The Changeling

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The Changeling Page 15

by Whiskey Flowers

  Johnathan ranked himself as second in the tower based on his capacity to multi-cast and having equivalent power to Farrah's. He would have needed to spar with her to be sure but no one actually wanted to spar with him. The rest of the mages were far below the group Erlanger called the Big Four. Even holding back as he was, Jonathan saw that he was heads above most of them. This made Gerald Morningstar’s challenge seem all the more stupid. Maybe Gerald could be fifth in the class but no higher. Jonathan doubted Gerald would take him on again anytime soon.

  “What are you looking at Morningstar,” Jonathan said looking directly at the smaller man. “You fancy another beating? I am not scared of you.”

  “And I will never be scared of you,” Gerald replied. “You are a commoner that just happened to be stronger than I expected.”

  “Then what do you keep looking over here for?” Jonathan said. “I am minding my own business.”

  “You haven't minded your business since you got here, Thunder,” Xalen said, as he walked over and took a seat at the table where Jonathan was sitting.

  “What do you want Your Highness,” Jonathan asked, looking warily at Xalen. “We had our words and now I am minding my own business.”

  “We are traveling to Vashing soon, commoner,” Xalen said. “Our parents will be there. My parents will be there. I don't like you. But it is obvious that you have decent skill in magic. If we ever fought I have no doubt you would win a match between us. You are much faster at casting and your shield is among the strongest I have seen. Your magic should not have been wasted on a commoner. If you were a noble, you would be enjoying your life here instead of secluded at some table by yourself. While you are in Vashing, I want you to remember your place and stop sticking your chest out. Your friend Bill Angus is a perfect example of what a common mage should be and so is Thurman Tatterson to a lesser degree. You should follow their lead. Do your magic and become scarce afterwards.”

  “I don't want to be around all of you either,” Jonathan replied. “I am a Thunder. We march to our own drum. I plan on enjoying time with my parents if they can make it, not trying to outdo anyone or make a target of myself.”

  “Stop your lying Thunder,” Gerald Morningstar said. “You are an attention seeker. You will try to use this audience with His and Her Royal Majesties to prove you are better than a lot of us at magic despite being a commoner.”

  “As you say Morningstar,” Jonathan replied.

  “What are you doing over here Thunder?” Mage Winchell asked angrily. Despite his gruff demeanor Jonathan knew it was for show. Mage Winchell and Mage Erlanger both liked him and hated Gerald. They thought something wasn't right about him with the way he enjoyed torturing people and was happy to see him knocked down a few pegs. Winchell most likely saw the Crown Prince and Gerald talking to him and came to save him.

  “I was just finishing up Sir,” Jonathan said.

  “Most of the other commoners left hours ago,” Winchell snapped. “Angus was able to get a wagon and the rest of them shared it on the cheap. All that could fit did fit. Now you have to walk since you are so stupid you don't pay attention to things around you. Flying won't do you any good, you will have to spend at least one night out in the wilderness and carrying bags will sap your strength. Go on and get a move on then. I will not tolerate you being late for any reason.”

  Jonathan got up and went to his room. Angus did have a big wagon which was paid for by his girl’s father but no one needed to know that. Jonathan already had his bags packed and had planned to leave tomorrow but on the spur of the moment he decided to leave right away. At least this way he wouldn't run into any of the nobles and could enjoy the city a bit. Minnie had already told him that the Golads had invited all of the female commoners to ride with them.

  Russell went on about hating commoners but knew many poorer nobles that would love to meet the girls. Minnie looked embarrassed to tell him that last part but romance was far from Jonathan’s mind. He talked to Minnie but there was never anything official between them and she had certainly never held his hand or kissed him. The only person in the dorm who had stayed back with Jonathan was Red. His parents wouldn't make the trip anyway and he doubted anyone would take him seriously with the burns all over his neck and chest. The story of what Gerald did to him would be about and the mages would probably just laugh at him.

  “We are going to leave a little early,” Jonathan said entering the room. “Whenever my parents get there you can stay with us unless you fancy making that walk from the slums.”

  “Thank you for this Thunder,” Red said. “I owe you an ale whenever we get there.”

  “You owe me two ales,” Jonathan said. “Complete with a meat bun or something.”

  Jonathan grabbed his things and waited for Red. Red hadn't mastered flying yet so they walked to the stables and retrieved Jonathan’s carriage and horse. Jonathan’s carriage was only a four seater but it was well built and had a lot of niceties inside. All of the carriage drivers wanted an obscene amount to take passengers. The drivers most likely knew a lot of rich noble mages would be around in the next few days and they could charge them a few silver if not an entire gold for the trip. Jonathan had the money but he also knew horses. Jonathan drove his own horse and had it moving out of Magus Mazuli at an easy pace while Red sat on the driver’s bench with him.

  “Don't we look the pair,” Red said. “I have never seen a mage drive horses before.”

  “This one does,” Jonathan replied.

  “It feels weird heading out of Magus Mazuli. I still feel like an impostor for wearing this robe.”

  “Don't worry about it Red. Only other mages care about us being commoners. I bet other commoners think we are something special. They can't tell one mage from another.”

  “We have this white stripe outlining our entire robe. It is hard not to notice.”

  “Did you know what that white stripe meant before you came here?”

  “Well no. I thought people wearing it were just fancier than the rest.”

  “There you have it. It is hard to believe we have been here for almost half a year. My parents got me such a robe just for the trip here.”

  “It is still hard for me to believe that I know magic. Bill can be a total tosser and Thurman has started to follow him around like a dog. But they do good work, I remember when I couldn't even find my aura. Now I can read and cast spells. Not on your level of course, but to me that is still an accomplishment. I just wish I didn't have these scars.”

  “They go perfect with Gerald’s nose.”

  “I think I want to learn to fight for real. Can you imagine a mage carrying steel? At least if my magic fails me I can still brawl. I don't want to wind up like Morningstar and whimper while some bean pole lays into me with every punch he knows how to throw.”

  “Gerald doesn't have any defense. He has great offense and can often strike first. My shield put him in a place he wasn't used to dealing with. I think anyone with a great defense will be able to take Gerald in the future.”

  Jonathan and Red reached Vashing by late afternoon the next day after stopping for the night. The carriage made excellent shelter against the wind and cold. But Jonathan had to admit it was uncomfortable to sleep sitting up. The Vashing inn where Jonathan was to stay was easy to find. He had stayed there once before with his parents almost two years ago. He decided to put his carriage up there and walk to the slums. Before he left, Jonathan checked to see if his parents had made it and was a little disappointed that they hadn’t. He found that they still had a reservation so they would get a room when they arrived.

  “I feel uncomfortable walking around in this robe,” Red said.

  “I was thinking the same thing. Let’s get us something else to wear.”

  “People keep staring at us like we got the speckled pox or something.”

  “Well I know where there is a decent store up ahead. Let’s get some normal clothes and be on our way.”

  The store Jonathan knew of h
ad ready made clothes. It was nothing too fancy but the material was good and anyone could tell it was made by an expert instead of someone’s mother. The cost of the clothes was reasonable. Jonathan got a simple shirt and pants and thought he looked pretty good in them. Red seemed giddy when he bought what he wanted and kept staring down at himself in disbelief.

  “This was a great plan Thunder,” Red said, as he looked down at himself. “I look like a normal person again. Well I never have looked this fancy before actually. But it is what it is.”

  “My first time wearing robes was when I went to Magus Mazuli. Besides, this was a decent deal. I don’t know why you blew your money on that sword though.”

  “Most of my money goes back home to my folks. This outfit and this sword is the first thing I have really ever bought for myself. Since you are letting me stay with you while we are out here, I wanted to pamper myself. You see the way people look at me while I am carrying this sword. They think I really know what to do with this thing.”

  “Well your scarred hands and neck helps out. I would move out of your way too if I saw you walking down the street.”

  “Let’s find this place the others are staying in. It will be nice to just be a couple of lads sitting around and having an ale.”

  “Well look who it is” said a rough looking man as he stood in their way. The man carried a stout piece of wood that Jonathan could see had various bloodstains on the tip of it. Jonathan was taller than this man was but the speaker had him in weight and age. Their assailant looked like he knew his way around a fight.

  “Come on then” Red said as he pulled out his sword. “You don’t want the problems we will give ya.”

  “You need to look around you,” the man said as he gestured behind Red and Jonathan. “Your fancy man made a mistake coming down here with only one guard.”

  “You think I am his bodyguard?” Red asked stunned.

  “I know it is so,” the rough man said. “He don’t carry a weapon. Now how about we make this real smooth. Both of you hand over your purses and your boots and we will be on our way after one other piece of business.”

  “Jonathan they have people behind us, four of them,” Red said, looking behind him.

  “Well are you going to do something or not?” Jonathan said. “This isn’t Gerald Morningstar. They are just a couple of thugs. I’ll hold off this big one while you deal with the four in the back.”

  “This is going to be fun,” the rough man said, as he swung his stick at Jonathan. The wood collided with Jonathan’s shield as Red started casting behind him.

  Jonathan could hear shouts of surprise at whatever was happening behind him. In front of him the man with the wood was trying to furiously beat down the amber shield that suddenly appeared in front of him. Jonathan chanced a look back and could see Red was sweeping fire magic across the area in front of him. The fire kept coming in and out of existence which let Jonathan know that Red had not mastered the spell yet. The people he was fighting kept looking like they wanted to rush in but then thought better of attacking a sword wielding man with flame shooting out of his offhand and ran. Jonathan looked back at the man attacking him and hit him with a mage bolt. His opponent flew backwards as Jonathan picked up the stick he had dropped and started beating him about the head and shoulders until the man got up and ran.

  “That is your move right there Thunder. To pound on someone once they are down using your fists or some kind of thudding weapon.”

  “That bit of business he was talking about Red was bashing us in the face with this thing so he can get some of our blood on it. Now his blood on this thing and he lost his favorite toy.”

  “Is that your coin purse Thunder?” Red said and pointed to the ground. “I think it belongs to that lout you just clubbed. Did we just rip off a thug?”

  “Looks like he is paying for the ale then,” Jonathan said as he picked up the coin purse. “You can keep whatever is left, I bet that guy regrets tangling with us.”

  “I hate bullies. I have always hated bullies. Before I even got to Magus Mazuli I got bullied for my name, for having red hair and having gapped teeth. This must be how you felt when you popped Gerald Morningstar one. I like this feeling, sticking up for those who cannot stick up for themselves.”

  “Yeah, it would be a good life. I hate bullies too.”

  “Why can’t we do this? That lot wouldn’t have approached us if they knew we were mages. Dressed like this though they came right up to us. I could enjoy making a living ripping off knobbers. Who could they tell Thunder? I can see them now complaining to the watch about trying to rob someone but getting robbed themselves.”

  “You have been listening to too many tales. We should try to focus on becoming mages first then worry about everything else later. Don’t think I didn’t see your fire cutting out and how many times you had to recast it.”

  “I am learning. One day I am going to have it like the rest of you.”

  Jonathan walked with Red and eventually found the place they were looking for. It was packed and Jonathan could hear loud laughter coming from inside. Red shrugged his shoulders then went through the door. As soon as the door opened the sound intensified and it was hard to see with all of the bodies around. Red pointed to a group of two men and Jonathan could see they were armed. As Jonathan and Red looked around room it was obvious most of these men were armed and were most likely guards or something. John fought to get to the center of the room and could have fallen over dead at the sight.

  Edgar was sitting down and had two beautiful women sitting on each of his laps. They were giggling like whatever he was saying was the funniest thing they had ever heard. Edgar was a shy skittish man a little taller than Thurman was. No way he should have been able to grab two nice looking girls. Terriel was at the table with him and had the same type of love going on. Thurman was off in a corner with a woman that was obviously a noble, she looked a few years older than Thurman and despite trying to smile Jonathan could see that she was not comfortable in the surroundings. That was a rich woman Jonathan thought as he scanned the room and found Bill sitting at a table laughing it up with a woman who had to be his mother along with an older couple and a young woman maybe a few years older than Bill was.

  Bill’s mother looked young, she had to be in her teens when she had him. Bill favored her in the face but her frame was slighter than his was. The couple she sat with were older and Jonathan could tell they both loved their food. Both of them, along with their daughter, were bordering on being obese. By the length of their arms Jonathan could tell they couldn’t be very tall. The girl looked to be in love. She smiled and it seemed like she was hanging on Bill’s every word. Bill looked more comfortable than Jonathan had ever seen him as he held the girl’s hand.

  “Are you seeing this or am I in some kind of dream?” Red said as he elbowed Jonathan lightly. “Is that Edgar over there looking like a regular ladies man?”

  “I think he has two servant girls with him” Jonathan said. “Most of the others are with women who look like they are worth a decent bit of money. I see a lot of parents who are trying to be inconspicuous hanging around here along with a lot of guards.”

  “Well I want two women sitting on my lap” Red replied looking hard at Edgar and Terriel. “If Terriel can do it with his scars then I should be able to. Look at little Thurman all cozy over there with that rich woman. Do you think this is because of Bill?”

  “I don’t know but Bill is calling us over. There is only one way to find out.”

  “Harrington and Thunder, may I introduce you to my beloved, Miss Rebecca Panlaque,” Bill said formally, then gestured around the table. These are her parents Lord and Lady Panlaque. Last but definitely not least is my mother Gertrude.”

  “Your son is a boon to us all,” Jonathan said looking at Bill’s mother. “He has tried to lead us true although I will admit I am not the best student and have gotten myself into a lot of trouble. And Lady Rebecca Panlaque, you are even prettier in perso
n than Bill described.”

  “You brought a charmer over here Bill,” Gertrude said, as Jonathan took her hand and gave it a small kiss.

  “Jonathan is one of the Big Four,” Bill said.

  “The Big Four?” Lord Panlaque asked.

  “Both of his parents are mages, so his power is far above mine or that of most of the mages in our class,” Bill began. “There is a man that I am not fond of named Russell Golad, who will take over for his father Duke Ryan Golad one day. Russell has power than many believe surpasses both that of the Archmage and his brother who is the mage in charge of our training in the Tower. Next is his sister Farrah who is not as strong as Russell but could possibly beat the Tower Mage and the Archmage in her own right. Next is Monica Manchin. She comes from a powerful mage family and any other year she would have been far above anyone else. The last of the Big Four is Jonathan Thunder. Jonathan is a commoner but has magic that surpasses most nobles. He is the strongest commoner ever to come through the Tower and has collected many enemies because of his power.”

  “What Bill means to say is that Thunder beat the pit out of the knobber that gave me this,” Red said as he opened his shirt and showed off his scars. “They are just jealous is all.”

  “This is Red Harrington,” Bill said. “Another of my classmates.”

  “Neither of you are wearing robes,” Lord Panlaque said.

  “We like to keep a low profile, but I don’t think it is working,” Jonathan replied.

  “Someone went to rob us and we nicked his purse instead,” Red laughed. “Jonathan Thunder is a mage that if you didn’t know his name now, in a few years you would.”

  “Well it is a pleasure to meet you both,” Lady Panlaque said. “We heard how rough things are over at the Tower, especially for commoners.”


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