Take Me To Bed: Bedtime Quickies

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Take Me To Bed: Bedtime Quickies Page 19

by Alex Grayson

  I've tried to appease the crazy man by taking it easy. I went on early maternity leave, being able to work mostly from home overseeing the event planning business I had recently taken over. But was that enough? Nope. Dex has taken off work so he can watch over me. He wants me to keep my feet up, laze around till I'm as big as the house he had built for us.

  Maybe some women wouldn't mind their husbands waiting on them hand and foot. I guess I wouldn't mind if there was an orgasm included. He's convinced himself, thanks to a misinformed Google site, that an orgasm will cause early labor. Since I was early with Wes, he doesn't want to take the chance—with anything.

  “Meadow, there’s proof that orgasms can set off early labor. It says so right here on this website,” he said to me as he pointed to his laptop as I laid in bed with my feet propped up trying to ignore him and his overbearing ways.

  I'm planning on disconnecting the WIFI for spreading lies to his head. At this point, he might as well wrap me in bubble wrap. But what’s the use?

  I'm the prisoner, and he's the warden.

  Speaking of the warden, while he is distracted in the shower, I’m making my great escape to the living room, tiptoeing, ever so slowly, hoping that no creaky floorboards can give me away. But it’s our dog, Lady, who barks at me from our bed, selling me out.

  “Meadow? Where are you going?” Dexter calls out, standing in the doorway of our bathroom.

  “You’re supposed to be on my team?” I hiss at the large Doberman, who has her ears pointed up innocently. Traitor. He’s even made my pup into a guard dog.

  And I was so close. My hand was on the knob.

  Why me?

  I sigh as Dex walks into the room, a white towel hanging loose around his waist.

  This no sex thing is going to be the death of me because I can’t remember when I was ever this horny.

  If it’s not bad enough that he won’t touch me, he won’t let me suck that juicy dick of his either. He’s holding both our orgasms for ransom, and right now, all I want to do is rip that towel away and jump his bones.

  Sexy, annoying, irritating bastard.

  “I was going to get a drink, then maybe go mountain climbing afterward. You know, a normal Tuesday morning,” I say smugly, wearing the smug smile to go with it.

  “Don’t be a smartass, Meadow. You know if you need anything, all you have to do is ask. You should be in bed, with your feet up, resting.”

  “No, I should be in bed with your dick inside of me.” I stab my finger into his chest, with a little extra bite to my bark.

  He chuckles and shakes his head. Well, I’m glad to see he’s finding this humorous. At least when he dies at my hand, he’ll do it, laughing. “Get into bed, Meow.” He goes to grab my hand, but I move it away from him. If he thinks calling me by his little playful nickname for me will give him bonus points, he has another thing coming.

  “No, Dexter. Stop it already. The doctor said I was fine.”

  “And she said the same thing last time—‘till you weren't."

  Yep, I think I’m going to kill him. Consequences be damned.

  "Oh my God, Dex. Every pregnancy is different. You need to stop being such a worrywart. It's not a good look on you."

  He steps closer to me and places his hand on my cheek. “Fine. But, let’s not push it again.”

  I roll my eyes, moving his hand away. I’m tempted to bite the damn thing off.

  “The only way I’m crawling back in that bed is if you’re going to fuck me. If not, I’m going to get myself a drink. Then find Wes and cuddle up with him on the couch and watch cartoons.”

  He sighs “All right, but if I come out there and your sexy ass isn’t planted on that couch, well…”

  “Well, what? Punish me? Please do.” I purr, darting my tongue over my lips.

  “And don’t go lifting Wes, he’s too heavy.” He says, scratching the nape of his neck, totally ignoring my seduction techniques.

  “Yes, dear,” I mutter, while sarcastically fluttering my eyes.

  He bites the inside of his cheek and closes in on me. His pupils dilate and my heart skips a beat at his darkening lustful stare. He leans in and his fingers graze the side of my face. My lips part and I’m quickly overtaken by his fiery, possessive kiss. The scent of his aftershave washes over me, and I melt in his arms. I grab his towel and pull it off him.

  My hand wraps around his cock, and I start moving up and down his length, feeling him grow harder in my palm.


  “Meadow,” he groans, grabbing my wrist.

  “Don’t fight it, Dexter, I need you,” I moan against his lips, ready to kiss him again when he jolts his head away and moves my hand from his dick.

  “Dexter—” I let out an exasperated sigh, running a hand through my hair. My sex is throbbing in need, just from that one kiss, and, I’m being denied—again.

  He swallows hard. “Baby, we can’t.”

  “Yes, we can!” I stomp my foot, not caring if I’m acting like a petulant child. Does he not know how badly I need him? “The doctor didn’t say anything about not having sex. YOU DID. I want you, and I know you want me. So, why do you push me away?”

  “You know why,” he says.

  In a huff, I grab the door handle, swing the door open, and rush out of the room. I make my way to the kitchen and see my mother sitting at the breakfast bar with Wes. Dexter got up this morning, like every morning since he’s been home, and got Wes ready for the day. All while I lay in bed and twiddle my thumbs.

  “Good morning, Meadow.” My mom addresses me as she stirs Wes’ oatmeal. She’s been coming over in the mornings to help with Wes and keep me company since Dexter has put me on bed rest. “I see your captor has let you out of your cell today.”

  I shake my head and walk to the fridge to get some orange juice. “He’s driving me nuts!” I exclaim, having the urge to yank my hair out.

  “Mommy!” Wes wiggles his tiny hands at me. I know full well he wants me to pick him up, but instead, I walk over to him and let him put his arms around my enormous belly. He looks exactly like his father; brown hair, which is spiked to match Dex's, same brown eyes, nose, and chin, but thankfully he hasn't picked up that stubborn gene. Yet.

  “Hi, sissy. Come out so I can play with you,” he whispers.

  “She'll be here soon enough, Wes.” I kiss the top of his head as he continues to talk to his sister.

  “She'll be here sooner if you don't take it easy,” Dexter says as he walks into the kitchen dressed in a black t-shirt and jeans.

  I roll my eyes and trying my best not to snap because I know he means well.

  But I think my hands around his neck would look good right about now.

  “Daddy, sissy kicked me in the head.” Wes giggles and rests his head on my belly again. And sure enough, the baby kicks.

  “She did, huh?” Dexter walks over to us and places his hand on my belly. The baby kicks, saying her hi to her daddy, which radiates the biggest smile out of him. “She’s kicking up a storm.”

  Dexter’s hand remains as Wes goes back to eating. His stare bores into me. The sexual tension is palpable between us, and I bite my lip, begging for him to kiss me.

  “You should be sitting down,” he grumbles, and all the energy around us goes crumbling down to my feet.

  I shove his hand away from my stomach, and march to my office. There’s so much I want to say, a lot of it starting with the letter f, but with Wes there, I restrain.

  Yep, I’m going to kill him. Single motherhood here I come.

  Catching a glimpse of my reflection in the window, I wonder if he doesn’t want to touch me because of how big I am. My belly is huge, I have stretch marks out the wazoo, and I’m swollen everywhere.

  The dam breaks and as tears pour down my cheeks. I push the door open to my office and fall to the couch I have tucked in the corner and succumb to my tears.

  Seconds ago, I was horny and now I’m a sobbing mess. Stupid, stupid hormones.

  Maybe if my husband loved on me like he used to I wouldn’t feel this damn pathetic, my inner voice snarks.

  “Meadow?” Dexter cautiously says as steps into the room.

  I shake my head, trying to shake off the tears, but it’s no use. “What?”

  “Baby, what’s wrong?” He sits next to me and puts his arm around my shoulder.


  I narrow my eyes into slits. “You won’t have sex with me. You won’t touch me. You don’t find me desirable anymore.”

  “Meadow, baby, that’s not true. You know it.” He brushes my hair away from my face.

  “Oh yeah? Then prove it.”

  “Baby, you’re the most beautiful...” I put a finger to his lips.

  “Not with words. But you can use your mouth—somewhere—to show me.” I wiggle my eyebrows and lean closer to him.

  He grabs my wrist and places a kiss into my palm before letting it down. “It’s not worth the risk. We only have four weeks.”

  “There’s no way either of us could go four MORE weeks without sex. And did you forget about the additional six weeks with nothing? That’s forever.” I groan, nibbling my bottom lip.

  “Meadow, just stop.”

  “Stop telling me to stop! I’m used to having your hands all over me almost twenty-four hours a day for the last four years, and now, it’s like I have the plague. Forget not doing it, but you barely kiss me. In our room is the first time you’ve done that in weeks. So, excuse me for wanting to feel desired.”

  His eyebrows knit into a frown. “I do want you, but I’m just being cautious. I don’t want the baby to come early like Wes did.”

  “Sex wouldn’t be the reason why. Women have sex all the time while pregnant and don’t go into labor,” I snap.

  He runs his hands through his hair and looks at the ground. “Why do you have to push this?”

  “Why do you?” I yell, and then close my eyes, knowing I'm letting my temper get away from me.

  I take a couple deep breaths to steady myself. I don’t want to fight with him, but he has to see that even though he’s being caring, he’s also being overbearing.

  “You’ve been over the top for weeks, and I know your heart is in the right place, but you're driving me insane. You have to trust me to know that I’m not going to push it. I know when I need to stop. Trust me when I say sex isn't going to bring the baby early.”

  The baby kicks me in the ribs, hard, and I wince, grabbing my side. Dexter is quick on his feet and moving me to sit on the couch. “What’s wrong?”

  “Nothing, just a tiny foot in the ribs. She thinks they’re a xylophone,” I groan when she does it again.

  Dexter puts his hand where the baby is kicking and pushes slightly, whispering for her to stop hurting mommy. Oddly enough, the little one seems to listen and stops for now. “At least someone listens to me.”

  “Do you not trust me to keep the baby safe?” I ask, remembering he didn’t answer me.

  “I do.” He cups my face with his hand. “But Wes’ birth was one of the scariest days of my life. I wasn’t there to catch you. Then, when I saw you...” He tenses up, his anguish from the day flashes through his eyes, and I cover his hand with mine.

  “I understand, but that was a different pregnancy. You’re here with me now, and I just want you to relax a little bit. I promise I’m not going to do anything crazy, but if you don’t let me breathe or move out of bed—I will end up hurting you.” I smile.

  “I’ll try.”

  “Thank you.”

  He leans in to kiss me, and I respond instantly, pushing my tongue between his lips. Shifting my body, I move to sit on his lap, but he stops me.

  “We’re still not having sex,” he murmurs.



  “Mommy!” The scream of our little boy causes us to break apart.

  “Wes!” Dexter and I both yell back, matching his excitement. He jumps on the couch and crawls into Dexter's lap.

  “Play!” He points in the direction of outside. My mom comes into the room and we oblige him by going outside.


  I’M WOKEN UP BY male voices whispering and a cool breeze blowing on my face. Crap, I’ve fallen asleep outside on the patio swing. I don’t think I lasted more than a few minutes of watching Wes running around before exhaustion took over.

  “You’re all crabby and anxious.” The first voice belongs to Julian, Dexter’s boss and one of our best friends. “Meadow is all out of sorts, according to Mel. You two need to get laid. If she goes into labor, I think she’s at a safe enough time—”

  “I’d rather not find out though,” Dex growls, cutting him off.

  “Okay, okay, I get it, relax. But, can I be honest?”

  “What?” he snaps.

  “I think Meadow is about to put her foot up your ass if you don’t fuck her into tomorrow. And I’m not dealing with your irritable ass for the next however many weeks. So, do you, Meadow, and the world a favor and have sex with your wife.”

  “I’m about to put my foot up your ass if you don’t shut up.”

  “God, you’re so stubborn. I mean, it was you who preached to me when Mel was pregnant how good pregnancy sex was, and now you’re throwing it away. What if this is the last time it happens?”

  Dexter groans. “I hate you right now.”

  “Just trying to put it in perspective.”

  “Still hate you."

  My eyes flutter open, and I stretch my arms above my head. I yawn loudly, announcing to the two men that I’m awake.

  I'm glad to have Julian on my side even if it was my best friend, Mel, who planted the ear bug.

  "Julian. Hi, what are you doing here?"

  His lips twitch upward. "Mel has sent me on a mission to save you from your captor."

  "Are you really calling me that to everyone?" Dexter narrows his eyes on me, and a creep of guilt rises in my belly.

  My cheeks heat up, and I shrug. "Sorry, but I've told you I feel under house arrest. I still love you… even at this time of insanity."

  "See you both need time away from each other. It would be good for you," Julian offers, and I nod.

  “Oh, yes, please. Take him. Keep him.” I grin and stand from the swing. “Please!”

  “I’m not going anywhere,” Dexter grumbles.

  I glare at him. “Yes. You. Are.”


  I close my eyes and take a deep, cleansing breath. “Julian, do you mind?”

  He nods and walks out to the lawn to join Wes and my mother who are playing on the jungle gym.

  I sit back down and put my hand on Dexter’s shoulder. “I love you, and I love you for wanting to make sure me and the baby are safe, but you can get out of this house for a bit. I promise nothing is going to happen in the next couple of hours. You need a damn chill pill, and I need a moment alone before we kill each other.”

  My gaze flickers to his crotch, and I know there’s one way to either get him to go or finally get what I want. My hand moves up his leg and rests on his dick. “I mean, unless you would rather do something else?”

  His dick twitches under my hand, and I’m relieved that no matter how tense things are between us, he still gets turned on by my touch.

  He stares at me, my hand rubbing across his hardening bulge. “We could role play? Warden and prisoner? You could handcuff me?” I bat my eyes and watch him gulp. “I’ve been bad, haven’t I?”

  He grabs my hand, moving it away from his dick and gently kisses me on my lips. “I’ll go if you promise to call me the second if anything happens and wait for me.”

  “I promise. Now go out, drink a beer. Clear your worried mind for a bit.” I wrap my arms around his neck and bring my lips to his.


  NIGHT HAS FALLEN. Wes is tucked into his bed, sound asleep, my mom has gone home, and Dexter is still out with Julian. I’m finally alone with some peace and quiet. And my sanity.

  Now there’s only
one thing left to do. If he isn’t going to give me what I want—it’s time for me to take it into my own hands. Because I really need a mother flippin’ orgasm.

  Every time I even get my fingers close to my core, he’s there. I swear he has cameras on me or some kind of sixth sense on when his wife is about to masturbate. If he won’t fuck me, fine, but he could give me the release.

  I know he’s getting off. Those long showers aren’t just for getting clean. Yet, here I am suffering.

  I grab my computer and go to my closet to find Mr. B.O.B. Once I have everything I need, I crawl into bed and make myself comfortable, leaning against a bunch of pillows. I load my computer and find some good porn. I flip on the vibrator and make my way to my core.

  I circle it around my clit, as I watch the man on the screen eat the girl out. I envision Dexter’s tongue on me, and imitate what he would do, letting the vibrator run along my folds and again around my clit.

  Pushing the vibrator inside, I move it in and out, now matching the thrusts of the man on the screen. I grab my breast and roll my nipple, and ahh. My eyes close and my head tilts as I enjoy the sensations and listen to the panting and the moans of the couple on the screen.

  I pump it harder, needing more. I’m building, and my toes grip the sheets. Just when I think I’m going to get what I’ve been deprived of the angry voice of my husband makes it vanish.

  “What are you doing?”

  Busted. My eyes fly open to see Dexter standing at the door. He’s glaring at me, but I can see his eyes dart to my pussy where the vibrator and my hand remain.

  “What does it look like?” I ask, eyeing the sudden growth in his jeans. I move the vibrator again, craving the release. He’s not ruining this for me.

  His angry glare soon becomes dark and predatory as he inches closer to me. His shirt goes over his head, revealing that six-pack I love to drool over. I close my laptop with my foot, no longer needing it’s entertainment, as Dexter undoes his belt. My mouth goes dry, staring at this man as the storm clouds in his eyes roll in.

  I’m in trouble.

  I really, really hope I’m in trouble.


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