Ice & Rapture

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Ice & Rapture Page 2

by Connie Mason

  "Maggie Afton, but—"

  That's as far as Maggie got as Chase dived into the bunk, spurs and all, burrowing into the far comer against the wall As slim as he was, the bulge he made beneath the covers was slight Comprehension finally dawned as Maggie realized what he intended A loud racket at the door set her feet into motion

  "Damn," she muttered sourly, flinging off her blouse, "it never ceases to amaze me what I'm willing to do for a good story " "Open up in the name of the lawl"

  Lunging for the bunk, Maggie slid beneath the blanket, draping herself in such a way that her reclining form all but hid Chase, who huddled between her and the wall

  The knocking grew more insistent "Open up or well break the door downl"

  "Say somethin'," Chase hissed

  "I—I'm resting in bed," Maggie called out "What do you want?"

  "There's a criminal loose on board, ma'am We need to search the cabin "

  "Surely you don't think " She let her words trail off as if the thought shocked her

  "He has to be somewhere I'm Sheriff Loornis, ma'am No harm will come to you Just open the door so me and my men can get on with our job "

  "I have to let them in," Maggie whispered to Chase

  "No funny business," Chase warned His ominous words were followed by the unmistakable feel of cold steel prodding her ribs

  "The door is unlocked," Maggie called in a voice loud enough to be heard by the lawmen standing outside the door

  Immediately the door burst open and three men stumbled inside Striking a seductive pose deliberately meant to beguile, Maggie held the sheet to her scantily clad breasts in such a way as to titillate the bemused men's senses

  "I—I'm sorry to bother you, ma'am, but there's a killer on the loose," Sheriff Loornis stuttered, mesmerized by the beautiful woman displayed in charming dishabille

  "As you can see. Sheriff, there's no one here but me," Maggie said prettily, despising the deception she was forced to employ She considered using feminine wiles a form of dishonesty and almost never resorted to, such demeaning tactics

  The sheriff made a cursory inspection of the small cabin, his eyes skipping over the mounds of luggage, consisting mostly of cameras and photographic equipment, littering the floor Suddenly his gaze

  swept back to the cameras, then settled again on Maggie

  "Why I know youl You're Maggie Afton, from the Post-Intelligencer We met when you were covering a murder trail a few weeks ago, remember1?"

  "Of course I remember. Sheriff," Maggie smiled "How could—oh—" Her sentence ended in a harsh gasp she attempted to smother with a cough

  That despicable cur hiding behind her skirts had insinuated one huge hand beneath her petticoat and slowly slid it up the long slim length of her leg, over the enticing hill of a curved hip to rest boldly on her silk-covered buttocks The sheriff attributed Maggie's sudden intake of breath to the fact that her privacy had been rudely invaded by three strange men

  "Sorry, Miss Afton, but were obliged to search all the cabins, the sheriff apologized sheepishly

  "Iun—understand," Maggie said in a strangled voice The heat of Chase's hand was like a burning brand on her flesh, a moist, scalding sensation she felt in the most private part of her being

  "Looks like all is in order here, so I'll leave you to your rest Sorry to interrupt your nap " Sheriff Loornis backed out of the room followed by his deputies, who continued to stare gape-mouthed at the small amount of exposed flesh displayed above the sheet Maggie held tightly in her slim fingers

  "Are you satisfied. Sheriff? Unless you want to go to Alaska, I suggest you debark immediately " Captain Bates glanced into the cabin, then, seeing Maggie's partially clad form reclining on the bunk, hastily drew back "Sony, Miss Afton "

  "We haven't found MeGarrett yet," the sheriff complained testily

  "If you haven't found him by now, he's not here," Bates argued "We sail in three minutes. Sheriff" He waited politely for the three men to stomp off before

  reaching behind him to close the door to Maggie's cabin

  Maggie collapsed in relief, until the warm hand caressing her bottom reminded her of a danger of a different sort

  "Don't know when I've felt anythin' so damn soft," Chase murmured, his hand becoming bolder as it slid across the slight indent of Maggie's stomach, inching downward "I'm no authority, but I'd venture to say your underwear is a rnite scandalous "

  "Take your filthy hands off me I" Maggie spat, leaping from the bunk In her haste to escape the cowboy's crude fumblings she had forgotten that her breasts nearly spilled over her corset

  Chase's amused gaze worked its way leisurely across those enticing mounds He made no pretense of giving her the once-over She could have slapped his face for thinking what she thought he was thinking Snatching her blouse from where she had dropped it earlier, she held it before her like a shield

  "Anyone who wears underwear like that can't be as hard-assed as you'd like everyone to believe " Unwinding his long length from the bed. Chase bent Maggie an assessing look

  An angry flush crept up Maggie's neck How dare that vulgar cowboy talk to her like a common—streetwalker What business was it of his what kind of underwear she wore1? The brief silk pantalettes imported from France were her one concession to feminine extravagance, one she felt safe in indulging, for no one would ever see them but the laundress Now this obnoxious cowboy had discovered something so intimate about her it brought a blush to her cheeks And along with it a rush of incredible rage

  Then logic took over and Maggie the newspaper reporter emerged Years of experience had taught

  her to disregard her own feelings if they interfered with a story With great effort, she swallowed her peppery retort, turned her back, and calmly slipped on her blouse When she swung around to face Chase, she was as composed and business-like as one would expect of a top-notch reporter from the Seattle Post-Intelligencer

  "Now, then, Mr McGarrett, about that story "

  "Hell's bells, Maggie, you're a cool one What do you have for blood, ice water1?"

  "I'd prefer you call me Miss Afton Eyou'd—"

  Her next words were lost to the blast of the steam whistle and the chum of engines Two more blasts came in quick succession, followed by a wild cheer from the men crowding the decks, and Maggie felt a lurch beneath her feet With firm purpose, she picked up a leather case lying on a table nearby, then rummaged around until she found a pencil and paper "About that story, Mr McGarrett," she repeated crisply, "where would you like to begin1?"

  Chapter Two

  Chase couldn't believe his ears Despite her beautiful face and curvacious body, Maggie Afton wasn't a woman like any woman he'd known before She was tough, damn tough, yet he'd bet his favorite Stetson there was a softness beneath that hard-bitten exterior just waiting for someone to discover, a vulnerability she tried desperately to conceal Too bad. Chase silently lamented, that he had no time to explore all the fascinating facets of Miss Maggie Afton, spinster and career woman

  Curiously, he wondered what made a beautiful, sensuous woman choose a career over a husband and family At least Maggie would be sensuous if she allowed her softer side to emerge Nor would it hurt if she smiled more and released her hair from the prim honey-blond bun she wore at the back of her neck In all fairness. Chase had to admit the severe style detracted little from her vivid beauty No matter what Maggie did to herself, she couldn't

  disguise her angel face or full, woman's body Hot damn, he'd like to be the one to thaw the ice in her veins. Chase thought wistfully In fact

  Maggie realized Chase's intentions too late to utter a protest or react Suddenly, she found herself in his arms, molded against his long, lean length, her head bent against the crook of his elbow His lips swooped down to capture hers, driving the breath from her lungs His kiss was not the kiss of a gentleman, but a bold, insolent assault on her senses that both intrigued and angered her

  Suddenly Maggie felt trapped in unfamiliar feelings She wanted to run from Cha
se, from the closeness of his body, and from the strange lethargy creeping through her limbs No one had the right to make her feel like this, she thought resentfully Then all coherent thought fled as his kiss deepened, and he slid his tongue along the joining of her lips, then plunged inside when she gasped in shocked indignation Ruthlessly he plundered her sweetness, seeking, forcing a response she sought to withhold

  But the final indignity came when Maggie felt his big hands slide down her ribs to cup her buttocks, bringing her hard against the unrelenting contours of his swelling loins To Maggie's absolute horror, the sensitive nipples of her breasts reacted to the unfamiliar caress down below by growing pebble-hard and surging against the thin material of her blouse A deep chuckle rumbled through Chase's massive chest The sound brought Maggie abruptly to her senses, and she struggled to free herself from Chase's crude embrace Reluctantly he released her and she staggered backwards, tripping over her luggage She would have fallen if Chase hadn't reached out to steady her

  "Don't touch me I" Maggie hissed, shrugging away from his restraining grip

  "Sony, Maggie " Chase grinned cheekily "I just couldn't resist" His obnoxious leer told Maggie he wasn't at all sorry for manhandling her "I had to see for myself if a real woman existed beneath that tough hide And I'm happy to say I found nothin' lackin', Maggie Afton " His blue eyes sparkled with rare amusement and something else Maggie had difficulty interpreting

  But to her credit, Maggie kept her composure, summoning all her reserves to resist the impossible rogue's rugged appeal "If you're finished with your games, Mr McGarrett, may we begin the interview1? You might start by telling me why you're being accused of murder "

  Though still slightly breathless, Maggie managed to keep her voice crisp and impersonal She was a professional, one of the few women accorded that position, and she sought to maintain the dignity her work demanded despite her racing heart and the heat generated by the crude cowboy's mysterious appeal Later, after she obtained all the information necessary for her story, she'd find a way to put Mr Chase McGarrett in his place and leave him there

  Admiration shone in Chase's eyes as he selected a spot on the bunk to settle his lanky frame He reckoned it best he didn't show himself on deck for a while anyway, so he might as well sit back for a spell and give this determined lady the story he'd promised her

  "The man I killed tried to steal my cows They represent all I own in the world and my grubstake to the Klondike goldfields I intend to sell them in Skagway My partner told me beef is so scarce I can name my own price once I get them there "

  Maggie wrote furiously "Where are you from, Mr McGarrett1?"

  "My name is Chase Mr McGarrett makes me feel like I'm pushin' sixty when I'm only twenty-eight I

  come from Montana, the most beautiful place in the world," he added wistfully "Got me a small spread, not much, but it will be a big ranch some day, when I strike it rich in the Klondike Aim to buy up more land and raise blooded horses, some cattle, and a passel of kids, once I find the right woman "

  Maggie studiously ignored this last remark "You mentioned something about a partner "

  "Yep, Rusty Reed, an old army buddy He's up in Skagway waitin' on me When he got to the Klondike, he learned all the claims were taken, but fortunately he found a disgruntled prospector willin' to sell out He says Eleven Above on Gold Bottom, a pup of the Bonanza, is a damn good site and I hope he's right"

  "A pup?" Maggie's pencil slid to a halt

  "A little tributary creeklet, or a tributary of a tributary They usually trickle in from the side of Bonanza Creek Rusty filed the claim in both our names but lacked the money to buy the ton of food and supplies the Canadian government demands each person purchase before startin' out for the Yukon That's where me and the cattle come in They're our grubstake So you can see why I couldn't let them arrest me for protectin' my properly Rusty is dependin'on me "

  "Tell me, Mr Me—"

  "Chase "

  "Tell me. Chase," Maggie conceded, "do you truly expect to strike it rich?"

  "Damn tootin', I do "

  Maggie winced Though accustomed to the rough language of her colleagues. Chase's crude words set her teeth on edge She decided she had about all she could take from this uncouth cowboy "I think that's all for now, Mr —Chase If I have any further questions I'll find you This floating scow isn't all that big"

  "You've got that right, Maggie girl," Chase guffawed "Cap'n Bates is a friend of mine An enterpnsin' fellow, to say the least In normal times fares up the Inside Passage are $150 News of the gold strike brought it up to $1500 overnight A considerable sum for a converted mail barge He's agreed to transport my cows for a five percent interest in Eleven Above "

  Maggie giril Chase's familiarity brought a scowl to her face The big lummox, she thought, exasperated Just because he kissed her didn't give him the right to treat her in so cavalier a manner

  "Thank you. Chase," she said, her jaw clenched tightly "We've both kept our bargain, now we're quits "

  "Quits'?" Chase repeated, flashing a wicked grin "Not on your life. Miss Maggie Afton You're a fascinatin' woman, spinster or no, and I aim to find out what makes you so damn different from other ladies of my acquaintance "

  "In four days well be in Skagway, hardly enough time, especially since I won't be seeing you again " Deliberately she held the door open

  "Don't be too sure, Maggie girl We'll meet again," Chase promised, retrieving his saddlebag and tipping his hat at a rakish angle as he ambled out the door

  Enthralled by the maddening swivel of his lean hips and taut buttocks, Maggie's golden gaze followed his slow progress along the deck When he reached the ladder leading to the lower deck, he turned, a crooked grin splitting his features, and winked with slow exaggeration Somehow he knew Maggie would still be poised in the doorway, watching as he sauntered away

  Ohl" Maggie' muttered, disgusted with herself for being caught staring It was the second time the big cowboy had caught her ogling him It wasn't as if

  she were attracted to him Heaven forbid I No, Maggie told herself firmly, it was just natural curiosity Rarely, if ever, did she come in contact with men like Chase McGarrett, whose rough country appeal could make a lady forget her own name

  Carefully picking her way around the baggage and supplies littering the deck, Maggie aimed her camera at a youth lounging against a barrel Decked out in brand-new miner's clothes, he looked barely old enough to shave, and Maggie wondered what he'd look like six months from now after spending a winter in the Yukon He mugged outrageously for her camera and blinked after the resulting flash Afterwards Maggie paused to jot down his name and address and a few sentences describing his circumstances

  She moved on to a nearly toothless, grizzled prospector, sporting a flowing gray beard but little hair on his head His clothing was well-worn, and a wad of chewing tobacco filled his right cheek When Maggie moved into place before him, he let loose a brown stream that just missed her swaying skirts She slammed in a fresh plate, took his picture, name, and story and quickly moved on, stopping before a lanky man reclining against apiece of equipment, his wide-bnrnmed hat pulled down over his face

  "Do you mind if I take your picture, mister1?" Maggie asked, focusing the bulky camera and shoving a new plate in the slot

  "Happy to oblige, Maggie girl" Pushing his hat to the back of his head. Chase grinned owlishly at the lovely photographer standing over him "Shoot away "

  Damn, Maggie thought, exasperated She had hoped she wouldn't encounter Chase McGarrett again He disturbed her in ways she had never thought possible Deciding to humor the cocky

  cowboy, Maggie set her camera, stepped back, and snapped She wanted his picture anyway to send in with her first story It was an article on what drove man to desert home and family, facing hardships and possible death, for the elusive glitter of gold But the real test of her talent would come not with writing the articles, but in finding a way to the Klondike Surely someone would be willing to take her, Maggie feasoned, fo
r the right price

  Everyone had a price, even the lanky cowboy who took indecent liberties with her body Suddenly Maggie's thoughts slid to halt as the beginnings of an idea took root in her brain Why not ask Chase McGarrett to take her to the Klondike1? Obviously he wasn't rich, and she was prepared to pay well for his escort At least she knew his story and what to expect from him He might be crude, uneducated, and without manners, but Maggie thought him basically honest The longer she considered the possibility, the more eager she became to present her proposition to him

  "Mister—er. Chase, do you have a minute1? I'd like to speak with you—privately "

  Chase's eyebrows shot upwards "Sure thing, Maggie girl, got all the minutes you want," he replied agreeably, unwinding his long length until he towered above her Despite her own willowy height. Chase stood a good eight inches above her

  Frowning in annoyance, Maggie noted that there wasn't a place on the entire ship, with the exception of her own tiny cabin, where she and Chase might converse in private As much as she hated the idea of being alone with him, there seemed to be no alternative Abruptly she whirled, motioning for Chase to follow His blue eyes crinkling with wry amusement. Chase needed no further urging as he fell into step behind her A few suggestive remarks followed their progress, which Maggie pretended

  not to hear, swishing past with the dignity of a queen

  Ascending the ladder to the cabin deck, Maggie had no idea that Chase was admiring her trim ankles, exposed with each upward step He sighed regretfully when she reached the top and led the way into her cabin Though Maggie had straightened up somewhat, her bulky equipment still dominated the small cabin She turned to face Chase, staring up at him through a thick fringe of dark lashes Chase thought it disconcerting as well as highly arousing Obviously the lady had powers she wasn't even aware of What did she want1? he wondered, his eyes narrowing suspiciously


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