Darkness Rising

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Darkness Rising Page 10

by Katie Reus

  Soon they would all rise up and his clan would rule everyone. For half a century they had been putting their plans into place. His own clan was working with others around the globe.

  Technology had expanded far faster than they’d been prepared for. So they had to strike before they were revealed inadvertently, unintentionally. It was a wonder that humans hadn’t discovered them already—and it was why there were those stupid bigfoot legends. Some stupid fucking werewolf or bear shifter revealed himself to humans.

  Fuck the humans and their pettiness. Their weakness.

  The time was upon them. Now that Reaper, the twins and many other ancients had risen, it was time for war. Before he made any decisions, he needed to converse with the rest of his clan—specifically his father. They were spread across the world, working together for the greater good. He did not see the point in waiting any longer. They were ready for the future.

  Soon humans would bow before them, would cower in fear at their majesty.

  Chapter 12

  “What’s going on?” Greer asked as she returned downstairs, fully dressed yet again. She was getting tired of having to get naked in public because of random situations. Back home this didn’t happen often.

  Both Prima and Reaper were in the kitchen waiting for her, thankfully. And she wanted her questions answered.

  “Ancients are dying,” Prima said, pushing up from the center island and crossing her arms over her chest. Her long, inky black hair was wrapped in a tight coil at her neck, and per usual, she had on slim-fitting pants, boots, and a skin-hugging long-sleeved T-shirt.

  Reaper was also dressed again and now leaning against the island. He’d clearly dressed much faster than her. He looked almost as good clothed as he did naked. Almost.

  “What are you talking about?” Greer asked.

  “Earlier we met with two other ancients like us. There were others there,” Reaper added. “But only two dragons that Prima and I used to battle alongside.”

  She listened as they outlined what they’d talked about but for some reason she felt as if they were holding back. Though she couldn’t imagine what, considering everything.

  “So who do you think was watching us, then?” she asked once he finished.

  Reaper glanced at Prima and lifted a shoulder before looking back at Greer. “I honestly do not know. I haven’t been awake long enough.”

  Greer pulled her cell phone out, annoyance bubbling up inside her. “We’re calling my Alpha now. And you’re going to relay everything to him,” she said pointedly, looking directly at Prima. “You should have told him before now.”

  Prima seemed to sulk for a moment but nodded. “I guess.”

  “There are certain rules you have to follow,” she snapped, because it seemed as if Prima wasn’t fully appreciating the situation. “You should know better. And you should have told me the moment you walked back in the house.”

  “I’d planned to.”

  “Why didn’t you?”

  “I…had something else to do. I wanted to go searching for someone and did not feel like getting trapped in a long conversation.” Prima sniffed haughtily.

  Which made Greer grit her teeth. Ancient or not, Prima was still part of a clan and she had to act like it. Prima and Mira were different in that they had been hatched, not live-born. They were two of the most unique dragons she had ever met but that didn’t matter. Clan had to mean something if the two females were going to be a part of it. “That is not a good enough answer.”

  “You are right, I apologize,” she said as Greer scrolled to Conall’s name.

  “Don’t apologize to me. Apologize to Conall.”

  “I’ve never seen her get this feisty before. I kinda like it,” Prima murmured to Reaper, who was silent.

  “I can hear you, Prima.” Her phone was ringing already and her Alpha picked up on the second ring. “I’m putting you on speaker. Something happened today that I feel you need to know about, and Reaper and your aunt are going to tell you everything.”

  There was steel in her words and she didn’t care. She might be a natural-born nurturer, but she was seriously annoyed that these two had waited so long to tell her and her Alpha these facts. A bunch of ancients dying was serious business. She wasn’t going to hold any of this against Reaper. He wasn’t part of their clan and didn’t really owe them anything. But Prima? Oh, the ancient female was going to drive her mad.

  Conall was silent as they outlined their meeting from earlier.

  Finally he spoke. “I’ve recently heard the same thing about ancients dying. We’re compiling a list of all known murders. Not only that, a few of our sentinels just spotted a couple unknown dragons around our territory today. I’m hearing from other contacts that there is movement around the globe with dragons. It’s subtle, but something has shifted. I’m currently in communication with different packs, clans, and covens around the world. Keep me up to date on anything you find out. And Prima?”


  “I can’t get ahold of Mira. Have you spoken to her recently?”

  “No, but our psychic link is open. What would you like me to do?”

  “Nothing for now. I know she went on a mission and said she might go dark. If you can still feel her, then we’re okay.”

  “What about Vega?” Greer asked, thinking of the young hybrid. Vega was on the same mission in South America that Mira had basically tagged along on.

  “I’ve spoken to her mother and their psychic link is open as well.”

  “Good.” That meant Vega was still alive too.

  “I don’t care how inconsequential you think something might be, I want to be kept in constant contact if anything changes in New Orleans. Finn and Lyra are nearby if you need anything,” he said, referring to Vega’s parents who lived only an hour and a half away.

  “Have you spoken to King?” Greer asked.

  “No. I can’t get ahold of him. If that changes, I’ll let you know.”

  “What are you guys holding back?” Greer asked once she’d ended the call.

  Both of them looked at her for a long moment and she couldn’t tell if they were confused or what.

  “What do you mean?” Prima asked while Reaper remained silent.

  “I feel like you guys are lying. Or, maybe not lying, but…is there something you didn’t tell Conall about the meeting?”

  “We have not lied to you,” Reaper said. “Your Alpha is now privy to what we discussed with Cale and Damari.”

  She didn’t scent a lie rolling off him. Before she could respond, there was a sharp knock on the front door. They weren’t expecting any company. Frowning, she turned to go answer it but Reaper moved so dang fast, sweeping past her in long, sexy strides.

  “Stay here.” His order was softly spoken.

  Of course she ignored him. Moments later in the foyer, she found a very attractive, dark-haired male with Reaper. He was dressed in the same style as Reaper and Prima and it was clear the male was a warrior as well.

  When he spotted her, he gave a flirty grin, and stepped forward. He extended a hand as Reaper shut the door behind him. “I’m Damari,” he said.

  To her surprise, Reaper smacked his hand like one might a misbehaving dog. “You don’t touch her.”

  Greer’s eyes widened. “Reaper!”

  He didn’t look at her, but simply stared at the male, who was definitely a dragon, given his scent.

  “Why are you here?” Reaper demanded.

  “I asked him to come over and spar with me,” Prima said, moving into the foyer as well. She grabbed the other male’s wrist and dragged him away from Reaper and Greer.

  “You’ve really got to stop this whole possessive act,” Greer snapped out, even though part of her really liked it.

  He moved in close, using his big body to crowd her back until she was flush up against the closed front door. Suddenly her shirt felt too tight as she tried to drag in breaths.

  “I am not acting,” he murmured, leaning down an
d deeply inhaling her scent.

  He placed his hands on either side of her head, not touching, but not giving her room to move. Once again he was invading all of her personal space—and it was hard to care. She couldn’t think straight as he oh so gently nipped her earlobe between his teeth.

  Heat flooded between her legs because this was simply too hot. Too much. Too Reaper.

  He was crossing all sorts of boundaries and she should most definitely care but her brain had short-circuited as sensation shot straight to her core, building and building until she wanted to wrap her body around his and ride him until they were both exhausted.

  She placed both hands on his chest—his very muscular, defined chest. His muscles tensed under her featherlight touch.

  “You smell like heaven,” he whispered, his words wrapping around her like a sensual, silky embrace. The low, gravelly quality of his voice sent spirals of heat through her, making thought or words impossible.

  She should shove him back, but she really, really didn’t want to. Against her better judgment, she slid her hands up his chest and clasped her fingers behind his neck. “Reaper,” she whispered, not quite sure where she was going with this. She wanted to tell him to carry her upstairs and to hell with the consequences.

  He groaned slightly, rolling his hips against her once.

  That was when she felt his very real, very huge reaction to her.

  Oh, God. Heat was everywhere now, her nipples tightening into little points as she arched into him. They hadn’t even kissed yet and she felt as if she might come apart at the seams.

  Or just jump him, getting naked again for very different reasons than earlier today.

  Bam! Bam!

  She nearly jumped as she felt the front door rumble against her back.

  “Greer, it’s me!” She recognized Cynara’s voice even as she scented Justus and two others. “We’ve gotta talk.”

  Reaper let out a rumble, nipping at her neck this time. Oh…God. This was too much and not enough. “I will get rid of them,” he growled.

  “Um…we can hear you.” Cynara sounded confused. “What’s going on?”

  “Hold on.” She pushed at Reaper’s chest, fighting the heat flooding her cheeks and knowing it was pointless to try and cover up the scent of her desire. So she was just going to deal with it and move on.

  Reaper growled but stepped back. Before she could open the door, he shoved her behind him and opened it himself. Really, the protective thing was sweet, but come on.

  She was still a dragon, and these were her friends.

  Greer gently nudged Reaper out of the way as Cynara, Justus, Fiona and Ian strode into the foyer. She hadn’t realized Fiona and Ian would be here and joy filled her at the sight of them. They were two wonderful supernaturals who had found their way back to each other after being separated for far too long by Fiona’s insane family. And Greer’s romantic heart simply loved it.

  “King is on his way here,” Justus said, not bothering with any type of greeting. “We came by to give you a heads-up in person and to hang out for the meeting. Someone has been talking shit about Prima and you.” He looked between Reaper and Greer.

  “I am not familiar with the phrase ‘talking shit’ but I understand what this means,” Reaper said.

  Greer ignored what Justus had said for one moment and pulled Fiona into a hug. “My friend, it is so good to see you.” Fiona and Ian were long-distance members of the Petronilla clan, Ian having been basically adopted by Arya as “one of her own,” and Greer simply adored both of them.

  “I’m so sorry I haven’t returned your recent texts. We’ve had a lot going on.” She clasped Greer’s hands in her own. “It’s why I insisted on coming tonight when Cynara told me they were coming here. I’m pregnant.”

  Greer realized that fact even as Fiona told her. As a healer, sometimes she simply sensed other life and she could very clearly sense strong life within Fiona. “With twins,” she said, smiling.

  Fiona blinked, then her smile grew even wider. “Okay, that’s crazy that you can do that.”

  “What the hell are you looking at?” Ian snapped, pulling Greer out of her conversation with Fiona. Both she and Fiona turned to stare at him in shock at his harsh tone. Ian was staring hard at Reaper, his dragon lurking in his gaze.

  Reaper frowned at the male. “I was looking at you.”

  Ian rolled his eyes. “Yeah, no kidding. Cut it out. And step away from my female.”

  Fiona let out an exasperated sigh and placed a hand on Ian’s forearm. “We’ve talked about this.”

  “I know we talked about it, but I don’t care. I don’t know this guy and I don’t like the way he’s watching me. And he’s too close to you.”

  Greer looked at Reaper, who simply lifted his shoulders, clearly confused by Ian’s reaction.

  “His mate is pregnant,” Greer murmured, though he must have overheard her and Fiona speaking. And males could go absolutely crazy when their mates became pregnant. The normally relaxed Ian was a perfect example of that. She’d never heard him speak to anyone the way he was speaking to Reaper.

  “I respect your need to protect your female.” Reaper stepped back a few feet. “I will keep ten feet from her at all times.”

  “Oh my God,” Fiona muttered even as Cynara snickered.

  But Justus and Ian simply nodded, as if this was totally normal. Someone save her from mated males.

  Ian seemed to relax after that, the tension in his shoulders easing as he wrapped an arm around Fiona’s shoulders and pulled her close.

  “Let’s get back to the whole reason we’re here,” Justus said. “Where’s Prima?”

  “She’s in the backyard sparring with another dragon.”

  “Fine, let’s grab her. I only want to have this conversation once.”

  It only took a few minutes to gather everyone in the kitchen, and Greer noticed that Reaper did sneak a few glances at Ian, watching him curiously.

  She wanted to tell Reaper about Ian’s dragon coloring when he was in shifted form, but now definitely wasn’t the time. Not after the weird way Ian had snapped at Reaper. If she had to bet money, however, she would almost guarantee these two were somehow related. But she didn’t know enough about Reaper’s clan, and Ian wasn’t connected to his original one.

  Justus eyed Damari curiously as everyone gathered around. “Who are you?” Introductions were quickly made, but Justus continued. “Do you trust him?”

  Prima shrugged and Reaper nodded even as he ordered Damari to stand away from both Fiona and Greer.

  “That will have to do, then. Someone is spreading rumors about Reaper and Prima, stating that they are in New Orleans to carve out some territory. That they are recently woken ancients who have decided this is the territory they will claim for their own.”

  Prima simply snorted and Reaper kept his expression neutral.

  “Who’s starting these rumors?” Greer asked. Because that was all that really mattered.

  “I’m not sure,” Cynara said. “But I heard whispers about it at the club earlier tonight. Then I heard people talking about King heading this way to see who Prima and Reaper are. Apparently he’s putting some credence in the rumor.”

  Reaper looked completely unconcerned but Greer knew exactly how things could get out of hand if a bunch of Alphas got together in one room and someone said the wrong thing.

  It would be chaos.

  “We will simply talk to him once he arrives.” Reaper’s tone was as unconcerned as his expression. He stood next to Greer, barely giving her a couple inches of space.

  She’d tried to move over a couple times, but he was liquid smooth, moving with her so subtly she barely noticed it.

  Justus nodded. “I figured as much. But we’re still going to be here as backup because he will definitely bring his packmates.”

  It didn’t surprise her when Prima snorted as if highly amused. “Thank you for staying as backup,” she said, though it was more like she was talking to a ch
ild than a trained general. She might as well have patted him on the head.

  Justus tightened his jaw, but instead of responding let out a breath, as if restraining himself.

  “I’m a half-demon,” Ian snapped, surprising everyone in the room, his Irish accent sharp and deadly.

  Greer turned to look at him in surprise, unsure what was going on with the normally cool-headed male.

  “You keep staring at me, and I know you’re trying to figure out what I am,” Ian said, directing his annoyance at Reaper.

  “I was not trying to figure out what you are. I already know—you are a hybrid with demon and dragon capabilities. But your scent smells somehow familiar to me. I was trying to figure out why.”

  “Honey,” Fiona said, placing a hand on the middle of Ian’s chest. “We need level heads tonight.”

  When the giant male looked down at her, his expression softened completely. And Greer’s heart ached, wishing she had that for herself.

  At the sound of the front door opening, they all stilled.

  It seemed as if King would not be knocking and acting civil. Tonight was off to a great start.

  Just freaking great.

  Chapter 13

  Reaper immediately went to stand in front of Greer as the Alpha named King, with brown skin and a sharp buzz cut, strode in. Behind him, half a dozen of his wolves followed into the kitchen as if they owned the place. His dragon immediately pushed to the surface, the scent of all these unknown threats in the room near Greer shoving at his control.

  “Everyone listen up,” Greer snapped out, making the room go quiet in surprise. She pointed at herself. “I am a healer and part of the Petronilla clan. She,” she said, pointing at Fiona, “is pregnant. You guys know clan and pack rules. You will not act like jackasses and put anyone in danger.” Next she pointed at Reaper, Prima and then King. “Everyone except you three will leave this room. Go to the living room or the backyard or just leave altogether and go get ice cream. I don’t care. But you rude wolves will not just march into our home and expect to be accommodated.”


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