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Blockade Page 38

by Chris Hechtl


  Amadeus grinned as he heard the report about Fourth Division's arrival. “Excellent. The Marines have arrived. Now we've got ourselves a party!”

  There were a few chuckles from his staff over that one. To be honest he'd been distressed over the increasing reports of violence on the planet. Just as things had been settling down, the enemy had decided to kick things up. Out of spite no doubt and to make it clear they were still there. But he knew it was something more. A last gasp perhaps? They obviously knew Fifth Fleet was coming; his people hadn't hidden that fact from the local media.

  Soon enough it would be their move. He was pretty sure this General K wasn't going to like it.


  Captain Briggs nodded at the news. General Kodiak was a cagey bear; he'd seen what the bear could do on Protodon. No doubt he'd love Agent Smith's compiled reports. The locations of the bases would be a great way for them to hit back.

  He was of two minds about pulling his agent. Smith was the best agent, the one that had gotten in the deepest. He was racking up some impressive finds too, locating where the enemy had hideouts in his area. He also logged chatter. He had yet to find the enemy's command center though. There was speculation that General K was on the water or waterfront. Apparently, he had a ship. His people were looking into that.

  Chapter 36


  News of the recent battle in New Horizon was sent to the other commands through the Admiralty. Captain Firefly's achievement made it into the Fleet Times since it was the most recent battle. It was also most notable because it was Firefly, and it was the first time an A.I. had commanded a force in modern memory.

  When word got to Bek, many prejudiced officers and noncoms were surprised that an A.I. had been in command. "How did we miss that?"

  "Captain Firefly. Did someone forget him or did someone just assume it was a T'clock name?" Rear Admiral Richard Maok demanded. Even though he had been forced to retire, he still kept in touch with his network of friends and protégées in and out of the service.

  "His appointment was by Admiral Irons’ command. At the time we weren't in a position to do something about it," Rear Admiral Shiro Ishi, also retired, replied. "I just found out some of our friends in BUPERS tried to get a proper person assigned to the post."


  "Apparently Admiral Pashenkov stepped in and reprimanded them. Given that it would have been noticed by the media, it was the right call," Admiral Ishi stated. He could tell the others around the room were not happy and clearly resented the Neowolf's actions, not that any of them had a choice. "For the moment we're going to have to suck it up and just deal with it."

  The grumbling was barely tolerable. He just shrugged it off. Like it or not their presence and power in the fleet had been curtailed yet again. Each time they tried to flex their muscles and re-establish the old status quo they were pared down even further. His friends and colleagues needed to learn what he'd learned as a spook long ago, to be patient and use subtlety to get the end result they wanted.

  But, to also be able to accept that some things they couldn't change.

  Given that some of them were dinosaurs and pretty set in their ways, that was not going to be easy.


  New Horizon

  Fifth Fleet's arrival was announced by first the arrival of the prowler and then its IFF was broadcast. Once Captain Firefly uploaded his logs, the prowler departed.

  Six hours later Fifth Fleet itself arrived in one massive arrival footprint. The fleet's task forces were grouped and arrayed in formations with the fleet flagship at the heart of the formation. It was an impressive sight.

  They exchanged IFF and then salutes. Once Captain Firefly was linked into the fleet's tachyon network, he spoke with Rear Admiral V'r'z'll. "Greetings, Admiral. Your timing could have been a tad better. We handled it however."

  "Better late than never," the admiral said. She was still coming to grips with the news that an A.I. had commanded in battle. It wasn't unheard of; in fact, it had been more or less common in the old Federation up to and including the Xeno war. She had even read about the Ghost Fleet. Still, it was something unusual for her to consider given her upbringing.

  It definitely made her reconsider an A.I. and their abilities.

  "Well, that's certainly true. We had a bit of a dustup. Uploading logs now," Firefly stated.

  "I had the hot wash already," the admiral stated.

  "Yes, ma’am. We're still sorting out the mess. If your factory ships wish to pick over the derelicts, feel free. ONI has had their shot at them."

  "Understood. I definitely wish to resupply my force, specifically with your fuel supply," the Veraxin stated.

  "The amount of fuel currently on hand is in the log, ma'am. Your A.I. has it. In anticipation of your arrival, I stepped up production. I believe there should be sufficient stockpiles for your fleet."

  "Understood," the admiral replied as her A.I. fed her the information on her HUD. "I'll let me staff handle the details then. I'll also be taking the Winterspell CruRon as well as the destroyers. After some careful consideration, I've decided to leave Shredder and Sicily and their support ships with you."

  Captain Firefly noted internally that she hadn't offered to make good on their losses. He couldn't complain however. "Thank you, ma'am."

  "I understand we have some promotions and transfers to deal with."

  "Yes, ma’am. If at all possible, I'd like to skim some additional personnel to get rid of some more of these prize vessels if you believe you can spare a few navigators and helmsman."

  "I think we can arrange something as long as I get them back in time," the admiral stated. "I'll have my staff look into that as well."

  "Thank you, ma'am."

  "I see I have ansible downloads to digest. Good day, captain," the admiral stated by way of dismissal.

  "Good day, Admiral," Captain Firefly stated as he logged out.


  It didn't take long for Rear Admiral V'r'z'll to complete the news updates from the ansible. After that she made certain her staff had the resupply well underway before she called the captain of Winterspell over for an interview.

  It took two days for the captain to arrive on her ship. When he arrived it was in full formal uniform. "Captain Misipeka about the Bek reference," she stated, signaling first-degree anger. "You were well out of line."

  "Yes, ma’am. I know that."

  "And yet you did it anyway?"

  "At the time it seemed like a good idea. I thought we could take them. In the end we did. Other than that I don't have much of a defense, ma'am. I am sorry," he stated.

  Her study of Terrans as well as her universal implant told her his body language radiated apology. She was still not happy though she appreciated his contrition.

  "What was Admiral Quartermain's take on the information you gave him?" she asked.

  He shrugged. "I don't know, ma'am, I haven't been privy to any interviews with him. He is on one of the prize ships that has been outfitted as a prison ship. ONI should have the recordings, ma'am."

  "Understood. I am not stripping you of your command at this time. I'm waiting on a response from the Admiralty. Until I get a response, you can retain your command. But if I see you step out of line so stupidly again …," she made a snipping motion with both of her upper claws.

  The ape nodded, eyes wide. "Yes, ma’am."



  The Admiralty had left orders to record but ignore the transmissions from the planet and its Horathian governor. "It's not like we can do anything about them with our Marines in Garth at the moment," Captain Silverfish commented during a captain's meeting.

  "No, no, we can't. I want the fleet to complete its resupply by the end of the week so we can move on. If there are any issues, we need to resolve them here and now. Once we get to Finagle, we may be entering combat right away," Admiral V'r'z'll stat
ed. She had already dispatched the prowler to move ahead of them. She refused to move without adequate intelligence again. Given that Winterspell's CruRon had been forced off their station, they had to recon the route all over again.

  "I have a few things to attend to. I expect the resupply to be completed on time."

  "Aye aye, ma'am. We'll get it done."


  Admiral Quartermain was lounging on the bunk, staring at the brig ceiling and wondering how the Feds kept everything so damn clean and shipshape when people began to react to a visitor.

  The reaction started as a rustle but then low mutters.

  He turned his head. He knew many of their captors were not human. He had more or less gotten used to it over the weeks. There was no point making a fuss over it; such antics weren't going to change anything.

  But when he noted security was with the Veraxin bug scuttling into the long row of brig chambers he turned and rolled onto his side and then got up.

  He had the lower bunk so it was simple to get up. Something told him to look shipshape so he straightened his uniform, such as it was. They'd issued him a clean uniform and did so daily, but the rank insignia and other markings were printed on not attached. Undoubtedly, they'd been concerned about someone using them as a weapon.

  Which went to show just how far they trusted his people, including the officers, he thought. Given his people's long track record and how many had no doubt fallen into enemy hands by now he shouldn't be too surprised.

  "Admiral, I don't think this is a good idea, ma'am. We can bring him to you."

  "I'm here now so let's do this," the bug buzzed.

  The master-at-arms nodded and then indicated the cell to his right where the admiral was in. "Senior officers are here, ma'am. We've got them separated from enlisted and from trouble makers."

  "Leadership is usually sequestered from the rank and file. Give us a moment," the bug said as she turned to the admiral.

  He couldn't read bug at all, but he had the feeling he was being sized up. Instinctively, he squared his shoulders. "You wanted to see me?"

  A growl came from some of the junior officers with him. He waved them to silence with a hand flick.

  "Your people respect you, even now after defeat. Interesting," the bug stated.

  "They do. And you are?"

  "Rear Admiral V'r'z'll. I came because I wanted to know a few things."

  "Well, I'm not going anywhere so go ahead and ask. I won't promise to answer or give you answers you'll like," he said.

  He could sense the grim amusement in the compartment over that defiant statement.

  "Nothing overt. We have a lot of the information to complete the fall of your home star system in time. I was curious about your reaction to Captain Misipeka's conversation with you."

  "Captain who?" the human admiral asked, wrinkling his nose in confusion.

  "Captain Misipeka in Finagle. You spoke with him briefly."

  "Oh! Him," Admiral Quartermain replied with a snort. "Yeah, I remember him now. He was trying a cyber-attack while trying to get me to surrender. It was cute but stupid. What about him?"

  "I was curious about your reaction to the information he gave you and your reaction to my homeworld. Specifically, how you spun it to your Admiralty back home."

  "You mean Bek is real?" Commander Jaffa demanded, shouldering his way to the front, eyes wide. Admiral Quartermain turned to observe him. The commander hadn't been taking confinement well. Everyone was frustrated, but the commander was sending off some bad vibes like he was ready to blow and rank be damned.

  "I am from Bek, Commander. My conversation, however, is with Admiral Quartermain at the moment," the Veraxin stated, turning all eyes to the rear admiral. Her smaller hands moved in a series of hand signs.

  "I am surprised," Kuresh said, playing for time. "I didn't know Bek really existed. You are saying it does. Why?"

  "You are in confinement and most likely will not speak with your people on Horath for the time being." The bugs hands moved again in some sort of sign language. He tried to ignore it. There was something there, teasing at his mind, but he didn't want the distraction.

  "You mean ever since you are most likely going to execute us," an ensign stated darkly.

  "Incorrect," the bug stated. "We will only try you for crimes if we have sufficient evidence to support a charge. You were not participating in an act of piracy nor in your usual act of torturing and killing others for sport, nor were you participants in your people's criminal genocidal acts. You will be incarcerated until the war is over and then congress will decide when to release you."

  Admiral Quartermain nodded as his people broke down into soft discussions of that news. "Thank you for that," he said after motioning the group to be quiet. "Why tell us though?"

  "You have little to gain if you believe you are going to die anyway. We have no interest in killing people who were just doing their duty. You fought with honor for the most part. You should have surrendered sooner, but that is between you and a Horathian Admiralty court should one be convened in the future," the Veraxin stated, hands moving again. "It behooves you to shorten this war so you can be repatriated sooner."

  "We're not going to turn traitor, bug!" a lieutenant snarled, waving a fist.

  "The reaction to Captain Misipeka's misstatements are not classified information," the bug replied. "They may in fact be used against him in court."

  "You are going to court-martial him?" an ensign asked in disbelief.

  "That decision is not up to me. I was not his commanding officer at the time. The Admiralty has been informed and are suspending the investigation for the time being." The hands moved again. Kuresh wrinkled his nose and narrowed his eyes slightly. Suddenly he started to understand the hand signs. It didn't make sense, but he did. She was signaling first-degree annoyance.

  "As I stated, I didn't know Bek existed. We couldn't find it in a navigational chart. I passed on the conversation and my Admiralty will process it as they see fit," Kuresh stated with an indifferent shrug.

  "Sir, why tell them anything?"

  "I already admitted to some of that. Why not?"

  "Thank you, Admiral. Unfortunately, due to the scuttling of your ship, the electronic records were lost so we can't verify any of this. I am curious as to how this will play out in the future. Do you wish to remain with your people or do you wish to be paroled and given quarters more benefiting your rank, Admiral?"

  "I'm fine," Admiral Quartermain stated. "Am I ever going to meet this Captain Firefly who was in command here?"

  "Captain Firefly can interview you when he wishes. Given that he is an A.I., he has to do it electronically," the bug stated.

  Kuresh froze as his people started to murmur at that news. "Are you telling me I got my ass kicked by a computer?"

  "In essence, yes. An A.I. officer in command of the ships, other subordinate A.I., and organic personnel under him," the bug stated, signaling second-degree disbelief. Kuresh wondered briefly why but she kept talking. "If it is any consolation, this wasn't his first combat experience. Captain Firefly is an A.I. dating back to during the Xeno war and survived several battles then. He was also in several battles with your people in our time."

  "It doesn't console me as you put it, but it does inform me," Admiral Quartermain said. "Thank you," he said.

  "The information was not classified. ONI believes you already know about Firefly's exploits in Pyrax and elsewhere."

  "Firefly the ship, yes. I never … you are saying the ship is here?"

  "Firefly the ship is the body of Captain Firefly. Yes, the ship is here."


  "Thank you for your time, Admiral Quartermain. I'd invite you to dinner but I'm leaving shortly, and my time is heavily scheduled. And I also believe you are still having xenophobic issues. I will endeavor not to hold them against you. Good day," the bug said, then turned around and scuttled out.

  Admiral Quartermain slowly sank onto his bunk as his
men turned to stare down at him. He had been given a great deal to think about.


  Admiral V'r'z'll had her interview with Admiral Quartermain uploaded to the ansible for further review. ONI and JAG would no doubt take the case further in time. For the moment though, she needed Captain Misipeka. He might have misspoken, but from the human admiral's reaction, the information had been disregarded as the captain had anticipated. She was tempted to send him packing, but there was no call from the Admiralty to do so. It seemed someone had turned a blind eye to what he had done, and he could keep his command … for the moment.

  That didn't excuse or condone his action however. She fully intended to speak out against any future promotion he was supposed to get. She did make it clear to him that he was on thin ice and on probation as far as she was concerned. Once the paperwork was complete, he would be under her command, and she could can him for the slightest deviation from her orders. She made sure that was made clear to him as well.

  She checked on the status and noted with approval that her people were finishing up with the refueling from the gas refineries. Once that was complete, she would then be free to move on to Finagle.



  Captain Sheldon was a bit irritated when a pair of ships arrived in B-95a3 from Protodon. They quickly set course to cross the star system.

  Word had gotten to the picket that the two ships were headed to Nuevo Madrid to intercept an enemy cruiser expected there in a few months. As the CEV and destroyer crossed the star system, his command received orders to deploy close to the Nuevo Madrid jump point in order to cover it in case the enemy managed to avoid interception.

  "I think we could have handled it on our own. I guess they didn't want us to uncover B-95a3 in the process though," he said to his XO. His XO nodded.

  "Sucks though, I was hoping for a little more action now that we're back to boring normal picket duty routine."

  "Agreed, sir."


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