Take Me To Bed: Bedtime Quickies

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Take Me To Bed: Bedtime Quickies Page 45

by Alex Grayson

  With a sigh I stand and head out the hotel entrance. Standing across the breezeway is the man of the hour. With a spring in my step, I rush over and throw myself into his arms. His hands grab onto my hips and lift me until my eyes meet his.

  “Fancy meeting you here, pretty girl.” He presses his lips to mine. “Someone’s looking a little tired this morning.”

  “I hope you weren’t waiting too long. I tried to hustle, but someone just plain wore me out last night.” Rubbing my face against his stubbly cheek, I inhale his familiar masculine scent.

  “I told you take your time, and I meant it.” With an arm wrapped around my shoulders, he steers me toward the valet.

  Laying my head on his chest, I take in the sound of the beating of his heart. “I know, but I didn’t want you to have to wait for me for hours.”

  Raising my eyes, I find the deep brown eyes of my husband staring back at me filled with so much love. “Was it everything you expected?”

  “It was awesome,” I screech in excitement. “It was better than expected.”

  “Jill, really? You couldn’t come up with something better than that,” Phoenix teases.

  I swat his stomach with the back of my hand. “Quit making fun of me. I froze. You didn’t help with saying your name was Jack. I will never look at that nursery rhyme the same way.”

  “Yeah, well, this whole thing was new for me, too. I didn’t realize how hard it would be to pick up my own wife in a bar.” His honesty melts my heart. These rare moments of vulnerability being one of the reasons I married him.

  “It was fun and really hot, and it got me thinking. For our next date night, I was thinking next time we could try the whole rock star and groupie thing.” I throw Phoenix a wink over my shoulder.

  He tosses his head back and laughs. “You and your romance novels will definitely keep me on my toes,” he replies as holds open the door of the vehicle the valet just exited. “Come on, crazy girl. I’m sure Mom and Pops are ready to be done with our offspring.”

  “You’re probably right.” I slide into the car after giving him a kiss on the cheek. “I love you, baby.”

  “I love you, too, Avery. Let’s get home.”

  About HL

  HL Nighbor is the author of contemporary romance with an edge. An avid reader, she took the leap into writing and hasn’t looked back since. She has her degree in Accounting and works for her local school district in Washington State where she lives with her husband and two sons.

  Visit her at www.hlnighbor.com

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  Bad Daddy

  J.D. Hollyfield

  He was just like the rest.






  I fill out my final answer for my psychology midterm just in time for the bell to ring.

  “Okay, that’s it. Pens down. Turn your tests in.” Jim, or Professor Wells, clicks on his pen, one, two, three times while he scans the room, trying to catch any last-minute scribblers. I earned the privilege of being on a first name basis with Jim the night he took me in his office to chat extra credit and fucked me so hard over his desk, I ended up soaking his morning lecture.

  I roll the tip of my pen along my lower lip, remembering just how hot and naughty he was. God, how I love older men. Maybe it’s because I have daddy issues, but the immature boys at college don’t measure up to men who really know how to fuck, demand, devour. I spent the entire first semester working him up. It started out as subtle advances. Then, one day, I caught his eyes wandering—to my lips—my tits—between my bare thighs as I spread them open for him in class. He was just like every other man: naughty. He wasn’t married, but he should have known better than to take his eighteen-year-old student into his private office thinking temptation wouldn’t get the best of him. I hadn’t been wearing any panties that day and spent the entire class thinking about him filling me deep. When he first pushed inside me, I was so wet, his cock slid right in to the hilt. He loved every minute of it. And hell, so did I.

  “Violet! How’d you do?”

  I pick up my test and throw my backpack over my shoulder before addressing Hazel, my roommate. “Nailed it,” I brag. As if it matters. Jim will give me a shining grade out of fear I may spill the beans about his little moment of weakness.

  “Sweet! Let’s get out of here. If we hit the road in the next hour, we can make it to my house before traffic. My dad should be home by then too.”

  Heath Winters.

  Real Estate Tycoon. Thick as a log with muscle, probably from all those intense workouts due to always being so angry over his cheating ex-wife. Tan from all his traveling now that his baby girl is in college. And a full head of jet-black hair. He’s nearing forty-five, but looks ten years younger. He’s what gives girls like me orgasms in their sleep. I’ve fantasized about him more times than I can count.

  I met Mr. Winters on move-in day. He melted the panties right off me with his fitted jeans and white polo shirt, his muscles on full display, carrying all his daughter’s belongings and helping her get set up. I played the poor, helpless roommate just to get him close to me, inhaling and memorizing the scent of his cologne. I had to have him. And good thing for me, he was just like the rest.

  Curious. Hungry. Naughty.

  My favorite time of day was when Hazel would Facetime her daddy. I made sure to say hello over her shoulder. To Hazel, it was innocent. But for me—for him—it was the start of something forbidden. The way his eyes betrayed him when they dipped to the low material of my shirts. The biting of my lower lip. The licking of his. The deliberate times I’d be barely dressed in the background as he spoke to his little girl.

  He wouldn’t admit his secret desire for me, but I saw it in the way his eyes burned. I wondered if he ever got off the phone and beat off to the thought of me. Pretending his hands were on me. Touching me. If he enjoyed the last phone call when I entered our room fresh from the shower and dropped my towel.

  It’s been months since I started poking the bear. Teasing him. And now, thanks to Hazel for inviting me home with her for the weekend, I’m going to see just how far I can get her bad, bad daddy to go.

  My smile turns mischievous. We walk down the steps of the auditorium and hand in our papers. As Jim makes eye contact with me, I wink, almost blowing him a kiss. I turn to my roomie, grab her hand, and skip out of class. “Can’t wait! Let’s go!”

  The drive takes forever. We end up hitting a ton of traffic, putting us an hour behind schedule. The sun is down by the time we pull up to her house and it’s raining. “Shoot.” Hazel pulls her car into an open spot in the garage next to a Corvette and Maserati.

  “Wow, your dad has the need for speed, huh?”

  Hazel laughs, shutting off her car, then climbs out. “Yeah. It’s kinda his thing. Since my mom left, he seems to have taken up a lot of dangerous habits.” My brow rises. I’d be lying if I said that comment didn’t turn me on just a bit. “Come on. Let’s go in. He’s home. He’s going to be so happy to see us.”

  I nod and follow her inside. We walk through the enormous mudroom leading into the kitchen. It’s barely lit, but the room carries natural light with the white marble flooring and cabinets. “Dad?” she calls out, her voice echoing off the bare walls.

  “In my office, Princess.”

  How cute. His childhood endearment for her. I wonder what he’ll call me when I get him under me—over me—deep inside me.

  We enter his lavish office, and I spot him sitting behind a large wooden desk. “Hey, you better not be working. You promised no work this weekend.” He’s holding a glass of brown liquid as he stands, ready to greet his daughter. It’s then he sees me.

  “Oh, I didn’t know you were bringing…Violet. Hello. I wasn’t expecting you.”

  “Dad, I told you she was coming home with me so she didn’t have to stay at school all by herself.” His eyes bore into mine. He’s fighting it. He does
n’t want his little girl to catch him checking out her roommate. I know he’s imagining the last time he saw me. Exposed, all for him. Licking my lower lip, I suck it into my mouth and take a step forward, reaching my hand out.

  “Hi, Mr. Winters. Thanks for having me.”

  He stalls for a fraction of a second before clearing his throat and placing on a kind smile, extending his hand to shake mine. As our skin touches, there’s no hiding that naughty spark of desire. I offer him a tender shake, and when I release, my thumb brushes the inside of his palm. If he’s smart, he’ll get my message. I want him. I know he wants me too.

  He breaks our connection, guilt washing away the forbidden lust in his eyes. Wrapping Hazel in his arms, he kisses the top of her head. “Missed you. Welcome home.”

  “Missed you too, Dad. Have you been staying out of trouble since I’ve been gone?”

  If so, that’s about to change.

  “Terribly lonely without my little girl here is more like it. How was the drive? Have you two eaten?”

  Hazel breaks away. “No. I’m starved! Can we go to Sorvino’s? School’s lacking a real pizza place. I’m in dire need of a good slice of pepperoni pizza and garlic bread.” He gazes down at his daughter, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear.

  “Sure, baby girl. Anything for you.”

  “Oh my God! This is so good!” Hazel moans, then takes another bite, stretching the cheese until it snaps and falls onto her chin. Mr. Winters laughs, handing her a napkin. She wipes the sauce off her chin, and he leans back in his seat across from us. Taking a sip of his beer, he then rests his arms along the back of the booth.

  “How’s school, girls? Fill me in on what you’re studying.” With two beers in him, he’s loosening up. Hazel has a mouth full of pizza, so I take the opportunity to lead the conversation.

  “It’s going great. We just finished up our midterms. Nailed ’em. Hard.” I lean into the table, propping my breasts up and capturing his attention. “What did you study in college, Mr. Winters?”

  “Oh no, don’t get my dad started on his success stories,” Hazel chimes in, and she and her dad share a laugh. He takes another sip of his beer before answering.

  “I went to Northwestern. Studied International business. Then got my master’s in finance. I spent a lot of time and hard work to get where I am. One day, you both will be as successful.”

  Hazel huffs. “No way. I have no interest in working day and night. A simple teaching degree will do just fine for me.” The buzzing of her phone grabs her attention, and she jumps in her seat. “No way!” Excitement explodes across her face. “Sorry guys, I have to take this. I think it’s this guy from school.” She scoots toward me, and I slide out of the booth to let her out. Light on her feet, she disappears down the hallway toward the bathrooms. Instead of sliding back into my seat, I see an opportunity and make my move, slipping my phone out of my back pocket.

  “Mr. Winters, wanna see what we’ve done with our place?” I slide into the seat next to him, my skirt hiking up, allowing my bare thigh to brush against his. Pleasure surges through me when his eyes dip to my bare flesh, lingering longer than appropriate.

  My flirtatious giggle snaps him out of his trance, and he rips his eyes away. “We really decorated the room since the last time you saw it. I think you’re gonna love it.” I lean closer, my arm grazing his. and I open my photos app and begin scrolling through my pictures while he attempts to keep his distance.

  “Wow, you two have been busy,” he says, his voice hoarse. When he leans forward to get a better look at the photo of Hazel and I smiling in our work out gear, his cologne wafts through my nostrils, and I struggle to play nice.

  I scroll through the album I intentionally made for him. “We turned this corner into our yoga area.” I swipe to another one. “This is our snack area. So we don’t make a mess of the room.” Another swipe. When the photo comes into view, I feel his body go rigid. “Oh—oops, sorry. You shouldn’t see that one.” I giggle, taking longer than necessary to scroll past the selfie of myself naked and spread wide in front of our floor mirror.

  Mr. Winters coughs into his fist, making a poor attempt to gather himself by clearing his throat. “Looks good,” he says, his voice strained as he adjusts his posture. This is a bold move, even for me, but I can’t stop now. I reach under the table and slide my hand up his thick thigh. He jolts at my unexpected touch, his muscles tightening under my hold.

  “Jesus, what are you doing?”

  His reaction gives me the courage I need, and I slide higher. He jerks, his hand diving under the table, grabbing mine and stopping me from reaching his cock. “What’s wrong, Mr. Winters? Did I do something wrong?” I ask, biting my lower lip. I adjust my thighs, no shame at the wetness building. I knew finally getting to touch him would have this effect on me.

  “Violet, please remove your—”

  “Anyone need anything else? Refills?” The waitress interrupts. Mr. Winters doesn’t make a move to pull his hand away, avoiding any unwanted attention under the table.

  “Um…no. We’re fine—”

  “Actually, we’re really thirsty,” I cut in, smirking at the waitress. “Refills would be great. Thanks.” She nods and disappears, and I turn my attention back to him. “Now, where were we?”

  He grips my hand roughly. “We were nowhere. You need to remove your hand.” The feral growl in his voice only intensifies my need for him. I dig my nails into his slacks, causing a jerking motion in his pants. Visions of his naked cock fill my mind. My eyes wander to his groin anticipating just how big and enticing it will be if he ceases to the temptation. What it will take for him to give in to the lust he’s fighting to hide.

  I know my window is short, and before Hazel returns, I make a bold move. With his hand still latched around mine, I lock his fingers between mine and drag our joined hands between my thighs. Forgetting to wear underwear was not an accident. I praise my smart thinking as I press the tip of his fingers between my wet folds.

  “Jesus,” he groans and tries to pull away. His panicked eyes sear into mine, and I giggle, pushing him harder against my wet pussy. He makes another weak attempt to get his hand free, and it makes me pulsate against his hand.

  “How about some dessert, Mr. Winters?” I whisper for his ears only. “Here’s a taste test.” I shove his hand closer, blessing myself with a finger breaching my opening.

  His eyes flare with anger as a deep growl crawls up his throat. “I said enough—”

  “Sorry, guys. It was Evan from my ethics class. He just asked me out!” Hazel returns, smiling from ear to ear as she slides back into her seat. I return the gesture, releasing her daddy’s hand and lifting mine above the table to high five her.

  “That’s awesome! I told you he was into you.”

  “Right! He says when we get back, we should set something up and to text him my schedule.” She begins to launch off a text, and I look over at Heath with a Cheshire grin. His eyes are clouded over, lust mixed with denial pouring from his gaze. I should feel guilty. Consider what this would do to Hazel if she found out her best friend was trying to seduce her father. But there’s a need inside me so strong, it overrides any guilt. And with the dark haze of hunger he’s displaying, I can’t stop now.

  I reach over for my glass and take a sip of my soda, twirling my tongue around the straw. Hazel, wearing a wide grin, sets her phone down, offering us her undivided attention. “Okay, sorry, what’d I miss?”

  If it weren’t for us sitting so close, I’d miss the tensing of Heath’s body next to me. Enjoying his discomfort, I answer, “Oh, nothing. Your dad and I were discussing dessert. I was offering some options.”

  He loses his composure, and his knees smack the bottom of the table. His fidgety hands knock his beer over. “Shit,” he hisses, shoving himself back to avoid soaking his pants.

  “Oh, Dad, here.” Hazel reaches over, handing him a wad of napkins. “Are you okay?” He wipes away the beer before it overflows into his lap.<
br />
  “Excuse me…I have to…” He practically pushes me out of the booth to free himself. “Sorry, I… um, need to get going. I have tons of work to finish.”

  “I thought you weren’t—”

  He throws a wad of cash onto the table. “I know, baby girl. But this is something I can’t ignore. Stay. Enjoy yourselves. I assume you two can catch an uber or cab ride home.”

  He refuses to make eye contact with me, which is a pity. If he did, he’d see the tempted pleasure there. Leaning down, he gives his daughter a quick kiss on the forehead, then rushes away.



  Slamming the door to my office, I throw myself into my chair and reach into my drawer for my scotch. I pour a hefty glass until it sits just above the rim, then take a huge gulp, needing the burn to wake me the fuck up. I scrub my sweaty palms down my face, trying to wipe away the images of my daughter’s little roommate. “Fuck. What the hell is wrong with me?” I’m not in my right mind. Stress from work is causing this inappropriate response. Too much alcohol blurring my damn common sense. What is she thinking, flirting with a man twice her age? Wearing such a scandalous shirt, giving anyone a show of her perky tits. Perfect small nipples. “Enough,” I growl. This is so fucking wrong. I need to stop. Unfortunately, my rock-hard cock is threatening to tear through my slacks. I cuss under my breath, angry with myself for acting so carelessly. I shouldn’t have allowed her so close. I’m the adult, for Christ’s sake. I let her— “Fuck.” Her wetness and warmth lingers on the tips of my fingers.


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