Breathe for It: Hellions Motorcycle Club (Hellions Ride On Book 4)

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Breathe for It: Hellions Motorcycle Club (Hellions Ride On Book 4) Page 9

by Chelsea Camaron

  The officers enter the space while we stand outside.

  “Thank you, Cheyenne,” Stella says looking back to the house. “You followed procedure.”

  Cheyenne smiles softly. “I’m not risking this job for someone else’s habit. We didn’t touch anything more once I found it.”

  “Good. Once the police finish their collection, the realtor says we can finish the job.”

  Cheyenne and I nod. The police only find the paraphernalia and traces of powder, so we are cleared quickly to get back to work.

  On the ride back to the office, Cheyenne gives me a soft, but serious look. “Jenni, I know your sister has probably done things she’s ashamed of. Things that will haunt her both on the good days and the bad. Loving an addict is hard, but love her through the pain.”

  I nod as tears well up. We end the shift, and I head straight to Peaks to see my sister. After such an emotional day with Cheyenne, I simply need to hug her.

  Entering the facility, I check in and head to the common area where I was told she could be found.

  Looking at the tables, I find her sitting at one with a man. His back is to me, and he’s wearing a baseball hat backward, but I see playing cards in Jami’s hands and a smile on her face, so I’m thankful she has a friend. Walking up, I’m filled with so many emotions. It’s been a long day but I want to share with Jami there really is hope. Cheyenne has a good life after giving up the drugs.

  Seeing me, Jami stands and comes to me. We embrace in a hug, and that’s when the man stands and turns to me.

  Those emerald eyes lock to mine, and I stop breathing.

  “Rhett,” I whisper as my sister steps back.

  “Jenni,” he greets and shoves his hands in his jean pockets. He’s taller than I remember. And muscles, his arms are shredded. Everything about him gives me this feeling of home like I’ve never had before.

  Jami sits back down after pulling out a chair for me. “Join us, Jenni,” she instructs, and I stand in place overwhelmed.

  “I’ll leave you two to your visit,” Rhett states dismissing himself. “See ya later, Jami. You need me, you know where I am.” He turns to me. “Jenni, lookin’ good.”

  He walks away with the same confident swagger he’s always had.

  The butterflies in my belly flutter, and I fight the urge to call out after him.

  Rhett Oleander still pulls at my heartstrings all these years later.

  Will the pull between us ever die?



  If I only knew then what I know now.

  My time here is almost done. I worry about Jami. When Tommy told me she was coming here, it was a shock to my system. The reality of her being in my space, I think it’s actually helped my recovery.

  Laying on the bed, I look to the ceiling. Damn, Jenni is gorgeous. Her dark hair falls past her shoulders making me want to run my hands through it again. I used to spend entire class periods just playing with her hair.

  Closing my eyes, I think back.

  “What do you dream of?” I ask her, laying on a blanket in the back of Red’s truck. Spring in North Carolina is perfect for hanging out under the stars.

  “A place where people don’t feel pain.”

  Her statement makes me curious. “What causes you pain, Jenni?”

  She sighs. “Momma hurts. I believe she really does, but she’s been going to the doctor and taking pills. Half the time, I can’t keep her awake anymore. When she’s out like that, no one is there to help Jami stay out of trouble when Dad starts drinking.”

  I can tell this is weighing heavy on her. I don’t want Jenni worried about her family. She doesn’t share much with me. In fact, I’ve never met her parents, but they don’t matter to me. She does. She is everything. “After we graduate, I’ll make sure we have a house where Jami can live with us.”

  She sits up to look at me in the night air. “Really?”

  “Absolutely. She’s family. She’s with us if that’s what you want.”

  She presses her lips to mine. Instantly, I open my mouth as our tongues find each other and explore. With my hands, I guide her over me. The skirt she is wearing strains as she straddles me in my sweatpants. I run my hands over the backs of her thighs and up to her ass cheeks. I knead her ass as she kisses me. Shifting, I slide us so I’m in a sitting position with my back to the cab of the truck. Her hands go up my shirt, and I break our kiss to remove the material. She does the same, taking off her shirt and exposing her red lace bra.

  I growl in satisfaction. Moving my hands up to her tits, I trace her nipples with my thumbs through the fabric before going to the clasp and releasing her melons in front of me. Instantly, I latch on and suck as her back arches in pleasure.

  Sliding my hands down, I trace the edge of her panties, teasing her as she presses closer to me.

  Moving the material, I slide a finger in her to find her wet and wanting. I keep my mouth on her tit while my hand works her pussy until she writhing wildly over me.

  “Rhett,” she pants, “more.”

  I keep working her, knowing I’m going to have to stop to pull my dick out and put on a condom. I find her nub with my thumb as she stills and cries out over me. Gently, I slide out as I kiss her lips. She breaks away with her face flushed. I shift, sliding down my sweats and boxers while reaching over for my wallet and grabbing the condom I always have on me. She takes her panties off while I cover my cock.

  “Ride me, baby,” I tell her as she straddles me again and lines my dick up with her pussy.

  Sex is still new between us but it’s amazing nonetheless. It’s a slow torture as she takes me inside her heat inch by inch. Our mouths meet as our bodies join. Kissing me, she works us both up again, and all too soon, I find myself spilling into the condom.

  Blinking, I wake up realizing I was dreaming about one of the many times I had sex with Jenni. Damn, I haven’t been this hard for a chick in a long fucking time. The last time was Jenni. How can she still get to me when it’s been years?

  What would it be like today?

  Back then, I thought I was good, but it was always over far too quick.

  My cock is hard in my boxers as I lay on the bed imagining Jenni naked over me. Her tits are larger now, her hourglass figure still there but more defined now. Like fine wine, Jenni is better in time.

  Reaching down, I stroke my shaft.

  My cock is bigger, and I know how to hold on so she can have more time to find hers. The silver jewel at the tip glistens in the darkness of my room. Gripping tightly, I think back to her body over mine. Pumping, I work myself up.

  To kiss her just once more … I close my eyes imagining it. My balls tighten, hot liquid erupts and the tension leaves my body.

  “Fuck,” I say to the emptiness around me. “Only Jennissey Rivera can get me to bust a nut like this.”

  She still has this power over me that I don’t care to shake.

  I’m sitting in the common area with Jonathon playing cards when I sense someone watching me. Looking up, time stands still.

  Walking in the common area towards me are Red, Pretty Boy, and Tommy Boy. My brothers are here.

  Standing, I greet them in a handshake that pulls into a half hug with a backslap. “Can’t believe you’re here,” I tell Tommy as I greet him last.

  “We stayed away as long as we could stand it,” Red tells me with a smirk.

  Pretty Boy laughs, “know you said not to visit, but brother, way I see it, we don’t come, Momma’s comin’. I figure you’d rather see our ugly mugs than have her cryin’ on your shoulder about missin’ her boy.”

  Damn, it feels good to have them here. I’ve been here working on me. I told them to stay home because I’ve burdened everyone enough. I didn’t want to pull them away from their lives. Yet, without me saying anything my brothers have shown up.

  And for the first time in my whole life it feels really fucking good to have them around.

  Three days have gone by with me looking for J
enni like some silly boy. Jami and I eat lunch together and she says Jenni is working so she hasn’t made it to visit until late evenings.

  Today, I’m at the table waiting on Jami after an intense session with Dr. Angie. When Jami sits down, I can see her eyes working.

  “What’s up, buttercup?”

  “How can you be so nice to me?” she blurts out.

  “Excuse me,” I say, sitting back in the seat and running my hand through my hair in frustration.

  “It’s my fault. They always say it just takes one hit. I got you hooked.”

  She looks down at her plate.

  “Jami, look at me.”

  She shakes her head. I reach out and cup her chin.

  “Babe, you did not stick that needle in my vein, I did. You did not time and again show up with drugs. I found them. I sought the shit out just as hard as you. Do not take the weight of my fuck ups on your shoulders. I’m pretty sure you got enough of your own shit to tackle.”

  “I can’t do this, Rhett.”

  “Yes, you can,” I tell her, hating that she feels so defeated.

  “I’m not you. I don’t have family waiting for me. I have Jenni, and she’d be better off if I was dead.”

  I shake my head. “Jami, your sister only cares about your safety and happiness. Without you, she’d be lost.”

  “You don’t know what I’ve done to her.”

  I release her and lean back in my chair. “You’ve lied. You’ve cheated everyone around you. You’ve stolen. You’ve done things you don’t ever want to admit to. You’ve fucked people just to chase the next hit.”

  She gasps. Yes, I hit her with the real shit.

  “Guess what, buttercup? So the fuck have I. The difference? You got a sister who will walk through fire for you and you for her. She knows that shit. I got a brother who has walked through Hell for me, and at every turn, I’ve spit in his face. I have a family who take my back through every fuck up, and at every turn, I threw their love and support back in their faces. Jami, if I can get through this and promise to go home to fix shit with my family, you can get through this and find that happiness Jenni wants for you.”

  I hate thinking about everything I’ve done to Red. He took me to rehab the first time and covered for me. Not only did he foot the bill, but he lied to our family and the club, saying I was at a business conference.

  I’m the man I am today because my bastard brother never gave up on me, even when he should have. I fucked his crazy ex and told her so much shit I almost ruined his relationship with Kylee. Then, in front of everyone, I shared the shit about who he really was without giving a second thought to the damage I was doing to him.

  Even this time, he didn’t strip my cut, but wished me the best going back to rehab. If I was in his shoes, I don’t know that I’m the type of man to stand back and wish me well at anything.

  But then I look at Jami, and I know Jenni will never give up on her, so she can’t give up on herself.

  Unconditional love.

  It’s a hard thing to understand.

  It’s even harder to accept.

  Throwing it away, well, that’s wasting a gift.

  Something I won’t do anymore.

  When I get home this time, things will be different.



  Three weeks later

  In a Moment, everything changes.

  Things are going good … almost scary, it’s so good.

  If someone would have asked me if rehab would turn my life around as much as Jami’s I would have laughed. But that’s what this feels like. I have been able to save money since my room and board is covered under some scholarship Jami’s attorney found. She’s in therapy and really seems on the right track with her addiction. I’ve even gone to therapy with her and find we are communicating much better.

  I’m visiting Jami today and waiting for her to meet me in the common area after therapy. She walks in, and I can see by her face she’s been crying. Instantly, my heart hurts for her. I never like to see my sister hurting.

  Standing, I embrace her in a hug. “What’s wrong, Jami?”

  I have never been able to handle watching my sister cry. She hugs me back before gesturing for me to sit back down. We both find our seats comfortably.

  “Jenni, I have to tell you something.”

  “Okay,” I reply, swallowing hard and wondering what on Earth she could need to tell me.

  “It’s my fault Rhett is here.” The words tumble out of her mouth as tears fall down her face. “When you were gone, back at boot camp, I didn’t tell you. He found me at a party. To keep me from overdosing, he took the needle and shot up.”

  “Jami, that’s not on you, honey.”

  As much as my heart hurts to think that Rhett went to such lengths to stop my sister, I can’t let her drown in guilt. I asked him to watch her. My choices started this ripple effect.

  “I can say the words, Jenni, but I still feel it in my heart. Maybe it’s because he’s gone. I don’t know, it’s just hard.”

  “Gone? What do you mean gone?”

  He’s not here anymore? This comes as a surprise to me. Even though I haven’t run into him again, I can’t help the feeling of disappointment that washes over me. I guess part of me was hopeful to see him and maybe reconnect.

  “Where did he go?” I ask her with genuine curiosity.

  She takes a deep breath, pulling herself together. “He completed the program. He was here for a few weeks before I arrived from what I gathered.”

  “This is good news for him,” I say casually, still unsure of the mixed emotions I’m feeling.

  “Yeah. Jenni, he really helped me in here. We talked a lot. He isn’t here because he was in trouble like me. He actually realized on his own he didn’t have control anymore. The teenage boy that was slightly angry at the world is now this man who is wise. I got used to him being here to lean on. Now, I guess I just miss him. Logically, I know I’m only responsible for my own actions. Still, knowing he was trying to watch out for me, I can’t help feeling like I played a part in where things went wrong for him.”

  I think on her words, but don’t go deeper or elaborate on the conversation We are here for Jami to heal. We keep things casual and light for the rest of my visit I have a feeling her therapy is taking a lot out of her each day, and I want to be a support system not another person digging in her head.

  Leaving her tonight, I feel heavy. Getting to my temporary home, I can’t shake the urge, so I dial a number I haven’t dialed in years.

  “Red,” he answers on the second ring.

  “Kenneth, it’s Jennissey Rivera.”

  “Well hell, girl, how are you?”

  I sigh, this is Red. I know Rhett had this weird relationship with him, but I think it stemmed from Red being such a genuinely good guy and Rhett feeling less than. Jami was right in her description of Rhett. He was the boy who was slightly angry at the world. Since I had so many issues of my own, I never thought about what he might really feel. We had this connection and God, I loved him, but I was so caught up in trying to be the protector of my sister that I didn’t give much attention to what Rhett might have needed from me as a girlfriend.

  “I’m okay, Red.”

  “What’s got you callin’?”

  Typical Red, he’s not one to hold punches. “I know Rhett, umm,” I begin but stop short. “You know what, Red, I shouldn’t have called. I’m sorry.”

  “I know about Rhett’s addiction, Jenni. He’s home from rehab, and he’s actually doing better than I ever thought possible. Know Jami is there and doin’ good, too. Best program in the country.”

  With those words and his tone, I find my stomach settling.

  “I loved him,” I whisper.

  “Girl, we all know it. Don’t know why you left, not my business. Just know he hasn’t been the same without you, but he’s comin’ around.”

  “How bad was it?” I ask, not really sure I’m ready for the answer.
I don’t know why I even called. I should leave well enough alone. Rhett has his life without me.

  “Not my story to tell. Jenni, talk to Rhett. He’s in a good place right now. Probably the most open he’s ever been with me. You wanna know what went down while you were gone, ask him. You wanna rekindle an old flame, talk to him. But callin’ me, all it’s gonna get you is a familiar voice and a walk down memory lane. You got unfinished business. Been that way since you left, and he couldn’t understand it. Clear that shit up, but that’s something only the two of you can do.”

  A thought hits me. “Red?”

  “Yeah, girl?”

  “How do you know about my sister?”

  “Only outta respect for the history you got with my brother am I sharin’. He knew he was goin’ to rehab and would be there for an uncertain amount of time. Rhett bein’ Rhett, he put Tommy on Jami’s tail should she need somethin’. I know my brother gave you his word he’d look after your sister. He’s kept his word. Rhett’s made a lot of mistakes but Jenni, he’s done as right by you as he has anyone in his life. We know your sister has been struggling with addiction since she left, but she never crossed lines that got her in trouble. When she did, Rhett had us on watch. Tommy got a call; we made some shit happen so Jami could get help. But the core of it is, my brother kept his word to protect your sister.”

  My gut twists and my instincts kick in. “Whose payin’ for this?” I cut in needing to know.

  “Thinkin’ you need to get the answers to your questions from Rhett, Jenni.”

  Tears fall down my face. Even after all this time, he’s still looking out for my sister.

  “Thank you, Red.”

  “Anytime, Jenni. You gonna call my brother?”

  I don’t reply because I don’t know what I’m going to do.

  “Talk soon, Red.”

  He doesn’t push me further, and I’m grateful for it. “Talk soon, Jenni.”

  The call ends, and I stare at the screen. Red sends me a text with a phone number. I know who it belongs to without an explanation.


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