Take Me To Bed: Bedtime Quickies

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Take Me To Bed: Bedtime Quickies Page 27

by Alex Grayson

  Once they’re done, I collect the empty bags and throw them in the trash. “Thank you, Robert. The place looks much better.”

  “It sure does and you’re welcome.” He looks at his watch on his wrist and frowns. “I need to go before Jenna questions my whereabouts. Happy Valentine’s Day, sugar.” He blows Avery a kiss goodbye, nods at me, and exits the apartment.

  “All right, sweetheart. Time for you to get your overnight bag for grandma’s house and then we’re off to have our special day together.” I grab her hand and take her back into her bedroom.

  “Daddy-” she pulls her hand from mine and stops as soon as we enter her room. I look down at her to see concern filling her eyes. “-will you always be my Valentine too?”

  I kneel down and wrap my arms around her. “Always and forever,” I tell her before hugging her.

  And I mean every damn word.

  No one will ever keep me away from my family again.



  I’m in the middle of helping my team put the final touches on the backdrop for the photo-booth when Robert comes back in from his “coffee run.” I stand back to let them finish and look at my watch to see that he’s been gone an hour. With a coffee shop only one block away from here, I’m pretty sure stopping at my apartment to help Cal with whatever surprise he has for me was also on his agenda.

  I told Cal not to go crazy for today, but I know that man won’t listen. Everything he does is over-the-top and well thought out. He’s so hung up on the fact it’s our first Valentine’s Day together that I’m afraid my gifts for him are going to fall short compared to what he has planned.

  I’ve never been a big Valentine’s Day kind of girl. I think every day should be like Valentine’s Day. Not with materialistic items, but with feeling loved, respected and valued. Cal is very good at always making me feel special and loved, even when he’s away. Just having him back in my life is one of the best presents I’ve ever received.

  My thoughts are interrupted by Robert as he approaches me with my cup of coffee. He doesn’t meet my eyes, and I can tell by the look on his face that he’s nervous. An evil smile spreads on my lips as I decide to bust his balls regarding his little errand.

  “How’s everything going? Looks like we’re almost done here.” He hands me my drink and I nod before taking a sip. Time to start having some fun with Robert. I decide I’m going to pretend my coffee is cold to lead into my questioning.

  “Eew,” I fake cry out, shaking my head in disgust. “My coffee is cold.”

  “What? That can’t be right. I just left there.” He looks at me in such disbelief that I struggle to keep a straight face.

  “Is that so? Because you’ve been gone an hour.” He licks his lips in nervousness and takes a sip of his drink to stall before responding.

  “The line was long. I had to go to another coffee shop down the road.” He refuses to meet my eyes, and I shake my head at him for lying to me.

  “Really? Which one?” I question, my eyes daring him to continue his charade.

  “Um… I don’t remember what it’s called. I was in such a hurry to find a place that wasn’t crowded that I didn’t pay attention to the name.”

  “Hmm, I wonder which one you went to.” I tap my finger against my lips, pretending to think about it. “Because according to this sticker on my cup, you went to PJ’s Coffee, which is less than a block from here.” I narrow my eyes at him, turn my cup around, and point to the sticker.


  “You know, you’re really annoying sometimes,” he huffs and I shrug my shoulders in a response back, a smirk playing on my lips at how satisfied I feel right now about calling him out on his deceit.

  “Is Cal okay or has he stressed himself out with his crazy plans?”

  “Nice try, but I’m not revealing anything he has planned for you.” He points his finger at me with his free hand and stares me down. “You need to do me a favor and pretend to love everything he does for you tonight.”

  “Pretend? I don’t need to pretend, because I do love everything he does for me.” I look at Robert in confusion, wondering why he would even say such a thing. “Thanks for making me sound like a cold-hearted bitch.”

  “I’ve seen you in action before, so this is my due diligence as one of your best friends to tell you to be nice when you see what he’s done.”

  My mouth drops open at his words and he laughs at my shocked expression. I decide to let the subject drop since I will find out soon enough. A tiny shiver passes through me at the thought of what waits for me when I get home. Here’s hoping it will be a very naked Cal in bed, waiting to ravish me. He’s been so tired the past couple of nights from traveling that we’ve barely had sex. All that man has to do is look at me and I’m ready for him to be inside of me. No man has ever made me feel so crazy with want the way Cal does. I can’t wait for this movie to finally be over with and have him home.

  “Question for you - are the sheets on your bed expensive?” Robert’s question pulls me back to reality and I look at him in confusion.

  What kind of question is that?

  “No, why?” I ask, looking at him with narrowed eyes.

  “I, uh, liked how they felt. Very soft.” His eyes wander off and I can tell that once again, he’s lying.

  “What were you doing in my bedroom and why were you feeling my bedsheets?” I question with a teasing smile.

  “Cal needed help making the bed,” he says quickly while looking around the room to find a distraction. He spots the catering manager walking in and points toward her. “Oh look, there’s Emma. Let me go tell her we’re done.” He takes off before I can even continue my interrogation.

  I roll my eyes at his outrageous lie since Cal is a master at making our bed. In fact, he’s better at it than I am. Just thinking about him makes me miss him, so I pull my phone out of my back pocket and send him a text.

  Me: Hey, sexy. Whatcha doin’?

  Cal: Hello, gorgeous. Avery and I just arrived at the Children’s Museum. We’re going to play and then I’ll take her to lunch, sugar her up, and drop her off at your parent’s house.

  I laugh out loud at his plan, because Avery is bat-shit crazy when she’s hyped up on sugar, and my mother has no idea how to handle her when she’s like that.

  Cal: You need to stop texting me so you can finish and be home. Are you almost done?

  Me: We are almost done setting up for the first party. We’ll grab a quick bite to eat and then head over to the second one.

  Cal: Don’t forget we have dinner reservations at 6 p.m.

  Me: The only thing I’m going to be hungry for is you.

  Cal: Eating you for dinner can be arranged.

  My legs tighten together as memories of what his mouth does to me cloud my brain. My core clenches in anticipation of what’s to come tonight.

  “Um, Jenna?” My head snaps up to see Robert and the rest of my staff, staring at me. “We’re ready to go if you are.”

  “Yes!” I exclaim with too much enthusiasm, and I start to giggle to hide my embarrassment. “Let me just grab my purse and we can go to lunch.”

  I turn on my heel and race toward the back of the room, my cheeks burning from the awkwardness of the situation. Once I arrive at my purse, I squat down next to it and continue texting Cal.

  Me: I need to go. I love you. Kiss Avery for me and tell her I love her.

  Cal: Will do and I love you. Don’t over-exert yourself today; you have a long night ahead of you. Wink.

  I bite my lip to contain my moan, wishing it was five o’clock already so I can be home. I throw my phone in my purse and haul it over my shoulder. I get up and walk briskly over to where Robert is waiting for me. It’s time to quicken our pace because I’m determined to get home early enough to demand a preview of what’s in store for me tonight.



  I tap my fingers against the car door panel, sighing in irritation at the lack of movement from the cars i
n front of us. It’s been an hour since we’ve dropped Avery off at her grandparents' house, and what should’ve only been a thirty-minute drive back to the city has now turned into an excruciating hour.

  “Mason, why aren’t we moving?” I lean forward to ask my bodyguard while looking from side-to-side to see all lanes of traffic are at a standstill.

  “Looks like there’s a major accident, sir.”

  “Can we take another route?”

  “The closest exit off the highway isn’t for another three miles, sir. We’ll be taking a different way as soon as we get to this exit.”

  I sit back in frustration and look at my watch to see it’s almost four o’clock. Today’s activities took longer than I anticipated. The children’s museum was packed with kids on their school field trip, causing there to be lines at every exhibit. With the long lines and large crowds, Avery became anxious. After only being there for an hour, she started crying and begging to go home. Not wanting this experience to ruin our day together, I took her to the one place that I knew would cheer her up; Build-A-Bear.

  Despite my chagrin at going to the mall, Avery’s mood brightened immediately as soon as we walked over their threshold. The unexpected trip was out of the way and derailed my timeline. I kept my promise of taking her to lunch and ice cream for dessert afterward. It was an amazing day with Avery, making me realize I need to plan more one-on-one dates with her.

  Because of the change in plans, I’m now two hours behind schedule. If Jenna gets home by five, then that leaves me with only an hour to get ready. Maybe even less if traffic stays this bad. I take out my phone to text Robert to see how their last set-up is going.

  Me: Please tell me you guys are running behind. I’ve been stuck in traffic for the last hour.

  Robert: Sorry about your luck. We’ve finished early.

  “Fuck,” I say out loud, my outburst causing Mason to check on me from his rearview mirror.

  Me: Stall her! I want to be home to see her reaction.

  Robert: Sorry, Cal. She left twenty minutes ago.


  I’m about to respond back and tell him to call her with a fake emergency when Jenna sends me a text.

  Jenna: Oh Cal, the flowers are incredible! Thank you so much. Where are you? I’m ready to give you a proper thank you.

  Disappointment courses through me from not being there when she arrived home. I know I had no control over traffic or her getting off work earlier than planned, but I can’t help being pissed.

  You’ve still got tonight, Cal. All is not ruined.

  I close my eyes and take a deep breath to shake off the black mood this traffic has put me in.

  Me: You’re most welcome, sweetheart. Long story short, I’m stuck in traffic, and will be ready and eager for your proper thank you.

  Jenna: Just get home safely. I’m naked and waiting for you in bed, surrounded by rose petals. I love you.

  My thoughts go rampant with ideas of what Jenna will be doing to show her appreciation of the flowers. Images of her kneeling in front of me come to mind, her hot, exquisite mouth wrapped around my cock as she licks and sucks me dry, making my dick harden with want. I lift my hips to adjust myself, not needing this kind of torturous distraction in the back seat of my car while being stuck in stand-still traffic.

  I rearrange my thoughts and try to think positive; Jenna loved the flowers and she’s home early. Now I just need all of these fucking cars to start moving so I can get home to her.

  I walk into our apartment forty-five minutes later, tired, and aggravated that it’s taken me so long to get back home. I shut the door behind me and notice Jenna has lit dozens of tea candles around the apartment, enhancing the romantic setting.

  Why the fuck didn’t you think of that, Cal? Maybe I would’ve if I haven’t been stuck in the car for almost two hours.

  I toss my keys on the kitchen counter and walk toward the bedroom. The apartment is eerily quiet, and I wonder if Jenna is even home. I’m just about to call out her name when I step inside the bedroom to see her sprawled out on the bed, sleeping.

  Dammit, this day has not gone as planned!

  I inch closer to the edge of the bed, internally debating whether or not I should wake her for our dinner reservations. Jenna must be exhausted because she never takes naps, and I know she doesn’t sleep well when I’m not home. These last couple of months have not been easy on us and yet, she’s never complained once. I know dating someone in the public eye wasn’t something she was interested in. She was scared to take that risk on me, but as soon as she let her guard down and trusted that I wasn’t going to hurt her, she jumped right in, showering me with love and support. I stare at her beautiful face, my heart tightening from how powerful my love is for her.

  An overwhelming feeling of need to touch her starts to burn within me. I quietly take off all my clothes and slide into bed. I wrap my arms around her waist and gently pull her glorious naked body against mine. She stirs slightly but remains asleep.

  My body starts to react to her closeness and my fingers lightly caress the contours of her curves. I lean down and nuzzle my nose into her neck, groaning in desire when I inhale the tantalizing scent of her perfume. My lips start to roam over her shoulder, and I can’t control my hips from rolling my erection against her ass.

  “Mmm.” She moans in her sleep, making my dick twitch from how sexy she sounds. “You’re home.” She turns around to face me and our legs immediately intertwine together. I feel the warmth radiating from her core, and I claim her lips for a kiss.

  “I’m sorry for waking you, but I just couldn’t help myself,” I murmur while trailing kisses against her cheekbone before making my way to her ear and sucking on her lobe. “I’ve got no control when it comes to you, baby.” She shivers and grabs my face with her hands so she can sear me with a scorching kiss.

  My tongue sweeps along her bottom lip, opening them wider. Our tongues quickly find their rhythm, their dance together igniting the flames of our passion for one another. Jenna knows how to drive me to the brink of insanity, and I pull away before coming all over her.

  “You ready for dinner, love?” I tease with an evil smile, and she knows I’m not referring to food.

  “Yes, but I prefer an appetizer first.” Her pupils are dilated, and there’s a hunger in her eyes as she stares at me, her gaze slipping to my lips and back up again. “I need you, Cal. Now.” She wraps her hands around my cock, and I close my eyes and sigh at how fucking good it feels when she touches me.

  She moves her hands up and down my shaft, her thumb rubbing my pre-cum all over my tip. I suck in my breath as she gently squeezes, and I know I’m not going to last long. My fingers move down her body until they make their way to her core. I slide the tip of my finger against her clit and feel her grow slick with anticipation.

  “You’re always so deliciously wet for me,” I growl in desire when I insert my finger all the way inside of her and slowly start to curl it in against her g-spot. Her legs spread wider, and her moaning grows louder as she rubs her hips against my hand.

  “Please, Cal,” she begs before kissing me with her hot, opened mouth. She takes the tip of my head and starts rubbing it against her opening. The need to be inside of her consumes me, and I push her onto her back to mount her.

  “Fuck, Jenna,” I moan as I plunge deep inside of her. Her walls contract around me, and I have to grit my teeth to restrain myself from coming over how amazing it feels to be surrounded by her warmth. There’s no better feeling in the world than being inside the woman of my dreams. She doesn’t give a fuck about my fame or money. All she’s ever said she’s wanted is me.

  Emotions rage through me as my hips start to thrust faster. My hand skims down her body, and I place my thumb against her clit, her moans telling me she loves the way it feels. I gently start rubbing her bud, and she gyrates against my hand, her walls tightening with each thrust of my cock.

  “Baby, you’re going to make me come,” she whimpers, and
I lean down to kiss her, the touch of her tongue pushing me over the edge. I roughly start to pound into her, and her walls clench tighter together.

  “Yes, Cal, yes!” she screams out her orgasm, and my body reacts with its own release spilling into her. She grabs my ass to bring me closer and squeezes as her body continues to convulse around me. My heart feels like it’s ready to explode with how hard it’s pounding. As soon as I’m able to catch my breath, I roll on my back and moan from the loss of her warmth. I take her with me and have her cuddle into my side. We lay there and just hold each other, enjoying the feeling of being satisfied.

  But with Jenna, the feeling of being satisfied never lasts, and it won’t be long until I have to have her again.

  “This is exactly what I wanted for today - laying in this bed with your arms wrapped around me.” I look over at her and see all the love that she has for me radiating out of her eyes. “I don’t need or want anything but you,” she tells me and I’m the one who feels blessed to call this magnificent creature mine.

  I turn to my side so that we’re facing each other. I stare into her beautiful brown eyes, the eyes that own my soul.

  “I’m yours, Jenna. Always and forever.”

  Want to read all about Cal and Jenna’s love story? Heartbreak Warfare is the first book in the Let Me In series and is only $0.99. Grab your copy today to start at the very beginning of their journey.

  They also make an appearance in Perfectly Lonely and Edge of Desire, books 2 and 3 of the Let Me In series.

  About Jessica

  Jessica Marin began her love affair with books at a young age from the encouragement of her Grandma Shirley. She has always dreamed of being an author and finally made her dreams of writing happily ever after stories a reality. She currently resides in Tennessee with her husband, children and fur babies. When she is not hanging out with her family, she loves watching a good movie, going dancing with the ladies, sniffing essential oils, daydreaming of warm beaches, winning the lotto, and world peace.


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