Ghost Mansion

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Ghost Mansion Page 1

by Drac Von Stoller

Ghost Mansion

  Copyright 2013 by: Drac Von Stoller


  Chapter One: Mysterious man in black

  Chapter Two: Mr. Davis disappears

  Chapter Three: Mansion vanishes

  About this Author

  Chapter One: Mysterious man in black

  Deep in the country stood a beautiful mansion said to be the most haunted place you'd ever step foot in, but does this place really exist or is it just a legend. Here is where the story begins.

  It all happened one stormy night on October 31, 1929. A man by the name of Jasper Davis and his wife Elizabeth were driving down country roads in search of their dream home when his wife said, "Honey slow down, I see a for sale sign in the yard, let's get out and check it out. I feel that this could be what we've both been looking for." Her husband stopped the car, and they got out of the car, and walked up to the front door to see if anyone was home. Mr. Davis knocked on the door, and a man dressed in black opened the door, and said in a low eerie voice, "Won't you come in and see the mansion?" The Davis's entered the mansion and the creaky door slowly closed behind them. The creepy man in black said, "I think you both will like the rest of the mansion, follow me please." The Davis's were over taken by the beautiful antiques that occupied each room. Mrs. Davis said to the man in black, "These antiques must be very expensive." The man in black replied in an eerie voice, "You are so right."

  "Well what do you think?" asked the man in black.

  The Davis's replied, "We'll take it."

  The man in black pulled out what appeared to be the deed to the house, and little did the Davis's know that whoever signs the papers will die. Mr. Davis reached in his pocket for a pen to sign, but had none. The man in black said, "Don't worry I have one."

  "If you don't mind follow me down to the study so you can sign the papers," exclaimed the man in black. Mr. Davis and his wife entered the study, and as Mr. Davis and his wife were focusing on the papers and raised their heads up to hand the man in black the signed papers he vanished. All the Davis's heard was an eerie laugh echoing throughout the mansion. Mrs. Davis asked her husband,

  "Where did he go?"

  "Not sure honey, but the mansion is ours," explained her husband. "I'm glad he's gone, he really gave me the creeps," said Mrs. Davis. "Darling, why don't you take the kids to the market, and get us some food so we can celebrate, and I'll be looking the house over in case we may have missed something we forgot to ask that creepy man about?"

  "Ok, honey we'll be back in thirty minutes," replied his wife.

  Chapter Two: Mr. Davis disappears

  While his wife was gone to the market things were set in motion for Mr. Davis's final moments. Some force was drawing him to the cellar. So he ventured off down to the cellar. As he opened the creaky door to the cellar an eerie voice called out to Mr. Davis and said, "Come down we have something to show you?"

  Mr. Davis cautiously walked down the stairs then as his feet were firmly planted on the floor boards of the cellar they shook violently followed by beams of light shining through the floor boards.

  Jasper said, "What in God’s name is going on here?"

  Then there was total silence, seconds later the cellar floor caved in and Jasper Davis was never seen nor heard from again. When his family arrived back home from the market to where they thought their house was it was gone. Tears flowed down their cheeks and they were bewildered at what had just happened. They immediately searched the property thinking maybe they drove passed it because of the dense fog. They must have searched for hours, but turned up nothing not even a photo or clothing could be found.

  Mrs. Davis and her children got back in their car, and raced back into town to the police station in hopes of getting to the bottom of this. Mrs. Davis told her children to stay in the car while she went inside the police station for help. Mrs. Davis flung open the door and said, "Where’s my husband, and my house?" She was weeping uncontrollably and kept saying, "It’s Gone! It’s Gone!" one of the officers rushed over to find out why she was so hysterical. The officer asked "What's wrong mam?"

  "Officer, I just went to the market with my kids and told my husband I would be back in about twenty minutes, and when I arrived back home the house was gone, and so was my husband. Please officer you've got to help me!" cried out Mrs. Davis.

  "Ok, mam just calm down so I can write down your address," exclaimed the officer.

  The officer began writing down the address and stopped midway and said' "Are you sure this is the right address?"

  "Yes, I'm sure of it," answered Mrs. Davis in a nervous voice.

  The officer said, "Well, let’s go check it out."

  The officer followed behind Mrs. Davis in his squad car to her house. The fog had lifted so finding the whereabouts of her home would easier so it looked.


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