In the morning of the following day we were engaged about a businesswhich troubled me no little. Had it not been for Jerome I fear I hadnever come through it at all with credit.
First, we repaired to another house which Jerome possessed in a morefashionable quarter, and thither by his directions came a fawning swarmof tailors, boot-makers, barbers, wig-makers; vendors of silken hoseand men with laces, jaunty caps, perfumes--it was a huge task, thismaking a gentlemen of me--as Jerome phrased it.
I worried over it grievously in the beginning, but at length sullenlydelivered myself into his hands, murmuring an abject prayer for thesalvation of my soul. That, at least, was not to be remodeled by alltheir fashionable garniture. These heated discussions concerning whatI was to wear were not for me to put a voice in. Verily, I knewnothing and cared naught for the cut of a shoe my Lord of Orleans hadmade the style, nor did it matter whether my coat was slashed withcrimson or braided with golden furbelows. Like some wretch a-quiveringof the palsy I heard the learned doctors wrangling over my medicine,which they must needs hold my nose to make me swallow. For all theirbiases and twistings I knew full well they could carve no sprig offashion from so rough a block as I. Certes, I must now have a squireto fasten this new harness well upon me, for by my word, I knew not onegarment from the other by sight of it. Jerome went off into fits oflaughter seeing me trying to struggle into things I could not evenguess the use of.
When the worst was over, late in the afternoon, I felt like aplay-actor, dressed for his part, but who, for the life of him, couldnot recall one syllable of his speech, nor breathe because of his wig.Jerome surveyed me with a half-critical, half-approving scrutiny, untilI essayed to buckle on my sword.
"By my lady, fine sir, that dingy old cutlass will never do for adrawing-room. As well a miller's dusty cap to cover those gloriousborrowed curls of thine; we must get thee one shaped in the mode."This quip exterminated my patience.
"To the foul fiend with all this everlasting style of thine. I knowthis blade, have tested it on many fields, and by all the gods at onceI'll not replace it with a silly toy."
"A most virtuous resolution, a most godly oath, but my mettlesomefriend, I'll point out thy error."
To his insinuating argument, even in this matter, at length I yielded;surrendered with the better grace perhaps, that he provided a mostexcellent piece of steel, which he said had seen good service. I triedits temper, and the edge being keen, I laid my own aside with soremisdoubtings, casting off an old friend to strap on a new. He nowadded a touch of rouge here and there, a black line to my brows and inthe corners of my eyes, stepping back ever and anon to observe theeffect. It galled me raw, yet I must perforce submit. When the wholejob was finished, and I was allowed to sit, I gained no comfort. Myclothes were too tight in some places, while in others I rocked aboutas loose as a washerwoman's arm in her scrubbing tub.
Jerome must now give me some lessons in deportment, he called it. Itwas but another name for a smirking and a-bowing and a-grimacing, whatwas denominated the "etiquette of the court." Jerome sat himselfcontented down, and put me through my paces like some farrier showingoff a foundered nag. I more than half believed he was all the whilemaking game of me, yet I knew no better. At any rate it was theveriest nonsense.
After a series of rehearsals Jerome withdrew to make himself ready,leaving me to practice my new acquirements of gait, of gesture, and ofspeech. What had taken me the better part of a laborious day heaccomplished in a short half hour. Coming back unannounced he caughtme bowing and scraping before a mirror, like a man stricken withidiocy. I felt as shamed as though I had been detected hiding in faceof the enemy.
Jerome mocked and taunted me into a fine rage, which he deftly pacifiedin wonderment at himself. I should never have known him again for theplain Jerome. Arrayed in much the same character of finery whichbedecked me, I could give no accurate description of his dress, exceptthat with glossy wig and a bit of color in his cheeks he struttedvaliantly as a crowing cock in his own barnyard.
"Come, Placide, we are going to a ball; we can do nothing in our questto-night."
"To a what?"
"A ball. I thought it might be well to have you look in upon MadameM--'s and recite your lessons. It is to be a famous gathering and wellworth your seeing."
I was in a whirl, a stupor, by this time, and obeyed implicitly;beside, it required such an infinite skill to keep my sword fromswinging between my legs and throwing me down, I had no time toconsider of minor matters. He led the way and I followed meekly as alap-dog.
At the great entrance gate we became entangled in a medley of soldiers,coachmen, torch-bearers and servants coming and going--such a babel ofstrange oaths--I wished I were safe again in the quiet of Biloxi. Ipleaded with Jerome to turn again, but he was inexorable.
"I expect to find out something to-night," he explained.
Of this ball I remember nothing but that the slippery floor, in which aman could see his own face, kept me in deadly fear lest my sword tripme. Jerome was gay and talkative, pointing out many people of whom Ihad heard, but they did not look so great after all.
"For sake of heaven man, wear not so long a face; it is not the funeralof thy mistress I have brought thee to."
I marveled that so many old ladies should carry such young faces orperchance their hair had turned gray earlier than was its wont in thecolonies. And, too, they seemed sadly disfigured with boils, for onthe chin or cheek of nearly every one there showed a patch of blacksticking-plaster. Poor things! I sorrowed for them, it was sohumiliating. Verily, I pitied them all, and speculated on thewonderful compensations of Providence. With all their wealth and rank,their lordly castles and their jewels, these noble dames could notpurchase that which the humblest serving-maid in Quebec had, and tospare--a clear skin and sunny locks.
I touched upon these matters to Jerome, but he only laughedimmoderately. He was ever a light-headed young spark who gave nocontemplation to deeper questions than present enjoyment.
Of a sudden my wits almost left me at a terrible outcry from one end ofthe great hall, a cry not of human beings but of wild beasts, muffledand menacing. The dancing, the music, the hum of voices ceased, and athick silence as of direst fear fell upon them all. Then there came aloud crackling and shattering of glass, a woman's scream, the first ofvery many. This for aught I know might have been a usual happening ata ball, I had never been to one before.
I looked for Jerome. He was gone, speeding toward a young ladysurpassing fair, with whom he had been speaking but a few momentssince. I fain would have assisted him, for the damsel appeared wofullybeset, but the whole throng of mincing lords and screaming ladies, inthe rankest riot, over-ran me. They swept me from my feet and bore meback to the farthest wall, where I found myself pinned tight and fastagainst a window.
What the danger was I could not see, but it must have been dolorousfrom the headlong terror of their flight. Soon by the thinning of thecrowd through the doors I saw the cause. It was a motley and a movingspectacle. For by some mischance a flock of sheep had broken into theball-room, and frightened out of their shallow senses by the lights andmusic, they rushed pell-mell here and there, upsetting withoutdiscrimination whatever stood in their path.
Verily such an onset would do brave work against an enemies' ranks, forcould our knights but make a gap like that, an army of children mightmarch through unhindered. All went down alike before their charge, mylord and my lady, the Prince of the Blood, and the humblest page whobore his pouncet box. Such a slipping and a sliding across a floorslickened with much wax and polishing, was never in a ball room before,nor ever was again. One old ram regarded each mirror as a certainavenue of escape, and the radiating fracture of each taught him nogreater wisdom concerning the others.
Standing spellbound as a statue in the midst of the ruins, I caughtsight of a florid, rotund lady, speechless in her horror and her misery.
sp; "The Duchess does not enjoy her quaint surprise," laughed a light voicebehind me, and a slim finger directed my gaze toward the lady whom Ihad just noted.
I observed then at my back, standing upon a chair where she could seethe better, a young woman of distinguished appearance, rather moreplainly attired than the balance. She appeared greatly to enjoy theconfusion.
"That is the reward for her romantic and pastoral tastes," and shelaughed till the tears dripped down her cheeks. Her hair was stillblack, and neither paint nor sticking plaster marred the whiteness ofher skin. I asked no questions, but regarded more closely this youngwoman with whom I now drifted naturally into conversation. Her mannerswere strikingly free and unconstrained. There was, however, an air ofreserve, of dignity--of majesty even---about her, despite herfrankness, which forbade anything but the utmost deference.
"Does my lord understand--that?" and she pointed her finger to theservants who were chasing and capturing the refractory sheep one by one.
I shook my head, for, in all seriousness, it was a queer proceeding.
"Well it's too merry a jest to keep long a secret. Beside I'm weary ofthese eternal shackles of court which forbid me to speak to those whomI please." A certain defiance gave an undercurrent of sadness to hervoice, a mounting rebellion to her tone.
"And I _will_ talk if I want to; there's no harm, is there?"
I gravely assured her not, and wondered what was coming.
"Well, you see," she dried her eyes on a handkerchief of costliestlace, "you see my--that is, the Duchess, is of such a romantictemperament, so enamoured of rural scenes, idyllic meadows, prettyshepherdesses, and the like--all the court makes merry at her foible.She thought to astonish Paris to-night by a lavish display of sweetsimplicity--did Monsieur see it? That big dark place back there,behind the glass partition, was arranged as a meadow, with a streamwinding through it, and rocks and trees, and what not. She had a flockof sheep washed clean and white, penned up and in waiting. At a signalfrom her during the ball, lights were to have been turned on, andMademoiselle, the pretty opera singer, was to come gracefully down acurving pathway, dressed as a shepherdess, singing and leading hersheep. Oh, it was to be too pure for this earth. The Duchess frettedfor the opportune time. But the sheep escaped from their keepers, and,oh, isn't it too ludicrous?"
Thus she chattered on with the naive freedom of any other youngdemoiselle. I agreed with her, and was inwardly glad the affair turnedout an accident, for were this the custom of balls I'd go to no others.
We continued to chat gayly together; she was of a lively wit, andsurprised me by her knowledge of dogs and horses, of the chase, ofsword play and of firearms. Odd tastes for a gentlewoman, most of allfor one of her exalted rank. Of this latter I had no doubt. I knewnone of the people she mentioned, nothing of the drawing-room gossip,and she very naturally remarked.
"My lord is a stranger?"
"Only yesterday in Paris," I assented.
"From what place comes my lord?" and for the second time in a day I wasdriven to a direct lie.
"From Normandy," I replied.
"To live in Paris?"
"No, unfortunately; my affairs will be finished in a few days at most.Then I return to the country." The lady was pensive for a space,hesitated in a pretty perplexity and then spoke doubtfully.
"You can be of a service to me if you will."
I immediately signified my willingness to render her aid, in thecourtliest speech I could muster. She looked at me long and seriouslyagain, then again pursued the subject of her thought.
"It is a mere woman's whim, but _I_ gratify _my_ whims. Perchance itis not a proper wish for a lady of birth, yet I have it, and if youwill but aid me, I will carry it through."
Moved as much by curiosity as by any other motive, I inquired of herwhat so weighty a matter could be.
"Come, let us go into this ante-room that we may converse undisturbed,"she said, and led me into a quiet corner where there were seats. Iwould have thoughtlessly taken a place by her side, forgetful ofJerome's teachings, but she commanded coldly:
"Monsieur will stand."
And I stood.
"You are a stranger in Paris, you seem a man of honor; for thosereasons I choose you. I would not care to have one of my own gentlemenknow what I wish to do. All Paris would talk of it to-morrow. We inthe palace see naught of the common people, and I have long dreamed itwould be a brave adventure to go unknown among them, to their inns andgathering places. I have always desired to know more of our Paris,especially one place which I hear mentioned frequently of late. Myposition will not permit me to visit it openly--you understand."
I protested that knowing naught of the streets I should be but a blindguide.
"I know where I would go," she said, determinedly, brushing aside thedifficulties I would suggest, "and I will go; you will go too."
I was vastly troubled at this, for might it not lead to such anotherescapade as came so near costing me dear? Her eyes fixed full upon me,her voice blended a command which no man dared disobey, with anentreaty which none would willingly run counter to, and I gavereluctant assent.
"Will you await me here?" she demanded rather than asked. "Myapartments are in this building. I will return very briefly."
When the lady came back she would never have been taken for a woman;her long cloak, such as men wore, reached to her boots, identical inall respects with my own. Her hat, plume and sword were correct andbravely worn. Her maid, a trifle nervous over the adventure, but whosaid nothing, bore a similar cloak for me, and held two masks in herhands.
"Will my lord throw this about him?" and without any question I assumedthe cloak.
"Now this," and she handed me a mask while she affixed one about herown face.
I demurred to the mask.
"I will not take my lady upon an errand where we can not show ourfaces."
She laughed merrily, and replied: "It is the way of Paris, my lord,and naught is thought of it. Many lords and ladies wish to keep theirfaces from the _canaille_."
I drew a breath of resignation and put it on.
"Am I not a comely man?" the lady asked, one touch of woman's vanityshowing through it all.
"Yes, by my faith, madame;" but such sayings were foreign to my awkwardtongue.
She led me out of the palace by a private way, and when the street wasreached we walked along as two men would. She directed our course, andas she gave no hint of her destination I did not inquire. It was but abrief walk before we came to an arched door on a side street, and thereshe paused and looked carefully about to see that no one watched us andthen--in we went.
The lady seemed in highest spirits over her unaccountable prank, andlaughed girlishly. "Now I will gratify my curiosity. You know I admitmy curiosity, sometimes. These men are not alone in their thirst forexcitement. It is so tiresome at court, ever the same thing day afterday."
We had now come into a fairly wide, well-lighted hall, and anobsequious attendant showed us up a stair, and opening a door, pointedout the place she asked for. Imagine my utter astonishment when westood together within the gaming room at Bertrand's. What an infernalfool I had been to be tempted back into this very place of all others.I thought at once it was some cowardly trick of Yvard's. I seized thewoman by the arm, for I supposed her then but another decoy; there wasno telling how far this Spanish intrigue had gone or what highpersonages Madame du Maine might be able to enlist in furtherance ofher schemes. I seized her firmly, and had taken one step back towardsthe door again, when her cold ringing voice undeceived me.
"What means my lord; I thought him a gentleman. Shall I appeal forprotection to these low men here?"
There was such a truth in her low tones that I cast her free, and insome measure explained my thought.
"Well, well, we'll not quarrel here," and looking about her with eagercuriosity, she chose a table where fewest players sat, and thitherwardswe went. This table was placed rather apart from the others,
against apillar, and no gamesters sat on the side next the wall. It left butscant space to sit between. There we took our places, and the ladytumbled out a purse well filled with gold pieces, handed some to me andbade me play. She laid her wagers, and won with the glee of a child,her face alternate flushed and pale. I could see I wronged her bysupposing her in league with the place. She played in too feverishearnest.
During this while I had observed the same two men who had met me on thestair the previous night. They were walking about and carelesslylooking on at the different games. Yet for all their nonchalance therewas a well-defined method in their procedure, that attracted myattention. The taller man scanned every person in the hall, and whenthe lady and I came in he watched us intently.
His companion--the same as on the previous night--withdrew to talk.After some consultation they reached a decision. Together they cameour way, and the tall man clapped his hand twice.
At the signal, for such it was, from every table rose a man or two, andranged themselves about him who called. I could also see a guardsuddenly stationed, as if by magic, at each point of exit. Where, hereand there, a cloak was thrown back, the gleam of a uniform showedbeneath.
"There, my lads, is our quarry; take them," commanded the tall man,pointing to us.
I cursed myself for a silly fool to run again into such danger.
The dispatches in my bosom would hang me, and I dared not explain mypossession of them. It was plain, too, that the King's officers, aswell as Serigny, had their suspicions of the place. It was too latenow for penitence, it was time to act.
The lady arose so trembling and frightened that my courage all cameback to me. She forgot her gold pieces lying on the table in front ofher.
"My lord," she whispered, "you must protect me; it would be the scandalof all France were I to be discovered in such a place."
Her appeal made me forget my own imminent danger, and I bethoughtmyself what best to do. They could approach me by but one side, andwhile I considered a parley with the officers, heard a glad little cryfrom the lady. She calmly gathered up her gold and restored it to herpurse, as if the matter were already settled, though I could see nochange in the front of those around us. As the soldiers would havepulled the table away, she bade them wait, and said: "I would speak toyour leader."
The tall man asked: "And what would you say? We have no time to talk."
"It is not to you, I know you both; I would speak to my lord by yourside."
With that, the other, who had remained rather in the background, cameforward, and she took him aside where none could hear, save myself aword or two. The lady spoke to him in a low, quiet tone, and raisedher mask a little. The man started back, then removed his capdeferentially. I was close enough to hear his exclamation:
"Mademoiselle la Princesse."
"Hush," she placed her finger on her lips, "he does not know,"indicating me by a gesture.
I was as astonished as he, but had no further anxiety. No officerwould dare arrest a Princess of the Blood in such a place.
"What does Mademoiselle do in Bertrand's gaming house?"
"It is not for you to question, my lord," she drew herself up coldly,"I chose it. Now I would go. Provide an escort for me and thegentleman who has the honor to accompany me."
She came back to me smiling. "We will go in peace; It is Vauban. Itmust be no trifling matter to fetch him out to-night. I wonder who itis he seeks?"
I thought I could enlighten her, perhaps, but kept a still tongue.
Vauban gave a quiet order to the tall man, who, it appears, was incommand of the squad, which order he in turn communicated to them.
"We have made a mistake. Permit these gentlemen to pass out, and noneelse."
Vauban then interrupted:
"De Verrue, do you take ten men and escort these, these--gentlemenwhere they will."
A young officer stepped forward at the word, but seemed not pleased toleave in face of more exciting events.
"Nay, nay, boy do not look so glum; take my word, it is an honor amarshal of France would assume did not sterner duties bid him stay."
My lady tossed her purse to the sergeant as she passed:
"Divide this with your men, and drink a health to--well--the PrincessUnknown."
The Black Wolf's Breed Page 10