Second Earth 4

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Second Earth 4 Page 4

by L D P Samways

  “I say that if Timson wants to go right, we go right. I also say that I am growing quite tired of you superstitious folk trying to bring your views and opinions into matters that do not concern you. We are scientists. These three Earth people are far and away more intelligent than any of you sun-worshippers will ever be. So why don’t you let them get on with their jobs and we will let you get on with whatever it is you do.

  “And what is it that you do? Bully people? Judge people that do not believe in the same things that you believe in? Tell little children that they should listen to you or suffer the consequences and wrath of your so-called God? If that is all you have to offer this group, even when we are in such danger as we are now, then I suggest you keep your opinions to yourselves and let us get these women and children to safety. Or have you forgotten that this is what this is all about?” Gustoff snarled, his heart thumping in his chest as he spoke his mind for the very first time.

  The elderman stared back at him and shook his head. His eyes were firmly locked onto Gustoff’s. The difference between Randy and the elderman was the utter contempt in the old man’s eyes as he continued to shake his head disapprovingly.

  “What I say… Goes. And you’ll have to get through me if you dare go down that path. God has spoken and he has told me that the right is off-limits. So walk to the left or suffer a fool’s fate,” the elderman said, stretching his arms out and blocking Randy off from the path on the right.

  A hush fell over the onlookers. Even Timson was speechless. There wasn’t much he could do but watch. He didn’t know these people. So he couldn’t tell them what to do. It was up to them to sort their disputes out themselves. And judging by the atmosphere in front of him, this particular dispute stretched back through time. There was history here. A history sullied by disagreements. Timson stared at Gustoff as his face went a bright crimson red. The Earth man wasn’t sure if it was due to embarrassment or anger. But he concluded that it was a little of the both.

  “What is it that you are hiding? I can see it in your eyes old man. You’re scared. Scared of what we will find. But trust me, you nor your God scare me. So step aside. Or you will get hurt,” Randy said, pushing passed the elderman and walking directly toward the path on the right.

  By now the hush of silence from the others grew into a murmur of excitement. Randy felt it too. Excitement – anxiety – uncertainty. He didn’t know what the elderman were playing at, but he did know that they wouldn’t be playing anymore. He was in control now. Not them. And no grown man was going to tell him where to step or where to go. Not anymore.

  “Everybody stay here, I’ll accompany Randy. We will check the pathway out, see if it is fit to walk down. If it is, we will come back and get you. If it isn’t, we’ll take the path on the left. Simple as that. The doctor and my comms guy will stay here and keep you company. They have weapons, just in case something creeps up on you. I don’t know what sort of wildlife there is down here, but I’m pretty sure that there is at least some. If we are lucky, it may be edible. I know I’m hungry, so I guess that you are too. Whatever you do, don’t panic. If it’s too dangerous, believe me, we will come back. I ain’t risking my life down here just to prove a point, even if this gentleman is,” Timson said, catching up to Randy and patting him on the back.

  The others did as they were told. The elderman didn’t even try to stop Randy. Not now that he had the backing of the Earth man. They would have to bide their time. If they were to teach Randy a lesson, it would have to be in private. No one speaks to them like they were just spoken to. Not even Randy Gustoff. But the majority of the elderman weren’t preoccupying their minds with Randy. The majority of them were panicking. Panicking that their secret would come out. A secret that they’d buried for years. And there was no way that they could contain it now.

  “God have mercy on us, for we have sinned. But know that we did so to test our own faith. And our faith was tested and we survived. Our spirits are strong and our minds are firm. Forgive us,” one of the elderman said as he watched Randy and Timson disappear down the pathway on the right.

  Randy was walking with a purpose. His steps were wide and fast. His feet were quick and nimble. Timson was having trouble keeping up with him. What started as a walk, soon turned into a jog. Timson was trying to keep an eye on their immediate surroundings. Checking if the ground was even. Part of him wanted to take the elderman at their word. Just to keep the peace. But his curious side couldn’t resist. That is why he decided to follow Randy Gustoff down the path on the right. He didn’t know what they would find, but he was sure that whatever it was would be worth it. It was just a gut feeling he had. A gut feeling that had never steered him wrong before.

  They jogged for around twenty minutes. The pathway led to nowhere at first, or so it seemed. Randy was starting to become a little doubtful. A tiny seed in the back of his head had been planted. It was starting to grow. Leaves of doubt were sprouting. But he continued on. He had to. There was just something about the way that that elderman was looking at him earlier. It wasn’t just contempt, at least now he saw it clearly. It was fear. And fear wasn’t something that the elderman usually experienced. They were so unmoving in their faith in their God that no amount of hardship could ever bring fear to their hearts.

  But Randy saw it. Saw it as clear as day. And it was present in every single one of them. So he wondered, what could possibly be down this path. Were they hiding something? And if so, how in the hell were they hiding it in here? They were underground in a cave that wasn’t easy to reach. Unless they were diving off the side of the cliff, there was no way to get to this place. So his mind began to tick and click and clank. Like cogs in a Swiss-made-watch, his mind ticked on and on.

  But no matter how much is mind ticked, the pathway in front of them remained dark and endless. He could tell that Timson was starting to become less enthusiastic. Not that Timson had said anything since they’d left. But his body language was now different. And his facial expression was filled with doubt. Just like the tree of doubt growing in Randy’s mind.

  “Turn back around if you want to. But I am carrying on. I know they are hiding something. I saw it in him. In his eyes. Holy men aren’t good at lying. Especially when lying is a cardinal sin. A sin that they have burned men at the stake for. So excuse me for being curious. But in my mind, they must be hiding something big. Men like that don’t disappoint their God for nothing. They don’t break the rules of their religion for a little white lie. They break it for a giant, enormous, unbelievably big…” Randy’s thought process trailed off. His tongue stopped working. And the both of them stopped walking. They were dead still. Staring at what was in front of them.

  “Light, there’s light down here!” Randy said, walking toward the light. It was beating against one of the rocks. A huge ray of it shone in front of Randy. It was as if the light was coming from their left. From a crevice in the rock. But it must have been a huge crevice, because there was so much of it.

  As Randy and Timson walked toward the light, specks of dust danced in front of them. But their collective eyesight’s wasn't locked on the dust, nor was it locked on the rocks around them, but it was firmly locked on the beautiful sight of natural light. Because light like that only came from the sun. And if that sort of light was present, that meant that they were close to the surface again. A possible way out of the cave. And if they made their way out of the cave, then maybe they could have a chance at survival after all.

  “Through there!” Gustoff said, pointing at a bunch of loose rocks. Loose rocks that were allowing rays of light through the cracks. Randy began to tear at the rocks. Chucking them to the floor, letting more light flood in.

  As he removed the rocks, a passageway was revealed. But they couldn’t quite see through it. There was too much light. Randy could feel the heat hitting his skin. It was a pleasant sensation. The cave had become so cold that Randy noticed his skin was slightly blue. He turned to Timson, his lips were also blue. He smiled at the Ear
th man and gestured at him.

  “You’re the one with the gun, might as well be the first one through. I’ll be right behind you,” Gustoff said, still gesturing.

  Timson nodded his head. He then reached for his gun, and aimed it directly in front of him. With two deep breaths, he walked through the passageway. His body disappeared into the ray of light. And Randy closely followed. Both of them were now officially off the beaten track.

  Randy couldn’t see much, not even Timson in front of him. His eyes were stinging because of the brightness of the light. But after a few seconds, his eyes finally adjusted. Timson came into frame. His back to Randy. But he wasn’t moving. Not an inch. Both his hands were at his sides. The gun he was holding was now on the floor. Gustoff heard it clanging off some rocks. He was just about to ask Timson if he was okay when he saw it. It was right in front of him. Metres away. Gleaming. The sun above was hammering against it. Rays of light bouncing off it. Randy could see the sky. Birds circled it as if it was a dead carcass in the desert. But this thing wasn’t living nor was it breathing. But it could mean the difference between the people of the colony living or breathing ever again.

  “How the hell did this get here?” Randy said. Timson turned toward him, his face pale white. He was in shock. But a smile still managed to creep across his wide jaw.

  “What’s the matter Randy? Never seen a spaceship before?”

  To Be Continued…

  Episode Five out May 2nd 2016!

  How will Commander Williams, the Captain of the Orion Traveller and its crewmembers get off the ship alive? At what cost will their freedom come to? And how can Williams justify the loss of such lives? Will they all suffer the same fate as Williams’ own men, or is the blackness just a phantom of misplaced fear?

  Can Hutchison and his new crew get to the Andromeda Galaxy in time? Or will their unsanctioned mission turn into a state authorized execution for high treason?

  What will Gustoff and the colony members do with their new-found ship? Is it operational? Does it have enough fuel to get off Second Earth? And how did it get there?

  Can the Company clean up this mess, or will their hands remain as bloodied as they’ve always been?

  Find out in three weeks in the season finale of Second Earth!




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