The Asian Wild Man

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The Asian Wild Man Page 16

by Jean-Paul Debenat

Gody, 44–5

  golden monkey, 136–7

  Goodall, Jane, 58

  gorillaï, 115

  Grotte des Trois Frères, 38

  Guangxi (province), 130, 131 Gyalzen, 55, 56

  Karapetian, Vazghen, 108–110

  Karmapa, 149–51, 156

  Kearney, Joyce, 152, 154–6

  Kerr, Philip, 51, 57, 58, 60, 63

  Khakhlov, V.A., 82–4

  khoun-gouressou, 83

  Khwit, 102

  Koffmann, M.J., 24, 101, 105ff, 108,

  H Hanno, 115

  Hart, Mickey, 39, 40

  Hergé, 29–32, 54

  Heath-Stubbs, John, 105

  Hero With a Thousand Faces, 37 Heuvelmans, Bernard, 25, 26, 27, 29,

  66, 140, 148

  Hillary, Edmund 15, 25, 26, 63

  Hindu Kush mountains, 84

  Holton, George, 20


  erectus, 58, 134, 140, 141

  ergaster, 58

  habilis, 58

  pongoides, 141

  robustus, 57–58

  rudolfensis, 58

  sapiens, 58, 114, 117, 141, 144, 145 sylvestris, 114

  troglodytes, 114

  vertex, 60

  Hooker, John Dalton, 19

  Hooker, Joseph, 17

  Hopi, 150–7

  Hu Hongzing, 137

  Hunt, John, 15

  Hutchison, Robert, 55


  iboga, 41

  In the Footsteps of the Russian Snowman, 108, 113

  Indian Mountaineering School, 15 Innes, Hammond, 145

  Izzard, Ralph, 27


  jamara, 47

  Johnson, Kirk, 20

  K Kabardino–Balkaria, 107, 124

  kachinas, 151–2, 154–6

  kalash, 47

  Karakantz, Georgios, 148

  111, 114ff

  Krantz, Grover, 104, 130–3

  Krief, Sabrina, 36

  ksy-gyik, 82

  Kumbila, 53

  !Kung Bushmen, 37

  L Lake Baikal, 78

  Lake Zaisan, 82

  Lall, Kesar, 93

  Lascaux, 114, 115

  L’Attrapeur de Pluie, 149

  Laurenceau, René, 158

  Leakey, Louis, 58, 61, 145

  Leroi-Gourhan, 57

  Lhokpa Pass, 14

  Lucretius, 37

  lung-gom-pa lamas, 92

  M Machkovtsev, A.A., 108

  Magars, 41

  Mani Rimdu, 67


  Caucasus area, 109

  China and surrounding countries, 71 Himalayan realm, 18

  Major Wild Man Sightings in China,


  Mongolia, 87

  Nepal, 14

  Matthiessen, Peter, 32

  Menlung Glacier, 15, 16

  Messner, Reinhold, 62–5, 67–75, 78,

  81, 87, 90, 95–6

  Günther (brother), 63

  Metah-Kangmi, 22

  Miao people, 130–3

  Milarepa, 34

  mi-gö, mighu, 66

  mi-gou, 31

  mi-the, 32

  Mongolian Academy of Sciences, 88 moumieu, 85

  My Quest for the Yeti, 63

  N Neanderthal, 24, 26, 57, 58, 78, 86,

  117, 140, 145, 146, 148, 159, 160,


  Nepal, 14, 20–7, 31, 41, 47, 51, 56, 66 Norgay, Tenzing, 15

  Nutall, George, 61

  O Ogre of the Mountains, 134

  Okladnikov, A.P., 78

  Obruchev, S.V., 24

  Ogden, Rob, 28

  Osman Hill, W.C., 26

  P Padmasambara, 149–151

  Paï Hsin, 18, 19

  Pallix, Silvain, 124, 125

  Pamir Mountains, 18

  Panchenko, Gregory, 111, 112–3 Pangboche

  hand, 25–6, 28

  monastery (Gompa), 25, 32, 33, 93 scalp, 25


  Boisei, 58

  robustus, 57–58, 140

  Paris Match, 20

  Patterson and Gimlin, 125

  Peking Daily, 17

  Pichon, Jean-Charles, 45

  Piltdown Man, 61

  Piveteau, Prof., 120

  Plawinski, W., 89

  Pliny the Elder, 37

  Poirier, Frank, 137–8

  Porchnev, Boris, 78, 83–5, 88–9, 105, 108, 111, 113

  potlatch, 53

  Pongo erectus, 133

  Primihomo asiaticus, 84

  Prince Peter of Greece, 15

  Prjevalsky, N., 83

  Prospector Ed. See Fusch, Ed

  R Rain Catcher, The. See L’Attrapeur de Pluie

  rakshas, 13

  Rawicz, Slavomir, 30, 35

  Rhinopithecus roxellanae. See Chinese langur

  Richen, Prof., 88–9

  Royal Geographical Society, 14

  Royal Zoological Society of Scotland, 28

  russalka, 158–9

  Russell, Gerald, 22, 23, 27, 66

  S sangbai-dagpo, 32

  Sanglakh Range, 84

  Saturnalia, 43, 46

  Schaller, George, 64

  Seminar for Research on Relic

  Hominids, 109

  Seneca, 36–37

  serow goat, 26, 33, 99

  Shackley, Myra, 28, 136, 143, 158 Shakespeare, 43–4, 111, 113

  shaman/shamanism, 36, 38, 39, 40, 41,

  42, 53, 56, 67, 68, 79, 80, 85, 88,

  95, 96, 127, 131, 146, 156, 159 Shennong, 142

  Shennongjia Forest, 134–43, 148 Shipton, Eric, 15, 16, 64

  shookp/sogpa, 13

  Silverberg, Robert, 116

  Sikkim, 14–15

  skull drum, 40

  Slick, Tom, 15, 20, 24, 26, 28

  Smoline, P.P., 108

  kidnapper, 55

  killing yaks, 50, 95

  types, 26, 140

  scalps, 25, 26, 33, 99

  pelt, 69, 72

  Yeti Reserve. See Shennongjia Forest Yuan Mei, 134

  Yuan Zhenxin, 141–2

  Yule, 43, 45

  Yulung Lhantso, 70

  snow monkey, 137. See also golden monkey

  Sosar Gompa, 73, 95

  Stewart, James, 25

  Stonor, Charles, 32–33

  Sumerians, 116

  T tahi, 88

  Tang Dynasty, 134

  Tarbagatai Mountains, 82

  Tarchen, 67

  Tarthang Tulku, 40, 42

  Tchernine, Odette, 16, 31, 88, 95, 106 thod raga. See skull drum

  Tien Shan, 31

  Tintin, 29, 31, 32, 54, 144

  Tombazi, N.A., 14

  toumo, 51, 92

  Track Record, The, 153, 154

  Tranier, Michel, 56

  V Van Grasdorff, Gilles, 148

  Verkhoyansk Mountains, 78

  Victor of Aveyron, 122

  W Wang Zelin, 134

  Ward, Michael, 16

  wolf girls of Midnapore, 121

  Wu Dingliang, 138

  Y yak, 71, 76

  yakutia, 79

  yati, 93

  yeren, 103, 104, 128, 130–2, 138–9 Yeren sinensis, 133

  Yerpa Valley, 93–4


  as a god, 52

  diet, 26, 32, 66, 70

  feet, 30, 99

  hand, 26–26, 99

  hermit, 91

  Z Zana, 102

  Zdorik, B.M., 84

  Zemu Glacier, 14

  Zhou Guoxing, 104, 131, 142 Zuni, 153, 155

  About the Author

  Jean-Paul Edouard Debenat was born in 1943 in the “département” of Vendée in the west of France. His father, a railway stationmaster, had to move to a different town every four to ve years, from the La Rochelle area to Brittany. Jean-Paul developed a taste for traveling, probably initiated by his (semi-clandestine) trips on board freight trains, and he dreamed of becoming an airline pilot so he could travel the world. His dream was shattered
when a medical exam revealed weak eyesight, so Jean-Paul turned to the study of English at the University of Rennes. This would still allow him to visit many countries. He taught French in Glasgow, Scotland and at the University of Notre-Dame, South Bend, Indiana. He wrote his dissertation on science ction writer Robert A. Heinlein for a PhD in Comparative Literature (La Sorbonne, Paris, 1984); and he studied the history of religions at the renowned Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes in Paris.

  Jean-Paul enjoyed a long-lasting friendship with novelist and mythologist Jean-Charles Pichon; and he became closely acquainted with Dr. Bernard Heuvelmans, whom he used to visit at his home in Le Bugue, near Lascaux, and then at Bernard’s last residence in Le Vésinet, near Paris. Pichon and Heuvelmans knew each other and their erudition stimulated Jean-Paul’s creativity, leading him to spend a sabbatical in the state of Washington (1994) studying the bigfoot/ sasquatch phenomenon. He was able to meet in situ most of the major North American researchers at the time. His rst book on the topic was published in French (Editions JMG – Le Temps Présent, 2007), before being translated by Dr. Paul LeBlond under the title

  Jean-Paul Debenat is holding a ra le made of deer hooves in Quebec, Canada. In front of him, on the table are two drums and two small Na ve American ra les. By his right hand are a prayer wheel and a Tibetan singing bowl.

  Sasquatch/Bigfoot and the Mystery of the Wild Man (Hancock House Publishers, Canada/USA, 2009). After several trips to the province of Sichuan, China, where he visited his son Julien and daughter-in-law Mao Xi, Jean-Paul decided to investigate the ndings of the researchers who devoted their energy tracking the mysterious “wild men of Asia,” which is the title of his second book. It was published in French as A la Poursuite du Yéti [In Pursuit of the Yeti] (Editions JMG – Le Temps Présent, 2009). Jean-Paul Debenat has lectured on cryptozoology as well as on aviation, in France, Belgium, Italy, Great Britain, USA and China.

  Presently, Jean-Paul is completing a book on the history of aviation—his second book in the domain—to be published by Editions Bleu-Ciel under the title, Avions et Pilotes d’Exception [Outstanding Planes and Pilots].

  About the Translator

  Paul LeBlond is a Canadian ocean scientist, born in Quebec City in 1938 and now resides on Galiano Island, British Columbia. A graduate of McGill University and the University of British Columbia, LeBlond taught physics and oceanography at the University of British Columbia where he is now an emeritus professor. His work on ocean waves and currents has taken him to research institutes in Germany, France and Russia and was applied to practical problems through his industrial consulting activities and membership in sheries conservation councils.

  Parallel to his academic work, he developed a keen interest in unidenti ed marine animals, inspired by the work of Bernard Heuvelmans. He participated in the creation of the International Society of Cryptozoology in 1982 and was a co-founder the British Columbia Scienti c Cryptozoology Club in 1989. LeBlond is a Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada and of the Canadian Meteorological and Oceanographic Society, as well as a foreign member of the Academy of Natural Sciences of the Russian Federation.

  The author (le ) with friend, and future translator, Dr. Paul LeBlond, UBC Vancouver, July 7, 1995. PHOTO: Marie-Agnès Debenat

  Also by Jean-Paul Debenat


  and the Mystery of the Wild Man

  Cryptozoology and Mythology in the Pacific Northwest

  • • •

  ISBN 978-0-88839-685-3

  5½ x 8½ inches, sc, 428 pages

  132 photos, 32-page color photo section

  Other HANCOCK HOUSE cryptozoology titles

  Best of Sasquatch Bigfoot

  John Green


  8½ x 11, sc, 144 pp

  Bigfoot Encounters in Ohio

  C. Murphy, J. Cook, G. Clappison


  5½ x 8½, sc, 152 pp

  Bigfoot Encounters in New York &

  New England

  Robert Bartholomew Paul Bartholomew 978-0-88839-652-5 5½ x 8½, sc, 176 pp

  Bigfoot Film


  Roger Paterson,

  Christopher Murphy 0-88839-581-7

  5½ x 8½, sc, 240 pp

  Bigfoot Film Journal Christopher Murphy 0-88839-658-7

  8½ x 11, sc, 106 pp

  Bigfoot Research: The Russian Vision Dmitri Bayanov

  978-0-88839-706-5 5½ x 8½, sc, 432 pp

  Bigfoot Sasquatch Evidence

  Dr. Grover S. Krantz 0-88839-447-0

  5½ x 8½, sc, 348 pp

  Giants, Cannibals & Monsters

  Kathy Moskowitz Strain 0-88839-650-3

  8½ x 11, sc, 288 pp

  Hoopa Project

  David Paulides


  5½ x 8½, sc, 336 pp

  In Search of Giants Thomas Steenburg 0-88839-446-2

  5½ x 8½, sc, 256 pp

  The Locals

  Thom Powell


  5½ x 8½, sc, 272 pp

  Monster Trilogy Guidebook

  Peter Byrne

  978-0-88839-723-2 5½ x 8½, sc, 176 pp

  Know the Sasquatch Christopher Murphy 978-0-88839-657-0 8½ x 11, sc, 320 pp

  Raincoast Sasquatch J. Robert Alley

  978-0-88839-508-5 5½ x 8½, sc, 360 pp

  Sasquatch: The Apes Among Us

  John Green


  5½ x 8½, sc, 492 pp

  Sasquatch in British Columbia

  Christopher Murphy 0-88839-718-8

  5½ x 8½, sc, 528 pp

  Tribal Bigfoot

  David Paulides

  978-0-88839-687-7 5½ x 8½, sc, 336 pp

  Who’s Watching You? Linda Coil Suchy

  978-0-88839-664.8 5½ x 8½, sc, 408 pp

  Yale & the Strange Story of Jacko the Ape-boy

  Christopher Murphy 978-0-88839-712-6 5½ x 8½, sc, 48 pp




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