The Science of Mind

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The Science of Mind Page 31

by Ernest Holmes


  My Word is a Word of Power, for I know that it is the Word of the Great God within me.

  My Word shall accomplish and prosper, and shall do good unto all who call upon my name.

  My Word is a tower of strength and cannot be denied.

  It is complete and perfect here and now.

  My Word is the Word of God.

  My word is the word of God.


  The Truth within me is unassailable, and the Power of the Word is irresistible.

  I can even now feel that my Word has gone forth with Power and Reality, and that it will accomplish that purpose for which it was created.

  Limitless is its Power and wonderful are its works.

  It can be nothing less than the Almighty working in and through me.

  I will let this Word of the Spirit go forth from my mouth, and heal and bless the world.

  It shall be as a strong tower unto all who call upon it.

  The Truth is Complete and Perfect, and is within me now.

  My Word is complete and perfect, now.


  I behold in thee His Image.

  In thee, my friend, I see God and through you I feel His presence.

  I see in the hand that gives, His hand;

  And in the voice that speaks of Love, I hear Him speak.

  For His lines have gone out into all places,

  And from the highest to the lowest, all, all partake of His nature.

  "For He is all in all, over all and through all."

  I perceive that God is in all people.



  I see no evil; I behold only the good.

  I have seen the drunkard lying in the gutter, and the saint kneeling in ecstasy before the high altar of his faith; but I have found no difference.

  I have perceived that each, in his own tongue, is seeking to express the One Life.

  I will not separate and divide; I cannot condemn nor censure, for I know that there is but One in All.

  I know that all came from the One, and all will return to the One.

  I know that all are now in the One, and that each is seeking to express the One.

  I know and love all.


  I shall never die, for the Spirit within me is God and cannot change.

  My life is hid within the Universe of Love and Light, and that Light shall live forever.

  Go, fear of death and change; begone from my thought, fear of death and uncertainty.

  That which is cannot become that which is not; and that which I am can never change.

  The Spirit of Eternity is enthroned within me, and the Life of Endless Ages flows through my being.

  From Eternity to Eternity my Life flows along its way of peace and harmony.

  Time brings but more glory to crown me with its pleasures.

  My life is forever.


  My Love goes out to everyone in the world;

  I do not exclude anything, for I love all Nature and everything that is.

  My Love warms and lightens everything that it touches, and it goes out into all places.

  The Love flowing through me is a Power to all who come into contact with it, and all feel and know that I love.

  Love within me is Complete and Perfect.

  Love within me is Complete.


  My life is in God; it cannot be hurt nor hindered in its expression.

  God lives and expresses through me; His work is complete and perfect in me now.

  I know His life to be my life, and I know that my life is complete and perfect.

  My Life is in God.


  There are no misunderstandings.

  All is made clear between the ideas of Good.

  No false sense of separation can come between people, nor disturb the realization of the Unity of All Life.

  I perceive that I am one with all people, and all are One with me.

  There is no separation.

  There is no separation.


  The Divine Plan for me is Perfect. I am held in the Mind of God as a Complete and Perfect Expression of Life and Truth.

  No power can hinder nor mar this Inner Image of Reality, for It is God-given and God-kept.

  God gave and God will keep.


  The Great Personality of God is my Personality; the Limitless Knowingness of The Spirit is my Knowingness, and the One Mind is my mind.

  All, All live in One Infinite Person, and each manifests the One Who is formed through and in all.

  Man is the Personality of God in manifestation and cannot be left without the Inner Witness of the Spirit.

  I now realize that the Infinite Personalness of the Spirit is my Personality, and I rejoice to know the Truth about myself.

  God is my Personality.


  The life of God within me radiates and shines forth from me in a constant stream of Light to all.

  The One Life flowing through me is Life to all who come near.

  The One Power operating through me is flowing into everything that I contact.

  Life radiates from me.


  To-day I realize that I am One with the All Good; my God and I are One.

  I cannot be hid from His face.

  I behold Thee, O Most High, enthroned in my temple of flesh.

  Thy secret place is within me. I feel Thy presence,

  I hear Thy voice, I rejoice in Thy Light.

  To-day my body responds to the Divine Behest: "Be perfect."

  I know of my perfection and wholeness; I am complete and perfect now.

  Let every thought of disease flee from me, and let Thy Light shine.

  O Light Eternal, O Light of my Life, I come into Thy presence with joy and thanksgiving.

  So be it.


  Within Thee is fulness of Life.

  Within Thee is complete Joy and everlasting Peace.

  Within Thee is all.

  Thou art in me as I am in Thee, and we are all in all.

  My Life is full and complete within me, and that Life I give to all men freely;

  And from all I receive again that which I have given,

  For it is One in All.

  I am One with the fulness of All Life.


  This glossary gives the Metaphysical meaning of the words as used in these lessons. It is not claimed that the definition of the words used in this glossary will, in every case, keep faith with the regular dictionary definition. The words are defined in such a say as to bring out the meaning with which they are used in this course of instruction.

  It will be necessary for the student to carefully study the meaning of these words, together with the explanation of the words used in the different charts; in this way, the desired objective will be obtained, and there will be no confusion.

  ALPHA.—That which is first.

  AXIOM.—A self-evident truth.

  ABSOLUTE.—"Free from restriction." See Chart No. I.

  AFFIRMATION.—To state positively and maintain as being true.

  AURA.—The mental atmosphere surrounding a person.

  APPARITION.—"A specter of phantom. The act of appearing."

  ATTRIBUTE.—The being, essence, nature and substance of.

  ALL-GOOD.—God or Spirit.

  ANALYSIS.—Resolving things into their first elements.

  ANDROGYNOUS.—Having the characteristics of both sexes.

  ACCUMULATED CONSCIOUSNESS.—The sum total of all that one has ever said, thought, done or seen, consciously or un-consciously.

  ACTIVE PRINCIPLE OF LIFE.—The Self-Conscious Spirit.

ductions drawn from self-evident truths.

  BODY.—The outward form.

  BODY OF THE UNIVERSE.—The manifest Creation, the Body of God, both visible and invisible.

  BEING.—That which has existence.

  BLESSING.—Constructive thought directed toward any one.

  BIBLE.—"The sacred books of any race or people."

  CONSCIOUSNESS.—The perception of existence.

  COSMIC CONSCIOUSNESS.—Perception of The Whole.

  COSMIC MIND.—The Mind of God.

  COSMIC CONCEPTION.—The Divine Mind giving birth to Its Ideas.

  CONCEPT.—An idea in mind.

  CONSCIOUS MIND.—The self-knowing mind in God or man.

  CREATION.—Passing of Spirit into form.

  COSMOS.—The Universal World, visible and invisible.

  CAUSATION.—That which stands back of things as the Intelligent Cause.

  CREATIVE MIND.—The Universal Soul or Subjectivity. The Feminine Principle of the Universal Life.

  CREATIVE MEDIUM.—From the Universal Sense, it is the World-Soul; and from the individual sense, it is the subjective state of man's thought.

  COSMIC STUFF.—The stuff from which all forms are made.

  COSMIC URGE.—The desire of Spirit to express Itself.

  COSMIC PURPOSE.—The ideas of Spirit propelling themselves into outer expression. The desire of Spirit executing itself.

  CREATIVE SERIES.—Any particular and concrete manifestation of Spirit.

  COEXISTENT.—That which exists with.

  COETERNAL.—Always existing. Uncreated.

  CONDITIONS.—That which follows cause; the effect of law.

  CORRESPONDENT.—The mental picture of cause of anything.

  CONCENTRATION.—Bringing the attention to a focus.

  CHANGE.—The appearance and disappearance of forms.

  CHRIST.—The total manifestation of God, from the plant to an angel; from a peanut to the entire Universe of expression. Christ in Man means the idea of Sonship, the Perfect Man as He must be held in the Mind of God.

  CONCRETE CAUSE.—Definite idea.

  CONCEIVE.—To give birth to an idea.

  COMPENSATION.—The law of balance in the mental world. Cause and effect.

  CONTEMPLATE.—To know within the self.

  CLAIRAUDIENCE.—The ability to perceive sounds without the ear.

  CLAIRVOYANCE.—The ability to see mentally. See without the eye.

  CURSE.—Mentally used to destroy.

  CONFLICT.—Inner mental struggle, conscious or unconscious.

  COMPLEX.—The result of mental struggle, conscious or unconscious.

  DIVINE PRINCIPLE.—Spiritual Causation operating through Universal Law.

  DIVINE SCIENCE.—The facts known about mental and spiritual law.

  DIVINE URGE.—The inner desire to express life.

  DIVINE IDEAS.—The Ideas of God.

  DIVINE NATURE.—The true nature of all things.


  DESIRE.—Life wishing to express Itself.

  DISCARNATE SPIRITS.—Entities out of the flesh.

  DIAGNOSIS.—Unearthing mental causes.

  DEDUCTIVE REASONING.—Reasoning from the whole to a part.

  DREAM WORLD.—World of thoughts that are Unexpressed.

  DISEASE.—The result of inhibited mental and spiritual action.

  DEVIL.—The personification of evil.

  DENIAL.—The mental act of denying the false appearance.

  EFFECT.—That which follows cause. The result of some inner action.

  EGO.—The real self. The inner man.



  EVOLUTION.—The passing of Spirit into form.

  EVIL.—That which seems destructive.

  EMANATE.—To flow forth from.

  ETHER.—A universal medium which is supposed to be the last known analysis of matter; it interspheres all things and all space. The fine particles of matter, or electrons, are supposed to be cemented together by the ether. Ether seems to be, to the material world, what mind is to the mental world; i.e., a universal medium.

  ETERNAL.—Everlasting, without beginning or end.

  EMMANUEL.—"God with us."

  EQUIVALENT.—The mental likeness of a thing. The mental cause back of anything. The idea of the thing in the Subjective World.

  EXISTENCE.—Having real being within itself. The cause of its own being, depending upon nothing but itself. Different from subsistence.

  EMOTION.—Mental energy, set in motion through feeling.

  ELEMENTALS.—Unevolved entities in the invisible world.

  ENTITIES.—Anything that exists, visible or invisible.

  EARTH-BOUND.—An entity unable to leave this plane.

  FORM.—Any definite outline in time and space. Forms may be visible or invisible. In all probability, all space is filled with many kinds of forms.

  FACULTY.—Any mode of bodily of mental behavior regarded as implying a natural endowment or acquired power—the faculties of seeing, hearing, feeling, etc."

  FUNCTION.—"The normal action of any organ."

  FAMILIAR SPIRITS.—Refers to the control of consciousness through the instrument of some invisible agency.

  FATHER-MOTHER GOD.—The Masculine and Feminine Principles of Being as included in the Androgynous One, or First Cause.

  FIRST CAUSE.—That which is the cause of all things. The Uncreated, from which all Creation springs. The First Cause is both Masculine and Feminine in Its Nature, and includes the Intermediate Principle of Creative Activity.

  FORMLESS SUBSTANCE.—The ultimate stuff from which all forms are created, universally present, in an unformed state, and acted upon by conscious and subconscious intelligence. It is the nature of the Soul to give form to the ideas with which It is impregnated; hence, Soul contains Substance within Itself.

  FEMININE PRINCIPLE.—The Universal Soul. In man, the subjective or subconscious intelligence.

  GOD.—The First Cause, the Great I Am, The Unborn One, The Uncreated, The Absolute or Unconditioned, The One and Only. Man comprehends God only to the degree that he embodies the Divine Nature.

  GHOST.—The mental form of any person in the flesh or out of it.

  HABIT.—Any act that has become a part of the subconscious mentality.

  HALO.—The emanation that appears around the head.

  HUMANITY.—The multiplied expression of God as people. The many who live in the One.

  HELL.—A discordant state of being.

  HEAVEN.—A harmonious state of being.

  HYPNOTISM.—The mental control of another.

  HOLY GHOST.—The third Person of the Trinity. The Servant of the Spirit. Used in the sense of the World,—Soul or Universal Subjectivity.

  INDWELLING EGO.—The Spirit of man as differentiated from his soul or subjective mentality. The Real Man which is the conscious part of him.

  INDWELLING GOD.—The Real Man is as much of God as he is able to embody. The Divine Spark, Birthless and Deathless.

  INDWELLING CHRIST.—Generic man, manifesting through the individual. The idea of Divine Sonship. The Real Man. As much of this reality appears as we allow to express through us.

  IMMACULATE CONCEPTION.—All things are immaculately conceived, as all things come from the One.

  IMMORTALITY.—The Deathless Principle of Being in all people.

  INTUITION.—The ability to know without any process of reasoning. God knows only intuitively.

  IMAGE.—The mental likeness of anything.

  INSPIRATION.—From the human side, means contact with the subconscious of the individual or the race. From the Divine, means contact with the Universal Spirit.

  ILLUMINATION.—Inspiration reaching Cosmic state. A direct contact with Reality or God. A complete intuitive perception.

  INSTINCTIVE LIFE.—The One in everything.

  INSTINCTIVE MAN.—The Spiritual Man.

  INHERENT LIFE.—Real life
as distinguished from latent life.

  INNER SIGHT.—The spiritual capacity of knowing the Truth. It is a mental quality which brings the mentality to a comprehension of Reality.

  INDIVIDUALITY.—The Real Idea of man, as distinguished from the outer personality.

  IDEA.—A concept. The Ideas of God are the Divine Realizations of His own Being. The real Ideas are eternal.

  I AM.—From the universal standpoint, means God; and from the individual, means the Real Man.

  INVOLUTION.—Ideas involved in Mind. Involution precedes evolution.

  INDUCTIVE REASONING.—Reasoning from effect to cause.

  IMAGINATION.—The imaging faculty.

  INDUCE.—The act of planting seeds of thought in Creative Mind.

  IMPERSONAL RECEPTIVITY.—The Creative Mind is impersonal receptivity, in that It receives all seeds of thought.

  INTELLECT.—The reasoning faculty.

  ILLUSION OF MIND.—Means looking at a picture in Mind which may be real, only as a picture, but not as substance. As a picture of a person is not the person, so there are many pictures, drawn in Mind, which are real only as pictures. Mine is not an illusion, but might present us with illusions, unless we are very careful to distinguish the false from the true.

  INCARNATION.—The Spirit of God in all Creation.

  INFINITE.—That which is beyond all comprehension.

  IMMUTABLE LAW.—Absolute in its ability to accomplish.

  INSANITY.—The loss of the objective faculties.

  JESUS.—The name of a man. Distinguished from the Christ. The man Jesus became the embodiment of the Christ as the human gave way to the Divine Idea of Sonship.

  KARMA.—The subjective law of cause and effect.

  LOGOS.—The word of God.

  LAW.—Mind in action.

  LIFE.—The animating Principle of Being.

  LAW OF ATTRACTION.—Subjective tendencies set in motion which are bound to attract.

  LAW OF CORRESPONDENCES.—The subjective image of a desire. In the subjective world there is an exact image of everything that is in the objective world.


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