Cole: House of Wilkshire ― Paranormal Dragon Shifter Romance

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Cole: House of Wilkshire ― Paranormal Dragon Shifter Romance Page 7

by Kathi S. Barton

  Ryan spoke first. “My name is Doctor Ryan Jamerson, Lady of Jamerson Castle, Duchess of Mink. I have a Doctor of Forensic Psychology. Also, I’m the older sister of Doctor Dillon Cord.”

  He’d forgotten that Ryan was a duchess. Dillon had to stifle a laugh when his sister called herself a lady. He knew her far better than most did, and he had never considered his sister a lady at all. However, it was the doctor that had thrown him for a moment. Ryan had gone to college to become a doctor of forensic pathology. Then his other sister spoke.

  “My name is Doctor Rylie Cord, Doctor of Psychology, older sister to Doctor Dillon Cord, Doctor of Finance.” Judge Peterson said that their family must be proud of them. “I don’t know, sir. They were murdered a few months ago. That’s why we’re here. It has been shown to us that Sandra Cord murdered them for the gain of an insurance policy. The three of us would like to press those charges against her at this time.”

  No one moved in the courtroom. He was sure they were as stunned as they’d been when they were told about the murders. The bailiff, still in the process of uncuffing Sandra, just stared at the judge with his mouth open. Sandra, however, had plenty to say when no one moved to release her.

  “What are you talking about? I demand that you take that back. You were forever jealous of me, Rylie Cord. And now here you are making up lies to keep me away from your family.” Sandra laughed. “Well, I have news for you, little girl. I want nothing to do with any of you. So what? I took out a policy on your parents. They were old, and how the hell was I supposed to know they’d be killed by a drunk driver.” Sandra had screamed out the last part.

  “Ms. Cord, this is quite a leap from her trying to murder Mr. Cord here to murdering your parents. It was my understanding that—” Sandra was still going on about how they were just trying to keep her from the money. That they had nothing on her but their hatred of her for thinking ahead. “Will you please shut your trap? My goodness, you can go on about things, can’t you? Hush now while I try my best to figure this out. Now. Ms. Cord. You know that without some sort of proof of this allegation, then I’m going to have to turn you down for this.”

  “I have proof, Your Honor.”

  Their attorney stood up and called for help. As the projector was being set up, Dillon felt something touch him. It wasn’t painful. He looked around to see who might be doing it.

  Sandra was staring at him. Her mouth was moving, and he could see her fingers, which were still behind her, moving as well. It wasn’t until Bryce came to stand next to him that he was sure it was magic. The laughter coming from Bryce had him turning to look at her. But it was the movement—or in this case, the lack of movement—that caught his eye.

  No one was moving. The projector that was being brought into the courtroom was still a few inches from the table. The judge was in mid-word when whatever it was caught him. It wasn’t a good look for the older gentleman, not the way his face was pinched up. There were others caught in mid-movement too. Dillon looked at his sisters when they turned to look at Bryce.

  “I’ve done this, yes.” He asked her what it was that she’d done. “No one will be aware of this pause in their work here. But I wanted to talk to you about Sandra. She’s violating all the laws of our kind. And even though she isn’t a witch like I am, her using the black magic to have things turn in her way lets me get to deal with her. I had hoped she would try something like this.”

  “No magic should be used for the betterment of yourself.” Bryce nodded at him. “With working for you guys, I was given some books I could use to know the way things work. She is going to be dealt with by you for trying to use magic on us.”

  “No. Just on you. Even though you are the one she was working on, it was what the outcome would have been should I not have been warned about her magic. She was going to have you take the gun from the bailiff there and kill your sisters, then yourself. She’d have left here without anyone being the wiser when you three were dead.”

  Bryce moved to stand in front of Sandra. When she snapped her fingers, Sandra continued doing whatever it was she’d been working on when the room stopped moving.

  “Hello, Sandra Elizabeth Markum Cord. Do you know who I am?”

  “No. And I don’t know if you realize this or not, but I really couldn’t care at all.” Sandra seemed to realize the same thing he’d noticed. “What the hell is going on in here? Did you do this? For me? Well, aren’t you the best thing that’s happened to me in a while. Thanks.”

  “This was done by me, yes, but it was because of you, not for you. I’m Bryce Farley, Grand Witch to all magic, black or white. You were given the rules of your kind when you decided to take this pathway into magic, were you not?” Sandra asked her what she had to pay to get out of this. “I’m afraid it’s not that easy, Sandra Elizabeth Markum Cord. You see, when you murdered those two people, you did so with magic. Another gain for yourself. Hurting your husband, you used magic to put him into a deeper sleep so you could do the most damage possible before he was able to call the police. There are other things, other deaths too, that can be attributed to your usage of black magic.”

  “Whatever the fine is, I’m willing to pay it. I plead guilty. Whatever it takes to get you out of my face.” Sandra looked back at him. “He was nothing to me, but a means to get more money. I’d be out of this shit right here if it wasn’t for Dillon and his nosey assed sisters. Christ, when I think of all the shit, I had to endure while married to him. I think I should just be let off with this as a warning. Come on. You’ve been around him. You know what I’m talking about.”

  “I don’t, actually. What I’ve come to figure out about Dillon is that he’s a nice man. An honorable man too. Being married to you must have taken a great deal from him. Because all I can see with him is him growing stronger daily and becoming the man he might well have been for you had you given him a slight chance.” Bryce laughed and turned to wink at him before she looked at Sandra again. “I will take your magic now.”

  Sandra staggered and would have fallen but for the table beside her. Dillon didn’t know what had happened, but he thought it was just what Bryce had said—she’d taken her magic. When she started screaming for Bryce to stop, Dillon looked at Sandra.

  “Oh my god. What the hell is that?” He sat down—there wasn’t any strength in his legs to hold him up. Even as he watched his ex-wife, never taking his eyes from her, he still had trouble making his mind see what was right in front of him. “Christ. I’m going to be sick.”

  Rushing out of the room, he heard the screams of the others. He knew the room was now resuming what they’d been doing before Bryce had stepped in. Dillon knew for as long as he lived, he’d never be able to think about Sandra without seeing the lasting image of her dying in the courtroom.


  Ryan was sitting out on the deck when he returned home. Being called away right now was the last thing he’d wanted to happen. But Ryan assured him that she was going to be fine and told him to go. It had been one of the hardest things he’d ever done.

  “Do you suppose she knew what would happen when she took the magic away from her?” He hadn’t realized she’d noticed him at the doorway until then. “I mean, it was very ugly and nasty. Do you think Bryce was aware that Sandra was older, much older than she looked when Dillon married her?”

  “I would think she would. Bryce knows her magic better than anyone I’ve ever encountered.” Cole sat down on the chair beside her. Picking her up, he put her on his lap. “I needed to hold you. I hope you don’t mind.”

  “No. I was going to ask you for a hug anyway. It’s been a strange couple of days.” He’d bet. “The attorney’s office called this morning and said that Sandra’s parents are dead as well. I think Sandra was keeping them alive all this time so she could use them. Bryce said she’d only bring them out of the deep sleep they were in when she needed them for something. Since she wasn’t in the
will, keeping them alive and making them support her was the only way she could get money from them. Sandra was one sick fucker if you ask me.”

  “I think you’re about as right in your explanation as anyone else. How is Dillon? I know he was still upset when we got back here. I thought he was pissed off at Bryce, but he assured me it wasn’t her.” Ryan told him what she knew. “I can see that. I think I’d be pissed at myself, too, if I was tricked into a marriage. But it wasn’t his fault. He knows that, doesn’t he?”

  “Mentally, I think he does, but his heart is really hurting. I don’t even think it’s because she betrayed him for so long. He seemed to be more pissed that he was being bamboozled into shit he didn’t know about.” Cole needed to tell Ryan something, but he wasn’t sure she was ready for it yet. “Tell me.”

  “What?” She told him that he’d been hemming and hawing around for two days now about something. “You, my dear mate, have been hanging around Susanna for far too long. Hemming and hawing? But yes, I do have something to tell you. It’s about your sister. Her mate is here.”

  She turned and looked at him so quickly he nearly dropped her. Instead of telling her what he’d found out, he started at the beginning, when Faith had figured it out at the hotel, they’d been in a few days ago.

  “I’ve met with him. He’s a nice man. His name is William Spencer. He and his partner, his brother, actually, have a lot of businesses they’re running. Wealthy. Smart too. And he’s part werewolf and fae.” She asked him what the difference was between a were and a wolf. “William believes that he and his brother are the last of their kind. You know what a fae is, I’m assuming. A werewolf is a wolf that walks upright. There are other differences as well, but that’s the most important one. He can shift all or part of his body, depending on what he is doing. His strength is legendary too. When I talked with his brother Jacob, he told me that they’ve been around for about as long as we have. Old as well as powerful men, both of them are. William said he’d wait to hear from me before he went to talk to her. Also, he’s willing to relocate to here so that Rylie can see her family whenever she wishes.”

  “How do you know he’s a good man? I mean, he could be just like the creatures we see in movies and is waiting around to kill her in her sleep.” Cole just looked at her. “Okay, I know he can’t hurt her. I’m assuming he can’t anyway. Do you think that Rylie will be safe with him? That she’ll fall in love with him like the rest of us have with our mates?”

  “I do. While we were talking, I had Devon look into him for me. Not only is he an upstanding man, but he’s also like us in that he donates a great deal of his personal time and money in order to see those around him, the ones that make a start for themselves, are able to move up in the world too.” She laid her head back on his chest, and he laughed a little. “You’re either so mad at me that you don’t know what to say, or you’re plotting my death. Which is it so that I can be prepared.”

  “Neither. I was actually thinking how happy Rylie will be. She needs someone in her life.” Cole didn’t say anything but waited for her to finish. “I don’t suppose you found anyone for Dillon, did you? I mean, if anyone deserves a second chance at life, it would be him. I want him to be the happiest of all of us.”

  “Nothing that I’m aware of.” He turned her on his lap, so she faced the woods. “If you look out beyond the pool house, you’ll be able to see William now. He’s been coming by here for the last several days to check on your sister. He would also like to speak to you and Dillon. I believe he is going to prove to the two of you that he can take care of your sister very well.”

  “So long as he makes her laugh once in a while, I’ll be thrilled with him.” She stood up and waved the man toward them. “I’m going to go in and call my sister. I know I can do that mind thing, but I think this is something that needs to be said to her. Also, I’m going to send Dillon out. He’s packing his things up to move into the home you guys fixed up for him.”

  She went into the house but came back out before William got to the deck. Cole did have a moment of worry when she turned to him. Standing up, he was going to defend her to the death if she didn’t like or didn’t want William around her sister.

  “I know this is for the best. I’m happy for my sister. But the more you find to do, the longer it’s going to take for us to be in our big bed having fun.”

  Cole stared at the door that she went back through. When William asked him if he was all right, Cole laughed.

  “Women are the most wonderful beings in the world, I think. However, they can turn a person, even a full grown dragon, on his ear without much in the way of effort.” William joined him in laugher. “She’s sending her brother out now. Also calling her sister. Rylie went into town today to see if she could find a place to hang her shingle. She’s decided she can be more useful as a psychologist than she can anything else. You will allow her to work, won’t you?”

  “I would have no say in what she does at all. It is her mind and body. Anything she wishes will be my goal to make happen for her.” Cole told William what Ryan had told him about being so agreeable all the time. “Yes. I can see that. To be honest with you, Cole, I know very little about women. Are they as scary as they seem to be?”

  “Much more so.” Dillon put out his hand when he answered William. “You hurt my sister, and your brother will be the last one of your kind. She’s been through a great deal, and I won’t have anyone, not any creature, harm my family. And that would include this one.”

  “I would allow you to kill me if I were to hurt such a beauty as your sister.” When they sat down, Cole had a feeling they were sizing each other up. He was all for that. William looked at him before too much time had passed and smiled at him. “I believe I could learn a great deal from this family about keeping their loved ones safe.”

  They talked between the three of them for about an hour. When Ryan came out to tell them she was going to get her sister, William introduced himself to her. As soon as she shook his hand, the power jolt to his own system startled him. Looking at William, he seemed just as surprised by the magical transfer.

  “I’m not Rylie.” William told her he knew that, as did his beast. “You’d be better off if you didn’t call your other half a beast until she meets you both. If you understand that I’m not your mate, what was the transfer of magic? I’m assuming that is what it was.”

  “I don’t know for sure what you got, but Dillon did as well. He didn’t mention it, and I was surprised by that as well. He must, in his own right, be— You were married to the woman that died of unexplained causes, weren’t you?” Dillon asked if he meant Sandra, and when William said that was her, he nodded. “She wasn’t really a witch, but she did use black magic for her own personal use. If so, that explains why you didn’t feel or feel well the magic I gave you. You have hers.”

  “I don’t want her black magic.” William told him that it was no longer black, but as pure as the snow on the ground in January. “Why would I get it? I thought you had to kill a witch to gain her powers.”

  “Ah, but you did kill her, young Dillon. When you and your sisters came together to see to her getting her just punishment, you made her death possible. Don’t you see?” Dillon looked at him, and Cole told him he had no idea but that Bryce would be the one to ask. “So many different kinds of magic in one family. It is scary yet comforting, don’t you think? I would say that besides being the wealthiest family in the world, you are far and away the most magical as well. I am honored to be a part of one such as this.”

  Cole only hoped Rylie thought so as well. She seemed to be taking a long time, and he reached out to Ryan. She said they were pulling into the drive now and would be out in a few minutes. Almost as soon as Cole heard the doors slamming at the front of the house, William tensed up.

  “I can hear her.” Cole told him what Ryan had told him. “She is excited to meet me but has already decided I’m too
good for her. Why would a woman feel that way about someone they’ve never met?”

  “Why did you lurk around corners watching her when you could have easily met her?” Cole laughed at the expression on William’s face when Dillon spoke. “She’s going to be all right. I have no idea why I feel that way, but I do the more I speak with you. However, remember what I told you. You hurt her, and your life will not be worth the bullet it takes to kill you.”

  As soon as Rylie came out onto the deck, she walked to William and slapped him hard. Cole stood up when the man shifted. His body was so much taller than his mate that it would take very little for him to hurt her. But all he did was lay on the deck before her, his belly there for her to rip open should she want.

  “The next time you have something to say to me, you come to me. Understand?” The were whimpered, then nodded. “Why am I having to find out about you from every one of my family members when I’ve seen you twice now? Damn it, I won’t start this out on a bad note. Come with me.”

  As she moved off in the direction William had come from, William looked up at Cole.

  “You’d better get moving, William. If she gets to wherever she’s going, and you’re not there, there will be hell to pay.” The beast got up and started after his mate. Before he got to her, Cole and the rest of them could hear her yelling at him. “I think she has this under control, don’t you guys?”

  They were still laughing as the couple disappeared into the woods. Whatever was on the other side was going to be the perfect place for the two of them to get to know each other. The others left, laughing and hugging each other as they got into their cars.

  When Ryan turned to him, he laughed when she said to come with her. Cole followed her up the stairs like a good dragon. He knew what was in store for him, and he would have followed her to the moon and back. Cole had never been so happy as he was at that very moment.


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