Dante & The Dark Seed

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Dante & The Dark Seed Page 18

by C. J. Pizzurro

  Dante kissed her neck, looking into her eyes. “Of course, he’ll like them, how couldn’t he? They’re awesome. It’s your brothers I’m unsure about.”

  “Oh, they’ll be fine. Your dad got enough food and games to keep them entertained.”

  “I just hope the same goes for all of Amy’s little minions.”

  Amy came running around the corner, finding Anora and Dante snogging. Behind her was a slew of young women, screeching to a halt, as they caught Anora and Dante in the act.

  Amy pried herself between her brother and Anora, looking up to Anora. “It’s my birthday!”

  “I know. That’s why I’m here, Amy, you silly goose. Now run along.”

  Wide-eyed, the young women saw Anora and Dante in a loving embrace, solidifying in their young minds what it looked like to be loved before they stampeded away.

  The Amiera’s were last to arrive. Anora’s father had his black hair slicked back. At his side was his wife Adara and their two sons, whose eyes were tethered to their GameBois.

  They, like the Salehs, had made food. But upon letting them in, Dante was swept away to another world when he caught a whiff of the dish that Alessandro was carrying, inspired by his native land of Sicily.

  Dawayne meandered toward the door. “That is the most exquisite smelling eggplant parmesan I’ve ever had the fortune of smelling, here let me help you with that.”

  “Wowza, you have a good nose,” Alessandro exclaimed handing him the tray. “I lika this one. I’m Alessandro and this is my wife Adara and my other children, Christopher and Nicholas.”

  “And I’m Dawayne, Dante’s good friend.”

  “YOU MUST BE THE AMIERAS! WELCOME, WELCOME!” With a drink still in George’s hand, he ushered them in, leaning in closer to Alessandro. “Your name precedes you, Alessandro. My son hasn’t been able to shut up about your cooking. What can I get you two to drink?”

  “Anything red works for us.”

  Adel Jr. brought his plate over to the piano and began warming up, gracing everyone with ears.

  Tearing off the aluminum, Dawayne rolled his eyes as he took a bite of the browned and breaded eggplant cutlets, and just as he thought, it was a symphony of flavors. Anora wasn’t far behind, getting enough to share with Dante.

  Adel Jr. finished warming up, stretched his fingers, and began with a crowd-pleaser, Fur Elise. Everyone stuffed their faces and those who were old enough imbibed.

  Full plates in hand Dawayne asked if Dante and Anora wanted to go upstairs. And as they absconded so, too, did the symphonic melody.

  “There’s something I wanted to show you two. It’s regarding something I’ve heard you speak of, the pineal gland.”

  Dante had a hard time swallowing his food, surprised because his friend had never brought anything on the topic, while Anora looked intrigued.

  Dawayne pulled the file from the inside of his sport coat, and not thinking anything of their graphic nature, handed it to Dante.

  “I performed a craniotomy and took pictures of what I believed to be the pineal gland.”

  “You know you’ve come to the right people. That’s for sure,” Anora said, opening it as Dante leaned over her shoulder.

  “So you’ve just been carrying these around?” Dante asked.

  “No, I brought them over just for you two.” Dawayne smiled and laughed. “If I showed those to anyone else would they’d think I was a complete nutter. I tried asking a few of my professors about it but they couldn’t tell me.”

  “Couldn’t or wouldn’t?” Dante asked.

  “I should have clarified. They didn’t know anything other than what my books say and how it produces melatonin. There’s something there, I’m sure.”

  Anora cleared her throat. “So, what do you know about it?”

  “Well, I’ve read some sources say that there are retinal cells in it, but other than that all I could find was some articles about the chakras, something I’m not familiar with. But I did think it odd that it was similar in shape to a piece of fruit.”

  Dante held the pictures up in the light, and although gory, they were nonetheless interesting. Anora took her eyes off the photos. “Well, the Bible speaks of it, but it’s spelled slightly different and yet they call it by the same name as other traditions, calling it the ‘Seat of God.’ The Hindus call it the crown chakra and I’m sure you know this, but many others call it the third eye. It is said that it is what tethers our spirit to this body or what helps us dream. It’s said to do many things, but why are you interested, Dawayne? It is said that using the pineal, humans can tap into higher streams of consciousness or on the other hand become vulnerable to lower vibrational beings.”

  Dawayne was delighted. “Well, I’m certainly glad I asked you two, and let's just say it’s for my intellectual curiosity.”

  Dante’s forehead began to tingle and a pressure built in it while looking and listening to his friend speak of a subject close to him. “Dawayne, don’t bullshit us. I know you want to know for more than for your ‘intellectual curiosity.’”

  “You remember the day with Rip and Freya, of course. I don’t know how much you’ve told Anora but it’s about that day. I dreamt of an odd being touching my forehead and my memories came back….”

  Anora and Dante’s jaws dropped.

  “I remembered opening my eyes and seeing you were shackled, and your eyes began to glow while a God awful high-pitched whine filled the room….” Dawayne got up, pacing around the room while the melodic tunes of the piano still carried upstairs. “…I grabbed for my knife and stabbed Rip in the leg. I managed to free myself and after I was through with him, you vanished. It was just like I’d expect teleporting to look like. One second you were there, then you were gone.”

  Dawayne, of course, left out a few things like the guttural hellish tone he conjured with the help of the Ashy One, but still, he sat there blank, gazing upon his friend's surprised faces.

  A look of excitement washed over Dante’s face. “Dude, why didn’t you tell me earlier?! I just got my memories back the other day, and they did the same thing. This luminous being touched my forehead….”

  Luminous? Quite the opposite of who I met, Dawayne thought. “Yeah, man it was crazy.”

  “Were the beings in your dreams luminous like mine were?”

  Dawayne smiled and nodded. “They certainly illuminated things.”

  Dante had the biggest grin on his face, feeling a deeper sense of camaraderie, appreciating the fact his friend wasn’t the sharing type. “So have you given more thought as to what these beings intended with you? Mine said to me that I will be watched over by a Protector of the Light or something.”

  Anora stayed out of it, nibbling her food, staring at Dawayne.

  “I can honestly say that I have no idea what their intentions are, your guess is as good as mine.”

  “I like to think they saved us for a bigger purpose.”

  “That very well may be the case. I guess we can’t be for certain until we learn more,” Dawayne replied.

  Anora tightened her focus, bringing to the surface what she wanted to add. “Honey, remember how I was telling you about how there are some places on Earth where it’s said to be easier to use our pineal? Supposedly due to the veil between realms being thinner.”

  Dawayne was out of his element and Dante was hard at thought trying to remember the place that was on the tip of his tongue, but then it came to him. “Oh, you mean places like the Devil’s Tramping Ground?”

  Dawayne’s ears perked up. They had always talked about going but had never had the opportunity.

  “I’m unfamiliar,” Anora said.

  “Well, it’s supposedly this place where at three o’clock every morning, the Devil walks around in a circle. And in this circle, it is said that nothing can grow. During that time, the witching hour, any campers that may be inside the circle will wake up to find themselves outside the circle. We’ve even heard that video cameras shut off during that time, so it’s
somewhere we need to check out.”

  “I’ve heard of circles like that called faerie circles where stuff doesn’t grow, but none of the devilish stuff.” Anora scratched her head. “It’s not quite what I had in mind, but I guess it’s a start.”

  “I vote yes,” Dawayne said.

  “I think we all want to go,” Anora said.

  “Awesome, we’ll go after the party is over.”

  During their riveting conversation, they hadn’t noticed but there was no longer any music, and soon they heard George shout up the stairs, “DANTE! Time to sing to Amy!” All three of them shot downstairs, where everyone was circling the birthday girl.

  The candle had been lit and George pointed to Adel Jr., who started to play.

  “Happy birthday to you!” George began singing, and soon everyone was singing along. He tapered off and let Adel Jr. do his thing, playing a few finishing notes, “And many more!”

  Most people were focused on the birthday girl but not Adel. He couldn’t keep his eyes off his son, appreciating every moment.

  “Yay!” everyone yelled, clapping for Amy before George belted, “Now, blow it out!”

  And with the mightiest blow she could muster, Amy blew out the massive wick atop the candle.


  And as soon as George began cutting up the large yellow cake, Amy walked right up to Brianna, asking, “Mrs. Saleh, can I please have a piece of the lemon cake you made me?”

  “Sure, honey,” Brianna said, pinching Amy’s cheek. “How big of a slice would you like?”

  Amy held her hands up, indicating she wanted a piece the size of her head. Brianna laughed, making the first cut as Amy indicated the piece be bigger.

  “If I cut a bigger piece, it won’t be able to fit on that plate, little girl.”

  Amy shrugged, taking her huge piece of cake past her dad who was serving up everyone else. George had a slight look of disappointment, but he built a bridge and got over it.

  Noticing Amy had a different cake than what George was serving, Dawayne stepped out of the line. “I, too, don’t want any of the pleeb cake,” then sniffed out where it was on the counter.

  “We have to have the Nesbits at every family outing now. This ice cream is amazing,” Dante said, digging in.

  “And it’s completely vegan!” Mrs. Nesbit chimed.

  Anora waved her spoon in excitement. “Oh, you’ve got to give me the recipe!”

  There was a dark black box at the end of the table. Curious, Dante walked over feeling its soft fabric. Who brought something like this? Dante pondered.

  “Don’t touch my presents! Okay? Thanks,” Amy yelled.

  While Amy enjoyed her cake, George started putting presents in front of her. She opened presents any nine-year-old would want. The first box housed a brand new Lazr scooter, which Dante was more excited about than she was. She opened many dolls and Parbie dolls, which she cast aside, disinterested in. A few people got her books and a couple of them had bought her the latest Barry Hotter.

  It was the fourth in the series, of which Dante had let her read his copies of the first three books after they had taken the world by storm. Amy opened clothes and more, leaving just the box that Dawayne brought.

  “And who brought this one? There’s no note on it,” George asked.

  Dawayne considered not acknowledging the question to remain in the shadows but decided against it and raised his hand. Rubbing the soft box, George handed it to Amy as Dante looked at Dawayne, perplexed that he’d bring such a drab and gothic-looking gift.

  Amy opened the box. It housed the darkened metal necklace that was forged with the use of things still unknown to the Luciano family. A stray stream of the sun's light peered through the window onto the necklace, reflecting a greenish light onto Amy.

  There’s no way she puts on the necklace, Dante thought, but he also hadn’t noticed her entranced eyes gazing upon it. The dark metal was the exact opposite of what George thought his daughter would like, but she held it up in the light and put it on.

  “I LOVE IT!” Amy yelled while everyone else in the room found it off-putting. But her love for it soon turned their indifference into smiles. Smiling right at Dawayne, Amy had a glimmer in her eyes, and that was that. There were no more presents left to open and, with the sun beginning to set, Dante went to gather Anora, who was still chatting away with Mrs. Nesbit.

  They walked over to see Dawayne deep in conversation with Adel Jr.

  Dante raised his drink. “Incredible, as usual, Adel. Jr. Do you have any plans this evening? We were just about to head out to check out this place called the Devil’s Tramping Ground in Siler City.”

  Seeing the kids congregate, Adel could tell they were hatching something, so he listened in.

  “Yeah, I’ve heard of it, but you guys actually want to go to a place called the Devil’s Tramping Ground? Nah, I’ll be sitting this one out,” Adel Jr. said as his dad nodded his head, proud of his son.

  Dawayne fixed his coat, looking at Adel. Jr. “Would it change your mind if I told you we’d be the ones tramping devils if the need arises.”

  Adel Jr. snorted, smirking.

  “It’s been a place that we’ve been wanting to go to for some time ever since we heard about it, plus who’s going to mess with us?” Dante asked.

  “Okay, I’m in.”

  Shaking his head, Adel sipped his drink.

  Amy came up behind Anora, hugging her around the waist, then looked up to her and said, “I want to come.”

  “Absolutely not, Amy,” Dante emphasized.

  Kneeling, Anora put her hand on Amy’s shoulder, looking at the eyesore around her neck. “Amy, it could be dangerous.”

  Earth’s newest nine-year-old bore her smile, looking up to Anora. “I’ve seen you fight, Anora. I think you can keep me safe.” Still, it didn’t sit well with Dante, wearing his discontent with the idea on his face.

  But his Beloved looked to him reassuring him with her eyes, that she’d be okay.

  He held firm, standing taller. “I don’t have a good feeling about this.

  Squinting at Dante, Amy took her happy birthday butt and pulled on George’s shirt.

  He knelt as she spoke in his ear, then looked over to Dante and the others. George walked over hand in hand with Amy. “Dante, it’s your sister’s birthday and she wants to go to this…what did you call it, honey?”

  “It’s called the Devil’s Tramping Ground, Dad,” Amy said, pouting her lip.

  George didn’t put too much stock in the name, thinking it was just meant to scare kids away. “Doesn’t sound too scary, does it, sweety? Especially with big Anora and Dante to watch over ya. Just promise me, kids, that you’ll come back before dark.”

  “If you say so, Dad.”

  As Dante ran to fetch the booster seat, everyone else made their way to Dawayne’s car after he offered to drive. Anora got in the back and Adel Jr. got upfront.

  “I don’t need that anymore. I’m nine now,” Amy said as Dante strapped the seat into place. “Yeah, well, dad just weighed you yesterday and you’re still only sixty-five pounds. It’s not based on age. It’s based on weight.”

  “I just ate a lot. Weigh me now,” Amy whined.

  Anora laughed. “It doesn’t work like that, honey,” she said as she helped her into the seat.

  And with everyone buckled, they went down the road to places not yet traversed, to see things not yet seen.

  • • •

  “A lot of stuff has happened there, George,” Adel said.

  George walked a little faster. “Ya know, ya could have said something sooner if you felt so strongly about it.”

  “I just didn’t want to overstep, plus I know my son can hold his own out there.”

  “Well, what would you propose we do about it now?”

  “I vote we just follow them. I know exactly where it is and we just keep an eye out for anything suspicious.”

  “So we’d just be keeping an eye out?”

>   Adel winked and smiled. “Just keepin’ an eye out.”

  George said his goodbyes as Adel held and kissed his wife, but she didn’t mince words. “I don’t like this one bit.”

  “I’ll be okay, Brianna.”

  “I swear to God Adel, I’ll kill you myself if you let anything happens to our son.

  “I know, dear. I know.”

  With no other words of comfort, Adel and George hurried to follow the kids.

  Chapter Twenty-Nine


  Adel sped down Highway 64, far exceeding ninety miles an hour, but to George, it felt like they were going one hundred and twenty easy.

  “I don’t think we need to drive this fast. I’ve seen so many cops out lately.”

  Adel held on tight to the wheel, weaving through the people who wouldn’t get over in the fast lane. “You forget who you’re talking to, George. I know most of the guys that work this beat.”

  “Still though, even if they pull you over, we’d have to explain ourselves which would waste more time. We’re going twenty-five over now.”

  “I got this.”

  There was a tiny clearing up ahead, and as soon they sped past it, George locked eyes with a cop who lay in wait. “Fuuuuhhh,” George muttered looking behind them.

  The cop pulled out and put on his lights. Having no other option, Adel came to a screeching halt and pulled over.

  “I got this.”

  “Yeah, I hope so man, I hope so.”

  Adel did the exact opposite of what one was supposed to do, unbuckled his seatbelt, and opened the door.


  • • •

  The kids had just arrived at the entrance to the trail they assumed to be their point of entry. And with no other way to be certain, they headed down the trail. Dawayne and Adel Jr. took point while Anora held Amy’s hand. Dante kept an eye on everyone from the rear, trudging along down the trail riddled with webs unseen.

  Frantic, Adel. Jr wiped his face. “Blegh, one got in my mouth.”

  “Hey, Dante,” Dawayne spouted.

  “What’s up?”


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