Aftermath of Disaster: Books 1, 2, and 3 Bundle + Bonus Book: When Jack Met Diane

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Aftermath of Disaster: Books 1, 2, and 3 Bundle + Bonus Book: When Jack Met Diane Page 1

by Kevin Barry Maguire

  Aftermath of Disaster

  Books 1, 2, and 3 Bundle + Bonus Book: When Jack Met Diane

  Kevin Barry Maguire

  Edited by Miles Rost

  Book Title Copyright © 2018 by Kevin Barry Maguire. All Rights Reserved.

  All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means including information storage and retrieval systems, without permission in writing from the author. The only exception is by a reviewer, who may quote short excerpts in a review.

  Cover designed by Olivia Pro Designs

  This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

  Kevin Barry Maguire

  Visit my website at

  Printed in the United States of America

  First Printing: Aug 2018

  Get notified of my new book releases

  Books in This Series:

  Aftermath of Disaster: Book 1 – It Has Begun

  Aftermath of Disaster: Book 2 Diggin In

  Aftermath of Disaster Book 3 Summer’s End


  Fael – Book 1 of the Adventures of Fínán Series

  Written under KB Maguire

  Non-Fiction Work:

  Intermittent Fasting & Ketogenic Diet Made Easy

  Intermittent Fasting and Ketogenic Diet to Cure Illness

  Written under KB Mac

  Book 1 – It Has Begun


  The alarm on Jack's phone went off at 7 am, as usual. Jack never slept past 7, as sleeping in is not productive. He was already awake, always waking early. The time between waking and the alarm being his peaceful thinking time. Today is Friday, the fun and laid back day at work. Jack's thoughts were ranging from where to have lunch to what the first order of business would be for the weekend.

  Jack is a software engineer at a tech company in Tacoma, WA. Friday evening I-5 is a nightmare of stop-and-go to parking lot traffic. He is able to avoid the Tacoma Dome traffic and he's happy for it. On Friday's, the whole office shuts down at lunch and everyone meets at a local restaurant, far away from the city, to discuss the progress made during the week. There are a few employees who live in the city and join the meeting via Skype.

  Yesterday, the office took a vote and the Super Buffet in DuPont won. All you can eat Chinese food and sushi. The sushi is surprisingly tasty, and they also have tables big enough for the group. Jack voted for this option more out of convenience, since he lives in Steilacoom and won't have to get on the highway to get home. It's a nice, scenic drive around Ft Lewis (now Joint Base Lewis-McChord, he always forgets.) Jack has lived in Steilacoom since he was 8 years old and previously lived on base at Ft Lewis. His father was a helicopter pilot in the Army. It will always be Ft Lewis to him.

  Jack jumped out of bed at the sound of the alarm and started his morning routine - shower, coffee, then breakfast. Breakfast is always two eggs, fried in real butter, and 3 strips of thick bacon. He lives a Paleo lifestyle, eschewing grains and anything processed. Except for the bacon, of course. A man can't live without bacon. He finishes breakfast and heads to the bedroom to get dressed for work.

  One of the benefits of working at a tech firm is the dress code. Suits are for suckers. Jack put on a nice pair of jeans, a polo shirt, and comfortable boots. He wore black hiking boots, just in case. Then he slipped on his paracord bracelet, wondering if he really needed it. He gets funny looks sometimes, but in the end he must be prepared for anything. Next came his Apple watch, so he wouldn't miss any alerts. Jack is a prepper, always ready for anything...even on days when he has doubts.

  His everyday carry items also included a Swiss Army knife that he keeps in his pocket. He keeps his tactical pen in his shirt pocket, with nobody seeming to notice what it really was. It wrote, so it's a pen to most people. For Jack it was a useful tool and a weapon. In his briefcase he kept a solar powered flashlight with a hand crank. No matter what, he would have light.

  The final addition to the briefcase was his Colt 9mm LW Commander. Lightweight and smaller than the Government model, it's a great carry weapon. Well, it would be if he could carry it at work. Some people don't feel "safe" around guns. Ironic, Jack thought. "They're much safer with me armed." He sighed and put the holstered weapon in the briefcase, then closed and locked it.

  Jack picked up his briefcase, grabbed his keys, and headed out the door. It was a warm, early spring day so he decided to leave his jacket behind. "No worries," he thought, "I've got one in the truck." Always prepared. He got in his Dodge Ram 4x4 and drove off. It's not very good on gas mileage but it's great in an emergency. You know, just in case.

  On the drive, Jack passed the Steilacoom Community Center. Looking at it, he remembered his start in being prepared. That's where his Boy Scout Troop met. Troop 471, now changed to 71. "That's a shame," he thought. When they changed the number they changed the flag. The Troop 471 flag had a star sewn onto it as a memorial to the troop's first Scoutmaster - Jack's father. He died of cancer when Jack was 11 years old.

  His father was born and raised in Belfast, Northern Ireland; and came to the US after graduating from Queen's College. Then, he joined the Army and became a helicopter pilot as a Warrant Officer. During one of his three tours in Vietnam, he got blinded in one eye. He said it was from the glare of another chopper's window. That's all Jack's father ever said about Vietnam. When the Army figured it out, they grounded him and put him in Motor Pool. It was the worst day of his life.

  Jack's father taught most of his camping and knot tying skills. It was because of his father that "Be Prepared" became instilled in his brain. Thankfully, the new Scoutmaster and his assistant were pretty good. The Scoutmaster was an Army Ranger and obviously knew his stuff. The assistant was in the Coast Guard Reserve and an avid hunter with a massive gun collection that included a working cannon! He taught Jack how to hunt and everything about guns.

  Jack arrived to work and was greeted warmly by the secretary. She flashed her pretty smile and stood up to shake his hand. Diane was her name. She's about 5'7", slim with long red hair and hypnotic green eyes. Her hand lingered a little too long for a professional setting. She's 12 years younger than Jack and she doesn't mind. She loves him anyway. Jack gave her a wink and went to his office.


  Diane’s alarm jolted her out of a peaceful dream at 6:00 am. She hated getting up so early, but if she wasn't on the highway before 6:45, she'd be late for work. She was born and raised in DuPont, WA and hated living so far from the city. It was a peaceful place, although, it has grown a lot since she was a child. What was once a small community is now a bustling business center. A few large companies set up shop, and it's never been the same since. She keeps telling herself she's moving to the city as soon as she can afford it. Eventually, that day will come, or so she keeps telling herself.

  Diane crawled out of bed and turned off her alarm. After a hot shower, she had some yogurt and a banana. Cooking takes too much time, she thought. Next came the makeup, just a little foundation for now. The rest would be applied after she got to work. She's always early because she has to beat the traffic. She thought about lipstick but no, Jack hates lipstick. So she got dressed and packed her purse.

  Jack says she should never leave the apartment without her basic everyday items: solar flashlight, paracord brace
let, pepper spray, and the funny little pen. "Tactical pen", he calls it. It stays in her purse with everything else, she's never used it to write with. She thought "He has some strange notions but he likes to know I'll be safe." His favorite words are "Always be prepared for anything."

  She opened the closet to grab her coat and saw the bag Jack bought for her last birthday. A "bugout bag" he called it. Then he filled it with lots of camping gear and some food items. "Yep, he loves me!" she said aloud. She really didn't know about everything in the bag. She just knows he'll tell her when she needs it and it doesn't take up much space in her small apartment. She smiled as she walked out the door.

  Diane sang in her car "On I-5 at 6:40, I made it!" Her thoughts turned to Jack. They'd been dating for almost a year now. He's a little taller than her at 5'9" and has some muscles, much more than your average computer geek. He says it's his diet - lots of protein and no grains. "Whatever, I eat pizza," she thought.

  She always wondered why he never asked her to move in. But then, she remembered she'd starve without pasta. She stays with him most weekends, and can never find enough to eat. She has to sneak off to the Topside for a small bite to eat. He has a small house on Nisqually Street with a nice yard. There's a garden in the backyard for all his vegetables and what he doesn't eat he preserves for emergencies. There is a shelf in the basement with jars and jars of fruits and vegetables.

  Then there is his water storage and other emergency food. He's got so much stuff in the basement that there is barely enough room for his weight bench and exercise bike. She liked to watch him work out, the keyword being "watch." His muscles always looked bigger when he was using them. Diane wasn't into lifting weights herself though, she preferred light cardio.

  Last weekend Jack took her to the range again. She'd never used a gun of any kind before meeting Jack, and surprised herself by enjoying it. She's even getting good with a handgun. Soon, Jack is going to teach her how to use a rifle. This weekend they have more domestic plans in store. Jack wants to prepare his garden and plant next weekend. She sighed somewhat happily and thought "Ah, domestic life."

  Diane arrived at her parking lot, a few blocks from work. She made her way past the Starbucks to the little coffee stand she visits daily. Starbucks always has a burnt taste and she doesn't like it. Smaller shops and stands always have better coffee. Diane arrived and unlocked the door, she was always the first to arrive. Then she turned off the alarm and relocked the door. It stayed locked until 8 am. It's also never a good idea to have the door unlocked while she was alone. Then she did her makeup and sipped her coffee.

  Eventually, people started arriving and she had to get to work. Being Friday, most people had an extra pep in their step. Friday lunch was a good time and everyone got home early. Jack walked in and she stood up to greet him and shake his hand.


  After an uneventful morning, the clock struck 12 pm. Lunchtime finally arrived and almost everyone headed to DuPont for the lunch meeting, with a few staying closer to home. They'd connect via Skype later, after everyone had filled their bellies. Mr. Mason, the owner and CEO, stayed behind to finish a report and lock up. He'd catch up with everyone shortly.

  Jack and Diane arrived within minutes of each other and met in the foyer. Jack paid for their meals and they found their seats with everyone else. Jack headed to the salad bar first, as most of the food was not what he would consider healthy. He chose the buffet for convenience, not the food. Even the salad bar had its drawbacks - iceberg lettuce. Iceberg lettuce is not unhealthy, it's devoid of nutrients and is 95% water. He chose some broccoli, cucumbers, and tomato slices; then grabbed a glass of water.

  Diane had no such issues and congratulated Jack on his sensible choices. She went right for the egg rolls, coconut shrimp, and rice noodles. Jack told her "That's going to catch up to you eventually." She replied with a laugh "But until then, chomp chomp!" She enjoyed rubbing in the fact that she could eat whatever she wanted and not gain weight. Jack let her have her fun, because he knew he'd eventually get the last laugh.

  Jack went back and picked a few items that weren't too processed and finished eating. Diane finished off with some sushi. Mr. Mason showed up about 45 minutes after everyone else and grabbed a quick bite. He wanted to get the meeting part completed, so they could all get home early. The lunch was filled with jovial conversation about family, vacations, and anything else but work. Nobody talked shop until it was time to talk shop.

  At about 1:50, Mr. Mason called for the meeting to begin and everyone quieted down. He asked Diane to get Joe and Ken on Skype so they could begin. They answered the call, but neither of them were feeling very well. After a few minutes, they were both excused and told to go see a doctor. Joe threw up at his table. It was at that time Jack got a short message on his Apple watch. It simply read "#poisoned."

  Jack knew he was to check Twitter for that hashtag, and pulled out his phone to check it out. He started reading the tweets - "I think I've been poisoned" said one tweet. Another concerning tweet came from Chicago and read "I'm throwing up and have the runs!" One from Miami said "My whole family is sick. What should we do?" At this point, Jack was concerned but hadn't figured out what to make of it yet. People all over the country were getting sick, most with symptoms of nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea. Nobody at the restaurant seemed to be affected. That was good news for Jack's group.

  A few minutes later, that changed. Mr. Mason started looking ill. He said he was feeling nauseous. Not good. Just then Jack got another message: #radiationattack. Now Jack was really concerned, this was big. All the big media companies were reporting the symptoms as radiation poisoning. Every major city and most smaller cities were affected. It appeared to be a major attack on the United States and it was well coordinated. The time of the attack was estimated at 3:30 pm Eastern Standard. So Tacoma was hit at 12:30, meaning Jack and his group missed it. All except Mr. Mason, as he was in the city for 15-20 minutes after the attack. Depending on the amount of exposure, he may live through it, but only if he gets to a hospital immediately.

  Jack interrupted the current speaker to give the news. "I have an emergency announcement to make. I've been checking the news and there has been a massive radiation attack on the United States. Mr. Mason, you need to get to a hospital immediately. Go now. Madigan is the closest hospital. The gate guards will probably let you through. Just tell them you've been exposed."

  A new message on Jack's watch read "SHTF"

  Jack knew what that meant - the shit hit the fan. It was bugout time and he needed to hurry but he wanted to help his friends as much as he could. Mr. Mason was still standing in disbelief. He never knew Jack to be a prankster though and he was sick. He gathered his things and left. Jack wished him luck and others wished him well.

  Jack addressed the group again. "The rest of us are lucky and missed the attack. Joe and Ken may be OK if they got to a hospital as instructed." Jack knew that was probably a lie but the rest of the group didn't need to know that. He continued "Do not go into any city until things have settled down and you've been told it's safe. Your best bet is to get far away from any heavily populated area. Time is short and the radiation can spread wherever the wind blows. Get home, gather what you can, and get away.

  Susan asked worriedly "My husband is still at work in Seattle, will he be OK?" Jack didn't know how to break it to her. He was a prepper but he wasn't prepared for delivering news like this. This was doctor level crap. "Susan, you need to worry about your children and yourself. If your husband made it to a hospital, he should be good to go. But, he's going to be there a while. You need to gather your kids and whatever else you can and get away. Get food, water, and any camping gear you may have and head for the mountains."

  Ralph asked, "How long should we camp out?" Jack replied that he didn't know and it was the truth. If this was a one-off attack then not too long. If it was worse, then they were all in trouble. The people around there were listening, of course, and began to leave. That was
Jack's cue. He didn't want to deal with any more traffic than he had to. He told Diane it was time to go. "We'll meet at your apartment," he said. Then continued, "Grab your bugout bag and your tablet, nothing else. Then get to my truck." Then they left.

  Diane raced to her apartment, fracturing a few speed laws along the way. Luckily, it wasn't too far away. She ran inside and grabbed her tablet from the bedroom, wondering why Jack wanted her to have it. She then heaved her bugout bag onto her shoulders, struggling with it as it was heavier than she remembered. She locked her door, wondering how long it would be before she saw her bed again. Jack was waiting right outside with the engine running. She ran to the truck, tossed her bag inside, and climbed in.

  Now, it was Jack's turn to hit the gas. He avoided I-5, as it was likely backed up already, and it was only a mile until the Steilacoom exit. The side road is long and straight, and shouldn't be too difficult to drive. He was right. So far, so good. He raced down Wilmington Drive to DuPont-Steilacoom Road. Once there, it was a long but easy drive to Steilacoom. Jack had to pass a few people that didn't understand the urgency. Otherwise, it was easy going.


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