Little Bird: A College Bully Romance (J.E.R.K Book 1)

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Little Bird: A College Bully Romance (J.E.R.K Book 1) Page 4

by Kait Rose

  I pull the covers off and realize I’m not in my clothes, but only in a guy’s shirt and a lace thong. I don’t remember sleeping with him, but I don’t think I would have. I’ve been thinking a lot lately about calling it off and going back to being friends. If I did end up sleeping with him, this was going to make the friend speech go more awkward than planned. That said, I figure we can have the conversation of what happened later on when it doesn’t feel like I got hit by a bus.

  I got out of his bed and wandered down to the kitchen to find some Advil. While I was stretching up to grab the bottle, I heard a cough while my shirt rode up exposing my ass. I turned around fast and of course It was Jude. Damnit, I did not need this right now.

  He looks like he likes what he sees, but then his expression turned angry. “What the fuck were you thinking last night!” He sounded so angry for something I can’t even remember.

  “What are you talking about? I don’t remember shit. I was dancing and then the next thing I know I feel like death came knocking at my door and I’m here. You know what, I must have died and this is hell. Yep totally makes sense.”

  “This isn’t a fucking joke. You took a drink off a guy you had no idea who he was. The worst part is it wasn’t the first time in the night either. You were pretty much playing Russian roulette with which drink has the drugs in them!” He looked so mad and even disappointed in me, I didn’t know what to say. I was embarrassed of myself for being that stupid to do that. The old me would have apologized to him, the new me knew what I was going to say is going to push him even further away.

  “Ok Dad. Thanks for the lecture, but you know I don’t take advice from guys I have no idea who they are. Since we don’t know each other, I guess I shouldn’t listen. By the way, thank god it was Knox that saved my ass because you would have probably let him take me.” I didn’t really believe that, but I wanted to get a rise out of him.

  He took a step towards me and grabbed me by the jaw and whispered in my ear, “You know what little bird, you damn well know we know each other. You fooled me once before with the little innocent girl act, but I know how much of a conniving and lying bitch you are. If you think I’m that much of a monster than I guess I should act the part.” He turned around and walked out without another word. I felt his threat deep in my stomach and I knew I just made the worst mistake.

  It’s been five minutes and I still felt like I couldn’t breathe. I was staring off where Jude walked out the door that I didn’t even realize Knox came walking in. He walked in front of me and by the look on his face, I was going to get another lecture.

  “Well where do you think I should start Madison?Let’s see maybe we should start with how you wore a see through bra as a shirt, or the skirt where your ass was falling out of, maybe the seductive dancing, you know what better yet how about the fact you got so drunk to point you were barely conscious and was heading home with a guy you didn’t even know!” You can tell I hurt him by the emotion in his voice and that’s the part that killed me. Knox is one of the few people that I trust and for him to be disappointed in me makes me feel like shit.

  I was going to make a snarky remark about how he doesn’t need to concern himself with how I dress or dance, but I already did that to Jude and it felt worst than this right now. I walked over to him and grabbed him by the hand. He didn’t even look down, but just kept his eyes on me and I said, “You’re completely right. I was a complete idiot last night and there is nothing I can say that will make any of this right. The only thing I can do is show you and everyone that I’ll make smarter choices.”

  “You promise?” He held out his pinky for a pinky promise. It was a thing we did ever since we were kids. I grabbed his pinky with mine and told him I do. The next thing I know I’m up against him and were making out. I wanted to step back and break it off, but I already upset him today and I didn’t want to add gas to the fire. When I heard the door open, I opened my eyes to see Jude walking back in. He stopped dead in his tracks when he noticed us and I pushed back Knox.

  “What the fuck Maddy?” Knox looked crushed, but turned around when he felt Jude staring at us with a look of confusion.

  “Oh shit, don’t worry about Jude. I already told him we were friends with benefits and that Stella doesn’t know, so we need to keep it on the down low. “ He really thought that was the reason, but honestly I didn’t want Jude thinking we were a couple.

  “No, it’s not that. Listen, I had a long night and I am tired. I am going to head back to my place, but I want to thank you for saving me and taking care of me all night. I owe you one.” I hugged Knox and went to go find my clothes, but Knox stopped me.

  “Actually Maddy, you owe Jude one. He saw you black out and that guy, Myles, was dragging you out to take you home with him. Jude started flipping out and knocked the guy out with one punch. I thought he was going to murder him, but he stopped and picked you up, taking you back here. By the way, you ended up puking all over him and yourself, so that’s why you’re in his shirt. You were originally on the couch with a bucket while he stood watch until I got home, but I figured you would be more comfortable in my bed so I took you with me.”

  I was in complete shock to what he just said. I ended up looking to see Jude to apologize, but he was already gone. I felt like such an asshole. I can’t blame him for storming off both times today. Oh god I threw up on him. Could it get any mortifying? Yep it could because if I threw up all over him and myself, that means he was the one to undress me. Great he saw my boobs because I was the dumbass who gave away my good jacket to make a point and wore a bra as a shirt. I’m never going to live this down.

  Chapter Eleven


  When I picked her up again to walk through the front door, that’s when she gave no warning and threw up all over herself and me. I couldn’t even care, I was more concerned if she was alright. I rushed into the bathroom with her and let her finish puking in the toilet. Once she was down and started to fall asleep, I picked her up and walked us in the shower to get the puke off our clothes. I’m no monster, so I kept my eyes on her face while I undressed her. The girl was drunk and I would never take advantage of her or any other girl in that state. I took her skirt of too, but I felt like it would be crossing a line removing her underwear, so she would just have to deal with them being wet.

  Once we were both cleaned off, I took her back to my room. I laid her on my bed while I went to grab myself clothes and her one of my t-shirts. After I got my shirt on her, I carried her back out to the living room where she could lay down. We were in the living room for about a hour until Knox came walking in.

  “Thanks dude, I would have come sooner, but Tony wouldn’t let me leave until everything was closed down. I owe you big. Is she alright?” He went over to check on Madison. She looked so innocent and much like the little timid girl I first met.

  “She’s doing ok now. She ended up puking all over herself and me when we first walked in, so I rinsed us off and gave her one of my shirts. She passed right back out.” He shook his head.

  “Thank god you saw all of that. I was so busy that if you weren’t there that creep would have took her home with him. I am so sick to my stomach that it was a possibility she could have been raped tonight. I knew Madison since we were little kids and she had enough bad shit happen to her that she didn’t need this.” I knew all to well what he was talking about, he just didn’t know I knew. I felt bad keeping that I know Madison from before, but I didn’t want to talk about the past.

  “Don’t worry any girl Myles talks to I always keep an eye on them.” I played it off because I didn’t want him asking me why I was watching Madison to begin with. He nodded his head agreeing with me.

  “This couch sucks. I am going to take her to my room, she’ll be more comfortable.” Before I could tell him he should just keep her her, he picked her up and carried her to his room. I didn’t like that I wanted to be the one to stay and keep taking care of her like old times, but I knew I should feel
relieve he’s taking over. I just couldn’t though.

  When I woke up in the morning, my first thoughts were if she was ok. A minute later, I was starting to get pissed about how stupid she was to be taking drinks off guys she didn’t know. I needed to blow off some steam so I got dressed in my track pants and t-shirt to go running.

  I headed towards the kitchen to grab a bottle of water before I head out. When I got to the door way, Madison was bent over in my t-shirt with her ass falling out. Damn she looked fucking hot and I felt my sweatpants getting tighter. I shook my head and took a deep breath, willing my dick to go back down. I coughed to get her to turn around before I just stare at her ass all day, but then I remembered why she was in my shirt to begin with.

  After I told her exactly what was up, she had to go make snarky comments and accuse me of not helping her. She made me out to be a monster and part of me felt like showing her how much of a monster I could be. If she was my girl, I would have dragged her to my bedroom and spanked her ass hard for the back talk and accusations. After I grabbed her by the jaw and whispered in her ear, I turned to walk out the door before she could say anything and before I did something I was going to regret.

  I started my run, but realized I forgot my phone. I turned and headed back to the house. Of course when I walked in, I was greeted with Knox making out with Madison. I was jealous for a second, but confusion hit me harder. I could tell from by her body that she was not into kissing Knox. By the way she pushed him off when she saw me standing here, I could tell I was right. Interesting.

  I needed to run off the stress that I have had since the moment I saw her again. I love just throwing in my headphones, listening to music, and running until I couldn’t anymore. I just wished I grabbed my phone before storming off again. Without music to distract me, I couldn’t get Madison out my head. By the end of my run I came to realize the only way to get Madison out of my head was to get her to leave. I had one year left of this school, why did she have to come now?

  I needed to stay focus and remember what she did to me. She broke my heart into a million pieces when she lied. Maybe if she just owned up to it, I could tolerate her for this last year. You know what, I probably couldn’t anyways after last night’s stunt. Who fucking knows if that was even the first time she did something like that since she didn’t even look fazed. I don’t care how brave a girl tries to come off, that is something that should leave you shaken up a bit unless this isn’t the first time a guy tried to take advantage of her. The thought about that had me running harder and faster.

  When I got back to the house it was quiet and empty. The only sound that could be heard was Ezra’s snoring coming through the wall. Funny, he wasn’t home when I went to bed about a hour after Knox came in. The sneaky little shit was suppose to bring Stella here. What an idiot. God help him if Knox finds out he was out with his little sister all night. Shit is going to hit the fan when both of their secrets come out.

  Chapter Twelve


  It was only noon and I was already done for the day. I wasn’t ready to answer questions about last night that Stella most likely had, but thankfully she was still passed out on the couch. I tip toed to my room trying my best not to wake Stella and quietly locked my door. I wanted to forget this day and I prayed Knox and Jude kept their mouths shut. I know most girls would be upset, but when your body was constantly used without you giving permission, you were numb to the idea of it happening again.

  I got snuggled in my bed and set my alarm for the first day of classes for tomorrow. There was no way I was leaving this room today with how I felt. I fell asleep immediately and was only woken up a few times with Stella checking in on me. She knew I liked to sleep my problems away so after the second attempt of getting me to open my door, she finally gave up.

  My dream was finally a good one instead of a nightmare. It had Jude shirtless and bending me over in the kitchen. Right when it was about to get steamy, my alarm clock decided to be a dream cock blocker. As much as that asshole infuriated me, I would never turn down a dream of him naked.

  I felt good from all the sleep I got and hopped in the shower to get ready. When I got out I decided on my skinny jeans, a lose one shoulder sweater, and my converse. It was casual, but comfortable. I knew most girls would be wearing skimpy outfits to catch guy’s attention, but I just wanted to survive the day without having to deal with that shit on top of it. I needed a break after last night anyways.

  I finished getting my hair in manageable waves before Stella busted into my bathroom. “Look she’s alive finally, you know I had to sit all day yesterday waiting to gossip!” She looked like a kid on Christmas waiting to open her presents.

  “Nothing happened Stella. I drank a little too much, passed out, and Knox had Jude take me home.” I hated lying, but the truth of that night would kill Stella and I didn’t want to ruin the first day of classes for her.

  “Nice try. I was home before you and you didn’t come home. Even Ezra said he didn’t see you in the morning.” She shut her mouth quickly after revealing Ezra was here in the morning.

  “Wait a second, back up. What was Ezra doing here until the morning? Oh my God, can I finally not call you my little virgin bestie?” I honestly doubted she did, but it was a good enough distraction to get her off my case.

  “No Madison we didn’t. We actually stayed up all night catching up and fell asleep on the couch. Please don’t mention it in front of Knox. If he finds out he won’t believe us and will jump to the conclusion that we slept with each other. Oh my god I can just imagine if I found out you two were bumping uglies, ew I can’t even think of that.” She said in a rush and I can tell she was one second from having a meltdown. She was making it harder for me to tell her the truth. I guess another day wouldn’t hurt.

  “Calm down, you’re getting yourself all worked up. As long as Ezra keeps his mouth shut then Knox will never find out.” I gave her a hug and started making my way towards the door. I had to get out there before she switched the conversation back to me.

  “Ok you’re right. I’ll see you later in English. I hear we have a young hot professor!” She wiggled her eyebrows and I waved to her before shutting the door.

  Chapter Thirteen


  I knew it was probably unlikely of me running into Jude on campus. He was a senior and I was sophomore, I doubted we had any classes together. I knew though whenever I did see him, I owed him an apology. As much of an asshole he is, he didn’t deserve the things I said in the kitchen.

  I just don’t get why in the beginning he was pretending not to know me. He seemed pissed off at me and that was before the night at Glow. If anyone should be pissed is me. He left me in that house with that monster, but I knew I couldn’t be mad at him for that because if I just told him what was happening, maybe he wouldn’t have left. It broke my heart that he didn’t even want to say goodbye to me. I knew after that day, I would never care for anyone like that again.

  I had Spanish and Biology this morning and this afternoon was English II with Stella. I was looking forward to having a class with someone I actually knew. I had to hurry before I was late since the English Hall was across campus. When I finally got there, I spotted Jude down the hallway in front of the vending machines. I checked my phone and I only had two minutes before class began.

  I had to make a quick decision. I didn’t want to be a bigger bitch and just ignore him, but I felt like I might make it worse with a quick apology that might come out half ass. I figured I could quickly tell him I’m running late for class, but later I would like to talk to him.

  As soon as I got a few steps in front of him, he yanked the whore of St. Johns, Chanel Richmond, in his face. Chanel was two grades up from me at Uniondale High School and slept with almost everyone one on the football team. She was a jersey chaser, bitch, and crazy girl that I wanted nothing to do with. I couldn’t help but freeze in front of them. Inside I felt like my world was falling apart, outside I needed h
im to know he doesn’t effect me.

  He peeked his eye open and was met with my smirking face. I shook my head and starting walking towards my class, but I whispered, “Game on.” I didn’t look back at his face because I don’t think I could play this indifference look for much longer.

  I got in class on time and spotted Stella two rows back from the podium. The little over achiever actually loved sitting in the first row and answering every single question, while I liked to sit in the back row and be unnoticeable. Somehow we compromised on the second row, but to be honest, Stella once again got her way and just threw me a bone by moving one row back.

  I swear I have the worst luck in the world because as soon as I looked at the door I just came in, I locked eyes with Chanel. To make it even worse, Jude was right behind her. The ice queen looked down at me and said, “Oh my God, is that you foster? Never mind it has to be you, seeing as you’re wearing the same ratty sneakers from back in high school.” Really? What the fuck did I do in this life that I can’t just have a normal day where my past doesn’t come back to bite me in the ass. She just couldn’t walk by and ignore me like most people do.

  “Wow, I’m surprised you were able to see my shoes since your head was permanently stuck in every guys’ lap. How’s your jaw doing?” I hated this side of me, even though the bitch deserves it, I can’t stand how nasty I can get.

  “Look at that Jude, foster grew a back bone since the last time we seen each other. You might want to switch classes, I heard this professor isn’t as old as the men you prefer.” The bitch flipped her hair and gave me that victory smile while Jude wouldn’t even look at me. The asshole didn’t even show any emotion when she was calling me foster. I remember when one boy at Lincoln Academy called me foster and when Jude found out, the boy never looked in my direction again and no one dared to call me it.


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