Ellie's Redemption

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Ellie's Redemption Page 23

by Molly Jebber

  “Did you not listen to a word Joel and I have said? Ellie brought me home to you. Yes, Joel did too, but Ellie insisted he kumme for me. Does any of this matter to you?”

  Mamm slid her finger and thumb up and down the cup handle. “I suppose.”

  Joel leaned back in his chair and folded his arms. “You suppose! Mamm, no one at this table has a problem with Ellie but you. I love her, and I’m going to marry her. I prefer to have your blessing. After what Maryann has shared with you, I’ll be flabbergasted if you don’t have a change of heart toward Ellie. She’s done everything in her power to get you to accept her. To prove she’s trustworthy.”

  Daed crossed his arms to his chest. “Naomi, this woman brought our dochder home to us. She made arrangements with work and her daed. She cared about Maryann, a woman she had never met. All she wants is for you to accept her. Why is it so hard?”

  Mamm’s cheeks reddened. Tears dripped onto the table. She covered her face with her hands. “I’m sorry, Joel. I’m ashamed of how I’ve treated her. Look what she’s done for us, and I’ve done nothing but rebuke her.”

  Maryann got up and bent to wrap her arms around her. “Mamm, it’s never too late to mend fences with someone, even if they don’t accept your apology. It’s good for the soul to ask anyway. I believe Ellie will be thrilled if you tell her you’re sorry and would like to get better acquainted with her.”

  Joel held up his hands. “When should I tell her to bring her family to supper?”

  Mamm leaned into her dochder and gave a remorseful smile to Joel. “Friday night?”

  “I’ll ask Ellie and her family tomorrow.” Joel beamed and slapped his legs. “Danki, Mamm.”

  Daed reached over and covered Mamm’s hand. “There’s the loving fraa I married.”

  “Don’t worry. Our conversation at supper will go much better than the last time we entertained Ellie and her family.” Naomi met Joel’s gaze.

  Maryann settled back in her chair. “What happened the last time?”

  “I’ve been rude and dismissive of Ellie. I berated and snubbed her. I’m deeply remorseful.”

  “Mamm! I’m surprised. Why would you do such a thing? You’ve always been so loving and kind. You took up for newcomers to the Amish community who were disparaged by gossips before this. Why Ellie?”

  “I was afraid she and Joel would get married and she’d leave him. I didn’t want him to suffer the loss of losing her after the pain he’s had over you. I should’ve given her the benefit of the doubt. God must be upset with me. We are to love one another, and I’ve rejected her each time she’s approached me.”

  Joel’s heart soared. Maryann’s return had been a blessing in itself. He didn’t realize her presence would have such a positive impact on Mamm’s attitude toward Ellie so soon. She spoke like the loving woman she was before his schweschder left. God had worked a miracle in their lives. He couldn’t wait to tell Ellie their prayers had been answered. His shoulders stiffened. Ellie might be afraid Mamm would change her mind and give them trouble in the future. He wouldn’t blame her for having such thoughts. He hoped she’d be happy to witness his Mamm’s sincere change of heart toward her. He had every confidence in his mamm that she would make things right between her and Ellie, and he would assure the love of his life that he believed this to be true. He couldn’t wait to bring their families together. He and Ellie had a lot to look forward to.

  Chapter Thirteen

  Ellie told Liza about their adventures in Massillon. “You will love Maryann, and her boppli, Betsy, is precious.”

  Peter rested his fist under his chin. “Will she let me hold Betsy?”

  “You can ask. I’m sure she will.”

  Jacob sipped hot chocolate Liza had made for them. “She is pretty. She’s got dainty fingers and hands, a cute nose, and a sweet little mouth. Her fuzzy hair tickles your cheek.”

  “I’d like a bruder or schweschder.” Peter stared at Liza.

  “You’ve got a schweschder, and you can enjoy Betsy.” Jacob tousled Peter’s hair.

  “When can we go visit her?” Peter held out his palms.

  “We should give Maryann and Betsy time to get settled first.” Ellie studied her daed.

  His eyes sparkled as he described Betsy’s features. He’d smiled from ear to ear rocking her in his arms in Massillon. He acted like he longed for more kinner. She wondered if he and Liza had talked about adding to their family. Liza loved the bakery, and Peter was at the age where he was easier to take care of than an infant. She doubted they would plan a boppli.

  Cinnamon came into the kitchen, with Snuggles hopping behind him. Both headed for Peter. He slid off his chair. “Sorry, Mamm. I’ll get them out of the kitchen.”

  Ellie laughed. “Snuggles acts like a dog rather than a rabbit. The two animals are inseparable when they’re out of their cages.”

  Peter petted Snuggles. “While you were gone, Snuggles went up to a mean old dog who came in our yard and tried to play with him. The dog was about to take a hunk out of Snuggles when I swooped in just in time.”

  Ellie reached for his hand. “Did the dog chase after you?”

  Liza swatted the air. “Nah. I was with him. The old dog was hungry and harmless. We fed him, and minutes later, an Englischer came by and apologized. They’d been looking for the dog all day after they realized he was no longer in their yard. They said he started running away after their son passed. The dog might be looking for him.”

  “Peter, don’t approach dogs and other animals. They could be sick or mean and harm you.” Jacob waggled his forefinger at Peter.

  “I had to rescue Snuggles.”

  “I’m your protector, and I don’t want anything bad to happen to you.” Daed stared into Peter’s eyes.

  Peter picked up his rabbit and nestled his nose in Snuggle’s fur. “I’ll take them outside.”

  Ellie waited for the door to close behind Peter then directed her attention to her daed. “He’s going to ignore your warning. He loves those animals.”

  Jacob stretched his arms over his head and rolled his eyes. “He scares me. He’s loyal to Snuggles and Cinnamon to a fault.” He winked. “Similar to you. You went after Peter when the woman took him.”

  “You would’ve done the same.”

  “You’ve got me there. I am proud of you.”

  “Me too.” Liza grinned.

  “Danki.” She yawned. “Liza, how were things at the bakery while we were away?”

  “Slow. Not our usual Wednesday crowd. We missed you, and it wasn’t as much fun without you. We’re glad you’re back.” Liza squeezed her arm.

  Ellie snapped her fingers. “I almost forgot. I went to a quilt shop.” She recounted meeting Becca and told Liza about the quilt she’d given her.

  “Some of the ladies here have talked about her shop. It sounds lovely.” She lifted a wrapped package off the chair in the corner. “Is this the one she gave you?”

  “Jah, it’s beautiful. I love how they stitch a pocket on them for you to tuck a note inside.” She longed to give it to Joel. She wouldn’t have the chance as long as his mamm had anything to say about it. She wouldn’t marry him and open both families up to such animosity. “I’m exhausted. I’d better get to bed.” She kissed their cheeks and padded to her room. She enjoyed Maryann, and it would be a treat to show her around town and the bakery and do things together. What was she thinking? Mrs. Wenger would have objections. She better put those notions out of her head.

  * * *

  Joel woke up early Thursday and hurried through his morning chores. He wouldn’t let anything get in the way of going to town and inviting Ellie’s family to their haus. He hadn’t realized the burden he’d been carrying while Maryann was gone. He no longer dreaded facing Mamm. She had been moody, sad, and critical. She’d been going through the motions each day to care for them and do her chores. Today she bounced with joy like she hadn’t a care in the world. Mamm had let go of her bitterness. What a great day!

He washed and dried his hands and went inside. Mamm held Betsy in her lap. Maryann and Daed were chatting, and he watched them for a moment. Daed beamed, and so did the women. The circle would be complete when he could convince Ellie to become his fraa.

  “Joel, I didn’t realize you’d kumme in.” Maryann pulled out the chair beside her. “Kumme sit.”

  “I’m going to visit Ellie at the bakery and extend our invitation.”

  Daed lifted his eyes. “A little anxious, are we?”

  “Jah.” Joel blushed.

  Mamm put Betsy’s head on her shoulder. “Ask Ellie to invite the rest of her family. Hannah, Esther, and Abe.”

  He’d have her extended family here. He had a plan, and this made it even better. “Danki, Mamm. Will do.” He kissed Betsy’s forehead.

  “Tell Ellie I look forward to getting together with her.” Maryann stood and opened the door for him.

  He nodded to Maryann, shrugged on his wool jacket as he stepped outside, harnessed his horse to the wagon and left. He waved to the townsfolk passing by in their buggies and a couple driving a motorcar. The crisp air, the blue sky, and the sun shining made the cold refreshing. Or maybe it was his heart singing inside his chest. He’d found the woman for him, and there was nothing stopping them from planning a wedding soon.

  He’d been saving money for a haus, livestock, and planting hay, corn, and a big garden. He’d need to construct a barn and silo. He had so much to do. One step at a time. He scanned the farms on both sides of the road. Each haus was painted white and they looked about the same. Some larger. Some smaller. The fields and gardens filled acre after acre of land. They were all blessed to have food, water, and homes to live in. Friends to lend a hand when needed. God is good.

  He tied his mare to the hitching post outside of the bakery. His heart thumped as he strode inside.

  Ellie came around the corner of the counter. “Joel! I didn’t expect you’d kumme to town today! What a nice surprise!”

  He took off his hat and clutched it tight to his chest. “Ellie, Mamm sent me to ask you and your family plus Hannah and her parents to supper at our haus Friday evening.”

  “What!” Eyes wide, her hand flew to her chest.

  “I’m serious. We told her how grateful we are to you and your daed for helping us. Maryann defended you to Mamm, and she got through to her. Ellie, Mamm has let go of her judgmental attitude about you. Please say jah.”

  She wrinkled her nose. “What should we bring?”

  “Not a thing. She’s anxious to have all of you. Let her and Maryann do it.”

  “Joel, I’m astounded. I never thought I’d be invited to your haus again.”

  “Wait until you’re around her. She’s a different person. The Mamm she was before Maryann left. We’ve had tension in the haus for so long. To have it replaced with joy and laughter this morning was an overwhelming change. A good change. Mamm is in love with Betsy.” He chuckled. “She’s little to have such power over all of us.”

  “I hope your mamm isn’t just putting on an act for Maryann. I’m timid about this.”

  “She’s sincere. I promise.” He understood her trepidation.

  “Joel, this would mean so much to me. Our lives would change.”

  “Jah. You wouldn’t have any more excuses to keep me at arm’s length.”

  She held his gaze. “Nah, I wouldn’t.”

  Hannah bounced into the room. “Joel! What a pleasure.”

  “Hannah, you’re invited to our haus for supper tomorrow along with Ellie’s parents and Peter. Bring your parents too. Will you kumme? Mamm’s had a change of heart about Ellie, and she’s anxious to show her. She asked if you would all join us.”

  “What do you say, Ellie?” Hannah tilted her head.

  “Let’s go. I’d be ecstatic if she’s ready to talk to me.”

  “All right, then. Joel, what time?” Hannah leaned on the end of the counter.


  Ellie hugged herself and bounced on her toes. “We’ll be there.”

  He put his hat on and opened the door. “This is all going to work out, Ellie.” He gave her a reassuring half smile. “Enjoy the rest of your day, ladies.”

  * * *

  Ellie clasped her hands and held them to her chin. “Hannah, can you believe it?”

  “I do. I’ve been praying for this day. You and Joel belong together.”

  “Let’s not get ahead of ourselves. I’m not sure I trust her. She might be putting on a good front for Maryann. I have no doubt her dochder would take up for me. We liked each other from the start, and she doesn’t have a critical bone in her body. You’re going to enjoy being around her.”

  “I’m anxious to meet Maryann and Betsy.” Hannah pushed a stray hair back in her kapp. “Did you and Joel have time to discuss anything?”

  “He believes his mamm has had a change of heart. He and I had the best time together during our jaunt to Massillon. Oh, Hannah, I’m afraid to get my hopes up.”

  “Let’s think good thoughts.”

  Liza joined them. “What’s all the chatter out here about?” She plopped on the stool.

  “We’re going to Joel’s for supper on Friday. She twirled her finger. “All of us.”

  “Is this Joel’s idea?” Liza frowned.

  “Mrs. Wenger’s.” Ellie held up her hands. “She’s full of regrets, according to Joel.”

  “Why, Ellie, how wonderful.” Liza sat up straight. “What shall we take to them?”

  “Nothing. She’s got it all planned.” Ellie shrugged.

  “Ellie, this could be a big turning point in your and Joel’s lives.” Liza got up and hugged her. “I’m so happy for you.”

  “I’m cautious and optimistic. Let’s wait until we speak with her.”

  “I can understand why you’d question her change of heart after the way she’s treated you.” Hannah sighed.

  “She may not want to stir up any trouble with Maryann. Joel said his schweschder supported me to his mamm.”

  “Give her the benefit of the doubt. God may be working on her.” Liza swiped some sugar from her sleeve.

  “I’m sure this will be a happy occasion.” Hannah sniffed. “Oh no! I burnt the apple tarts!” She bolted to the kitchen.

  Ellie hurried behind her. She threw her a potholder.

  Liza stood next to Ellie, grabbed another potholder, and tossed it to Hannah.

  Hannah opened the oven door. She jerked the tray out. “I got them out just in time!”

  Ellie laughed and then rushed to Liza, who was collapsing to the floor. “Liza!” She knelt beside her. “Liza, wake up!”

  Hannah stood over her. “I’ll go get Dr. Harrison.” She rose and ran from the kitchen.

  “Please, please, open your eyes. You’re scaring me.” She put her ear to Liza’s chest. A heartbeat and she’s breathing. She blew out a breath.

  Liza’s eyes fluttered open. She raised a hand to the back of her head. “Ouch, what happened?” She lifted her shoulders to get up.

  “Nah. Don’t move.” Ellie tucked a folded towel under her head. “You stay still until Dr. Harrison arrives.” She touched where Liza had her hand. “You’re getting a goose egg on the back of your head. You fell flat on the floor, and I couldn’t rouse you.”

  Hannah came in. “Dr. Harrison is right behind me. Oh, Liza, I’m so glad you’re awake.” She glanced at Ellie. “I locked the door and turned the sign to show we’re closed.”

  “Good. We don’t need any distractions right now.”

  Dr. Harrison knelt. “Liza, tell me the last thing you remember.” He threw open his black bag and pulled out his stethoscope.

  “The room went black, and I’m now staring at you.” She winced and touched her head. “Each morning for the last couple of weeks, I’ve been nauseous.”

  He nodded, put the tips in his ears, and listened to her heartbeat. He took the stethoscope from around his neck and returned it to his bag. He examined her injury. “The swollen place on you
r head may hurt for a week or so, but it will heal. The skin is fine.” He closed his bag. “Ellie and Hannah, I’d like to talk to Liza a minute. Do you mind stepping out?”

  Ellie clasped Hannah’s hand. “Is this serious?” She couldn’t lose Liza. They’d formed a special bond, and her family would be devastated. She was the one who gave the best hugs, advice, love, and compassion. The one who brought such happiness to them with her cheerfulness, the lilt in her step, and putting them before herself.

  “I suspect not.” He offered Liza his hand. “You can sit up now. I wouldn’t advise standing. Give yourself a minute.”

  “They’ll listen to us anyway. They may as well stay.” She leaned back on her hand.

  Ellie and Hannah sat on the floor next to Liza.

  “My legs hurt in this position. Let’s all sit.” Dr. Harrison stood.

  Ellie dragged four wooden kitchen stools together.

  Hannah and Dr. Harrison escorted Liza to the stools. Dr. Harrison stood in front of Liza. “Are you all right on this stool?”

  “Jah. I’ve recovered. It’s as if it never happened, except for the bump.” She touched it, made a face, and dropped her hand in her lap.

  “Your lack of food is part of the reason you fainted, in my opinion.” He asked her health questions, and she reddened and answered she had been absent of her regular monthly cycles the last few months.

  Dr. Harrison raised his brows. “Liza, you may give birth this year. You may be carrying your first baby.”

  “What!” Her eyes and hands went to her stomach. “Me? I assumed I couldn’t birth a boppli.”

  Ellie cocked her head. “Why?” She noticed everyone raised their eyebrows.

  “During my marriage to Paul, we never had kinner.”

  Ellie and Hannah clapped and hugged each other. “We’re going to have a boppli in our family!”

  “Hold on. The doctor isn’t sure.” Liza folded her hands in her lap.

  Dr. Harrison held up his forefinger. “If I was a betting man, Liza, I’d be surprised if I didn’t win big on this one.” He sniffed and eyed the nut cookies on the tray. “Mind if I have one?”

  Hannah scooped three off the tray, set one in his palm, and wrapped the other two. “It’s the least we can do.”


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