Ice & Rapture

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Ice & Rapture Page 28

by Connie Mason

  Splashing to shore. Chase set Virgie carefully on her feet, but he was not yet ready to release her Her taut young flesh felt smooth and satiny beneath his fingertips and the urge to press her down on the soft ground and bury himself deeply in her soft-

  ness presisted He had only to search her features to know she was receptive to him, that she would deny him nothing But at what cost1?

  In all fairness he couldn't seduce Kate's niece Rusty would have his hide, and he wouldn't be able to look himself in the face the next day If he were considering marriage, it might be a different story, but Virgie was too young and innocent to take, then discard He could do worse than marry Virgie, Chase reckoned If he had to have a wife, Virgie was as good as anyone At least she'd be able to give him a son

  "Chase, did you hear me1? What does it take to get you to pay attention to me1?"

  "You've already done it" Chase grimed with devilish delight "You're damn enticin', Virgie, but I don't aim to jeopardize my friendship with your aunt"

  "Why can't we just please ourselves1?" Virgie said archly She moved sinuously within the circle of his arms, thrilled at the responsive chord she roused in him

  "Damnation, Virgie, stop that I'm only humanl"

  I want you to make love to me. Chase I want to belong to you Why are you fighting this1?"

  "Damned if I know " But Chase did know Virgie was an alluring young beauty, but she was a child compared to the feisty, strong-willed, independent woman he fell in love with in the Yukon Damn Maggie Aftonl he cursed beneath his breath She'd ruined him for any other woman If he wasn't three kinds of fool, he'd wed and bed Virgie and get on with his life An unfaithful witch had him living like a damn monk, wanting no other woman, craving only Maggie's sweet-scented flesh

  "Kiss me. Chase " Her lips were so close he could see the moistness lingering in the tiny crevices at their comers The decision to kiss Virgie was denied Chase when.

  impulsively, her fingers tangled in his hair and drew his lips down to hers Her mouth was soft and sweetly yielding, opening greedily to the pressure of his gentle probing Suddenly Virgie became a living flame in his arms, hot and seeking, her hands tugging urgently at his clothes At first Chase was shocked at Virgie's boldness There was nothing innocent about the way she kissed him, or how she thrust her tongue in his mouth But when Virgie sank to the ground and held out her hand for Chase to follow, he balked Though every male instinct screamed for him to take Virgie, his brain still functioned well enough to know he'd only be using Virgie to assuage his hunger for a woman He might be an uneducated cowboy, but he wasn't a heartless bastard ruled by lust

  "Get dressed, Virgie," he barked Repressed desire and anger at Maggie for abandoning him made his voice harsher than he intended "I won't take you like this You deserve marriage, not some cheap affair "

  "Do you mean it1?" Virgie trilled excitedly "Yep, you need a husband, not a lover " "Is that a proposal?"

  "Proposal?" Chase was stunned He should have known that Virgie would misconstrue his words Not exactly," he hedged, "but I reckon it's not too farfetched Who knows what'll happen when we get to know one another better?" Deliberately he turned away and began gathering up Virgie's clothes, which lay scattered on the bank of the stream

  Struggling into her clothes, Virgie fumed impotently She had arranged everything so carefully, set the stage so painstakingly, to no avail She was so certain she had Chase eating out of her hand What had happened to chill his ardor? He was so close to making love to her, she could smell his arousal, taste his need in his kiss No matter, Virgie smiled confidently, she'd have Chase yet Getting him to mention marriage was a step in the right direction

  Chase was as good as hooked, now all she had to do was reel him in

  "I'm ready. Chase, you can turn around "

  "Come along, Virgie, I'll see you back to the house "

  "Are you angry with me1?"

  Chase looked at her then, his expression softening at the sight of her trembling lips and wide violet eyes Virgie was so helpless, so endearingly vulnerable, he blamed only himself for what had nearly happened "You've done nothin' to earn my anger, Virgie Let's go, I've work to do "

  Kate and Rusty exchanged knowing glances as they intercepted another of the silent messages Virgie directed toward Chase at dinner that evening They knew Virgie was smitten with Chase and had nothing against a match between the two, but they seriously doubted Chase was ready for that kind of commitment He showed no signs of being over Maggie—if anything he had grown more despondent, more morose as the days passed He drove himself relentlessly, allowed no one to speak of Maggie in his presence, and become so testy that Rusty and the ranch hands took pains not to rile him

  Chase shifted uncomfortably beneath Virgie's hot glances He worried that Rusty and Kate would misinterpret their meaning and think the worst of him Therefore, he wasn't surprised when Rusty asked to speak with him in private at the conclusion of the meal

  "What did you do to the girl, son1?" Rusty asked the moment they were alone "Virgie is young and inexperienced, and I won't have you seducin' her " "Don't get on your high horse. Rusty I haven't done anythin' to the girl She fancies herself in love with me " "I knew Virgie was smitten, but until today I had

  no reason ta think ya even noticed her You've been so steeped in yer own misery lately no one can talk ta ya," Rusty accused him "What happened with Maggie back in Seattle1? You've been closemouthed about the whole thin' Get it off yer chest, son, it might help "

  I told you before. Rusty, I don't want to talk about it"

  "Ya gotta talk about it sometime Loosen up. Chase, we been together too long fer y a ta hold back now It just ain't good fer y a What happened betwixl you and Maggie ta send ya racin' back to Montana1?"

  Chase winced It still hurt to hear her name spoken "Nothin' special She just up and decided she didn't want me While I spent months pirun' for her, she took up with that Mountie "

  "Cap'n Gordon1?" Rusty asked, stunned "I knew they were friends but didn't figure they were that close Are ya sure, son1? What did Maggie say1?'

  "Not much," Chase allowed "What could she say when I found them together dressed in their bed-clothes'?"

  "Did ya listen ta her explanation before ya jumped ta conclusions'?" Rusty asked, well aware of Chase's hot temper

  "You don't know the whole story," Chase muttered sourly


  "I hoped to spare you this. Rusty, but Maggie was pregnant with Gordon's child when I saw her in Seattle "

  Shock followed dismay across Rusty's weathered features "Darnnationl Are ya dead certain1?"

  "I know a pregnant woman when I see one "

  "Did ya ever consider it might be yer child Maggie's canyin"?"

  "Of course—I'm not stupid I can count as well as you Maggie wasn't within two months of delivery

  when I saw her If she was carryin' rny child, she'd have had to be within days ofgivin' birth Maggie didn't look big enough to give birth " "So now yer tellin' me ya know all about women and birthin' babies Did ya ask Maggie, give her a chance ta explain?" "There was nothin' to explain," Chase complained bitterly "The evidence was there before my eyes " "So ya ran away with yer tail betwixt yer legs I never knowed ya was a coward. Chase "

  "Maggie made a fool of me She lied to me, and made me believe she loved me Hell, Rusty, she told me she couldn't have kids I overcame my disappointment over her lack because I loved her, tellin' myself Maggie was enough for me Why did she lie to me. Rusty, why?"

  "I purely don't know, son, but if I were you I wouldn't have run out before I found out"

  "It's too late Maggie made her choice By now she's close to giving birth to another man's child I've lost Maggie, and it's time I got on with my life Maggie isn't the only woman in the world " Who was he trying to kid?

  "If yer lookin' fer Virgie to fill the void in yer life, ya'llhave ta convince Kate yer over Maggie fer good So far yer doin'a piss-poor job of it, and Kate is right fond of her niece Neither o
f us want ta see the girl hurt"

  "She won't be. Rusty"

  "Accordin' to Kate, Virgie is hopin' fer a proposal from ya Have ya been encouragin' her?"

  "I can't say what's gonna happen six months from now, or even three months," Chase replied, "but I haven't been leadin' the girl on It's entirely possible I'll propose to Virgie one day, and I promise to keep my hands off her until I decide It's more important right now for me and Virgie to get to know one another "

  Chase's words appeared to satisfy Rusty, for they soon parted to join the women in the panor

  "Aren't you afraid of anything. Chase1?" Virgie asked, admiration turning her eyes into saucers of violets She had been watching him break a fractious horse and marveled at the strength and power of his perfectly coordinated body Ever since Virgie had tried to seduce Chase by the stream, she was never far from his side She used every feminine wile available to entice him and felt certain it wouldn't be long before a proposal was forthcoming Not only did Virgie think Chase a compelling man, but he was a rich one, everything she'd ever yearned for in a husband

  Chase smiled lazily Virgie's praise did much for his deflated ego and he wondered why he resisted the idea of marriage to the little temptress Virgie would make a perfect wife and lover, he reasoned The only thing that stopped him from proposing was the tiny voice inside his brain reminding him that he still loved a woman who made Virgie seem like an untried schoolgirl He had shared so much with Maggie Could he find those same things with Virgie1?

  "I'm afraid of many things, Virgie, but nothin' I can't handle "

  Virgie's eyes fastened appreciatively on the damp curling hair visible at the base of Chase's throat The two top buttons of his shirt were unfastened due to the heat, and the sweat-soaked material was plastered to his back It was mid-July and so hot even Virgie's pristine skin was beaded with perspiration in a most unladylike manner The heat, as well as being subjected to so magnificent a display of male virility, made Virgie bold

  "It's beastly hot. Chase—wouldn't a swim feel wonderful1?"

  Silently Chase agreed, but he knew damn well where that would lead "Not now, Virgie, I'm too busy "

  Virgie pouted, her round little mouth pursed invitingly "You're always so busy " She stepped closer, the tips of her breasts brushing teasingly against Chase's chest "What are you afraid of? I thought you could handle just about anything1?"

  Chase thought so too, but he wasn't certain where Virgie was concerned She wanted things from him he wasn't prepared to give She was an enchanting chit, part witch, part child—and all woman

  "You're an enticin' woman, Virgie," Chase conceded grudgingly "You make a man itch where it's hard to scratch "Let me scratch your itch. Chase You won't be sorry "

  "Tarnation, Virgie—" Suddenly Chase's attention was diverted by a cloud of dust rising in the distance They seldom had visitors, so it was an occasion for curiosity when a wagon came down the lane toward the ranch "Company comin'," he muttered, forgetting all about Virgie

  Virgie frowned, suddenly apprehensive Some sixth sense warned her that the visitor would somehow destroy all her plans She watched with trepidation as the wagon rolled to a stop in the dusty yard

  The startling blue of Chase's eyes settled disconceitedly on the woman seated beside the driver She sat ramrod straight, hugging a small bundle to her breast Chase's heart beat a tattoo against his chest as Maggie's amber gaze searched his face for some sign of welcome He tried desperately to control his rampaging emotions, but his joy at seeing Maggie rattled his composure "Howdy, Maggie," he said, hardly aware of speaking at all "You're along way from home "

  What am 1 doing here? Maggie asked herself as

  she stared into the unrelenting blue of Chase's eyes They were implacable, unforgiving, and remote This wasn't the Chase she knew and loved, the man who vowed to love her forever This Chase was cold, bitter, and remorseless

  "Hello, Chase, will you help me down or would you prefer I didn't stay1?"

  Stay1? Maggie wanted to stay at the ranch1? Nothing Maggie said made sense to Chase, but he reached up, grasped her slender waist, and swung her to the ground While they stared at each other with a longing neither would admit to, the driver dropped Maggie's luggage on the ground, clucked the horses into motion, and took off down the lane

  "Who is this woman1?" Virgie asked, all too aware of the charged atmosphere "Where is her husband1?"

  Just then the baby began to fuss, plunging Chase into cold reality "A'good question Where is your husband, Maggie1? I'm surprised Gordon let you travel alone "

  Vivid red stained Maggie's cheeks as she deliberately ignored Chase's cruel taunts

  Chase cursed beneath his breath, angry at himself for lashing out at Maggie She wouldn't have come here alone with her newborn child without good reason Had Gordon mistreated her1? Left her to fend for herself and her child1? Somehow he didn't seem the type

  "Chase, introduce us," Virgie whined, angry at being ignored

  "Virgie, meet Maggie Afton Maggie, this is Virginia Martin, Kate's niece She's livin' at the ranch now "

  "How—convenient," Maggie muttered, taking note of the way the young beauty clung to Chase Intuitively Maggie knew she was going to have to fight for Chase, but she should have expected it Lord knew. Chase was no monk

  It had taken Maggie three months of agonizing deliberation before deciding to swallow her pride and come to Montana She never thought she'd find Chase involved with another woman, but she had mentally prepared herself for any situation she might encounter Even Chase's interest in a beautiful young woman

  Maggie's decision to travel to Montana was in no way meant to pressure Chase into marrying her She fully intended to reclaim Chase's love before telling him that Beth was his child Once he came to love her for herself, with no reservations, she'd feel free to tell him about their daughter She was prepared to fight for the man she loved, and if little Virgie was an example of what she faced it appeared she would have quite a battle on her hands If she had any sense at all, she'd turn around and leave now, before Beth grew to love her father Somehow she had to make Chase understand that she never loved anyone but him, that her lie wasn't meant to hurt but to protect She couldn't wait for the day Chase realized he had a daughter But for the time being, she'd take one day at a time until the big cowboy came to his senses

  "Have you traveled far, Mrs Afton?" Virgie asked innocently "Are you and your husband friends of Chase1?"

  "It's Miss Afton I'm not married Please call we Maggie You might say I'm a friend of Chase's " Maggie looked at Chase for confirmation, but he was too busy staring at the squirming bundle in her arms to answer "We've come from Seattle," she added, turning her attention back to the vivacious brunette

  Virgie was appalled She'd never met an unwed mother before, certainly not one who seemed unconcerned over her embarrassing state How and where did this brazen hussy meet Chase1?

  "Did you and Gordon have a lover's spat1? Did the bastard leave you1?" Chase asked with growing anger

  "Can we go into this later. Chase1?" Maggie asked, suddenly drained of all strength "It's been along, tiring trip, and Beth is hungry If you didn't want me to stay, you should have said something before the wagon returned to town "

  "You're welcome to stay, Maggie, and I'm certain I'll find out soon enough what brings you to Montana Meanwhile, I'll show you and your—daughter, is it1?—to a room I'm sorry we're a little short of space until Rusty's new house is completed, so you'll have to make do "

  "But, Chase, there are no empty rooms," Virgie complained "And mine is hardly big enough to share with another Beside, the baby will keep us awake all night"

  "Maggie can have my room," Chase offered, ignoring Virgie's gasp of dismay "It's by far the largest and should prove adequate for her and the child " "I'm sorry. Chase—had I known you were so crowded I wouldn't have come Where are Rusty and Kate1? It will be good to see them again "

  "They took the buckboard into town this morning for supplies," Virgie
interjected She had refused to go, hoping to have Chase all to herself today, only it hadn't worked out that way "I didn't know you knew my aunt She lived in Alaska for years "

  "That's where I met her," Maggie said cryptically as she turned to follow Chase inside the house By now Beth was squirming furiously, angry at being denied her next meal

  "Quite a temper," Chase remarked with idle curiosity

  "Takes after her father," Maggie replied, tongue in cheek At least Chase had taken notice of his daughter, she thought, delighted

  Chase chose to ignore Maggie's bald statement, needing no reminder that Maggie's had taken up with another man in his absence Promises meant nothing to her But now that she was here, he fully intended to discover her reasons for telling him such an outrageous falsehood, why she had led him to believe she was barren The child resting in her arms certainly was no fantasy Whatever possessed her to come to Montana so soon after giving birth1? he wondered curiously Why had Gordon abandoned her and their child1? If Gordon were here now, he'd wring the Mountie's neck

  Maggie paid little attention to the large, comfortable rooms furnished with rustic but functional furniture that she was being led through Her attention was riveted on the ropy muscles of Chase's massive torso, the wonderful way his shirt stretched across his broad shoulders, his slim waist, slender hips, and the sinuous motions of his taut buttocks as he walked He was all man and more ruggedly handsome than she remembered Why couldn't he realize they belonged together1? Didn't he even suspect Beth was his daughter1? Men could be such absolute dolts at times

  "Here we are, Maggie," Chase said, opening a door off a long hallway on the second floor Funny, she hadn't even realized they had climbed stairs "You and your child should be quite comfortable here "


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