Marek (The Vartik King Chronicles Book 1)

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Marek (The Vartik King Chronicles Book 1) Page 1

by Liza Probz


  The Vartik King Chronicles Book 1

  Liza Probz

  BrixBaxter Publishing


  Find Liza Probz




  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23

  Chapter 24

  Chapter 25

  Chapter 26

  Chapter 27

  Chapter 28

  Chapter 29

  Chapter 30

  Chapter 31

  Chapter 32

  Chapter 33

  Chapter 34

  Chapter 35

  Chapter 36

  Chapter 37

  Chapter 38

  Chapter 39

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  About the Author


  Find Liza Probz



  Being a thief was never my life’s ambition, but there’s something I need to find, and I’ll go to any length to do it.

  It’s a matter of life and death. And no one is willing to help.

  A few mishaps later, I find myself in trouble with the feline king and it’s time to RUN.

  But I don’t get very far. A handsome humanoid is wanting company for a long trip and he’s offering just the help I need.

  For a cost…


  One year. That’s all I get before I’m to step up as rightful king of my people.

  A people believed to be extinct by the surrounding worlds.

  Even though I’m the eldest and most responsible, I’m in need of an adventure and a beautiful woman to help keep my blood warm.

  Finding a human thief who needed a transport around the galaxy was not part of the plan, but once I laid eyes on her, I knew she was mine.

  She might plan on ripping me off and not paying up on her half of the bargain, but that’s all right. I don’t only want her body. I want everything she’s got to offer.



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  Jazmine looked over her shoulder as she walked through the large archway that led to the Vanfia ruler’s bedchambers. She had the small jewels from his safe tucked into an inner pocket in her pants, the beauties enough to fuel her journey for the next two years.

  He glanced over his shoulder and down at her, the long green robes that adorned him did nothing but add to his size. He was handsome by Vanfia standards, but being a human, Jazmine saw nothing of interest. He was a means to an end, his wealth far exceeding that of the other kings in the surrounding galaxies.

  The king paused and pressed the large ornate door in front of him open, moving back to let her pass. She glanced up at him as she moved into the barely lit room, his catlike eyes almost glowing in the dark. The Vanfias were human in physical structure but shared their features with the felines of the earthen planes. The ruler’s strong features were covered in fur, his ears short and pointed. She moved without a word into the room, her eyes scanning the confines of the large space for her exit. She would only have a few minutes to make her escape.

  “I’m almost surprised you decided to stay,” he purred and walked toward her as she turned. His bedroom was covered in various furs and smelled like the outdoors, a scent that offended her greatly. She reached up and brushed her fingers along the bottom of her nose, hoping to find relief for only a moment. The Vanfias were known for producing a strong odorous mating fluid. Some planets looked to sell it to the highest bidder for its anti-aging properties.

  The thought crossed Jazmine’s mind to collect a bit of it, but it quickly passed as the large king removed his robe. He wore small red underwear, the front of which sat flat. She hadn’t studied the physical features of his people, nor did she care to from the look of things. He walked toward her as she took in a shallow breath and steeled herself. His flesh was rather saggy and covered in short spiky black hair, his nipples puckered and oozing something.

  “I enjoyed dinner, and the tour of the house was great. I figured that with all you had to offer, it might be best if I enjoyed a night with you too.” Jazmine took a step toward him, reaching out to brush her fingers along his chest. He purred louder and the smell in the room intensified. She held back her need to vomit as she took the last step toward him, the syringe in her left hand prepped.

  The king moved down to kiss her, his tongue snaking out of his small mouth before he reached her. Unable to help herself, Jazmine yelped and plunged the needle into the side of his neck. He growled loudly and pulled back, but the serum worked quickly, as the old medicine man promised it would. The large cat-like creature in front of her fell at her feet, his breathing labored as sleep took him far from her.

  “Fucking insane,” she whispered and jogged toward a long row of dark curtains. She tugged hard at one of them, having to push with all her might to move it back. The nighttime sun in Vanfia coated the grassy lands in a purple haze, the likes of which would be beautiful if she wasn’t running for her life. The window was easy to open. She started to move through into the blistering heat as the sound of guards banging on the door behind her rose up.

  Slipping from the room, she clung to the window seal and glanced behind her. The drop would hurt like a bitch, but she didn’t have much of a choice. Surely, she could find a ride to another planet and pick up something to cure her sure-to-be sprained ankle. The sound of the door splintering in the room just beyond her gave her reason to shut up and fall.

  Turning quickly, she pushed off the building and dropped the three stories to the ground. Fire spread up her legs as she hit the ground and rolled. Her left ankle took the hit more than anything else, but she could solve that later. The only goal now would be to escape the palace without being caught.

  The punishment for thievery was death. No doubt the king would want to punish her in a few ways she didn’t bother pondering on. No need to make herself any more emotional than she already was.

  Vanfia was the third planet she had visited in the last years since beginning her search and resounding crime spree. It was difficult looking for a lost item with no funding. Not being raised to be anything but honest and straightforward, she learned quickly that stealing wasn’t a choice but a necessity.

  No one wanted to give a human girl from Territh anything but a long night of fucking. She shuddered at the thought and slipped into the large forest just outside of the castle grounds. Her ankle screamed in protest as she limped toward the edge of the property, the port only a mile or so up the road.

  Surely, she could make it there within the next half hour while the guards searched the grounds. If not, she would have to simply hide amongst the trees until morning and then try to make a run for it when the guards switched shifts.

  “You go check in the highland gardens and we’ll take the forest,” a high-pitched female voice said, catching Jazmine’s attention, causing her heart to almost stop in her chest. No one hated humans more than the feline females of Vanfia. If she was caught by one of them, there would be no need for a sentencing. Death would be imminent and on the spot.

  She moved quickly, running through the trees and reaching the last guard post before looking back. Her ankle would have to take a backseat to survival. No one was directly behind her, but the two strong males at the gate glanced up, one of them narrowing his eyes on her.

  “What are you doing, Territhian?” He puffed out his chest and moved toward her aggressively.

  Without much of a choice, Jazmine pulled out a tranquilizer gun and put a dart in his throat before turning to the smaller guard and doing the same. Killing anyone was out, but putting them to sleep was certainly doable. She raced past them, sliding under the large iron gate just before it locked down.

  The docks weren’t far, and surely, someone would give her a ride to Killian, the planet of the rice fields. She pulled her bootie out of her pocket and poured the small jewels into the palm of her hand, brushing her thumb over them as she smiled.

  “Well worth it. Well worth it.”

  Chapter 1

  Marek checked his teeth once more before leaving the restaurant. The meal had been perfect to keep him sated for his trip to Killian. He avoided the numerous stares and worked to keep his emotions in check. He would simply appear as an extremely handsome male Territhian if his eyes didn’t shift. No attention was good attention, but it rarely happened. He wasn’t looking for companionship or offers of any sort, just a quiet adventure to end his freedom properly with.

  He checked the small dial on his wrist, noting the evening drawing to a close, which meant it was time to board his small ship and be on his way. The people of Vanfia had been polite enough but a bit much. The women seemed to wear the pants, which was something his people would never allow. He smiled at the thought of his dainty mother telling his father what to do and when to do it. She would never survive the sardonic retribution of his endless comebacks.

  The port was just up ahead, but between him and his destination had to be over a thousand merchants from near and far, working to sell their trinkets. He pushed through the crowd and looked for the path of least resistance, his eyes focused on the violet horizon. His thoughts were neutral and remained on his family at home.

  He had six younger brothers, all of whom would get a chance at becoming the king of their nation when his time was over. If he had any choice in the matter at all, he would simply forfeit his reign and move the crown to his brother, Zelup.

  Zelup had spent their whole adolescence yapping about his desire to become king, but tradition was set in stone. It would be Marek’s first as the oldest and firstborn. When the time of the shifting occurred, the crown would pass. Only the old magic would tell of that time. No one could guess the moment of its occurrence. The only warning they were given was a vision by the current king. It was an omen that the crown should pass one year from that day.

  “Six months since Dad’s had the dream,” Marek mumbled as he caught sight of his ship. It was quaint but exactly what he imagined himself using to travel the galaxies with. The trip wouldn’t be nearly as long as he had hoped, but he would take the year his father gave him to create adventure. He was due back to Vartik in six months and would assume the crown. His mother and father would work in the meantime to wrap up their reign—and to find him a wife.

  Nothing disturbed him more than the thought of being given a wife, but it was simply the way of their people. He had taken many women since he was but a boy, but being tied to someone who would become his ruling partner over his people was horrifying. No one would love them or cherish their secrets as he would. He glanced over his shoulder, a commotion at the edge of the marketplace calling for attention.

  Marek moved toward his ship and turned, pressing his large back to it as he brushed a few crumbs off of his button-down shirt. He wore thick pants despite the heat around him. His muscle structure was definitive of his people, their bodies primed and constructed to be great athletes, excellent hunters, and dominant over all others. They were believed to be extinct now though, which was the way things would stay.

  No one would ever know that the Vartiks were alive and well. It was simply too dangerous. His people would kidnap women from various other solar systems if the population grew too dense, allowing for the commoners to mate across bloodlines. Only royalty was required to continue the black blood of the Vartiks.

  “I shouldn’t be here,” he whispered and turned toward the ship, pressing his fingers to the keypad and waiting for the computerized system to register that it was him.


  Marek turned to look down upon a reptilian, his forked pink tongue causing his speech to be horribly slurred.

  “I’m not interested.” Marek turned back to the ship, expecting the creature to move on to the next guy.

  “Oh, I think you will be. I have something increasssssingly rare.”

  Marek turned as the door to the ship opened. “I’ve seen more than most, my friend. I’m not interested in whatever you think you have that’s special.”

  The commotion at the far end of the marketplace only got louder. Marek’s eyes followed along the various species to see who was causing the scene. A large group of Vanfia guards plowed out into the middle of the merchant tables, their chests rising and falling much too fast. They were out of breath. A smirk touched Marek’s mouth. He was almost willing to wait around to see who had caused the great cat creatures to lose their cool. They were known for their sense of calm, and yet, they were anything but calm at the moment.

  “I have a vial of the most precioussssssss fluid in all of the worldsssss.” The creature moved closer as Marek glanced down at the vial. The glittery black liquid was more than recognizable to him. He kept his calm and glanced back to the snake.

  “What is it and where did you get it?”

  “It’s the blood of a Vartik king, sssssir. It can heal anything. You can cut off your legsssss and drink thissssss, and you will grow them again.” The snake smiled, the expression lost on the large fangs at the front of his face.

  “Where did you get it?” Marek glanced up at the sound of loud voices. The guards had begun to overturn tables, the long table coverings most likely able to give coverage to the criminal they were after.

  “That’ssssss neither here nor there.” The snake turned and made an odd sound like the clearing of one’s throat. “Ssssssomeone has pissssssed off the guardsssss today. Must have killed sssssssomeone of importance.”

  “How much for the vial?” Marek wasn’t able to turn his attention to the creature, but he was fully aware of him. Excitement rose in his chest at the idea of adventure that the criminal must feel in the moment. A great chase that held the efforts of their talent with the promise of death as their reward. Life had become too comfortable for him, and though he owed his people a safe return after his trip, he wanted to live as close to the edge as possible until then.

  “Ten thousand rubbalsssssss.”

  Marek glanced down at the snake, shock rolling over him in waves. That was more than a lifetime of wages for a thousand people. He swallowed his anger, trying to keep his eyes from shifting and giving him away. He was undercover as long as no one recognized the shifting of his vision or tasted the euphoria in his bodily fluids. He hadn’t worried much about either until now. Anger and excitement swirled around in his stomach as he glanced up and found the source of the guards’ angst.

  She was almost as tall as him, which was saying something. Her bone structure was much like his, but she was mor
e graceful. A dancer maybe? Long blond and chestnut strands danced about her head as she ran toward him. The look in her brilliant green eyes stole his attention and made his heart beat a little faster. She limped occasionally. She was hurt.

  Who was she? What was she?

  “Ssssssir, did you want to purchasssssse this vial? It is worth far more than I’ve offered to you. It’sssssss a ssssssssssssteal.” The snake nudged him with his head.

  “Yes.” Marek plucked the vial from the creature’s hand and wrapped his strong fingers around the snake’s neck with the other, jerking his wrist hard and throwing the vile idiot over the edge of the world, his soft screams reaching no one but Marek.

  Killing was done for sport most days, but any reason to put someone out of their misery seemed like a good enough reason. Marek tucked the vial into his pants pocket and turned to go into the ship, the sound of the girl calling out to him giving him pause.

  “Wait. Please. Please wait.”

  He turned in time to watch her slide to a stop in front of him. The tight white tank top she wore left the smooth tanned skin of her shoulders on display, along with a line of skin showing at her midriff. His eyes moved down her as he felt the warmth of arousal overtake him. Her breasts were large, much larger than the women of Vartik. He wanted to see them up close, to explore them, to taste them, but it wasn’t meant to be. He didn’t need trouble.


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