Challenging Love

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Challenging Love Page 9

by KaLyn Cooper

  He waited until he got inside his own ride back to the Chicago Guardian Security Center before he answered. “Yes, damn it all to hell. What a fucking waste of my time.”

  “Speaking of time, do we have reservations for dinner? Ordering out or raiding the Center’s refrigerator is fine with me, too,” she suggested.

  “Yes, we have reservations.” Alex actually had big plans for tonight. Plans that made him just a little bit nervous.

  “I hope you made them for later, because I want to take a hot shower and change. I traveled very casually today.” She went on to tell him about the people she’d met on the plane. “All these men were from huge corporations, and I’m sitting there in jeans—at least I have on a nice blouse—a leather jacket and ankle boots.”

  Alex was quite sure that her outfit cost as much as any of the thousand dollar suits riding in the seats next to her. To tease her, he couldn’t resist asking, “Did those ankle boots have red leather soles?”

  Sheepishly she answered, “Yes.”

  “And I’m positive those jeans were not made by Levi.”

  “No. They were designer jeans,” she quietly admitted.

  “Need I say more?”

  “Point taken. I’ll meet you upstairs in a few minutes.”

  “See you then.” He ended the call, in a much better mood. They had several hours before they had to be at the restaurant, and he was positive she would help him with his stress release.

  Ten minutes later, the phone continued to ring in Guardian apartment but Alex ignored it. He had Kat up against the marble tile of the large multi-head shower, her legs wrapped around his waist as he pumped himself into her for the second time. He’d arrived in the apartment to find Kat, naked in the kitchen, getting a glass of water. He’d never look at kitchen counters the same again.

  He covered her scream with his mouth as she came for the second time under the pelting hot water. He loved pleasuring her. His tongue swept over hers. Christ, the taste of her. Seconds later, he arched into her and shuddered his release once again. He wasn’t sure he’d ever get enough of this woman.

  Less than an hour later, Alex placed a possessive hand in the small of Kat’s back as their server showed them to a table in the corner of the room since the maître de was in the kitchen checking on an insistent guest’s request.

  Alex pulled out Kat’s chair then sat to her right with a complete view of the entire room.

  The middle-aged man took their wine order and left them alone.

  Alex took her hand and wove his fingers through hers before he brought it to his lips. He stared into her blue on blue eyes and wondered how much longer he had her before her cell would ring and she would once again fly off in the black jet. Jack was in control of her life, and his. A fact he resented to his core.

  “So, who did you meet on the flight out here?” he asked.

  Before Katlin could answer, Alex’s pocket hummed with the vibration of his cell phone. He pulled it out and checked to see who had called.

  “It’s the Guardian 911 number. I’ll take this outside.” Alex rose from the table and placed his linen napkin on his chair. He exited the restaurant and turned right down the sidewalk as he talked.

  Katlin surveyed the restaurant, cataloging each person for threat potential. At the table next to them sat four business-attired people, one woman and three men, formal in their mannerisms. A first-date couple sat a few tables away, awkward and each wore too much smile, both trying to impress. A table of six good friends filled another corner, progressively getting louder with each filled wine glass. Well-dressed couples scattered the restaurant in quiet conversation.

  She watched the maître de as he greeted a tall woman with a bright smile and familiarity. Her dark brown, almost black skin made the golden dress stand out but it was the straightened chin-length hair that framed her beauty-queen sculpted face that drew Kat’s attention. The woman was well aware of her appeal and wore it with confidence.

  In the very sexy dress that hugged every curve from its off the shoulder low V neckline to where it stopped eight inches above her knees, showing off long dark legs, it was no wonder appreciative male eyes followed her progress through the maze of tables.

  The man frowned as he approached where Katlin sat alone.

  “Excuse me, ma’am, there must be some mistake. This table is reserved. May I show you to another table?”

  Katlin didn’t want to change tables. This one offered her a view of the entire room and an easy secondary exit. “Reserved for whom? We had reservations.” Her regal attitude, one taught since childhood while dining with ambassadors and royalty, burst through. It was evident to the restaurant host, as she’d intended.

  “Mr. Wolf, if you must know.” Not to be outdone in the snobbery department, the maître de said condescendingly. “I’ll be happy to seat you at one of our best tables if you’ll please come with me.” He pointed toward the windows, the last place in the world she’d sit.

  “No mistake. Mr. Wolf is on a call outside,” Katlin replied indulgently and tilted her head slightly toward where the chair sat askew with Alex’s napkin tossed on top.

  “Are you a client of Guardian Security?” The woman interjected in a low voice.

  So, she obviously knew Alex and their business.

  “Yes, I am,” Katlin said with a tolerant smile. She actually was a client. Guardian protected several of her houses, so maybe this woman was also. Katlin didn’t want to reveal that she was one of the owners. “And you are…?”

  The woman raked her eyes over Katlin seeming to evaluate her. She fumbled with her clenched hands before she said, “I’m Aleta Flores, Alex’s fiancée.”

  Katlin felt all the blood drain from her face for just a second before she pasted on a smile. Her stomach roiled and rebelled. Years of biting her tongue and relying on conditioned grace, she offered, “Please sit. You know men. Alex obviously forgot to mention that you’d be joining us.”

  Fiancée. That son of a bitch. He’d been inside her twice in the past two hours and he was fucking engaged.

  No. It’s not true. Alex wouldn’t do this to me. Ty? Most definitely, but not Alex. Get a grip.

  Katlin couldn’t miss the flash of diamonds on Aleta’s left ring finger. It was a beautiful antique setting; about three carats total of smaller diamonds surrounding a full two-carat marquis-cut white diamond. On her long fingers, it was lovely. Not Kat’s choice of ring by a long-shot, but seemed to fit the woman perfectly.

  Katlin swallowed down the bile that threatened to erupt with the volcano of emotion. She counseled herself, nothing is ever as bad as first reported.

  Just then the waiter arrived with the wine and two glasses, a bottle of Katlin’s favorite Riesling. Damn, she needed that drink. The maître de quickly pulled out a chair for Aleta.

  “I’ll bring the usual merlot for you and Mr. Wolf,” the tuxedoed man said before he disappeared.

  The usual. That was the second punch to Katlin’s stomach. So Aleta and Alex had been there before. Together. More than once. How dare he bring me here to meet his fiancée?

  Katlin tried to lengthen her short breaths and fought to keep her senses as her brain flew in a hundred directions.

  She had to get the hell out of there.

  No, Alex wouldn’t do this to me. He’d agreed, we’re exclusive. Or maybe that meant they were exclusive while she was Stateside.

  He’s a fucking man, isn’t he? They all lie and cheat.

  She couldn’t piece this situation together as some kind of mistake.

  No. She’d let Alex explain. She’d watch as he tried to finagle his way out of a fiancée after what they’d done together, to each other, in the shower, in the kitchen.

  Oh, she’d moved from victim to pissed off bitch in one heartbeat. She’d flay him but good and leave him as raw as she felt at that moment.

  Get a grip, Katlin. You can do this. Hostile interrogation.

  “I’m Katlin Callahan,” she said extending her
hand across the table.

  Good cop first. Gain trust.

  While they shook politely, Katlin watched the other woman’s eyes for any hint of recognition. There was a little something there, but she appeared nervous, almost dismayed.

  Katlin sat back expectantly and folded her hands lightly in her lap. This wasn’t a time for small talk, this was an interrogation and she was damn good at finding intimate details about a tango.

  Aleta seemed to fidget so Katlin sat very still and observed. Wait her out.

  “Alex has been very busy lately, and this was the first time in months we’ve been able to coordinate our schedules” Aleta announced.

  Yeah, he’d been busy all right. Fucking me every chance he got. Good cop. Be nice.

  Katlin forced a smile. “How nice things worked out for you tonight, then.”

  “I was certainly surprised when he left a message for me to meet him here tonight. I saw him earlier at the courthouse but...” She trailed off before obviously changing the subject. “He’s been spending a lot of time in the San Francisco office lately.”

  Well, Aleta seemed to know a lot about their business. Yes, it was their business. “Is that right?” Katlin said, hoping she controlled her irritated tone.

  “I was planning on joining Alex there and escaping for a Napa weekend.” Aleta shifted in the padded seat, crossing one leg over the other at the knee. Her foot bounced nervously.

  Napa weekend, huh? That sounds familiar.

  “Really?” Katlin managed through clenched teeth. She picked up her water to dampen her dry mouth and put something benign in her churning stomach.

  “Yes. There are some really great B&Bs there that Alex and I want to visit, and of course the wineries.” Finally, Aleta took a breath and reached for her red wine.

  Fuck it. Katlin needed alcohol. She took a long drink of her wine and waited for Aleta to bury Alex completely…along with her own heart.

  “How long have you and Alex been dating?” Not sure she wanted to know the answer but couldn’t stop herself from asking. Alex had been divorced for nearly seven years and Katlin knew he hadn’t been celibate. Engaged, he should have mentioned that little detail to her.

  From the corner of her eye, Katlin noticed Aleta rolling the diamond around her finger, as if it were new or maybe a bit too large. She also noticed indentations on her right hand where a ring normally sat. Was she lying? And if so, why?

  “We’ve been dating for over two years.” The answer was quick and her eyes steady. A small smile revealed perfect brilliantly-white teeth. Probably the truth.

  Well, fuck it all. Alex had forgotten to mention Aleta Flores…ever…in the all months he’d been fucking her. In all the months she thought they’d been making love.

  Katlin felt like a fool. They’d agreed to be exclusive. She was gone for weeks at a time. Could she really believe that he’d been monogamous while she was off saving the world from shitbags?

  Hell, yes, she could. Military spouses did it all the time. They’re often celibate for a year or more while their husband or wife had been fighting for their country in some god-forsaken hell hole. She wasn’t being unreasonable asking Alex to keep it in his pants for six weeks.

  Katlin had to keep up the conversation. “Two years is a long time. How long have you been engaged?”

  Aleta stammered, “Well.” She looked at Katlin from under long dark eyelashes.

  Why does this woman have to be so gorgeous? She is inverse of me. We’re day and night.

  Before Aleta could finish her answer, Alex appeared at the door and stopped to swipe at his smartphone as though checking an email.

  “You’ll have to excuse me.” Katlin rose and placed her napkin on the table. “I just remembered that I have another appointment. My apologies. You and Alex enjoy your evening together.” And the rest of your fucking lives.

  Katlin met Alex half way across the lobby and said, biting each word, “You son of a bitch. I will never be the other woman.”

  Alex stared at her with complete confusion followed by a what-in-the-hell written on the angular planes of his face. Katlin nodded to the table she’d just vacated.

  “Oh, fuck,” he whispered on an exhale.

  Gritting her teeth through her smile, Katlin said, “I’m quite sure that’s exactly what your fiancée is expecting tonight. Good-bye, Alex.”

  She turned to leave.

  He grabbed her arm. “What the fuck is she doing here?”

  “Playing the good little fiancée entertaining your prospective client.” Her tone was curt.

  Alex glanced around. “What client?”


  “Did you tell Aleta that you were my fiancée?” He clenched the pocket of his slacks with his right hand and his face relaxed slightly.

  “No, she told me that she was your fiancée. News to me considering where you were less than two hours ago.”

  Alex, the bastard, actually smiled.

  That’s it. I’ve had enough humiliation for one night. Hell, for a lifetime. Katlin huffed in breath. She turned on her heel and stepped toward the double doors.

  Midstride, Alex grabbed her from the back.

  “No, don’t go. Don’t walk out on me, Kat.” He encased her, wrapping his arms around her from behind and pulled her back to his chest.

  In a shaky voice, he whispered into her ear, “Please, don’t leave me, Kat. I…I love you and I can’t ever let you go again.” He pressed a kiss to her temple. “I won’t let you leave me.” He turned her to face him. “Kat, I love you from the bottom of my heart, that same heart you take with you every time you leave on another mission. I can let you go to work, but I can’t let you walk out of my life.” He stared at her for a long minute, his eyes fixed on hers.

  “I haven’t even looked at another woman since I saw you in Miami. I don’t know what game Aleta is playing, but she’s never been anything more than a friend.” He closed his eyes for a second as if he was deciding how much to say.

  When he reopened them, he explained, “Yes, we were…involved, but I broke it off. You have to believe me, Kat. I haven’t even thought about another woman, or wanted another woman, since you came back into my life.”

  Katlin couldn’t look at him. Her gaze flicked into the dining area where too many people were watching them now. She so disparately wanted to believe him. Her gaze fell on Aleta.

  “I don’t know what the hell she’s doing here.” He looked over his shoulder at the table where Aleta was watching them, eyebrows knit.

  Alex gently clasped Kat’s chin and brought her face up to meet his. “I love you, Kat. I always have.”

  She met his eyes, the gold flashing like the crystal chandelier above their heads. She saw his love for her. The need for her to believe him…believe in him was written in those pleading brown eyes.

  Then his other words fell over her like a Caribbean wave, crystal clear and warm from head to toe.

  He loved her.

  Deep in her heart, she knew Alex loved her. She believed in Alex–he wouldn’t betray her. She cupped his face with both her hands and brought his lips down to her. “I love you, Alex Wolf.” Then she kissed him sweetly. “I’m sorry I doubted you.”

  Relief washed over his face. “I love you, Katlin Callahan.” He kissed her and she felt the restrained passion. He kept it short, but came back for a quick peck before he pulled her into his broad chest.

  She savored his strong arms around her. No. He wouldn’t do that to her. He’s not engaged to that other woman.

  So what does that make Aleta? Is she fucking crazy? A stalker? Why would she lie?

  “What about her?” Katlin stepped out of his embrace.

  “I have no fucking idea what she’s up to.” Alex sounded annoyed. He took her by the hand and led her back to the table.

  “Alex, what’s going on?” Aleta stood as they neared.

  “That’s what I’d like to know. Let’s all sit down and figure this out.” He held Katlin’s ch
air for her and let Aleta slip back into her seat.

  “Aleta, what are you doing here?” he asked.

  Her face was a study in confusion. “You invited me,” she said as if he should know the answer.

  “No, Aleta,” Alex said earnestly, “I didn’t invite you.”

  She pulled out her cell phone. “You left this message on my office voice mail.” She dialed intently. “I’m glad my assistant was out sick today. I’d have been embarrassed had she heard the things you said.” Aleta blushed.

  Alex looked at Kat and shook his head. Just above a whisper, he promised, “I never called her.” His eyes and tone begged to be believed.

  “Here it is.” Aleta handed Alex the phone and he held it so Katlin could also hear.

  “Hey, babe.” Damn. It was Alex. She’d know that voice anywhere and the line was clear. “You said if things changed to give you a call. I’d like to see you tonight. Can you meet me at our favorite Italian restaurant at seven-thirty? I’ve missed you. I’ve been hard since I got to Chicago. How am I supposed to appear in court with a raging hard on? Just knowing that within a few hours I can slide into you and listen to all those little noises you make when you come. Going without you for these past months is tough on a man. See you soon, babe.”

  The conversation speared Katlin through the heart, that he’d say those things to anyone except her. He took her hand and laced his fingers through hers, then placed them on top of the tablecloth. The corners of his mouth kicked up just a fraction when Aleta stared at their joined hands. Message received.

  “It wasn’t me. I never said those things to you,” Alex said.

  His words sounded just like him. She could imagine him saying that exact same thing to her. Did he talk to all his women that way?

  “I tried calling your apartment to confirm, but there wasn’t any answer,” Aleta said. “The men at the desk said that you had reservations here so I did what the message said, met you here at seven thirty. I was a little late with cross-town traffic.”

  “Aleta, I’m sorry. I didn’t call you. I didn’t leave that message.” Alex’s voice was becoming insistent.

  Katlin recited the message in her head. She not only could imagine Alex saying those words, he’d said those words. Not exactly, but damn close…to her… Just a few hours ago.


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