Broken Lands

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Broken Lands Page 8

by Boaz Klachkin

  “Fattah blew the peace deals in the past and have continued to mess up all through the years; following the wrong paths with the wrong leaders and the worst advice possible. And we, the people of Palestine, are stuck in the middle, as usual. Even though we now have a recognized nation of our own, things are worse off than ever before.” Khaled shifted on the couch, looked outside through the window as if he was expecting something to happen. The sound of the bomb he had set off earlier was still ringing in his ears, but that uncomfortable sensation was nullified by his feeling of fulfillment. He wanted to tell Zaid about his revenge, but decided to keep it to himself.

  “Inkasar is no longer an obscure underground movement. It has enlightened many by making its mark on exposing the present rulers and weakening their hold on the general public,” added Zaid. “There have never been checks and balances in our political system, and that is the reason why our fictional democracy failed.

  “The Inkasar movement provides hope and its spirit is fueled by the expression of brotherhood for all of mankind, not just between Muslims themselves, but also Jews, Christians and all the other religions; even for Atheists and Agnostics. Freedom of speech and expression are the key, including putting an emphasis on women’s rights, and yes, even gay rights. These are all basic human rights that we are being deprived of.”

  “I agree,” said Khaled. “Freedom means that people can do whatever they wish and be whoever they wish to be, with whomever they wish to be, without any of the profiling or scrutiny of others, as long as they abide by the laws of the land.”

  “It is obvious that in a sea of peace, only the calm waves of brotherhood and trust can carry the vessel of optimism onward to reach its final landing,” added Zaid. “But for us to achieve all these elements, we must get rid of the extremists in our midst.” Zaid looked deeply into Khaled’s eyes and saw the glimmering radiance of enlightenment.

  “Zaid, you must take some action in helping Inkasar. They have filled the emptiness in my spirit with a feeling of pride and accomplishment. I had been totally lost and bewildered, but now I have the impetus and drive to commit myself to this all-important goal.” Khaled began yawning. The action from the events of the day had finally caught up with him.

  “I will do my part as best I can, but I will not hold anything that resembles weapon. You know that it goes against my general beliefs,” Zaid replied.

  Zaid saw that Khaled was displaying signs of fatigue: his eyelids began drooping at the same time that his chin dropped down on his chest. Zaid got up and sat closely next to him, putting his arm around his back. “Khaled. Do yourself the favor of a good night’s sleep.” He pulled out a key from his pocket. “Just slide this under the door after you lock up. I will already be in the field at 4:30 AM. I promise to check up on how you are getting along, so I’ll get back to you. I have been changing my cellular number frequently for security reasons, so whenever I do so, I’ll make sure to update you with the new number. Whenever you’re in the area and need a place to stay, don’t hesitate to stop by and stay with me.”

  “Thank you, Zaid. I will never forget you for your help and support.”

  “Have a good peaceful sleep, my brother. Just rest your body and mind. In the near future, you are going to be rejuvenated both physically and spiritually, and you will be closer to finding yourself in your new reality.”

  Khaled reclined on the couch, fixing the pillow that Zaid had laid out for him in a position that suited him, and in just a few seconds he was in dream state, free of the tensions of all that had transpired that day.

  The next morning when Khaled awoke, he felt the peaceful calm that accompanied his sleep. He was rewinding the harsh image of body parts scattering like dandelion seeds blowing in the wind. He wasn’t proud of the act of murder; however, he did feel a sense of self-importance at having succeeded in producing a well-tuned remote-control detonator. It served what he considered his righteous purpose to sentence the guilty without the consultation or advice from a corrupt jury, judge or anyone, in fact. Surely, his brother would have been proud of him for avenging his death. Khaled was now looking forward to the new direction that he had taken by joining Inkasar. With the realization of his newly found destiny, a feeling of exultation and a freshness of spirit overcame him. He knew that from this day on, he would act in a virtuous way. The new spiritual voice he was hearing was a long time in coming. It echoed, in a resounding voice, a fanfare of hope for a better tomorrow. He was ready for a change and vowed his allegiance to Inkasar, even though those around him were too tired and too afraid to deal with their harsh reality. The shattering of the peace accords meant that things were bound to go back to the horrid past which would surely result in more suffering and deprivation.

  When he left Zaid’s apartment, Khaled walked eastward to the outskirts of town. When he arrived at the edge of the forest, a wild mountain cat was rustling around in the woods. Khaled was curious to see what was making the sounds. At first, he thought he was being stalked; but as soon as he saw the animal in the distance, he knew the source was not the human predators of which he was wary. He left the woods in the direction of home, cautiously aware of his surroundings, ever listening for footsteps or strange motion around him.

  Chapter Six

  The support that Inkasar was getting from the Israeli Organization had multiplied two-fold. Having increased in numbers of members, the severity and intensity of Inkasar’s resolve was making its mark in the field of operation. Its fighters were systematically thinning out the radical Islamists and their leaders, one-by-one and sometimes in groups. The scars from the brutality, harassment and torture that many Palestinians had undergone at the hands of the Jihadist thugs and warlords were beginning to heal. Those being eliminated on a daily basis by Inkasar were the ones who were behind the continuous missile and terrorist attacks against Israel before Palestine was recognized as a nation. The usually aggressive groups like Al Qaeda, the Tanzim and Force 17 were forced to take a defensive stance. This was quite foreign to them, as they usually meted out extreme levels of violence freely against their neighbors and their own immediate population. The media, clearly aware that something was brewing in the Palestinian territories, began broadcasting special reports on the turbulent situation that had developed.

  There were demonstrations, unlike any ever seen before, that included massive crowds who were calling for breaking up the present government. Theirs was a call for free elections, renewed peace and an atmosphere of brotherhood with their Israeli neighbors. Hamas and Fattah were losing supporters day by day, and due to the large number of collaborators in the Palestinian territories providing pin-point information on the locations of radical Islamists and their warehouses, retaliatory air-strikes by the Israeli Airforce intensified and were more precise than ever. There was a deep sense of resolve in the spirit of the public. Inkasar provided weapons to many of its members for the purpose of protecting the public from the wrath of Hamas. There were now large groups of undercover operatives who had become, in a sense, the new police force.

  It was a beautiful day and I got some time off. The weather was fantastic and I thought it would be a good idea for Jezabilah to take a break for a refreshing change of pace. I planned to meet her at a Tel-Aviv coffee shop on Rambam Street near the Carmel Market. A warm breeze caressed the air, spreading aromatic scents through the air from the fresh fruit and the alluring bakery smells coming from the surrounding market. While we drank some Turkish coffee and munched on a tasty assortment of pastries, we talked about the various matters at hand.

  “What a day! I had a hell of a time getting here,” Jezabilah stated tensely. This was obviously a different world than the one she has to contend with in Gaza City, with all the dangerous fighting that was going on. Here she was able to talk more freely.

  “I always enjoy your presence. I’m glad your crew arranged this for you. We all recognized that you need to take some time off from all yo
ur hectic work.” I said softly, looking tenderly at her eyes. “And I’m glad I got the approval to take some time off as well.”

  Jezabilah always left me spellbound with her appealing beauty. Her long, soft, wavy hair was set resting over her left shoulder. I could have spent hours just looking into her entrancing, turquoise, almond-shaped eyes.

  “Well, now I am so much more at ease about everything. I can share with you the good things that have developed,” she spoke softly. “Soon enough, if things keep developing at this pace, we’ll have a lot to celebrate. Thanks to your guidance and support from the Organization, the PA and Hamas are losing their grip on us. The leaders are incensed with the general population ever since we began to hit them at every turn. We have been keeping them very busy at looking for the sources of the the daily hits on their network.”

  She noticed one of the men who had been glancing at them. The man looked sufficiently inconspicuous, yet when meeting in public, we had to be extra cautious even when seated at the end of the coffee shop. In a normal situation, there was always the possibility of some type of camera or audio surveillance unit that could be activated. But we had no problem in our case, since Erez had provided me with a Wi-Fi blocker which would filter out any device in our perimeter. In any case, the man was one of our agents who was there in a protective posture to keep an eye on us.

  I had been feeling a deep sense of respect for Jezabilah along with everyone else in the top ranks of the Organization. All the relevant operatives and those who represent its initiatives in the Knesset knew that she was the epitome of hope for our two nations, regardless of the fact that none of the government officials had ever spoken with or seen her. At the time, her identity was known by a small, select group of our Inkasar support team. Every nuance of her methodology was trusted, accepted and acknowledged. If she would have been in danger, I would have fought to the death to protect her. This was an order from higher-ups, and considering my admiration for her, I would have done so regardless of any such command. She was aware of my special affinity for her and always radiated warmth and friendship whenever we were together. I was totally infatuated by her exotic charm. I was aware of the magnetism between us, but she never openly conveyed any perception of my affinity towards her. It certainly wouldn’t have served any specific purpose to her cause; at least not at these critical moments in time. During our meetings, I always had the hope that we could get into an intimate relationship. But, on this day, there was a special force which took over my emotions. I felt something special in my heart, a feeling that I could no longer bear to hide. I had a surge of passion for her and I slowly reached out to Jezabilah across the table and covered her hand, slowly separating and softly gripping her fingers. With an amazed gaze, she blushed at first. Slowly her touch on my hand became enticingly sensuous and flirtatious. I was absorbed by this dreamlike frozen moment, my heart pounding with joy.

  “Jezabilah,” I said softly. “You have been on my mind from the first moment we met, and I think it’s about time that I express my feelings for you.” She smiled widely, putting her palm to her right cheek. “I hope that we take advantage of these next few days, and enjoy our time together. The historical, vent we are trying to achieve will be an accomplishment for sure, but for me, if we can become a couple, it would represent the happiest experience of my life.” She giggled softly as her eyes became watery. “Time is running short. I love you and cherish you.” My hold on her hand was now slightly firmer yet still soft. I could see that she was excited, looking very happy with a wide smile.

  “I am so touched, Yair, and glad that you have opened up to me. You also have a special place in my heart. I feel quite the same about you. You’ve been more of an inspiration in my life than anyone has ever been,” she said in a gentle tone, “and I have been very attracted to you as well, both physically and spiritually, waiting so patiently for you to open up to me.”

  “Since we do have these days off, it is as good a time as any to relax and enjoy being together. Let’s go somewhere quiet and be alone. I hope you can arrange something.” I was amazed to hear her express her desire. My facial expression must have shown my desire. I began feeling my lips and cheeks quivering from the excitement. I held her hands closer and raised them up to my lips, feeling their warmth and kissed them. Just then, I felt an unusual tingle in my spine unlike anything I had ever experienced in my life. I knew that she was the special person with whom I hoped to share my life. I could feel her passion radiating towards me. I raised my arm to get our waiter’s attention.

  “Check, please,” I stated quickly, in an energized tone. I paid the bill and we excitedly left the cafe. Just before we got close to where my car was parked, I stopped and gave Jezabilah a big hug. When I released her, I looked deeply into her eyes, held her chin closer to mine and we kissed for what seemed like an eternity. Everything around us froze, and I felt the depth of her love.

  We had no intention of having anything come in our way, not that evening. We drove through town to the northern turnpike and arrived at the Alexander Hotel. We checked into a large suite that overlooked the shore. The restless longing had been replaced with sultry passion. I reclined on the bed while Jezabilah showered. I closed my eyes and envisioned our bodies intertwined. When I heard the knock on the door, I knew that the colorful bouquet of flowers I’d ordered had arrived, and just in time. I thanked and tipped the attendant and proceeded to arrange the bouquet in the vase situated on the coffee table by the window overlooking the Mediterranean Sea. It was a gorgeous sunset. The magnificent sky was embellished with a blend of purples and dark blues that melted into the effervescent horizon. Down below, the lights around the wave breakers reflected the low tide with glistening specks. The world and all the hostilities around us were obscured by the splendor of the moment. Jezabilah stunned me with her quiet entrance into the room. She had snuck up behind me quietly, wrapped her arms around me and kissed my neck. She was wearing the lush, ivory robe that was provided with the room. Adrenaline flowed intensely, as the feeling of adoration and desire again blazed through my body.

  “Let me take a quick shower and I’ll come back into your arms.” I held her closely, kissed her forehead and proceeded to the bathroom. When I came out of the shower, our bodies merged, I placed my hands behind the base of her neck and approached her lips ever so slowly. I wanted to savor the moment by pausing for a few seconds and looked deeply into her gorgeous eyes. We embraced, undulating ever so gently, our lips softly locked. My mind was immersed with a euphoric, meditative calm. Slowly, we swayed over to the bed and gently reclined, intimately caressing. She responded to my touch with numerous erotic kisses on virtually every sensual point of my body.

  I was now assured of a special bond that would continue and could develop even more. We reached simultaneous climax - unlike any I had ever had - our hearts beating in accelerated pulsations. We lay embracing one another, breathing heavily, and as I shut my eyes, colorful auras combined with bright sparkling rainbows. I felt as though I was afloat in a utopian land I always imagined could be realized, filled with harmony and peace; where all are equal, a place with no animosity or hate, where the magnificence of life is truly omnipresent. These are the energies that characterize true love; scattered, bright moments of storming emotions that reach every part of the body, while making one feel a sense of being and a greater purpose.

  “Oh, how I’ve longed for this exact moment that I have always dreamt would come,” I whispered softly, as I wrapped my arms around her with a massive hug and kissed her lower neck.

  “The moment would have been realized sooner had I wished hard enough to disobey the rule books.” Jezabilah raised her hand to my face and put her index finger on my lips. “I felt that there was something special about us meeting today,” she said in a tranquil, sexy tone.

  “I feel that there is something in this union between us that is rooted in our destiny.” Filled with emotion, I played with her ha
ir and gazed deeply into her eyes and said, “Jezabilah, I love you, and I will always love you.” I had never before said these words to anyone in my life other than my parents.

  “I love you, too, Yair, and very dearly. There is surely more to come for us beyond this special affinity we hold for each other.” She was very emotional and her voice quivered. A stream of passion ran through both our bodies. There were joyful smiles on both of our faces.

  “The greatest things we will do together are still ahead.” I kissed Jezabilah’s eyes, and suddenly, she began to cry. I took a napkin from the coffee table and wiped the tears that had begun running down her cheeks. We returned to bed and lay caressing in a euphoric state and eventually fell asleep.

  The next morning began with the usual protocol and synchronized wake up calls, but this time, I had someone next to me in bed. We made love for what seemed like eternity and in realizing what time it was, we got up and got dressed. Before we left the room, we stood face to face, each of us caressed the other’s face with soft warm palms. We left the room and entered the elevator. When we walked into the main dining hall, I had been constantly receiving updates on my cell phone. Jezabilah was quite relaxed, lost in thought. As we sat down to eat our continental breakfast, I terminated the cellular connections and I could see that she was lost in thought. I returned my focus to her radiant face, still thinking about the intimacy we shared.

  “Forgive me, Jezabilah! I had to finish relaying some details about today’s events. Now, let us get back to our serious matters. The Organization’s book of commands has been a pivotal guide and reference, but in the field, I need a sense of flexibility that only you could provide for me.” As I looked at Jezabilah’s captivating eyes, I felt her loving spirit. Both of us clearly had a mutual adoration and the desire to expand on our feelings.


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