It Had to Be You

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It Had to Be You Page 38

by Susan Elizabeth Phillips

"The President! Of the United States! He's calling to congratulate you."

  She gulped. Her hand fluttered to the neck of her sweater. The players laughed and then fell silent as she walked up to take the phone.

  A woman's voice said, "Miss Somerville, I have the president on the line."

  Just then someone tapped her on the shoulder. She turned to see Dan standing next to her, a grin the size of a football field spreading all over his face. "Now, Phoebe."

  She regarded him blankly. "What?"


  His meaning slowly penetrated her brain, and she stared at him in disbelief. He meant now! She pressed her hand over the mouth of the receiver. "Dan, it's the President! I can't—"

  He crossed his arms over his chest, his expression unbearably smug. She realized that he had been waiting for a moment just like this. That rat! He had set her up, and now he was going to spend the rest of their lives teasing her unmercifully about not having the guts to take his dare. That cocky, infuriating jock! Somebody definitely had to take him down a peg or two.

  The President's voice boomed over the wire. "Congratulations, Miss Somerville. It was an amazing game."

  "Excuse me, sir." She gulped. "I have Miss Somerville right here." She shoved the phone at an astonished Sharon Anderson.

  Dan gave a hoot of laughter. She grabbed him and pulled him through the crowd. Just as they reached the door, she spoke.

  "You'd better be worth it, studmuffin."

  In the background, Sharon Anderson, after a stumbling start, had risen to the occasion. Much to Ron's bemusement, he heard her say, "I'm fine now, Mr. President. Yes, it was quite harrowing. By the way, sir, I want you to know that all of us in the Stars' organization share your concern about adequate funding for preschool education…"

  "Studmuffin?" Dan pulled out onto the highway. "You called me studmuffin!"

  Phoebe was still trying to catch her breath. "This game can go two ways, Coach. Don't be surprised if you're in the final two minutes of the Super Bowl—"

  "You wouldn't."

  "I might."

  He looked over at her and smiled. "Speaking of the Super Bowl. Will you marry me as soon as it's over?"

  "How about Valentine's Day?"

  "Too long."

  "Groundhog Day?"

  "Deal." The Ferrari raced down the ramp onto the Tollway. "You know that we've got a few problems we need to talk through before we get married."

  "I'm not getting rid of Pooh."

  "See, there you go being antagonistic. Marriage means learning to compromise."

  "I didn't say I wouldn't compromise. I promise to take the ribbon out of her topknot before you walk her."

  "You're all heart."

  Phoebe's smile faded. "I want children, too. I always have. I just needed to know you loved me."

  "I hope you know it by now. I never loved anybody in my life the way I love you. I want children, but not nearly as much as I want you."

  "I'm glad." She caught her bottom lip between her teeth and then released it. "I don't want to send Molly away. I want her to stay with us."

  He glanced over at her. "Of course she's going to stay with us. Where else would she go?"

  "I thought you might want more privacy."

  "Once that bedroom door is shut, we'll have plenty of privacy. Actually, when I mentioned problems we need to talk about, I was referring to the Stars."

  "I know you're not marrying me for the Stars. I should never have said what I did. I was hurt."

  "I'm glad you realize that. But you see, we still have a problem. Historically it's been women who've married the boss. As soon as they had a wedding ring on their finger, they quit their jobs and stayed home. Neither of us wants you to do that, but I have to tell you that I'm not all that comfortable with the idea of spending the rest of my life sleeping next to somebody who's got the power to fire me if my underwear doesn't make it all the way to the laundry hamper."

  She repressed a smile. "I'm sympathetic to your problem, but I'm not selling the team just so you can be a slob."

  "Somehow I didn't expect you would."

  "It's a new world order. You men are going to have to figure out how to handle it."

  "You're enjoyin' this, aren't you?"

  "I'm mildly amused."

  Despite her teasing, she had already been doing some thinking about how she might balance the enormous demands of owning the Stars with marriage and the children she hoped to have. "As a matter of fact, I have a few ideas on this subject. It's not completely worked out in my mind, but when it is, you'll be the first person I talk to about it."

  "Then I'd better tell you that I'm not planning to coach the Stars the rest of my life."

  "Dan, you can't go to work for another team! It would be an impossible situation."

  "I'm not going anywhere for a while. But you've seen what this life is like during the season. I want to be around for you and for our kids, and I've been toying with this idea for a long time. I decided a while back that the day I wake up and realize I can't remember what my wife and kids look like is the day I get out of pro coaching. I'm going to find a Division III college nearby, and that's where I'm going to settle in for the rest of my coaching career."

  "Division III? I don't know what that means."

  "They're small colleges. They don't offer athletic scholarships, and the pros never scout them. The kids aren't the biggest, they aren't the fastest, and nobody's slipping them money under the table. They're only playing football for one reason, and that's because they love the game. So while you're off wheeling and dealing with all the high rollers, I'm going to tuck myself away on some nice little college campus and remember why I started playing the game in the first place."

  "It sounds wonderful."

  He shifted lanes. "That scarf you've got under your coat collar. Would you mind blindfolding yourself with it?"



  "Oh, for Pete's sake." She snatched the scarf from beneath her coat collar and tied it around her eyes. "This is ridiculous! You're not planning anything kinky, are you?"

  There was a long silence.


  "Well, I suppose it all depends on how conservative your viewpoint is."

  "You said you were putting all that behind you. That you wanted a nice, ordinary sex life."


  "You don't sound very certain."

  "See, it's like this. After a lifetime of high living, it'd probably be best if I sort of tapered off gradually. That way it wouldn't be too big a shock to my system. And this is something I've been thinking about for a long time."

  "You're making me very nervous."

  "That's good, honey. That's real good." He then launched into the sweetest, softest dirty talk she had ever heard in her life until her skin was so flushed she had to unbutton her coat. But he still wouldn't tell her where he was taking her.

  When he finally stopped the car, she realized that his monologue had distracted her so much that she'd forgotten to pay attention. Had the tires crunched on gravel? She listened hard, but although she couldn't hear any traffic noises, she wasn't absolutely certain whether or not he'd driven her to his house.

  "You're going to have to wait here for a couple of minutes while I get a few things settled. I'll be right back, so don't get nervous." His lips brushed hers. "Promise me you won't spoil everything by sneaking a peek. That'd be a sign that you don't trust me, and what kind of marriage would we have then?"

  "You're really pushing me. You know that, don't you?"

  "I know, darlin'." He nibbled her bottom lip. "While you're waiting, why don't you just go over all those things I told you I was going to do to you. That way you won't be bored." His chuckle was definitely diabolical as he slipped his hand under her dress, squeezed her thigh, and then opened his door.

  It was an absolutely rotten thing for him to have said, because once he'd planted the idea, she couldn't think of anything else. By the time he return
ed to the car, she was quivering with sexual anticipation.

  She felt a rush of cold air as he opened the door. "Everything's all taken care of. I'm going to carry you now." He caught her under her knees only to immediately set her back down on the seat. "Phoebe, honey, you're still wearing your underwear. I distinctly remember telling you I wanted it off by the time I got back."

  "You did not."

  "I'm sure I did. I guess I'll have to take it off myself." Sliding his hands under her dress, he pulled off her panty hose and her underpants.

  "I'm going to freeze. It's not even twenty degrees."

  "I don't think you'll have to worry too much about freezing. Where in the world did these panties come from?"

  "I bought them."

  "They're not much more than two little ribbons and a scrap of silk. Did you give up your industrial strength underwear just for me?"

  "Just for you."

  "That's sweet, honey, and I appreciate it. Now slip those high heels back on. I do like the way your legs look in high heels." As soon as she'd done what he said, he caught her under her knees and swept her out of the car. Her skirt fell free and cold air fanned her naked bottom, which was exposed for the entire world to see.

  "Please tell me there aren't a dozen people standing around."

  "Only half a dozen, sweetheart. But they're all too busy adjusting the carburetors on their motorcycles to look."

  She buried her face in his collar and laughed. He was outrageous, impossible, and she was having the best time of her life. But where was he taking her?

  He shifted her weight and opened some sort of door. She was relieved to feel warmer air on her bottom as they stepped inside.

  "That blindfold still tight?"

  "Uh huh."

  "That's good. Don't pay any attention if you hear strange noises."

  "What sort of noises?"

  "Drunken laughter. Breaking glass. Jukebox. That sort of thing."

  "I won't give it a thought."

  "And if somebody named Bubba asks you what you're doing here, you just tell him you're with me."

  "I'll do that."

  He began kissing her, and by the time he stopped walking, she realized he'd once again distracted her from paying attention to where they were going. Had they traveled a short distance or a long one? He wasn't breathing hard, but he was in such good physical shape, that didn't mean anything. She couldn't even be certain whether he'd climbed a set of stairs or if they'd stayed on the same level.

  "I'm going to set you down now. I don't want to get you too close to the bar. On account of fights breaking out."

  "May I take the blindfold off yet?"

  "I'm afraid not, honey. You've still got your clothes on."

  "I have to take my clothes off?"

  "I'm sorry, darlin'. I thought you'd figured out how this was going to work." He removed her coat. "Don't you worry, though. I'll help you."

  "You're such a gentleman."

  He slipped off her earrings, pulled her sweater over her head, and discarded it. "Phoebe, honey, I don't want to embarrass you, but did you know you can see right through this?"

  "Can you now?"

  "I'm afraid so. That means I'm going to have to ask you to stand real still for a minute."

  Through the gossamer-thin silk of her bra, she felt his mouth settle over her nipple. The warm, moist suction sent torrents of excitement raging through her body. His sensual torture continued as he moved his mouth to the other breast, while the nipple he had abandoned pebbled beneath the damp, chilly spot he had left on the silk. Her knees were growing weak, and she wanted him inside her so badly she grasped his shoulders.

  "Please… You're making me crazy."

  "Shhh. I'm just getting started here, and, frankly, I expect a little more stamina from you. Maybe you could recite some batting averages or something."

  She laughed and then gasped as he gently nipped her with his teeth. A moment later, her bra fell away, and she was naked from the waist up.

  "You are one beautiful woman, sweetheart. Isn't she, boys?"

  He definitely needed to be put in his place. She began to lift her arms to remove the blindfold, but he caught her wrists and held them at her sides. "Not yet, honey. I'm real thirsty."

  Releasing her, he cupped her breasts in his palms. Once again, he began to feast on her nipples, but this time, not even the frail barrier of silk was in his way. He suckled her until she was making soft, mewing sounds.

  She reached out, desperate to touch him. At some point he had taken off his own coat, and she slipped her hands under his sweater, sliding them through the mat of hair on his chest to brush his nipples.

  He groaned. She felt his touch at her waist, and then the light brush of wool as her skirt fell free. He spoke softly, his voice husky. "I don't want to scare you, honey, so I'd better tell you exactly what I'm going to do here."

  She wasn't the slightest bit afraid and he knew it, but she decided it would be rude to interrupt.

  "I've made a bed for us with our coats, and I'm going to lay you down on it. That's right. Now lean back. That's good; real good. Honey, I don't remember telling you that you could close up your legs like that. Uh-huh, now move that knee up so I can enjoy the view." His fingers found the sensitive skin of her inner thigh.

  "Can I take the blindfold off yet?"

  "Oh, I don't think so. No sense in gettin' you all riled up till I'm through with you."

  She was definitely going to get even with him for this. But not until she had enjoyed every second of this exquisite, thrilling seduction.

  She heard the rustle of his clothes as he discarded them, and her heart swelled with love. Six months ago she could never have imagined trusting any man enough to let him do this to her, let alone one with Dan's physical strength. Yet she lay here before him naked and open. Even though she had no idea where he had taken her, she had never felt safer and she realized that, along with his love, he had given her freedom from fear.

  He lay down beside her on the bed of coats and drew her into his arms. "I'm going to kiss you a little bit. If you get bored, I can ask the band to play some music or something."

  "I'm definitely not bored."

  She breathed in his clean scent and touched the tip of her tongue to his shoulder. His muscles flexed and she felt his arousal pulsing hard against her thigh. His mouth closed over hers. Their tongues joined and everything else slipped from her mind until she was only aware of sensations. The sound of his groans, the dampness of his skin as he held himself back to pleasure her. His mouth traveled from her breasts to her waist. He kissed the insides of her thighs, then opened her to love her more deeply.

  She had no idea when she lost the blindfold. She didn't know whether it had fallen off or one of them had removed it. She was only aware of the roar of blood in her ears, the ecstasy of being joined with this man she loved so very much, the fierce passion of his love words as he thrust so deeply into her body.

  "All my life…"

  "I know. My sweet…"


  "Oh, yes. Forever."

  They pledged themselves with word and body, then cried out together as their love flowed warm and rich from one heart into the other.

  When it was over, he held her against him as if he'd never let her go. His voice was thick with emotion. "I love you so much. I've been lonesome for you all my life."

  Tears slipped from the corners of her eyes. "You're the most wonderful man in the entire world."

  She could feel him smile against her forehead. "You're not mad?"

  "Why would I be?"

  "I wanted to drive out the bad memory, honey. I wanted to put a good one in its place."

  She had no idea what he was talking about, and she was too lethargic to question him. Sighing with contentment, she snuggled her cheek into his neck and opened her eyes. She was aware of the gentle beating of his heart, the stars twinkling in the sky above, the soaring gridwork of steel…

  Her head
shot up.

  "Something wrong, sweetheart?"

  "Oh, my God!"

  They were lying naked on the fifty yard line in the very center of the Midwest Sports Dome.


  « ^

  Dan walked down the quiet lane and breathed in the fragrant evening air of late May. He caught the scent of rich, damp earth, along with the faint hint of lilacs from the bushes he and Phoebe had planted not long after they were married. Contentment seeped through every pore of his body even though his wife was in a snit, and he knew he was going to hear about it the minute she got him alone.

  She got upset about the strangest things. Just because he'd asked a few perfectly innocent questions about that raging hormone who was taking Molly to her high school senior prom was no reason to accuse him of being overly protective. It had been odd starting out his marriage as a stand-in father for a teenage girl, but he knew he'd done a lot better job of it than Bert Somerville. He and Phoebe had secretly rejoiced when Molly had decided to go to Northwestern instead of one of the Ivy League schools. They didn't want her too far from home.

  So much had happened these past three years. Ray Hardesty had suffered a fatal heart attack before he could go to trial. Reed Chandler had taken the hint about leaving town, and the last anybody'd heard, he was selling cheap condos on a run-down Florida golf course. There had been weddings: Ron and Sharon, Darnell and Charmaine. He'd be surprised if Valerie and Jason Keane ever got married, but they certainly made an interesting couple. There had been a wrenching funeral when his friend Tully Archer had died of pneumonia. The Stars had lost their first two> Super Bowls and failed to qualify the third year. This year, however, they'd finally won it, and the Lombardi trophy was sitting in the lobby of the Stars Complex to prove it Best of all, he'd become a family man.

  He smiled as he remembered that glare Phoebe had shot him over the dinner table tonight when he'd been grilling Molly about her love life. Although he tried to keep it a secret, having his wife in a snit was something he never failed to enjoy. He was a competitive person by nature, and the sheer challenge of seeing how long it took him from the time she started fussing at him to the time he got her naked appealed to his sportsman's nature. So far, his record was eight minutes, and that had been after a serious snit, too—the same night he and Ron had badgered her into signing Bobby Tom's new $10-million contract.


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