’s such a simple act, especially after what just happened in the car, Zac steps over the gap between the jetty and the boat first, then backs up and holds out his hand for me to take. Perhaps it’s because they still smell of my excitement, but this isn’t like the shake of the hand we previously used as a formal introduction, this is a request for me to place my palm in his, and accept his support.

  I’m happy to oblige!

  “Why thank you kind sir.” I’m playing it cool now having backed off into understated flirting, the movement of the deck against the opposite motion of the jetty has my brain confused. I’m behaving one way while my body is raging with an un-satiated fire. The storm this man has kicked up inside me is no-where near as calm as the act I’m portraying and for want of anything better to do with my hands, I straighten my skirt. I really do look like I’m wearing a rag now, if I didn’t before. And that is the least of my concerns.

  Once we’re on board though, it’s a different matter. My cool demeanor is lost somewhere in the depths of the clear lake. I whoop as the spray cools the heat which has developed between us. The fine mist from the water spreads into the fabric of my outfit, but I’m past caring. If Elliott and Kyle were that bothered about how we look, they’d not be organizing such a laid back ceremony. I allow the joy of being free from work, and free from the restrictions of the daily grind, to let rip as I travel in the company of this hot dude, who joins my raucous jubilation. We arrive at the other side, with blood flowing through our veins, alive with a much needed bold abandon.

  I’m even more happy when we pull into the other side to find Kyle waiting for us. He’s looking as dashing as ever, and my heart soars like one of the eagles nesting overhead, to see him dressed simply in shorts and open neck white shirt, awaiting the life to which he’s committed.

  “Hey, I didn’t think you were going to get here in time.” He helps us off and I can’t wait to throw my arms around him in a huge hug. My outfit, which by now has definitely seen better days, is irrelevant. Love is what matters.

  “Hi Kyle.” I whisper into his shoulder as he almost crushes me. “I see you two met already, then?”

  I dare not look at Zac as he apologizes for fear of giving away just how well we’ve become acquainted. “Sorry I couldn’t be here for the celebrations last night.”

  “It’s fine. We’re just pleased you could make today.”

  A tall girl with dark hair, tied back in a ponytail at the nape of her neck, approaches us, with what looks like half a log, lined up with champagne flutes. I watch Zac as I take a glass and pass it to him. He doesn’t even notice the girl. Fabulous. That means he is genuinely interested in me. Happy days.

  I take a swig of the golden bubbles. “To the two of you.” I hold my flute up to Kyle.

  “Indeed.” He grabs a glass himself and has a hefty glug. “I was going to wait until after the ceremony, but what’s the harm?”

  Indicating where we should go to meet the rest of the guests, we head off just as we see the next speedboat, containing Elliott, arrives. He is seated in the back. He looks so fragile and alone, but I keep the thought to myself, wave at him with a glowing smile, and then trek off, following the tight butt of Zac up the short, but steep, hill.

  When he reaches the top, he stops and reaches down to give me a hand. “Thank goodness they’ve not had rain. It would have made this treacherous.” I support my weight on my exposed thigh as the split of my dress falls away as I push myself up the hill, striding over a tree root suspended on the banking.

  We’re just in time to get seated before Elliott and Kyle arrive. It seems that Kyle is way more adept than I am at making it up this banking, even with Elliott thrown over his shoulder and my heart swells at their grand entrance which is hot on our heels.

  With the ceremony starting, Zac and I take our seats next to each other at the rear. I say, take our seats as we plop down on rough logs. And there it is again, that heat which connects the divide between our thighs. The heat which makes my heart race and my skin prickle. The overpowering heat which makes it impossible to concentrate fully on the emotional spectacle playing out in front of us.


  I’m not an emotional guy. I don’t cry because I learned that doesn’t help anything as a young child. I’m also not one to be overly bothered by how happy others are, some call it selfish. Me? Well I think it’s pragmatic.

  But this wedding is different. It’s charged emotions are having an effect that even I can’t ignore. Elliott had a terrible racing accident a few months ago, and watching him making his way down the makeshift aisle supported on Kyle’s arm has me hankering after stretching out my arm to hold Jessie near.

  The warmth in my heart spreads until it fills the cavity of my chest. The intensity of my pleasure at seeing two of my closest friends, so truly in love, has me worried about whether my ribcage won’t just burst open with how full it is.

  And that’s the thing.

  Seeing Elliott and Kyle makes me think. Or is it the instiable heat which radiates from Jessie which has be rethinking as my pulse quickens and my mouth turns dry by her mere presence.

  I push the idea right out of my mind. I don’t have time for commitment. It’s not practical.

  Nevertheless, I find myself having to fend off the urge to wrap my arms around her shoulders. I have an unnerving need to feel her body next to mine. The vibes of commitment and freedom are jousting within me, and as I notice the chaos for the first time, I sneak another glance at the unsuspecting woman creating this turmoil. As I do, I catch her wiping away a tear with her index finger. She senses my look, and laughs, shoving me with a light brush of her hand against my hip which sears my nerves, igniting that spark which sends my heart summersaulting.

  I laugh. Not at her, but more from embarrassment to cover my own vulnerability. But as I do, my body acts on its own, and before I know it; my hand has moved of its own accord, without any kind of authorization from my brain.

  My breath catches as panic constricts my chest, rendering me immobile. I can’t look at her. What have I done? How did that happen? I’m close enough to smell her gentle perfume, and I inhale deeply, filling my lungs,
enjoying the sensation of her body rubbing against mine as I move.

  Her arm snakes around my waist, finding the gap at the side where my shirt is loose. Her fingers lace over my waistband and slot down inside, hinging into the edge as she leans into me. I let my arm relax, hanging against her waist. There is some kind of instruction coming from the front of the ceremony, but I can’t listen. I’m unable to focus on anything other than the feel of Jessie’s body as it rests against mine, the energy between us charged like that Tesla.

  All too soon, it’s time to follow the lead of the other guests and sit. There’s no way for us to avoid it. I sense her reticence as we hover, unwilling to break a moment that we can never recapture.

  The service continues with an equal amount of tears. As Elliott and Kyle finish looking their soul mate in the eyes, making their vows very much to each other, the island erupts with glorious cheers. Delight for a couple who against all the substantial odds, made it through.

  “Now let the party commence,” Elliott shouts as he reaches the top of the aisle on Kyle’s arm.

  The accident that smashed his legs has taken its toll and as the live band which had been accompanying them up the aisle switches up to a more upbeat tempo, he and Kyle take a seat on the edge of one of the logs.

  “It’s wonderful isn’t it?” Jessie asks, her eyes glued on them.

  I turn toward her. “Yes, it is.”

  She misses my intonation and totally ignores the fact that I can think of nothing more special than her in this moment. Elliott and Kyle’s love may well be a catalyst for my own burgeoning emotions, but their day is secondary to the changes happening within me.

  She must not feel the same though, because if she did, she would have caught the meaning behind my simple reply. She would have been waiting for any undercurrent, in the same way I am from her. She must not feel the same. It’s not her fault. I’m the one behaving like a lunatic; this level of immediate attraction is ridiculous. We’ve spoken about nothing more meaningful than the weather, and I’m ready to throw my playboy status away.

  I need to get a grip, I’ve never been like this before, and it is not a part of myself which makes me comfortable.

  I march over to where the drinks are being served, take two glasses, and down the first before replacing it on the wooden tray.

  It’s time to party.


  When I turn around, Zac has disappeared. He was here a second ago because he spoke to me.

  But he’s chatting up the serving girl he ignored earlier. Maybe I had it wrong. Perhaps he’s one of these sly guys who has the knack of peripheral vision.

  Whatever it is, he is not looking in my direction. I feel like a complete fool. I thought there was something special between us. I swear he felt it too. The idea that our journey is over is sickening. What the heck is going on? Why on earth would be off charming someone who he definitely ignored earlier?

  “Hi, you!” Ryan a mechanic I know from work, sneaks up from behind and wraps his arms round my waist. He lifts me to the tips of my toes, before dumping me unceremoniously back on the ground. I cannot ignore the parallel between this and how it felt when Zac touched me. My heart is flat, despite the celebratory occasion. I want to be standing with Zac now, enjoying the unvoiced tension between our bodies. So rather than laughing at Ryan, I suck in air to alleviate the stabbing in my heart. I’m so angry with Zac right now for making me feel like this.

  “Hey, be careful. This outfit is already like a rag.” I shove him, taking my frustration out on Ryan instead of Zac. He makes a show of falling backwards even though he’s twice the size of me.

  Running a hand over his hair, he says, “You look fabulous. And don’t let anyone tell you different. I’m pleased you could make it.”

  “Well, I know different, but I’m happy to take the compliment.

  It’s been a hellish twenty-four hours.”

  “What happened?”

  I tell him about how the whole Elliott crash saga is blowing up again at work and how Chase, the boss we all share, is playing the press to his advantage.

  “Well, don’t pack it all in. I’ll miss you if you leave. Who will we chat with on the road then?”

  “Thanks mate.”

  His look is odd. Like I’ve sucker punched him, instead of paying homage to our friendship which is so close, we could be a family. “Where are the guys?” I change the subject as we head over to the rest of our crew who are seated at picnic tables, decorated with white cloths, and with cute fresh flowers strewn across them. Overhead, colored lanterns hang from the trees and fairy lights connect a series of branches. Even though it’s summer and it will remain light for hours yet, their twinkle is visible and creates a lovely soft glow.

  Move over.” I push Greg to one side.

  “Hey, you’re here. Did you miss the service?”

  “No, the flight was late but I was lucky enough to hitch a ride with another guest.” I point, although it’s not important. But the conversation drags my memory back to Zac, and I twist looking for him, even though I’ll never admit it. When my eyes rest on him, he’s dancing with some girl I’ve never seen before. Tall, ginger, and bloody stunning. I hate her with an irrational intensity.

  Greg, is continuing to talk, “I’m willing to bet that there’s no coincidence to the timing of Chase’s comments in the press. It's funny how it corresponded so you almost missed Elliott's wedding, he knows how close you guys are.”

  It’s a bit early to be dancing so intimately. Zac and Ginger’s hips are pressed together, gyrating to the easy beat which the band is pumping out. His one palm is stretched out wide at the base of her spine. He holds the other out to the side, clasping her pale hand within his darker one. He says something, and she looks at him, their faces only inches apart as she laughs. His head is bent, but I see how his eyes sparkle when he tilts it back in amusement at her reply.

  In the haze of the afternoon I can feel the light material of my dress cling to my back. The torrid morning has left a sting in my eyes, and I wipe them as I watch the stunning scene the pair make as they dance. I check my finger, old mascara which had smudged under my eyes is now smeared on their tips.

  That girl has skin is like porcelain. Even though she is also sweating; her skin emulates the surface of a polished stone. The dirty tan I’ve picked up from working outside when we’re racing abroad makes me appear to just need a good wash.

  I stand there watching them, comparing my inadequacies to her natural glow while trying to ignore the churning bitterness in my stomach.


  I’m getting smashed, and it feels good. I don’t have to rise early tomorrow for the first time in as long as I remember. This girl is nice, Emma, her name is, and she’s Kyle’s cousin. We have a history which is way more convoluted than I care to get into, but, what is important is that we are having a terrific time. And that she’s a fine distraction from Jessie.

  As I think these annoying thoughts, my head turns and my eyes search for her. She’s at a long table laughing with a bunch of lads, not dissimilar in size to Kyle. I study their body language and determine they are the bunch of chaps she works with. Their conversation is easy, their movements relaxed and although they are all hanging off her every word, no one is flirting with her. Well, other than the large strawberry blonde chap, he seems more keen than the rest.

  A sickening feeling lurches in the pit of my stomach. How she is with these guys, is how she was with me. I imagined everything. She’s just one of those girls who is comfortable being around men. She takes being the center of their attentions in her stride, it’s inevitable it will happen when she’s so outnumbered on a daily basis in the way she is here.

  I kick myself ignoring the urge to throw myself to the ground and beat my hands in a tantrum like a toddler. I misread her signals.

  Jessie is simply at ease hanging with dudes and my stupid mistake has me reeling. Not only did I imagine something which was never there, but I did it to su
ch an alarming degree that I questioned my commitment to being single. Put on hold, all of my career aspirations which would not be possible with a girlfriend in tow. I was prepared to do that on the basis of what? Someone who doesn’t feel intimidated by my male presence.

  Shame eats at my gut and I break free from Kyle’s, albeit very sensual cousin, to find something to wash away the sickness.

  “Ah, there you are. I thought you’d bailed on us!” A heavy hand slaps between my shoulder blades.

  “Elliott, no chance, man. Congratulations, by the way.” I draw him into a long overdue man hug.

  “Thank you. Kyle did well with organizing this wedding. I’d never have chosen such a basic theme, but he nailed it. There’s not a pretentious accessory in sight.” He surveys the party of beaming guests, each glowing from a combination of the sun, champagne and the love in the air.

  “Grab me a drink would you and bring it over here.” He gestures to a log laid around the edge of the dance floor and hobbles off to perch his butt on it.

  When I plant down next to him, he takes the champagne and swills it round his glass, watching as the bubbles pop. “I heard you met Jessie on the way over. Kyle said you two seemed to have quite a connection. But then I see you dancing with his cousin?”

  “Ah, mate, you know how it is. You share a moment, and then it’s lost. It’s not a bad thing, I’m nowhere near ready for settling down.”

  Elliott throws back his golden curls and a loud laugh spills from his lips.


  “You’re funny that’s all. None of us are in the market until it happens. I certainly was only out for shagging Kyle, but here we are.”

  “You two are different. Jessie and I just got sat in a cheap airline seat next to each other. Don’t read too much fate into that, I know what you’re like. We had to travel to your wedding together because our flight from London was delayed, and she was going to miss her connection. That’s all it was.” I’m talking too much, all the while wondering whether either he or Kyle noticed our unkempt appearance when we arrived.


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