UnCage me (Savage Beast MC Book 8)

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UnCage me (Savage Beast MC Book 8) Page 1

by Hayley Faiman



  Hayley Faiman

  Hayley Faiman Books, LLC


  Also by Hayley Faiman

  Stay Connected


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23

  Chapter 24

  Chapter 25

  Chapter 26

  Chapter 27

  Chapter 28

  Chapter 29

  Chapter 30

  Chapter 31

  Chapter 32

  Chapter 33

  Chapter 34

  Chapter 35

  Chapter 36


  UnChoke Me


  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five


  About the Author

  Also by Hayley Faiman

  Men of Baseball Series—

  Pitching for Amalie

  Catching Maggie

  Forced Play for Libby

  Sweet Spot for Victoria

  Russian Bratva Series —

  Owned by the Badman

  Seducing the Badman

  Dancing for the Badman

  Living for the Badman

  Tempting the Badman

  Protected by the Badman

  Forever my Badman

  Betrothed to the Badman

  Chosen by the Badman

  Bought by the Badman

  Collared by the Badman

  Notorious Devils MC —

  Rough & Rowdy

  Rough & Raw

  Rough & Rugged

  Rough & Ruthless

  Rough & Ready

  Rough & Rich

  Rough & Real

  Cash Bar Series —

  Laced with Fear

  Chased with Strength

  Flamed with Courage

  Blended with Pain

  Twisted with Chaos

  Mixed with trouble


  UnScrew Me

  UnBreak Me

  UnChain Me

  UnLeash Me

  UnTouch Me

  UnHinge Me

  UnWreck Me

  UnCage Me

  Unfit Hero Series —






  Zanetti Famiglia Series —

  Becoming the Boss

  Becoming his Mistress

  Becoming his Possession

  Becoming the Street Boss

  Becoming the Hitman

  Becoming his Wife- Summer 2021

  Prophecy Sisters Series

  Bride of the Traitor

  Bride of the Sea

  Bride of the Frontier

  Bride of the Emperor

  Astor Family Series —

  Hypocritically Yours

  Esquire Black Duet Series –



  Forbidden Love Series —

  Personal Foul

  Kinetic Energy

  Standalone Titles

  Royally Relinquished: A Modern Day Fairy Tale

  Stay Connected

  Website: http://hayleyfaiman.com

  Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/authorhayleyfaiman

  Facebook Reader Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/433234647091715/

  Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/10735805.Hayley_Faiman

  Signup for my Newsletter: http://eepurl.com/b5a_1v





  My dad lifts his fist, and I don’t even flinch when it lands across my jaw. It’s not the first, hundredth, or even thousandth time he’s hit me. It probably won’t be the last either. If I were a better man, a stronger man, I would say that I am taking the brunt of his anger so that my mom and sister don’t have to, but I’m not and they will anyway.

  It doesn’t matter what any of us takes, he’s always got more to give.

  “You’re worthless,” he sneers.

  I don’t respond, because it would only piss him off even more, but he’s also not wrong. Everything has always pissed off my dad. The air pisses him off. There is nothing you can do to please him or to keep him from getting angry. I know, because as a kid I tried everything.

  “Did you hear me, boy?” he barks. “Worthless.”

  The word comes out as a hiss and I just jerk my chin up as I look him in the eyes. “Heard you,” I grind out.

  “Got nothin’ to say, worthless?” he slurs.


  He’s that too.

  Drunk all the fucking time.

  I could keep taking this abuse from him and if I thought that I could protect my sister, my mother, then I probably would. But something slams into me out of nowhere, something huge and life-altering.

  It hits me in a way that it never has before.

  I’m eighteen and I don’t have to take this. I don’t have to stay here. Sure, I have nowhere else to go, but at this point, I would rather live on the streets than have him hit me anymore.

  “I’m done,” I announce.

  There is a moment of silence, then I hear my mom sniffle behind me.

  “Done?” my dad snorts. “Done with what, boy?”

  I hate it when he calls me boy. Fucking hate it. Taking a step back, I lift my hand and run my fingers through my short hair. Clearing my throat, I shake my head once.

  “I’m done being your punching bag,” I rasp.

  Instead of screaming or yelling at me, he laughs. Laughs. He is far too calm and I take a step back, fear sliding down my spine. I’ve halfway stood up to him and now I don’t know what he’s going to do.

  “Woman,” he barks.

  My mom sniffles again in the background. She’s weak, but I have never blamed her for it. She’s weak because he’s made her that way. He’s manipulated her, beat her down, and mind-fucked her until there’s nothing left. She rushes to his side like the good wife and looks up fearfully, adoringly at him.

  “Your son is leaving. He won’t ever be coming back. If you give him a dime, I’ll kill him, then I’ll kill you. Understand?”

  She nods her head, then turns to look at me. Tears well in her eyes, falling down her cheeks, as she watches me, then just as he’s trained her, the tears just… stop. They dry up and she shakes her head, her eyes voice all of the emotion as she looks at me.

  He wraps his hand around the back of her neck, squeezing it hard, no doubt keeping her in her place. Reminding her just who he is and how much power he yields. He doesn’t yield any power over me, not anymore, at least.

  “Come back here, boy, and I’ll kill you. I’ll kill your mother, too. Might even kill your sister if you’re not careful.”

  “Wouldn’t come back here if you paid me,” I snap. “I’m out.”

  Taking a step back, I turn to walk away from him, but it’s not that easy. Before I know what’s happening, his arm is wrapped around my ne
ck and he is squeezing me. Reaching for his forearm, I tug and pull on him, but he’s strong and he has me in a hold.

  The light starts to fade, darkness takes over, and the last thing I hear is his cruel and raspy voice in my ear.

  “You’ll regret even being born, Dylan. If you don’t now, I’ll make sure you do. You’ll pay for defying me.”



  “You think he’s dead?” a soft voice asks.

  “Nah. Beat the fuck up, yeah,” a deeper, raspy voice announces.

  The pain radiates throughout my entire body, and I agree. I’m beat the fuck up, but I’m not dead.

  “How’d he get here?” the female voice asks, speaking again.

  “No goddamn clue. Left out in the desert for dead, damn shame.”

  Then there’s a sharp pain in my side when he gently kicks me, although it feels like he’s slamming his foot into my side, I know he’s not. I groan, then moan as I roll away in a lame attempt to get away from him.

  A shadow crosses over me, and I squint, opening one eye.

  “You alive, kid?” he asks.

  Coughing, I lift my hand to my lips. “Barely,” I admit.

  “You know where you are?”

  Shaking my head, I try to make eye contact with him, but there are two of him and I find it’s hard to focus.

  “Shit. Let’s load him up. Get a doc to look him over, then take his ass… wherever.”

  The woman crouches beside the man and my heart leaps in my throat. She’s gorgeous. She’s all blonde hair, long tanned legs, and big tits. Her face is caked heavy with makeup, but she makes that shit look epic.

  She reaches out, cupping my cheek, her thumb sliding across my bottom lip. “Cuda, he’s just a boy. Can’t be over eighteen. Doesn’t even have stubble.”

  “Babe,” the man groans.

  “It’s our duty, if he’s good you’ll sponsor him.”

  “We ain’t a home for the lost boys,” he growls.

  “Ain’t we?” she snaps.

  With another groan, he rises, straightening his legs. “Fuck me,” he mutters. I watch as he turns around and walks away, running his fingers through his long hair.

  “He’ll come around. He’s a big ‘ol teddy bear.” She giggles. “I’m Sosh.”

  “Dylan,” I groan as I try to push myself up to a seated position.

  She giggles again as she stands to her feet. The man makes his way back over to us and places his hands on his hips as he looks down at me.

  “Well, can you stand?” he grunts.

  Pushing up, I force myself to stand and almost whimper, but instead grind my teeth together as I attempt to make it to my feet. It takes me a few minutes of trying. He doesn’t help me, and I’m glad about that.

  I need to do this on my own.

  “Get your ass in the cage, I’m takin’ you to the clubhouse, Lost Boy,” he barks.

  Sosh is sitting in the middle of the single cab pickup, smiling as she watches me limp my ass over to the passenger seat. Climbing inside feels like climbing a mountain, but I do it. I do it and my life is forever changed.

  Barracuda and his Old Lady Shoshana save my life that day.




  I watch as my daddy lifts his hand and pulls it down. My mom’s face shifts to the side. They always fight this way. It scared me when I was a baby. But I’m ten now, and I’ve seen them fight more times than I’ve seen them not.

  Turning my head, I decide to focus on the television instead of them. They scream and yell at one another, their voices bouncing against the trailer walls, but I tune them out. I’ve gotten good at this.

  Tilting my head to the side, I watch my favorite show, Baywatch. My daddy only bought the seasons that have her in them. My namesake. Pamela. She’s beautiful. My mom kind of looks like her, which is probably why my dad keeps her around, it’s definitely not because he likes her, not with the way they always scream at one another.

  He calls my mom a lot of names to her face and when she’s not around, too. I don’t know what they all mean, but I know that they aren’t nice. He calls her a bitch, a cunt, and a whore. The only one that I know the meaning of is bitch. I could look up the others, but I don’t think I want to know.

  I can kind of see why my dad calls her all of those names. My mom isn’t really nice, but I think he is part of the reason why she’s not. Him and the clear liquid she keeps in the freezer and drinks a lot of, plus the white stuff she always puts in her nose.

  “You’re not taking my kid.” My mom’s shrill scream vibrates throughout the trailer. It breaks through my wall and I turn to look over at them.

  I shouldn’t have looked.

  My dad has his hands wrapped around her neck and he’s squeezing. Her arms and legs are kicking, her nails are scratching at his arms, but her eyes are focused on me. I watch as a tear escapes and rolls down her cheek as she watches me. I’ve never seen her look this way before, and I can’t look away.

  She’s helpless.

  He’s done this before, a few times, but never for this long, and she’s never looked at me so sad as he does it. My stomach twists at the sight as her face starts to turn colors, I’m not that smart, but I know enough to realize what’s happening.

  When her arms and legs stop moving, he doesn’t drop her, he continues to keep his hands around her throat. She looks lifeless. I start to shiver at the sight.


  It’s something that I try not to feel very much. It does no good. You can’t change anything with it. All it does is make you feel bad on the inside. I try not to feel anything, actually. It’s better that way.

  My dad takes a step back, and I watch as my mom’s body falls to the ground with a thud. He doesn’t even attempt to stop her fall, he also doesn’t look back at her. She’s nothing and he’s done with her. He turns and looks down at me. He’s wearing his usual scary sneer. He growls, but I don’t move. With a jerk of his chin, he starts to speak.

  “Pack a backpack. You’re comin’ to the clubhouse with me,” he announces.

  I don’t question him. There is no point. He’s angry and my mom isn’t going to get up to help me, at least not anytime soon. Last time he choked her until her eyes closed, she slept for at least thirty minutes. It was one full Baywatch episode before her eyes opened again.

  I’m thinking with as long as he had his hands around her neck this time, she probably won’t ever wake up again, or if she does it’s going to be more than one episode, and I have a feeling that’s exactly what he wanted.

  My dad always gets what he wants.

  Packing some clothes, I also pack a few other things. Things that mean something to me. They aren’t much, but then again, I don’t have much.

  Making my way back into the living room, I stand and stare at my dad, who is sitting on the couch watching Baywatch now. He grunts, lifting his head when he realizes I’m ready and waiting.

  “C’mon, say goodbye. You ain’t comin’ back here again,” he growls as he stomps out of the trailer.

  I don’t ask him why. It wouldn’t matter. Instead, I dutifully follow behind him. Climbing onto the back of his bike, I wrap my arms around his middle. I don’t look back. There’s no reason to do that.




  The bitch on her knees pushes back, taking me inside of her, and I let out a groan. This is the goddamn life. Lifting one hand, I bury my fingers in her hair and use that to pull her back on my dick. The other hand, I hold a bottle of tequila in and bring it to my lips for a pull.

  Fuck. Yes.

  Thrusting my hips forward, I fuck the clubwhore. She takes it like a goddamn champ too. I don’t know why I took my dad’s shit all those years. I could have been here fucking whores, making money, drinking, and partying the whole goddamn time.

  Silver chuckles from beside me. “Breaking in the new
snatch?” he asks.

  Jerking my chin toward him, my lips curve up into a grin. “You know I like the new ones,” I point out.

  He shakes his head, but laughs before he lifts his hand and waves, walking away from me. He’s in love with Savanna, sad as shit because she’s a bitch and she’ll never love him or anyone else back.

  I’ll never fall in love.

  Fuck. That. Shit.

  Love is useless. It doesn’t provide shit. I got everything I need right here in the Savage Beasts clubhouse, and love is nowhere in sight. Closing my eyes, I take another pull from the tequila and fuck the blonde harder.

  She whimpers and her hips start to move, they shake as she climbs closer, looking for her release. Then, without me even telling her, she shifts her hand between her legs and starts to touch herself.


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