Mending a Highland Heart: Healing him was more scandalous than she ever imagined…

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Mending a Highland Heart: Healing him was more scandalous than she ever imagined… Page 14

by Kendrick, Kenna

  He nodded tersely, and the men turned to leave. Charlotte stood, confused. Her father would always embrace her whenever he was about to leave for a long journey. General Andrews turned back to her, a pained look on his face. It almost seemed as though he was about to continue through the door with Lord Darling, but he fought against that and came and hugged Charlotte. “Goodbye, my dear. Please be good.”

  Charlotte smiled but felt a tug at her heart. She was losing her father. She could feel it as he slipped out of her arms and out of the door, nodding to Elizabeth before he turned away. She was losing him to this new, evil man who seemed to gain power, strength, and pleasure from the control of others. What could she do about it?

  She turned back to a smiling Elizabeth. Today was not the day to solve that problem. The more immediate problem was getting across the Sound. She had to figure that out first. “Well, it appears we have been left to our own devices for two days or even more, depending on when your father will return. And I have just the plan for how we shall spend our time.”

  Elizabeth lifted an eyebrow, her spectacles firmly pinching her nose. “Oh, do say it’s cards. My new passion is whist, and I shall become an expert.”

  Charlotte laughed and sat down, clasping her new friend’s hands. “No, Elizabeth. I was thinking something a little bit more…personal. How would you like to visit a Scottish castle?”

  * * *

  “You must be joking! How could we ever achieve such a thing?” Elizabeth was staring back at a grinning Charlotte, her mouth open in surprise.

  Charlotte stood and tapped the tips of her fingers together. “It will take a little doing, but this is the perfect place in which to enforce a lady’s privacy if ever there was one. We have no lady’s maids, and the only women that could attend upon us would never dream of entering our chambers unannounced. All we must do is state that one of us is ill, and the other has retired for a long while to catch up on her correspondence.” Charlotte waved a casual hand in the air. “You see? It’s all perfectly logical. We will tell them that neither of us wishes to have our dinner alone, and so we shall go without. We can stay the night in the castle and return the following morning.”

  Elizabeth sat thoughtfully for a moment. “But, how will we gain entry into the Fort once more? There are eyes everywhere.”

  Charlotte sat down and crossed her arms over her green silken bodice. “You are right. I have thought about that. But I think that one of us should return today, later in the afternoon or once the dark of night has covered over the shores. You can walk by unseen in a dark cloak and slip in through the back. You can claim that you were lost or were waylaid for some reason.”

  “One of us? You think that we should separate?”

  Charlotte tapped a finger to her lips. “Yes, in order to decrease suspicion.”

  “Are you certain that I should even accompany you?” Elizabeth looked pained. “My father would be furious if he knew.”

  “But he won’t! The soldiers would never think to question your actions as daughter of the Earl. If they tell your father, you could certainly get out of it somehow, saying that they weren’t watching you closely enough, and that’s why they didn’t notice that you’d gone out for a walk. Or that you got lost. Perhaps, returning later in the afternoon would be best. I shall play the ill one, and you can be the one who took her leave and wrote her letters for a few hours until she got so bored that she had to walk outside.”

  Elizabeth scrunched up her nose. “I don’t know, Charlotte…”

  Charlotte knelt before her, her hands folded in supplication. “Please, Elizabeth. I know this sounds ridiculous, and that we have only known each other for a couple of days, but please do me this service. You do not have to come if you do not wish it, but I must go. There is something, someone that I must see. I have something to resolve, and I cannot resolve it if I remain here. And, this may be my only chance to go, seeing as our fathers have left us for a time. This will be my only chance to see this someone.”

  Elizabeth’s face was etched in concern, and she clasped onto Charlotte’s hands. “My friend, who is it?”

  Charlotte sat back up and looked down at her lap. “It is a man, the one who is acting as laird while his brother is away. It is rather a long story, but I left abruptly and left him with work that I was meant to do. I said many harsh words to him, and I feel that I must fix it. I have to see him again.” At the end of her speech, Charlotte could feel her voice faltering. Ugh, was she to cry again? What was happening to the stern resolve she used to pride herself on?

  Elizabeth was silent for a moment then said, “Then, I shall be your support.” Charlotte looked up and smiled.

  “I read about all different kinds of people going through difficulties, and here I am, in real life, able to help someone.” She smiled. “And I’ve read enough to know that you’re in love with this man, whoever he may be.”

  Charlotte was struck by her words. “In love? No, certainly not,” she said, but her voice was weak, and she looked around, feeling the room heat up as a blush covered her cheeks. “I could never fall in love with a man like him. I just feel that I owe it to him to apologize.”

  Elizabeth grinned. “I have no desire to make you uncomfortable, Charlotte. I merely state my opinion, of course. Come. Let us go and make our plans. But you will have to help me with my words when I arrive. Remember, I was a fearful little mouse when you first met me.” Charlotte stood and held her arm out to Elizabeth, grateful that the topic of love was at an end. She could feel her heart calling out to her, telling her that she really was in love, but she couldn’t let it be known, not just to anyone but also to herself. She wouldn’t say the words, or else her perfectly planned world would fall apart.

  “Well, I think that I will be able to help you, Elizabeth, dear, seeing that my plan is to have you meet with Liam MacLean.”

  A hand flew to Elizabeth’s chest, and she swallowed, “Oh, really? I’m not certain he will want to see me stand open-mouthed and silent once again.”

  Charlotte chuckled, “But, my dear friend, he was doing the same to you.”

  Chapter Seventeen

  Mrs. MacLean and Liam stood at Angus’ bedside as dawn was breaking through the room windows. Mrs. MacLean was holding tightly to Liam’s arm. Angus laid shirtless, covered over with a light sheet. His face was covered in a light sheen of sweat, and he was grasping onto the bedclothes tightly, his knuckles white. His face was scrunched up in pain as he writhed, unconscious of his movements. “Liam, we need to bring Charlotte here. She is the only healer for miles, and the best one for the job.” She paused. “He has also been calling for the lass. I think ‘twould help him tae get well if she was by his side.”

  Liam nodded, his face grim. He had just returned the last evening, his boat heavy-laden with building materials and the fresh kill that they had acquired in a quick hunt. His eyes were heavy with fatigue, but he agreed. He hadn’t realized that the dark mood that had surrounded Angus of late was actually an illness taking hold. He had never seen either of the MacLean men abed like this with a sickness. Calum had gone into a deep depression for years after his former wife left, but it had never made him look like this as if he was on death’s door.

  “I shall go and fetch her. Let us hope her father allows her tae come.”

  Mrs. MacLean nodded to Liam and then turned back to Angus’ bed once he left, her eyes welling with tears.

  “Ye must pull through, lad. She loves ye, as ye do her. I can see it. I wouldnae want ye tae miss out on a world of happiness.”

  * * *

  Angus could hear voices, but he couldn’t make out what they were saying. It was like they were swimming around in his brain as he laid in the middle of sleeping and waking, and he felt warm and light yet also weak. He could feel life ebbing away from him as he slept, but the flashes of Charlotte’s face in his mind’s eye helped him to hold on. He needed to see her again. He had to tell her everything that he didn’t say when she was here. He called
for her as much as he could, hoping that one of the times he called, she would come, and he would feel her hand slip into his. He had dreamed it so many times.

  Then, it came to him. He saw himself taking her in his arms about to kiss her, but the vision dissolved, and he was left alone once more. He had no concept of minutes or hours. Each moment seemed the same as the next as his mind burned like fire, and his limbs laid weakly upon the bed. He called out her name again in the void, wishing for her return, but he couldn’t tell if it was his own voice or simply the call of his heart as he festered in this land between life and death. Just then, light entered his mind, and he saw Charlotte’s face once more before him, her mouth moving. She was speaking to him.

  He called her name again. It was the most real vision he had seen of her since he’d fallen ill. He reached for her. What if she had truly come and this was his chance to tell her…tell her what? That he craved her? That his soul was lost without her? That he loved her with a passion that he could not yet fully understand?

  “Charlotte, I…” he rasped.

  Then, he felt a pair of soft fingers upon his lips, and the angelic voice of Charlotte Andrews saying, “Be still, Angus. Sleep. I am here.”

  With a sigh of relief, he descended into welcome oblivion.

  * * *

  Charlotte and Elizabeth walked briskly, their cloaks over their arms through the clump of trees towards the shoreline. They hoped to meet with Seamus once they arrived to let him know of their plan. It had been a hellish time to try and orchestrate their departure. Elizabeth had had to distract the housekeeper with a story of Charlotte’s illness as Charlotte slipped out a back door and waited in a cluster of trees for Elizabeth to join her.

  Elizabeth had arrived, breathless, searching for Charlotte. Once she found her, she shook her head at her and tried to catch her breath. “I have never done anything so scary in my entire life. Charlotte Andrews, you have changed me. I barely recognize myself!” She clutched a hand to her chest. “My heart is about to burst forth! I thought I would melt to the ground with nerves!”

  Charlotte took hold of Elizabeth’s arm and pulled her towards their destination. “The point is that you did not, my friend. You are much stronger than you think you are. You will see. Welcome to Scotland, where adventure and danger always seem to be right around the corner.” She thought briefly of the bearded man who had nearly stolen her virginity on the Isle, and it frightened her for a moment, making her look around to be sure that no men lurked in hiding for them.

  “Now, let’s hope that Seamus is at hand or even Liam,” she muttered under her breath. If no one was there, then their plan was lost. But they could wait around to see if anyone would show up. If any soldiers spotted them, they could play innocent, as if they were simply enjoying the late morning sunshine.

  They arrived, and Charlotte whispered thanks to God when she saw Seamus scrubbing out a boat that lingered on the shore. Another boat sat empty, not too far away. “Seamus!” she called, and the young boy looked up, confused, but then his expression turned into a smile. “Mistress Andrews, Mistress Darling! What brings ye here?”

  Charlotte had done the best to be kind to the young boy since her arrival at the Fort. It appeared he had no real family, and he carried himself with such an independent air that she had a feeling he was taking care of himself. He was hardly 15 or 16 years old. Charlotte smiled back. “Seamus, I wondered if you might do us a favor. We would pay you for your service, of course. We would like to get across the Sound to the Isle of Mull right away. There is someone there we wish to see.”

  Seamus scratched his head. “Ye wish tae see the MacLeans?”

  “That we do.” Charlotte scrambled for an excuse that would please him and help protect him from Lord Darling’s wrath if he was to ever find out about Seamus’ assistance. “You remember the vegetables we sent? I need to help distribute them to make sure that everyone gets their fair share. ‘Tis my gift, after all.”

  Seamus grinned once more and nodded his head. “Nae problem, Mistress. I can help ye. I wouldnae mind getting a few more treats from that Mrs. MacLean. But I’m afraid the inside of the boat is all wet and soapy. Since I’ve begun doing errands for the Fort, yer father asked that I clean out the boat so that I can take soldiers and officers tae different parts and nae dirty their pantaloons.” He sniggered, and the two girls laughed with him.

  “Hmm…” Charlotte peered into the boat, wondering if it would be acceptable when she heard her name from behind her. She turned around to see Liam, his gleeful look from the other day now gone.

  “Mistress, Charlotte, I’ve come tae find ye. At the Fort, they told me ye were too ill tae come tae see me.” He looked tired, and she could tell he was by the way he smiled weakly at a nervous Elizabeth.

  Charlotte felt a pang of dread. “What is it, Liam? Has something happened?”

  He shook his head. “Aye, but I didnae realize it has been going on for a bit now. It’s Angus.”

  Charlotte’s chest tightened, and her face went pale. She clasped Elizabeth tightly as she waited for Liam to continue.

  “He has taken ill. He fell when he was trying to deliver the vegetables. He had been getting weak and tired in the past few days. I didnae realize. I thought ‘twas a dark mood brought on by the busyness of the clan and yer departure. But he has a strong fever. He is sweating, and he…he calls for ye, Mistress.”

  Elizabeth glanced at Charlotte, and Charlotte stammered, “He calls for me?”

  Liam smiled. “Aye. That’s why Mrs. MacLean thought it best that ye come. Just in case it might rouse him tae health. She is at a loss for how tae help him, and ye are the best healer for miles. ‘Tis similar tae the illness of the other villagers, but different somehow.

  Charlotte took a calming breath, but her mind was whirring with so many thoughts and emotions; she wasn’t sure what to tackle first. But one thing she knew was that now she had an even better reason to break her father’s and Lord Darling’s rules and go to see Angus. He could be dying. Tears pricked at her eyes. Angus could leave forever, and she would never be able to know if it was true. Did she really love him? Would she survive if he left this world?

  She tightened her grip on Elizabeth. “Liam, Elizabeth, and I were just asking Seamus if he would take us over for a visit. But, now ‘tis essential that I go. Seamus’ boat is wet and filled with soap. Would you be able to take us both?”

  Liam grinned. “Of course! ‘Tis why I came in the first place. He helped Charlotte into the boat and then turned to Elizabeth. “Mistress Darling, is it?” he held out a large hand to assist her, and she gingerly put her hand in his. He held tight and helped her step into the boat securely. Charlotte noticed that he held on a bit longer than usual, and she smiled, despite everything.

  She whispered to Elizabeth, “I thank you for coming. Liam can take you back later today, can you not, Liam?”

  He looked surprised, but he said, “Of course, Mistress. Anything for Mistress Darling.”

  He looked away then and pushed the boat into the water before hopping into it expertly himself. Elizabeth blushed and watched with interest as Liam’s arms pumped the oars into submission, sending them coursing through the calm waters towards the Isle. “’Twill not be long, Elizabeth,” Charlotte said, but Elizabeth was too distracted by the sight in front of her.

  But in a few moments, she said to Charlotte quietly, “This Angus. ‘Tis him, isn’t it? The one you’re in love with?” Charlotte sighed and glanced at Liam to make sure he wasn’t listening.

  Charlotte bit her lip. “I don’t know. I have to see him to find out. And now it looks like I may not even get the chance if he is as bad as they say.”

  Elizabeth touched her arm. “All will be well. True love prevails.”

  “Another line from a book?” Charlotte said with her eyebrows arched.

  “Of course. Don’t tell me a woman as intelligent as you are doesn’t like to read.”

  “No, no, of course I do, but I can
’t say I’m as well-versed in literature as you are. My reading inclinations always leaned more towards science and medicine. So much knowledge to uncover there.”

  “I see. Well, perhaps I can recommend a few other types of books for you to feast your eyes upon.”

  “After what you have done for me, Elizabeth, I shall try anything.” Charlotte held tighter to her friend and waited, listening to the calming, rhythmic sound of oars in water. She felt the breeze caress her face softly and smelled the freshness of the Isle even though it was still far away.

  It was as if a door had opened once she passed the borders of the Fort, and now the air was fresher, sweeter, and flowed more readily. She felt a tingle in her limbs. She was feeling that sweet freedom again, but her heart tensed, thinking about Angus. Had he really called for her? Surely he was simply delirious and was just calling out names of people that came into his subconscious. That was a symptom of illness, and even more so if it was the illness, the villagers also shared. It didn’t have to mean anything.


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