The Daily Struggles of an Immortal (Immortal Supers Book 1)

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The Daily Struggles of an Immortal (Immortal Supers Book 1) Page 20

by Kurtis Eckstein

I bent down and rested my lips gently on hers, holding her crimson gaze. “I love you,” I whispered.

  “I love you too,” she replied simply. She then took a deep breath and let out a long sigh. “I’m okay. Really. I just usually feel remorse after…” Her expression pained slightly, and she looked away.

  I began kissing her softly on the cheek, moving up to her temple and then working my way back down to her jaw. “I love you,” I repeated quietly. “And I want to be there for you, no matter what.” She sighed heavily again, prompting me to shift gears. “Can I ask you a favor?” I asked abruptly.

  She finally looked at me when I got up to sit on the couch normally and patted my thigh. She took the hint and got up too, straddling me. As she sat down on my legs, she gave me a confused expression. “Are you wanting a second time?” She wondered.

  I shook my head. “I would like you to use your third eye on me,” I admitted.

  Her eyes widened in shock. “W-Why?” She asked breathlessly.

  “Please?” I hedged. “It’s not like it’s any different than when you drink my blood. I want you to look over my thoughts and memories from last night.”

  Freya held my gaze for a few seconds, a hint of fear of what she might find, before nodding slowly. However, she still hesitated briefly before her forehead split open and she leaned down to bite my neck. Her expression was impassive while the vibrant red eye began searching my mind. But then she pulled away and began crying silently.

  I wrapped my arms around her and held her against my body.

  Her sobs were very quiet, enough so that someone standing just outside the room wouldn’t have heard.

  “Thank you,” she finally whispered after a few minutes.

  “For what?” I wondered just as quietly. I knew what she saw, but I didn’t necessarily know which part she was referring to.

  “For all of it,” she admitted. “For loving me, for appreciating me, for not viewing me as an evil monster.” She took a shaky breath. “For wanting me.”

  “Probably not the reaction you were expecting, were you?” I asked with a smirk. “Me falling even more in love with you due to your willingness to be monstrous to protect Lily.”

  She nodded in agreement, a small smile on her lips. “Thank you,” she repeated quietly, nestling against my shoulder.

  I held her for a few minutes, before I began to feel a little devious. I reached out five of my astral limbs and rapidly wrapped them around her ankles, wrists, and one around her waist, pulling her tight against me.

  She gasped, looking up at me in shock. “What are you doing?” She asked in disbelief, but the moment she spoke, she felt a sixth limb in between her legs. “Oh shit,” she exclaimed quietly. She squirmed around like she was trying to get away, before whimpering quietly from the sensation. “Shit,” she repeated with a whine.

  I grabbed her face in my hands and forced her lips on mine, examining her eyes intently to make sure she didn’t want me to stop. She moaned into my mouth when I brought out another invisible limb to trace up and down her spine, hitting all her sensitive spots at the same time.

  She then really began struggling as she got closer, but I knew the struggle was part of the turn-on. It was one of the things we had discovered during the first time. She loved to feel like she was helpless in my grasp. To be pleasured and not be able to get away from it, even though she wanted it. She was my prisoner, and this was her ‘punishment,’ which was anything but that.

  “Shit, shit, shit,” she said quietly, forcing her chest against me as she climaxed. She then shoved her forehead underneath my chin, gasping for breath.

  I continued to hold her tight while she tried to recover. “Did you enjoy that?” I asked with a grin, mimicking her comment from earlier.

  “Shit Sam. So much for me giving without taking.”

  “I disagree,” I chuckled quietly. “I think I did all the taking this time. I used your body to pleasure myself, and then when I was done, I entertained myself by pleasuring you.”

  She laughed too. “That’s one way to view it, I guess.”

  “It’s the only way,” I mused. I was then serious. “I love you,” I repeated, holding her even tighter in my arms.

  She snuggled against me more and was quiet for a few minutes. After a moment, she spoke up. “So you really feel no remorse?” She asked unexpectedly.

  “No,” I said firmly. “They deserved much worse than what they got. Much worse.” My expression then softened slightly. “Why? Do you feel like that’s bad?”

  She shook her head. “No.” She bit her bottom lip. “It’s just I struggle with it so much. Even if it’s a bad person.”

  I gently ran my fingers through her black hair before running them down the smooth latex covering her back. “Well, I’ll always be here for you,” I whispered. “And thank you for wanting to be my weapon, even though killing bothers you so much.”

  She buried her face against me more and was quiet.

  Unexpectedly, movement in my second-sight caught my attention. I had been putting more effort into paying attention due to the recent danger, but I didn’t actually expect to see anything unusual. My head immediately snapped up, although I technically didn’t need to move my head to see better.

  “Shit,” I exclaimed under my breath.

  “What’s wrong?” Freya asked urgently, sitting up straight.

  I met her gaze, but kept my focus primarily on what was happening outside. My tone was stressed. “Freya, the police are here. Two squad cars, four officers.”

  Her eyes widened in shock.

  30: A Close Call

  “Shit!” Freya exclaimed. “We need to wake up Lily and get our story straight immediately!”

  I nodded in agreement, jumping up off her and running down the hall. Freya zoomed right past me, not wanting to waste any time. When I entered Lily’s bedroom, she was already shaking the sleeping beauty to wake her up. Lily sparked some fire briefly from the startle, causing Freya to jerk back.

  “Lily,” she began in a rush, “I’m sorry to wake you, but the police are here. We need to get our story straight.” Lily immediately bolted upright, wide awake now from the unexpected stress. Freya ignored it when her blonde hair caught on fire again. “We have two options. We can either try to play dumb and act like we were here all night – Sam and I would be your alibi – or we need to tell them you were kidnapped.” The doorbell rang, prompting Freya to continue in a rush. “If we do disclose the kidnapping, then you can probably get by with self-defense, but it’s important you don’t mention our involvement. We can just say we picked you up.”

  The doorbell rang again, along with pounding. Lily seemed frazzled. “Which one do we go with?” She asked with concern. “If I lie about the kidnapping, and they have evidence, then I’ll probably get in big trouble with the law, even though I was the victim.”

  Freya gave a sharp nod in agreement. “Which means you’ll have to hope they give you some clues as to what they know. Technically, you don’t have to speak to them without a lawyer present. If they are here to arrest you, then you’ll just have to go with them and not say anything.” She glanced at me. “Sam and I can try to find evidence to support your self-defense, like the video feed recording from last night.” She again held Lily’s frightened gaze. “But if they are just here to ask questions, then you should probably–”

  The doorbell rang twice, along with more pounding.

  Freya glanced up at me. “Go ahead and get it Sam, but don’t invite them in. We’ll just go with the true story that you’re Lily’s boyfriend and it’s not your house.”

  “Right.” I immediately turned to go answer the door, only to have Freya stop me again.

  “Oh, and Sam? Don’t forget to put on your shorts before you do.”

  I glanced down, realizing I was still naked. “Oh, thanks.” I grabbed a shirt while I was thinking of it, and then ran back to the living room to throw on my shorts.

  When I opened the door, I was greeted
by two of the police officers waiting impatiently, while the other two stood by their vehicles. The one who had been pounding on the door was a man in his mid-thirties with dark skin, black curly hair, and green eyes. Along with him was a woman with green hair and gold eyes, though it appeared she was wearing reality enhancement contacts. Likely they both were.

  “Excuse the morning interruption,” the man began, sounding slightly insincere, “but we need to speak with Lily Dodson.” He paused. “I assume you must be Sampson Archer,” he added.

  For a split I wondered how he would have known, but then recalled that they had likely already scanned the license plates for both mine and Freya’s vehicle. They would know she was here too. “Yes, I am. And Sam is fine. What’s this about?”

  The man’s eyes narrowed. “We aren’t here to talk to you,” he snapped, sounding annoyed.

  I scoffed. “Well, okay then. I’ll go get her.” I began closing the door on them, when the man stepped forward, placing his foot in the way.

  “Leave the door open,” he snapped again.

  My eyes narrowed this time, suspiciously. “Do you have a warrant to enter her house without permission?” I asked in a low voice.

  He just glared at me in response. For a moment, I wasn’t sure what he was going to do, but then he moved his foot. Just as I began closing the door again, he spoke up abruptly. “Why is there information missing from your public record?” He demanded, having likely just done a more detailed search on me. “Not even the year you were born is listed.”

  Well, that confirmed that he was wearing reality enhancement contacts. He probably saw an entire screen worth of information floating in the air between the two of us. I decided to use the opportunity to gain some leverage. “Because my information is highly classified, and clearly your level of authorization isn’t high enough to see that information.”

  I paused to look him over, like I was above him. “Not even my true superpower is listed,” I added, wanting him to reevaluate how he proceeded with me, especially since most police officers didn’t have an ability that was anything above average. Even though I obviously couldn’t just kill them and get away with it, at least he would suspect that I secretly worked for the government or something.

  It was rare – very rare – for someone to have information that was private even to the police. Most people didn’t know it was possible to have information about yourself made classified, because there wasn’t a specific law that allowed it. Hence, the reason for all the hoops Freya and I had both been required to jump through to make it happen.

  Regeneration was a fairly useful ability, but it wasn’t considered to be an ideal ability. Most people would rather have strength, speed, or something cool like the unique ability Lily had. The fact that my ability was classified could imply a thousand different possibilities.

  The man actually took a small step back at my little revelation, and the woman next to him shifted her weight uneasily. I glanced at their names on their black uniforms – Witt and Mullen. If I recalled correctly, Nick’s girlfriend’s last name was Witt – Camila Witt. I wondered if she and the man were related. They both certainly shared the dark skin, although he was actually decent looking. Which meant either they weren’t related or else Camila just ended up with bad genetics.

  “Anyway,” I continued, beginning to close the door again. “I’ll go get–” I paused then as I saw her coming down the hallway with my second-sight. She was dressed now in her work clothing, looking exceptionally professional in a charcoal colored suit and white blouse underneath. I suspected Freya’s plan was to give Lily the visual appearance of a high-status law-abiding citizen.

  I took a step back and pulled open the door.

  She spoke up right away. “Oh! Sam, I was wondering what was taking you so long. What are the police doing here?” She sounded genuinely surprised.

  Witt immediately chimed in. “Lily Dodson, we need to ask you a few questions about your whereabouts last night.”

  Lily walked right up next to me and leaned against the doorframe. “My whereabouts?” She repeated. “Why do you need to know about that?”

  I was surprised by her acting skills. She was successfully playing a role that was somehow a mixture of innocent little girl, business professional, and dumb blonde all at the same time. It was super impressive.

  The man began speaking up again, but Lily cut him off. “Oh! Witt? Are you related to Nick’s girlfriend Camila?”

  “You know my cousin?” He asked, slightly surprised.

  She gave him a warm smile. “Not directly. Nick Parker is our coworker. He talks about her all the time! We were just talking about trying to do a double date with them a few days ago.” She laughed at a memory that didn’t happen. “I was trying to get Nick to tell me what she liked to eat, but the doofus wasn’t even sure.” She sighed for a moment, before perking back up. “Oh! You don’t happen to know what her favorite restaurant is, do you?”

  It was obvious Witt was trying to remain professional himself, but there was a noticeable change in his demeanor. “Umm, no I don’t. But anyway, back to my question. Can you–”

  She cut him off again, her expression suddenly concerned. “Did something happen?” She wondered, finally glancing at Mullen to see if maybe she would provide some information.

  It worked. The woman responded to Lily’s expectant gaze. “Just a fire,” she blurted out.

  “One in which there were no accelerants or otherwise any signs of the source,” the man added.

  I scoffed, finally jumping back in. “Oh, I see what this is. You’re here just because Lily’s the only super capable of producing fire. You realize there are other supers who can control fire right?” And that was true. Pyrokinetic supers weren’t resistant to fire, nor could they create it, but they could manipulate it. “And plenty who can create explosions,” I added.

  Mullen responded. “We have a ton of eyewitnesses who said they saw a tower of fire in the distance that reached as high as a skyscraper. No pyrokinetic supers are capable of such a feat. We have to investigate all leads, and Ms. Dodson’s proximity to the incident…”

  “Well, I was at home all night,” Lily finally conceded. “Not to mention, you realize I can’t control my fire, right? I can’t just create flames whenever I want.”

  “Yes,” Witt agreed, “your file does suggest that, but that doesn’t mean you might not have been provoked into exploding.”

  “Where did this even happen?” I interjected.

  “A few miles away from the other side of the city, in an abandoned warehouse,” Mullen offered.

  I tried to pull off a look of disbelief, crossing my arms. “Well, like she said, she was here all night. Not to mention the most I’ve ever seen her do was turn into a small bonfire.”

  “Then you’re her alibi?” Witt asked seriously. “You were with her the entire night?”

  “Most of it,” I hedged, realizing that this guy’s connection with Nick could lead him to finding out I had hung out with him.

  “My friend Freya was with me the rest of the time,” Lily quickly added.

  “Freya Rosetti, correct?” Witt wondered, his eyes distant for a moment, probably looking up her information. “I see that’s her orange convertible, can we have her confirm your story?”

  “Sure.” Lily agreed. “I’ll have to go wake her up though. She owns Rosetti Fashion and was up late dealing with a business situation that came up.”

  Lily then ran off to go get her, while I unsuccessfully tried to make small-talk with Witt. The guy really didn’t seem to like me. When Lily returned, I was a little shocked to see Freya looking genuinely sleepy, still dressed in one of Lily’s latex nightgowns.

  “What’s going on?” She asked, rubbing her eye. I wasn’t sure if she was trying to look cute, but she was certainly pulling it off successfully – she looked adorable.

  “We need you to confirm that you were with Lily Dodson last night when Sampson Archer was not,” Witt repeated.

  She nodded with a sigh. “Yeah. Sam was hanging with his friend Nick while Lily and I were having a girl’s night.”

  “Approximately what time was that?” Witt demanded, his tone suspiciously harsher than before.

  Freya looked at him in surprise. “Probably around seven. Why?”

  “What were you doing on the other side of the city around eight?” He snapped. “We have your license plate identified on one of the intersection scanners.”

  Freya unexpectedly glared at him, seeming to disapprove of his tone. She stood up straighter and but on her ‘I’m the boss’ face. “Well, if you’d take the time to look up my address, then you’ll see that I live on the other side of the city,” she snapped. “I own a very profitable fashion company, and had a financial situation come up. Sam had already returned before I left. In fact, he and I were in the middle of having sex when I got the call.”

  Both officer’s eyes bugged out of their heads at her unnecessary revelation. I was a little surprised too, but I understood what Freya was doing. She was trying to make them uncomfortable, so they would let it go.

  “What exactly is your relationship with Sam and Lily?” Mullen asked abruptly.

  “We’re in an exclusive polyamorous relationship,” Freya said matter-of-factly. “Lily and I share Sam.”

  Witt unexpectedly glanced at me with a renewed sense of hatred. I was a little surprised to see such jealousy radiating out of him. I tried to ignore his death glare. He was definitely not being professional now.

  “Oh,” Mullen said simply, looking the three of us over differently. She then glanced at her partner’s obvious glaring and then back at Freya and Lily. “Well, I guess we have what we came for. We apologize for the early morning interruption, but we had to ask since there’s no evidence of what caused the explosion.”

  “I can understand that,” Lily said firmly, “but I’ve never been in trouble with the law, even despite the uncontrollable nature of my ability. And I don’t like being treated like a criminal just because of my superpower. Seems very prejudice to me, and I feel a little harassed to be honest.”


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