Under Lock and Key

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Under Lock and Key Page 1

by Jamie Knight

  Under Lock and Key

  Copyright © 2020 Jamie Knight Romance.

  Jamie Knight –

  Your Dirty Little Secret Romance Author

  All rights reserved.

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  Table of Contents

  Chapter 1


  Chapter 2


  Chapter 3


  Chapter 4


  Chapter 5


  Chapter 6


  Chapter 7


  Chapter 8


  Chapter 9


  Chapter 10




  Sneak Peek of Under Lockdown

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  Chapter 1


  Just one day after pulling up outside my new apartment building and unloading all of my boxes, with my loyal German Shepherd by my side, I can actually say any excitement I initially felt about this move is completely gone. That is definitely disappointing, but it's not my fault.

  I’m heading back to my apartment after getting my mail, and my new landlord walks up to talk to me. I expect a friendly "hello," or a "good morning," but boy, am I in for a surprise. He immediately starts complaining about my dog.

  I don't understand this! I had specifically called ahead to see whether I could have a dog before signing the lease, and he had said that I could. The lease had said “no dogs,” which is why I had called, but he had said he would make an exception for me.

  I don't think I have ever been so angry at anyone before. I haven't even been here that long, and I already hate this landlord.

  I tap my foot impatiently as he explains to me again, "I'm sorry miss, but you can't have that dog here. It's just too big and too mean. When I said you could have a dog, I thought you meant a little one, since this is a small apartment. Little ones are annoying and yappy, but they’re not big and mean-looking like yours is."

  I can tell that he's trying not to sound aggressive because he's scared of my dog. Boxes are lined up around us as we stand in the hallway outside what was supposed to be my new apartment. But with the way things are going right now, it doesn't look like that is going to last very long. I glare at him.

  "You know you said I could have a dog. You didn't specify any extra requirements or anything. Even though the lease says no dogs allowed, you said I was allowed to move in here with him," I snap. “I wouldn’t have come here otherwise, without my Mr. Barker. Plus, he’s not mean.”

  Mr. Barker whines at my feet. I try to calm down, but it's not working. I want to pull out the lease and shake it in his face. I do not need this kind of problem.

  "I'm sorry, but I’m free to change my mind. I told you you could have a dog and now I can tell you can’t," the landlord finally snaps back at me. “The only thing that’s in writing says no dogs. Tough luck, kid.”

  "We haven't even lived here that long. You don't even know us," I try to plead.

  My German Shepherd is perfectly loveable. Although he's protective of me, he wouldn't hurt anyone. He pants happily next to me. The landlord looks us both over.

  "Sorry, those are my rules," he replies again.

  Why is he being so unfair?

  I feel like everything in life is unfair right now.

  This is not how today was supposed to go.

  "Fine, I will just take my stuff and move somewhere else," I reply childishly.

  I'm fed up with this man, and I don't have time to keep arguing about petty stuff right now.

  "That's fine with me," the landlord replies, and then he just walks away.

  Muttering angrily, I grab my boxes, which only takes me a little while, since I didn't have time to unpack very much.

  After I put everything into it, my car is cramped, packed with all my belongings. I make my dog comfortable in the passenger seat and stuff the back with boxes. I climb in and start the car, then peel out and speed away in anger.

  I can't help it. I'm worried now that all this nonsense has made me late for work.

  I brake suddenly, almost running a red light. I let out a sigh of frustration and try not to cry angry tears.

  "Why doesn't anything work out for me?" I ask myself quietly.

  Nothing has been going right for me lately. This move was supposed to change that. It was supposed to shake things up and make life more exciting. I don't see that happening now.

  Mr. Barker looks out the window happily as we drive. I’m almost jealous - it must be so nice to be worry-free. I reach over and give him an affectionate pat on the head, before sighing in disappointment again.

  Everything has gone off the rails. This whole move was supposed to be exciting and fun. I was going to get to explore a new area and meet new people. Between work and unpacking, I haven't had time to do any of that.

  Now I have to worry about finding a new place to live, again. That's going to be a giant headache.

  I have to hurry to get to work in time. After I make a quick detour to drop my dog off at a friend's house for the day, I realize I’m going to be late.

  Hopefully no one will notice. My boss is always looking at me like he has a crush on me, and he’s really busy with work all the time, so he lets a lot slide. I’m grateful for that. It also doesn’t hurt that’s he hot as fuck.

  I feel a little calmer now as I come up with a plan for what to do next. I will just apologize as soon as I get to work. And as for another place to live, well, I'm glad I saved the addresses of other possible places to rent from my previous house-searching efforts. None of them are too far away from the office, so I decide that I’ll check them out on my lunch break.

  Even though the problem is pretty much solved, I'm still ticked off that the landlord treated me like that. I usually don't hold grudges, but I guess I'm just so upset at the way things don't seem to be working out for me lately. At least work is going well for now. That's the one steady thing I have in my life at the moment.

  I've already been on edge all week because everyone has been panicking about getting sick. All this unnecessary stress is just making me more of a wreck. It just goes to show you that anything can happen during the day. It's just my luck that this kind of stuff seems to always happen to me, though.

  Actually, this is beyond bad luck. I take a sip of my coffee and try to force the stress to melt away. I don't want to start my day in a bad mood. That’s pretty difficult right now, but I'm trying.

  I pull into the parking lot outside the office, trying to hurry up, but I look a mess. I reapply my makeup and straighten my clothes as quickly as I can. Then I grab my purse and rush inside the office building.

  Work is always busy, so at least it's sure to distract me from everything that's happened this morning, I tell myself. As long as I don’t get fired for being late.

  Chapter 2


  It's been a crazy morning here at Morris Financial, the firm I run. I'm in a meeting with my department heads. We are discussing whether or not to close the business for now because of the virus going around. One of them says what we’re all thinking.

  “It only makes sense that we close MoFi. Everything else in the city is shut down already."

  I turn to look at him, but I remain silent. I don't want to make a rash decision that hurts the company, and then regret it later. I start to tune out some of the conversation. It's true that the rest of the city is already closed. Even Club Lush.

  Not many people know, but I have an appetit
e for BDSM. I have my kinks, just like everyone else. They definitely don’t make me a bad guy, though. Trust me. I work long hours and go there often to let off steam with the submissive pets that hang around there.

  But now that it’s closed, I have no idea what I’m going to do to relax. I already feel tired and drained, and it's barely the start of the workday. It feels like today is going to be no exception from the strain we’ve all been feeling lately. I don't know how I'll make it through the day, or the night. I need to come up with another way to relieve this stress.

  Eventually I pay attention to what they are talking about again. I could really use some coffee right now. I wonder to myself where our receptionist is. She’s usually brought it in by this point in our meetings. That might help alleviate the monotony of this discussion.

  I more or less have an idea of what we are going to do on this matter, so this meeting is just a formality. I just want to give everyone a chance to express their opinions beforehand, so no one gets their feelings hurt when I make my decision.

  One of the chairmen asks, "Can we afford to just close down like that?"

  Although I agree with his worries, the first board member answers for me.

  "We are already extremely successful. In fact, this has been one of our best years. I don't see how losing a few days or weeks could hurt us. We've already had several employees call in sick. It's better this way."

  He continues to urge us to think about the upside. I consider how closing down could be good for everyone here. It would certainly reduce my stress levels and allow me to focus more on my other activities. Besides, day-to-day life is stressful enough because of this Coronavirus that’s going around. Ugh, I don't even want to think about that.

  "That's true. I saw when I came in that it's like a ghost town out there. Is everyone absent?" they ask each other.

  "We don't even have any coffee. Where's our receptionist? That's her job, isn’t it?" they ask.

  I shrug, and finally contribute to the conversation.

  "Maybe she's sick as well. She wasn't at her desk when I looked."

  And I always look – because she’s hot as hell.

  Right then, as if on cue, she rushes in, carrying a tray of coffee cups. We all look at her in surprise. It’s as if she’s trying not to seem nervous and appears to be in a hurry. The coffee is fresh and hot. I'm impressed. Arriving late, but with fresh coffee?

  As usual, I can't take my eyes off of her. I subtly drink in her figure and features with my eyes while I can. No one notices, because they’re just happy to finally have coffee. She hurriedly starts handing us our drinks. Some acknowledge her with a slight nod, others just ignore her and take their coffee. She’s clearly embarrassed about not being on time, and she starts to ramble an apology.

  "Sorry I'm late; I had a big fight with my landlord..."

  The others aren't paying attention and have resumed their discussion. She hands me my coffee, and I thank her quietly, with a little smile. She blushes and scurries out of the room.

  Even after she is gone, I keep thinking about her, and about what a perfect opportunity this could be, if I play my cards the right way. She needs a place to live, and I need an assistant to keep working for me, as well as a pet. I’ve always wanted her and she’s just my type: curvy, dark-haired, and big-eyed.

  I sip my coffee and continue to think about her. She’s going to make it even more difficult to concentrate on work today. I know eventually I'll have to focus because it's my company, so this responsibility rests entirely on my shoulders.

  I sigh and force myself to listen. I consider each argument that the other partners are making. Though we are a successful business, I'd hate to lose money, or put anyone out of a job. Still, I don't want to be known as the guy who risked his employees’ health and safety.

  I start to tune them out again, and daydream about the receptionist, and how she'd fit perfectly into my plans for stress relief. It's not every day that I run into a woman who's exactly my type. I mean, it happens, but not as often as I'd like it to.

  I think even more about her, and about my decision for the company. I've already convinced myself it's the right one. Coffee cup in hand, I lean back in my chair and take a few sips.

  The others are still debating. Two of them are in a heated argument, so this could go on for a while, which leaves me more time to drift off into la-la land.

  I don't think it's even possible to call this a workday, because we are not really getting anything done, just talking. Still, this was an important issue that needed to be discussed. A lot of people are in panic mode right now, including my own staff.

  I'm glad I’m this good at staying cool though. I'm sure it makes all the others feel calm to see the company in such steady hands. Eventually the conversation comes to a lull, and we drink our coffee in silence. I know they are almost ready to ask me for my final answer. I think I'm more than prepared to give it, but I just want to make sure.

  Chapter 3


  I keep thinking about our receptionist. I loved seeing her blush when I thanked her for the coffee. I definitely felt something between us, and I want to act on it. I’ve never been able to just let a woman or opportunity like that pass me by.

  Although she's been out of the conference room for a while now, I can't get her off my mind. I spend the whole rest of the meeting fantasizing about her. Hearing her apology made me think I'd love to make her my submissive.

  I want to hear her calling me "sir" and begging me for more. If we had been alone, I would have bent her over this conference table and spanked her bare ass for being late with my coffee. Then she really would have been apologizing.

  I would love to see her down on her knees, almost worshipping me. To have her waiting for me to make the first move. Obeying me. Catering to my every fantasy. I'd love to spread her open and have her screaming my name out in ecstasy. That would be like music to my ears.

  I want to have her in my bed, tied up or suspended. I could play with her any way I like. If I could get her naked, I could finally see those curves she's hiding under her office attire. I have to admit, I like the fitted style of the skirts and blouses she's always wearing. They hug her body very nicely.

  I want to see her big dark eyes widen in surprise as my fingers tangle in her hair, to feel her full lips wrapped tightly around the end of my cock as she takes all of it in her mouth. I want to see her ass cheeks bouncing when I'm behind her, to hear her moan with each thrust, and to have the knowledge that it's me who's giving her that satisfaction.

  I have to calm myself down as I can feel myself getting hard from my thoughts. I must be professional for the time being.

  Thank goodness no one knows what I'm thinking. That would be worse than embarrassing. I can't wait for this meeting to be over, not just so I can get back to my fantasizing. I want to put my plan into action, which is to have her stay with me so that I can play with her any time I want.

  I must have her. I need to figure out a way to make her mine. I'm the type of person that if I want something, I go after it and I don't stop until I get it. Besides, she looks like she could be a fun distraction from everything that is going on right now. We all need something like that at this moment of life.

  I can't believe how serious and stressful everything has gotten, and how quickly. It's enough to give a person a headache. Even if it doesn't work out, at least I'll have had fun trying to win her. I need some fun, especially with my usual club being closed. I can always go back to Club Lush once it re-opens, but in the meantime, I want to make this curvy goddess my plaything.

  I sigh deeply. This is going to be a very long few weeks, or even months. I have to get her. Distracting myself is going to be the only way I can get through it.

  I don't know how some people survive without finding a way to let off their steam. What do they do with all their pent-up energy?

  I spend the rest of the meeting asking myself questions and thinking about things like this. Ev
eryone can tell I'm slowly losing interest in their arguments and debates. They are as well.

  After their conversations are over, sure enough, they look at me to make the decision, although I think everyone has reached the same conclusion as I have. I set my cup down and lean forward in my chair.

  "I think we should close the office. We've done well enough that we won't incur any major financial losses. It's in the best interest of everyone's health and safety that we do so," I announce with finality.

  Everyone looks at each other and murmurs in agreement.

  "Good, then since we all agree, this decision will be effective immediately," I reply.

  Everyone grabs their coffee and begins to leave the conference room. I need to go make an announcement to the remaining employees. I take a few minutes to enjoy the last of my coffee and think about the receptionist some more, before going to do so.

  Closing down the company was the perfect excuse to make my fantasies come true. Now I have unlimited time to plan and pursue them. I'll get to that when I get home.

  There are still a few loose ends that I need to tie up here at the office, to make the shutdown official. It's going to be quite tedious because these things always involve a lot of paperwork, memo writing, contacting people, and making announcements.

  That not only stresses me out, but it irritates me as well. I don't know how people stand it, but that's what happens when you run a large business.

  I sigh and try to reassemble my thoughts. I'm going to have to face the receptionist and have her write up the documents I need. Time to be Mister Professional, for now at least.

  I make a list of things that are a priority. After that, I draft a sample of the announcement that I want going out to everyone regarding our immediate closure. The chairmen have gone to their offices and are waiting for my official notice so they can inform their departments.

  It's all tiresome paperwork, but it must be done.

  These certainly are stressful times that we live in. How did the world get this out of control so fast? I wonder.


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