Maid For The Mafia Informant: An Instalove Possessive Alpha Romance

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Maid For The Mafia Informant: An Instalove Possessive Alpha Romance Page 8

by Flora Ferrari

  “This,” I murmur. “You, and me. Us. That’s all that matters.”

  I feel her chest pressing against me as she leans over to peck my cheek, I only wish it was that simple though.

  “But, you still have to do what you have to do, don’t you?’ she asks, and not naively either, she’s drawing it all out of me in tiny, bite-size pieces. Enough so neither of us cracks under the very real and dangerous pressure I know I’ve brought on both of us.

  I feel my head bobbing in reply.

  “I can’t fight them without the law though,” I tell her and remind myself.

  My plan was… is to catch them legally and thoroughly. I can’t go and shoot them all, so I have to have enough evidence that can’t be thrown out of court, so each and every one of them will have to pay for their crimes. Once and for all.

  “I dunno,” Sophie muses. “I think you handled yourself pretty well back there. What did you do to those cops anyway?” she asks, not even flinching at the thought of a little necessary violence.

  “I learned a thing or two being attorney for the other team, put it that way,” is all I can tell her.

  I don’t like violence, never have. But the thought if anything happening to her. The very idea that she’s in danger, puts me on edge.

  I grip the wheel tighter, shifting the rearview mirror so I can see her instead of the road behind us for a moment.

  Telling myself she’s what matters most now, but I still know what needs to be done.

  I just don’t know how I’m going to do it is all. Between the mafia hunting us and now the law hunting us, not to mention her father hunting us once he realizes she’s missing.

  It’s the obvious question, and I don’t like the feeling it gives me once I hear my angel ask me, “What are we gonna do, Ben?”

  She looks scared, even though I can see she’s putting up a brave front for me.

  “We’re gonna park your dad’s nice car somewhere safe, find somewhere to stay, and then I’m gonna keep working on my evidence for a case that’ll put ‘em all away.” Tell her.

  She holds my hand, kissing it and looking relieved. Glad to hear my firm, deep voice of reason telling her matter of fact just how things are gonna be from now on.

  “And…” I continue. Letting my eyes stray for just a moment to her chest then her legs which she widens for me to see better. “We’re gonna pick up where we left off last night, whenever you’re ready to,” I add.

  I’d never lie to Sophie either, I love her too much for that. This is my plan and it is what we’re gonna do, even if I don’t know exactly how yet.

  Fortunately, my client list hasn’t always extended to the mafia and their families.

  I have literally thousands of contacts in the underworld, mostly from when I started out and took the defense cases nobody else wanted.

  It doesn’t make me bulletproof, but it’s a place to start.

  Calling in favors from some people isn’t always like asking for payment due from the mob.

  Enrico Velez still has a car business, but it’s legally straight now. As far as I know. I’m banking on that not being the case though.

  If anyone can help me store Mr. Moore’s car and set me up with something else at this hour with no notice, it’s him.

  I tell Sophie my intentions, assuring her that her dad’s car will be safe and untouched. Once it’s in storage, the tracking can be reconnected and all he’ll have to do is come get it.

  She gnaws at her lip, and I know it’s a big ask.

  “We haven’t broken the law, Sophie. Not yet. You haven’t done anything wrong,” I tell her, promising that if anything does happen, then at least she has the best criminal legal advice out there.

  She tries to laugh, but I can see it all starting to weigh down on her already.

  “Soon, Sophie. Soon we can stop someplace and forget about all this for a while, okay?”

  She doesn’t answer me, but she doesn’t protest either. Around fifteen minutes later I’m pulling into the rear entrance of Velez’s motor shop.

  A burly mechanic steps out, shaking his head and giving me a dirty look.

  I’m over six four, but this guy is bigger. I stop the car and from the way, he’s coming up to me I know he means business.

  And not the friendly, ‘can I check your oil and tire pressure?’ kind.

  “Whatever happens Sophie, just stay in the car, alright?” I tell her, stepping out and stretching my neck a little, ready for whatever happens next.

  “Wrong exit,” the guy growls, looming up as he gets closer.

  I watch his eyes move to Sophie, which makes me instantly tense, stronger, and angrier than I might’ve been a second ago.

  “You can leave your daughter here though. I’ll look after her,” he says. Leering at her again.

  That’s all I need.

  The rest is a blur, but I do remember hearing him yelp as I lift him over my shoulders before throwing him across the parking lot into another parked car.

  The familiar but excited voices of both Sophie and Enrico Velez bring me around.

  “Easy, Ben. Easy!”

  My arm lifts to strike against the hands on me, but I soon see who it is and relax, gripping him close instead.

  “Sorry, Enrico. You should have your dogs on a leash,” I scold him, rubbing my shoulder, sure I’ve sprained something.

  “Uh… he’s new, Mr. Slade. I’m… I’m sorry,” he says sheepishly, looking paler than his sleepy friend over by the car he’s slumped over.

  “What’s the matter?” I ask him. “You look like you’ve seen a-”

  And then I remember. According to the rest of the world, I’m missing, presumed dead.

  Sophie’s soft hands on me relax me instantly, I introduce her to Enrico.

  “We can trust Enrico, can’t we?” I ask him, looking suspicious for a moment, feeling like clobbering his hired help probably wasn’t the best way to say hello after all these years.

  He beams suddenly, laughing loudly and strongly. The Enrico I remember.

  “Of course! You old dog, get in here, the both of you. Tell me how I can help,” he says excitedly, ushering us both towards the back of his warehouse auto shop.

  Sophie looks from me to the body slumped over the hood across the way, but instead of looking scared, there’s another look in her eye, one that’s more familiar to me and sets my mind at ease.

  “Sorry about that,” I murmur as we both follow Enrico inside, but her hand in mine as she whispers “You were amazing” makes me stand taller, a little swagger in my step.

  I’d do it all again too.

  Nobody’s ever gonna let anyone talk about Sophie like that, not ever again.

  Chapter Fifteen


  Seeing Ben get so mad, watching him totally destroy someone for just looking at me? A lot of girls might walk away, but with Ben, I know it’s only because he loves me.

  He’d never hurt me and I can see now he’d only ever hurt someone who was trying to hurt or disrespect me.

  When Enrico looks at me and then Ben, he has a different point of view than his big ugly friend outside just now.

  “I’m glad to see you again, Ben. I really am. And happily in love to I see!” he exclaims, his eyes shining with the understanding of a passionate man.

  Ben and I both blush, and it’s Ben who steers the conversation back to business.

  “You on the straight and narrow, Enrico? That favor you once told me you owed me, I’m calling it in and it’s a big one,” he says seriously.

  Enrico shifts in his seat then gets up and closes the door, his workshop is vast, but not looking too busy today.

  He lowers his voice. “What D’you need?” is all he says, his eyes telling Ben and me everything.

  If the man outback was the welcome committee, I don’t think Mr. Velez is running a charity workshop here.

  Ben lays out everything, not hesitating to tell him every detail, even about the mafia involvement, the
suspected DA, my own dad… everything.

  Enrico only nods and listens attentively, he pinches his lower lip with his teeth for a minute before his nod slowly returns.

  “I’ll have a car ready for you in five minutes,” he promises.

  I start to feel my anxiety rise again, worrying about my dad’s pride and joy, but Enrico sets my mind at ease.

  “It’ll be in a crate, on its way to anywhere you want within the hour, once it’s safely stored, we’ll re-connect the tracer, wipe it down and all he has to do is have it collected.”

  I feel myself breathe for what feels like the first time in a few hours.

  “As for a place to stay?” Enrico says louder, his eyes getting mischievous with romance again. “I have a villa, nothing special. But it is secure and it’s private, on the coast.”

  He opens a drawer and hands, Ben, a passkey, and whispers something in his ear.

  “The combination to the gate,” Ben says, shrugging to me.

  “You can stay as long as you need to, only…”

  “Only what?” Ben asks, and we both sense the catch in what sounds like an otherwise flawless plan.

  “Only… I need you to water my plants. I’ll be away for a few days myself,” he adds, blushing slightly.

  “Plants,” Ben says in a monotone voice.

  Ben and I stare at each other, a little dumbstruck as Enrico goes to the door and within a few seconds of giving a shrill whistle, he whispers instructions to another man in neat overalls, jerking his head back to us a couple of time as he murmurs before taking his seat again.

  “It’s bad out there now,” Enrico reflects, confiding in Ben.

  “The De Falco’s and all the other families, they’re bleeding business dry, turning their usual stand over scams into arson and murder now… They’re getting scared, desperate”

  “Now?” Ben asks, leaning forward.

  “The feds are putting the squeeze on all of them, it’s going national too. Don’t you watch the news, man?” he asks, a puzzled look on his face.

  “That’s why I’m going away my friend, to find a new place, maybe south of the border… too risky here now, too much dirt’s been turned up.”

  I can see Ben’s face harden, I know he thinks it’s all his fault.

  “I’m working on a case to put them away,” he finally says, sounding optimistic, but Enrico only laughs.

  “Put who away? The whole mafia?” Enrico laughs louder, harder, but it’s not making fun of Ben or his efforts, it’s just the truth.

  “Alright,” Ben says. “Maybe not the whole mafia, but at least the ones who’ve put a price on my head. The ones I know will come for me and those I love,” he adds firmly, putting his hand on mine and looking into my eyes as he says the last part which makes my heart swell, and something else need his attention real soon too.

  “I hear ya,” Enrico says, standing slowly, which we both know is our cue to leave.

  “Just remember, Ben. Not every bad guy is in the mafia, and not every honest one wears a badge,” he adds ominously.

  Holding the door open for us, I gasp suddenly.

  It fills with the huge shape of the man Ben just tossed into the parking lot outback. He looks sheepish, staring down at his feet as he apologizes for everything he said.

  Ben nods, and after the man apologizes to me personally, he shakes his hand and that’s the end of it.

  A fairly ordinary looking car is waiting for us, and Enrico asks if there’s anything else we need.

  “Just your address,” Ben quips.

  “It’s keyed into the GPS, ready to go,” Enrico adds. “I’ll get word to you soon, see how you settle in, stay as long as you want,” he says again.

  I feel like he means it too, there’s something about Enrico I trust and I can see why Ben felt it right to include him in our plans.

  I’m glad he did.

  Within the hour, we’re on the coast road and the whole world seems to have disappeared behind us, the freshness of the sea air and the sight of the vast blue horizon relaxes me.

  But occasionally I catch Ben glancing back in the mirrors, even turning his head to look for his backpack on the back seat. He’s still thinking about everything, I know. He has to.

  Passing through a couple of smaller towns, I finally suggest we stop for lunch, but Ben shakes his head before turning to me, his eyes a little softer.

  “I’ll feel better once we’re somewhere safe,” he tells me. “Plus, I promise I’ll make us something to eat. I still owe you a breakfast too,” he reminds me, winking.

  I give him a smile and look out the window, I can almost feel myself counting the seconds now before the police or most likely, my dad, somehow gets directly involved in all this.

  Growing up it was never easy living in his shadow, especially once it was clear I was never going to be the athlete and especially not the cop son I know he’d always wanted.

  Sensing my growing anxiety, Ben says maybe we could stop somewhere if I really want, but I shake my head. A glance at the GPS tells me we’re close anyhow.

  Plus I’m with Ben now. I’ll go where he goes, do what he does.

  I do belong to him now after all. I just hope he knows what he’s in for when it comes to my dad finding out.

  But something tells me he’ll be fine.

  The road to the villa is more like a goat track. If it wasn’t for the GPS, we’d probably drive straight past it.

  Enrico’s villa itself is nestled in the cliffs, lower than the road too, so it’s well hidden.




  All those words make me feel better already and I push down the thoughts about my dad, the police, and the mafia just a little deeper.

  Hopefully for a little longer too. I want to enjoy myself with Ben, not always be looking over our shoulders.

  There’s a huge iron gate with a high wall that seems to surround the whole property, right to the cliff’s edge.

  Ben punches in the passcode and the gates swing silently open, closing as soon as we pass through.

  Ordinarily, I’d feel strange, maybe even like it was some sort of a trap, but once we follow the gravel drive down and it rounds right in front of the house, we can both see the ocean and the horizon through the tall windows of the white stucco, Spanish style villa.

  Without waiting another second, I rush out and make my way down one side of the house to take in more of the stunning view.

  A low wall breaks up the front from the stepped garden out back, but I have a perfect view of the sea, even a small beach at the bottom of the steep, jagged cliffs.

  I can hear Ben walking up behind me, his steps on the gravel crunching as he comes closer.

  “It’s just beautiful!’ I exclaim, feeling his hands on my hips and his lips on my neck.

  “It sure is,” he croons. “It most certainly is beautiful.”

  I know he hasn’t even taken in the view. I know he’s been watching me every step since I leapt from the car.

  I turn and kiss him, loving how tight he holds me. I wish we could stay like this forever. Here, just the two of us.

  I hear my phone chirping, and although I try to ignore it, Ben tells me to answer it in a firm tone.

  We’re safe here, I know, but some of those dark clouds from the outside have started clawed through our safe haven already.

  “It’s a private number,” I tell Ben, brushing it off, but he urges me to answer as it keeps ringing.

  I answer but don’t recognize the voice.

  It’s a man, older. A heavy accent I can’t place.

  I feel a chill run up my spine though when he cheerfully says hello, addressing me by name.

  “Hullo, Sophie. This is Franco,” he says, taking a breath, letting his words sink in.

  I don’t know any-

  “Franco De Falco. Put Ben on the phone will ya?” his voice goes from friendly to firm, then cold in three words.

  I feel the blood d
raining from my face as I pass Ben the phone.

  Chapter Sixteen


  I’m expecting Partridge, maybe even Sophie’s dad judging by how pale she gets so quickly.

  But once she hands me the phone, I know it’s not her dad at least.

  The familiar, dry rasping voice of Franco De Falco is enough to make me feel ill though.

  Her phone creaks in my hand as I listen, my eyes narrowing as I turn, scanning the way we just came, ready for whoever’s followed us.

  But it’s only his voice on the phone that’s got me.

  For now, so he tells me.

  “I want a truce, Slade. You made your point. You’ve got big balls and I like that, now stop being such a pain in the ass and drop this whole business, I’ll pay you and call off that price on your head… but for Christ’s sake, Ben, tell those feds to back off. It’s bad for business!” he wheezes, taking a moment to get his own breath back as I try to master my own, clenching down on my hard jaw until I see spots.

  I step away from Sophie, so she doesn’t have to hear any of this, but at the same time, I feel like holding onto her like never before.

  The thought, the very idea of De Falco or anyone like him anywhere near her makes my blood boil.

  He finally breaks the silence, reading my mind.

  “You gotta girl now too, eh? Nice,” he says, telling me in so many words what I know he means.

  That he can hurt me most by hurting what I love, the usual mob bullshit. Trouble is, it’s so effective because it works.

  “I can’t stop any federal indictments,” I tell him factually. “You’re a big boy Franco, handled tougher times than this,” I say, deadpan, not wanting to give away a hint of any emotion.

  Especially where Sophie’s concerned, I don’t even mention her deliberately.

  “I mean those cases you’re working on… now,” he says patiently. “Your little DA slut told us a whole of things, not just where you were staying. That you were still alive even. Pity we missed you last night. I so badly wanted to catch up. Still do,” he says ominously, losing that patience in his voice.


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