Ice & Rapture

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Ice & Rapture Page 26

by Connie Mason

  "You gonna many the girl?" Rusty asked bluntly

  "Yep I love Maggie and she loves me It scares the hell outta me to think how close I came to losin' her to that Mountie "

  "Maggie is a damn fine woman, son, but it ain't gonna be easy fer her ta give up her job and settle down ta ranchin' "

  "She's agreed to live with me in Montana, and that's a start We'll take it one day at a time I only know I want Maggie in my life despite the fact that she can't—" He hesitated, unwilling to reveal something so personal abouT Maggie

  Rusty waited for Chase to continue, but when he deliberately remained mum, the older man, not one to deliberately pry, let the subject drop Instead, he said, "Life ain't gonna be no picnic with Maggie, but it sure as shootin' won't be dull I can hardly wait ta dangle yer younguns on my knee "

  Chase said nothing, and Rusty was too consumed with the happy thought of children to notice the grim line forming around Chase's mouth Chase was determined that no one ever know how deeply Maggie's inability to have a child disappointed him He silently vowed never to burden Maggie with those profound feelings, but to find happiness with the life the two of them would make together

  Til start packin'," Rusty continued "Soon's we unload this place, we can collect our gold in Dawson and hightail it down to Skagway The passes should be open by then Mayhap the railroad over White Pass is runnin' by now and we can ride over in comfort"

  On April 2, 1899, Rusty and Chase signed the deed to Eleven Above over to an Eastern mining company that intended to bring in steam-driven equipment to strip the gold from beneath the surface To their utter amazement, they received seventy-five thousand dollars for the claim That sum, in addition to the thousands already deposited in the bank, made them wealthy beyond their wildest dreams

  While in Dawson, Chase saw nothing of Scott Gordon and assumed he was somewhere in the area about his duties Not that it mattered Chase cared little for the man who tried to steal Maggie from

  him Now that he was so close to seeing his love again, all he wanted was to leave this desolate wasteland as quickly as possible Something deep inside him drove him to urgency Some gut feeling told him Maggie needed him Chase knew it was crazy to feel this way, for Maggie was adept at taking care of herself But still the feeling persisted The day he would board the steamer to Whitehorse arrived with a mixture of relief as well as tremendous satisfaction

  With the birth of her child imminent, Maggie rarely left her flat now Jenny Greene did what little shopping was necessary and looked in on her nearly every day Maggie still hadn't gained much weight, and though she definitely looked pregnant, she did not appear large enough to give birth any time soon The air of expectancy grew each day as she waited for Chase Though he had promised to come to her in the spring, April was nearly gone and Maggie grew apprehensive Yet each day her excitement increased, knowing every passing day brought Chase closer to her

  Maggie's one consuming fear had to do with Chase's reaction to her pregnancy He had said he didn't want children and would surely be shocked at her condition Especially after the deliberate falsehood she had told him She knew she had a lot of explaining to do and hoped Chase loved her enough to accept her explanation and their child

  One day in rnid-Apnl, Maggie felt exceptionally well, but was unprepared for the shock she received when she opened her door to admit a surprise visitor Though Scott Gordon had told her to expect him in Seattle in the spring, Maggie never imagined he'd actually show up, considering how little encouragement she'd given him But here he was, bigger than life, handsome as ever, and staring at

  her protruding stomach with a combination of horror and anger "My God, Maggie, I'll kill the bastard for what he didtoyoul"

  "Come inside, Scott," Maggie urged, unwilling to air her problems to prying ears Seeing Scott again had unsettled her more than she cared to admit, reviving memories of all those months she'd spent in the Yukon and the passion Chase had unleashed in her

  "Why isn't McGarrett with you1?" Scott asked the moment the door closed behind him "Did he marry you before you left Skagway? I heard he was there the same time you were late last summer I wondered if you two had met, now I can see that you did " His eyes settled accusingly on her stomach "He was still working the claim when I left Dawson Does he know about the baby1?"

  "We talked about marriage when we met in Skagway but decided to wait," Maggie revealed sheepishly "I—I wanted Chase to be certain When we parted, I had no idea about the baby I didn't write him because it was something I'd rather do in person and I wasn't certain a letter would reach him Chase promised he'd come to me in the spring, and I've been hoping he'd arrive before the baby does "

  "You're a fool if you expect McGarrett to keep his word," Scott said with quiet emphasis "He's rich beyond his wildest dreams If he's like most men he'll head for civilization with his pockets bulging and wanting to taste life to the fullest That hardly includes accepting responsibility for a wife and child His absence when you need him most should tell you what kind of man he is "

  "Chase isn't like that," Maggie protested Somehow her protests sounded weak compared to Scott's knowledge of men and their needs

  "Maggie," Scott said softly, leading Maggie to the sofa and sitting down beside her, "I'm not saying this to hurt you I'd never do that I just can't bear to see you suffer because of McGarrett's thoughtlessness I can understand his wanting you—God knows I've wanted you myself—but he should have taken precautions that this"—he gestured toward her protruding stomach—"didn't happen "

  Maggie flushed, aware that her lies had placed her in this awkward position, not Chase's thoughtlessness She didn't want Scott thinking the worst of Chase so she decided to be brutally honest, even though her integrity would suffer in Scott's opinion "Chase thought I couldn't conceive "

  "What would make him think a thing like that1?"

  "I told him"

  "Youl But—I don't understand Obviously it was a lie "

  "It was a lie I didn't want Chase to feel obligated or his feelings for me be influenced should our—relationship result in a child," Maggie revealed, stunning Scott "I'd never trap a man into marriage that way I know it was a deliberate lie, and I should have considered the consequences and how Chase would react should the inevitable happen I'm scared to death he'll hate me or not want his child "

  "Only a fool would not want you or deny his own child," Scott replied, scoffing at so outlandish a notion "I'd marry you today and claim your child if you'd have me "

  Maggie's amber eyes grewrnisly Any woman would consider herself lucky to have the love of a fine manlike Scott He deserved someone who could return his love fully, not a woman burdened with another man's child Besides, she hadn't given up on Chase She had faith in him, knew he would return just as he promised Whether or not he'd still want her when he learned she'd been caught in the web

  of her own deceit was another matter altogether

  The look in Maggie's eyes gave mute testimony to her feelings where Chase was concerned, dashing whatever hopes Scott had built for a future with Maggie "Do you love him so much1?"

  "With all my heart," came Maggie's passionate reply

  Defeat tasted bitter on Scott's tongue, and it was with a heavy heart that he finally acknowledged it But he cared too much about Maggie to abandon her now when she desperately needed someone "How long before the baby is due1?"

  "Not long, a week or two," Maggie said shyly, somewhat embarrassed to be questioned so closely about so personal an event

  "I'll stay until McGarrett arrives," Scott insisted, his tone brooking no argument "I've a whole month's leave and I'll not abandon you when you need all the support you can get"

  "I appreciate the gesture, Scott, but it's not necessary I've taken care of myself for a long time "

  "Don't try to dissuade me, Maggie, my mind is made up Unless you can convince me you've family nearby "

  "There's no one, but that's no reason for you to assume responsibility for me You should be getting on
with your life "

  Scott's rugged features softened, and he regarded Maggie with a warmth that made her cheeks bloom "I'd never forgive myself if I left you now I know what I want from you is impossible, but you need me Think of me as a relative you can depend upon in a time of need Have you forgotton how I looked after you in the Yukon1?"

  "I've forgotten nothing " And she hadn't Somehow Scott was always there when she needed him "Then allow me to continue At least until your child is bom or McGarrett shows up "

  "How can I refuse so generous an offer1?" Maggie replied, choked with gratitude

  True to his word, Scott secured a room nearby and spent most of the following days with Maggie, lending a hand with shopping and small chores No matter how vigorously Maggie protested, Scott spoiled her outrageously Deep in his heart he harbored the wish that Chase would never come to claim Maggie and his child Then he, Scott, could step in and fill the void in Maggie's life Her child would become his child, and the life he dreamed of would be theirs He knew it was an impossible fantasy, yet hope beat eternal in his heart

  The day Maggie experienced mild discomfort and vague pain, Scott refused to leave when it came time to return to his own room nearby, offering to sleep on the floor in case she needed him during the night Over Maggie's objections, he spread a blanket on the floor and stretched out, leaving Maggie no option but to allow Scott his way Besides, having someone who cared around at so crucial a time was comforting She only wished it was Chase instead of Scott worrying over her Maggie wanted so desperately for Chase to be with her when their child was bom

  When Maggie left the room, Scott partially disrobed, removing his shirt, shoes and stockings for comfort's sake Then he bedded down on the pallet he made on the floor It certainly wasn't the first time he'd improvised, and he doubted it would be the last It wasn't late—early evening, really—but Maggie had looked so peaked he insisted she retire early And with nothing else to do, Scott followed suit, soon falling into a light doze

  Chapter Seventeen

  It seemed to Scott that he'd been asleep only minutes when he was awakened by a noise that was as repetitive as the beating of a drum It took a few minutes to rouse himself sufficiently to recognize what the disturbance meant Someone was rapping on the door, and quite insistently Sparing a moment to light a lamp but not bothering to pull on his shirt, Scott stumbled to the door Grumbling beneath his breath about inconsiderate nighttime visitors, he jerked open the panel, expecting to see Jenny or one of the other neighbors

  Chase chafed impatiently outside Maggie's door He was so anxious to see her he couldn't wait till morning After his ship docked, he had been tied up for hours collecting his belongings and arranging for his gold to be deposited in a bank Then he had settled newlyweds Rusty and Kate in a hotel, seen to the storage of his baggage, and left immediately for Maggie's flat, fully expecting to spend the night

  with her After the wedding he promised Maggie, they would all leave for Butte, Montana, together

  By now it had grown dark, but since the hour wasn't all that late. Chase decided not to wait till morning but to claim his woman immediately His body ached with a terrible yearning that no other woman could appease He missed Maggie so desperately, needed her so acutely, that he trembled with the knowledge of what tonight would bring—loving each other in all the ways possible for a man and woman to love Excitement pounded through his veins, keeping time with his pounding on the door When the panel was finally jerked open, it took several minutes for Chase to accept the fact that a sleepy-eyed man, barechested and disheveled, had answered the door instead of Maggie Even more astonishing, he knew the manl

  "Gordonl What in the hell are you doin' here1?"

  "About time you showed up," Scott grumbled disagreeably

  "What kinda remark is that1? Where's Maggie1? What are you doin' here this time of night, and nearly naked besides1?"

  "Who is it, Scott?"

  Maggie had heard the knocking but was slower in rousing herself than Scott Standing in the doorway with her filmy robe clinging to and outlining her every curve, it wasn't difficult to recognize her condition And Chase wasn't blind—nor was he a fool

  A terrible dread seized Scott Suddenly he realized that he was about to lose someone who was very precious to him

  Horrified, Chase's attention was riveted to Maggie's protruding abdomen How was it possible1? Maggie was barren Yet, here she was, pregnant with Gordon's child For some unexplained reason

  Maggie had told a deliberate falsehood, made him think she couldn't conceive Was the idea of having his child so repugnant to her she'd say anything, do anything1?

  "Chase, thank God you're here," Maggie sighed tremulously As the day progressed, it had grown increasingly evident that her time was near Chase's appearance when she needed him most was like a miracle

  "Seems to me your husband should be the one person you need right now," Chase drawled, contempt bitter on his tongue

  "My—husband1? You know I'm not married " Maggie's brow knitted in confusion

  "If Gordon hasn't married you, he sure as hell oughta How soon, Maggie—two, three months'? The least he could do is give his child a name "

  "His—child1?" Maggie choked, puzzled by Chase's words

  "You have no reason to talk to Maggie like that," Scott blasted, his face mottled with rage How could the dumb cowboy hurt her so badly1?

  "Hell, I don't blame you, Gordon," Chase continued disparagingly "Couldn't keep my hands off her myself She's a damn temptin' piece " Deliberately, he turned to Maggie "What I'd really like to know is why you lied to me Wasn't a no-account cowboy good enough to father a child1?"

  "Chase, you don't know—"

  "I'm rich now, Maggie, damn rich," Chase continued, ignoring Maggie's futile attempt to explain I may still be a rough, uncouth cowboy, but I can buy and sell your Mountie "

  Appalled by the way Chase had jumped to conclusions, Maggie searched for words of explanation, sadly aware that he was too hotheaded to accept the truth "It's not what you think," she offered with quiet dignity

  "Tell me how it is, darlin'," Chase sneered "Did I start an itch in you that needed scratching How soon did Gordon follow you here1? No wonder I didn't see him in Dawson Did you know that I was determined never to let you know how deeply disappointed I was by your inability to have children1? I vowed never to speak of your lack or blame you for it"

  "But—you said you didn't want children!"

  "All men want to produce someone in their own image I'm no different A child assures us of immortality But I was willin' to accept you as you were 'cause I loved you You were all I needed in this life, but you managed to shatter every dream I ever had "

  "Damn you. Chase McGarrett, why won't you listen1?" Maggie cried, overwhelmed by the magnitude of hurt her simple lie had wrought In the beginning, it was meant to absolve Chase's guilt and save him from making a commitment he might later regret How could something so insignificant turn her life into utter chaos1?

  "Why should I listen to more lies'? Seems I never really knew you Next you'll try to convince me the child is mine Why hasn't your lover married you1? Is it because he doesn't trust you any more than I do1?"

  "I'd many Maggie tomorrow if she'd have me," Scott spat through gritted teeth He was so enraged by Chase's unjust accusations that his muscles knotted in anticipation of reacting physically to Chase's verbal abuse Only his respect and concern for Maggie's delicate condition held him back

  "I'd take the Mountie up on his proposal if I were you, darlin'," Chase said tightly, "you're not gettin' any younger Manyin' Gordon is better than raisin' a bastard " A hurt so profound it throbbed through his body like a open wound lent venom to his words

  Chase might be sorry tomorrow, but right now it felt good to lash out at someone Even if that someone was a woman he loved beyond reason Maggie's face turned a sickly shade of green as she stared at Chase, unwilling to believe he could attack her so vilely, without reason

  "You low-down, conte
mptible snake I" Scott roared, by now beyond control "You're the only bastard in this room If you'd use the sense God gave you, you'd know—"

  "Scott, don't It's no use, he won't believe you," Maggie pleaded, resigned to Chase's rejection Hadn't she earned it1? All these long months she had prayed Chase would understand and welcome their child, but she realized that Chase was too hurt, confused, and hotheaded right now to think clearly Perhaps when he cooled off and thought about it, he'd realize the baby was his and accept them both

  "But, Maggie," Scott persisted, "he thinks—"

  "I know what Chase thinks I also know why he thinks what he does I—I can't bear any more of this "

  "The last thing I wanna do is upset an expectant mother," Chase mocked cruelly "You're welcome to the witch, Gordon "

  Chase's careless insult unleashed the full fury of Scott's temper as he delivered aright hook to Chase's unprotected chin It was so unexpected, it drove Chase backwards through the door, which Scott slammed with such force that it nearly flew off the hinges Never had Scott received such satisfaction from a single act When he turned back to Maggie, he found her stretched out on the floor in a dead faint Horrified, he knelt by her side, chafing her wrists until she moaned and opened her eyes

  "Chase1?" Maggie asked tremulously

  "Gone, I hope Consider yourself lucky to be nd of him "

  "Oh, God," Maggie sobbed, distraught as well as devastated by Chase's lack of understanding Yet she couldn't place the blame entirely on his shoulders

  "Can't you see he doesn't want you, honey1?" Scott gently rebuked "Forget him "

  "Forget Chase1?" Maggie asked, stunned "Never I might learn to live without him, but I'll never forget him "


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