Vince: Book Two of the Perfectly Independent Series

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Vince: Book Two of the Perfectly Independent Series Page 20

by Amanda Shelley

  Last night, when he said he didn’t have a condom, I didn’t think much of it. But now that I’m away from him and in the light of day, I can’t help but wonder why we haven’t taken things to that next level.

  “What’s wrong?” Chloe probes.

  “It’s nothing…” How do I explain these thoughts to her without looking like a selfish ass?

  “Do you expect me to believe that line of shit you’re spewing?”

  God. Leave it to Chloe to say it like it really is. Since freshman year, we’ve always been close, and she and Abby are about the only people who can see right through me. Abby’s usually studying, so Chloe’s had more opportunities to probe me when necessary.

  “I’m not spewing shit,” I protest. “I’m just not sure why we haven’t actually had sex yet. I mean most guys are more than willing to push things to the next level, especially if I give them all the signs telling them I’m interested. But Vince hasn’t even brought it up. In fact, last night was the first time he even mentioned it when he said he didn’t have any condoms.”

  “Oh, man, that’s rough. Were you almost in the act when he told you?” Chloe asks in horror.

  “No. He of course had just given me the best oral of my life, but he wasn’t expecting any reciprocation,” I admit. I’m spilling more information than I should. But this is Chloe. We tell each other everything.

  “Really? I knew I liked him for you.”

  “What is that supposed to mean?” I ask, defensive.

  “Oh, don’t put too much thought into it, but there’s just something different about him. I can’t really explain it.”

  Laughing I remind her, “You don’t even know him.”

  “But I know you,” she reminds me.

  “True…” I admit. “I really do like him…” I trail off, not knowing what else to say.

  “Maybe that’s why things don’t feel forced with him. You can just be you.” She shrugs.

  “But, Chloe, our chemistry is out of this world. I mean… If he can make me feel like this, and we haven’t had sex, what will happen when we do?”

  “Um… you sit back and enjoy the ride?” She smirks, then quickly adds, “Pun totally intended.”

  I scoff. “Of course, I’d enjoy the ride.” But what about when things end? Will I be able to handle that?

  But what if it doesn’t end?

  “What’s going on in that head of yours, Syd? I know you. If you bottle things up and let them fester, you’ll only be worse off.”

  “True,” I admit. “I just feel like he’s holding something back. Julia said something yesterday, and it’s got me thinking.”

  “What did she say?”

  “It may be nothing, but I was talking about Grams and mentioned she had passed away. Julia said her grandma has, too. Maybe she didn’t understand what I meant, or it’s her great-grandma or something, but now that I think about it, Vince hasn’t ever talked about his parents before. Maybe something did happen to his mom?”

  “You know the only way to get to the bottom of things is to ask him about it.” She shrugs as if she’d rather not be the bearer of bad news.

  “What am I supposed to say, Chloe? Hey, Julia mentioned her grandma died, can you tell me about it?”

  “Uh… I wouldn’t say it like that…” she points out the obvious. “But talk to him. You know… communicate with him so there aren’t any misconceptions.” She may as well have added duh to the end of her case, as that is clearly her tone.

  God, I love her. She always just says it how it is.

  When I’m quiet, she adds, “Have you considered googling it? Death certificates are public record.”

  “I don’t even know his mother’s name. I’m sure there’s a lot of Larsons in the greater Seattle area. Besides… if that really happened, I’m sure he’ll tell me in his own time. It’s not like we’ve known each other forever. If it was recent enough for Julia to remember it, then maybe it’s too fresh in his mind to even talk about.”

  Knowing what I went through after Grams died, I want to give him the space and time he needs. Even though my mom and I aren’t exactly close, it would be hard to lose her.

  “True. Though it seems you have two major conversations you need to have with him.”

  “Really? What’s the first?”

  “Asking him why he won’t jump your bones!” she teases. “Though he clearly is satisfying you, you still need to let him know you’re a woman with needs.”

  “Oh, God, Chloe, you’re awful.”

  “But I don’t hear you denying it,” she singsongs as she rinses her bowl and puts it in the dishwasher.

  She’s got me there.

  The next night, as I get off from work, Asher walks me to the car as usual then heads off to his own vehicle. When I get to my car, I lock myself in but take a moment to check the messages waiting to be read before starting my car.

  As usual, there’s one from Vince.

  Vince: Gonna crash. Have a good night. Text me when you get home.

  Normally, I’d have a chance to respond during the night, but we were slammed. I swear you’d think more people would stay home to study as the semester continues, but nope—this place is always full.

  Turning my key in the ignition, I’m met with a dreaded sound of clicking instead of the engine coming to life. Fuck… this cannot be happening.

  I try again and all I get is click… click… click.

  The lights are on at full force, so it’s likely not a dead battery, but damn. I don’t know much about cars.

  I glance around the parking lot and see Asher’s taillights disappearing in the distance. Fuck. If it weren’t so late, I’d just walk home.

  With it being this late, it could be hours before I get a tow and be charged a fortune. Fuck… this is the last thing I need.

  Pounding my fist on the wheel, I plead to the car gods, “Please… just start…”

  In a desperate attempt to deny my reality, I try one last time to start my car, but no luck.

  Defeated, I slump into the seat.

  Think. Think. Think. Who should I call?

  Vince is the first to pop to mind… but it’s late.

  Abby’s likely at Drew’s, and Chloe’s like waking the dead if I call at this hour.

  Before I can talk myself out of it and just walk my ass home, I pull up his number and press the call button.

  It only rings twice before I hear a groggy, “Hello?”

  Damn, his voice is sexy, but I feel guilty as hell for waking him. “Hey… Um… my car won’t start.”

  “Are you safe?” Of course, that’s his first concern. I hear rustling in the background, and I can tell he’s on the move.

  “Yeah, I’m locked in my car. Asher and I were the last ones here, but I didn’t try to start my car until he’d already left.”

  “He doesn’t wait for you?” he accuses.

  “Usually he does. I turned my lights on… but he drives a loud truck and must not have realized I didn’t start my car.”

  “Sit tight. I’ll be there as soon as I can. Tell me what your car’s doing.”

  “When I went to start it, it just clicked. Like the battery is dead or maybe something is wrong with the starter,” I wonder aloud. I know the basics about cars, but beyond that, my knowledge is shit. “But my interior lights are bright, so maybe it’s not the battery.”

  “I’m getting in my Jeep now. Talk to me until I arrive.”

  God, could Vince be any sweeter?

  “I’m sorry to wake you.” I shake my head, knowing he’s got to be up in a few hours with Julia. Guilt rolls through me in full force. “I guess I could’ve called an Uber or something.”

  “Syd, you can call me day or night, and I’ll be there. I’d rather you not get into a stranger’s car at this hour without anyone knowing where you are.”

  I sigh, realizing he has a point.

  It’s not long before I see his Jeep heading up the road in the distance. When he pulls up beside
me, I get out to greet him.

  He hops down from his Jeep and pulls me into a hug. He quickly kisses me once, then pulls back. “Pop the hood. Try starting it again, and I’ll see if you need a jump. I have cables in the back.”

  I try again, but there’s not even a click this time. He fiddles with the battery cables, then asks me to try again.


  He hooks up the jumper cables to both vehicles, and we wait patiently for the battery to be charged. When he thinks enough time has passed, he asks me to try again.

  I get a few clicks, but the engine doesn’t turn over.

  “Well, shit. That doesn’t sound good. I think you’re right about the starter. Do you want me to wait with you to call a tow? Or…” He glances at his watch before adding, “Would you like to deal with this tomorrow?”

  My exhaustion from the day hits as I yawn. “I’d rather just get to bed. It will be safe here for tonight, and I’ll deal with it later. Besides, you have to be up at the crack of dawn with Jules and work all day. Let’s get you home and back to sleep.”

  “I’ll be fine,” he insists. “But let’s get you home. You’ve got to be wiped out. That’s the third yawn I’ve witnessed, and I haven’t been here that long.”

  Had I been yawning all this time?

  Crap, just the thought makes me yawn yet again. He’s right. I’m tired.

  He helps me grab my purse and a few things I don’t want to leave in my vehicle and lock up. Then the gentleman he is, guides me to his Jeep and kisses me once before helping me in. Then he rounds the front of the vehicle and takes the quickest route home.

  He parks right in front of my steps, knowing no one will be bothered by us at this hour. Then he helps me carry my few valuables up the steps and kisses me goodnight.

  “Get some sleep, Syd. If you want, I can look at your car further tomorrow.”

  Knowing this isn’t the first time my car has failed me, I shake my head. “That would be great. Depending on what’s wrong, I might have to wait until payday to get it fixed.”

  The sweet man he is just nods. “Sure. I understand.”

  He leans in for one last kiss. It’s short and sweet but keeps me wanting for more. His face fills with regrets when he mumbles, “I have an early morning. I’ll text you when I’m done with class.”

  “Sounds good. I have to work tomorrow night, I’ll see if I can get a ride.”

  He gives me a look that clearly says, are you kidding me? But his words don’t have an ounce of sarcasm. “I can drop you off and pick you up, if it comes to that.”

  “You have better things to do at two a.m. than hang out with me. Besides, don’t you have to watch Julia bright and early Saturday morning?”

  “I don’t mind. But if you’d rather, you could just take my Jeep.”

  Seriously? He’d just offer his Jeep. “Uh… that’s extremely generous. But unfortunately, I’ve never driven a stick, so it’s of no use to me.”

  Even in the dark, I can see his eyebrows meet his hairline. “We’ll have to fix that. You need to be able to drive anything, so you’re never stuck anywhere.”

  I’ve always wanted to learn. But he doesn’t have to teach me. Instead of saying anything, I remain noncommittal. “We’ll see.”

  Vince chuckles. “Why are you nervous all of a sudden? It’s not that hard.”

  “I’m not nervous. I just don’t want to put you out or anything,” I stammer.

  Shaking his head as if he doesn’t quite believe me, he offers the sexiest of smiles. “Get some sleep, Syd.”

  And with that, he leans in to kiss me once more before he turns and runs down the stairs.

  I’m not sure what tomorrow will bring, but knowing Vince will be a part of it makes me smile as I head inside and lock up behind me.



  Unfortunately, Vince isn’t able to fix my car. Since he has AAA, and it doesn’t cost anything out of pocket, he insists on having it towed to his place. When it got to his house, he took out the battery and took it to the parts store to have it tested. It was good, a bad battery and alternator have been eliminated. Knowing it’s likely the starter, we also price that.

  Holy shit. I’ll still be out nearly four hundred dollars if I replace it with what is currently in there—and that’s if Vince does the work himself.

  There’s no way I can afford that this week. I’ll have to wait until payday to make that kind of purchase. Of course, Vince offers to pay upfront, but when I practically throw a fit, he quickly backs down, knowing how serious I am about handling it myself.

  There’s no way I’m letting anyone pay my way. If I can’t afford something, I’ll go without it before borrowing money. Besides, money always muddies the water with relationships, and I never want to be indebted. I learned that lesson the hard way with my mom early in life. I simply can’t accept his offer. He’s kind enough to do the labor, but there’s no way I’ll let him foot the bill, even if it is just for a week or so. There’s no telling what might happen, and I won’t let money come between us.

  Knowing I have to work within the hour, he doesn’t put up much of an argument. Instead, he offers to drive me to work and pick me up. Then he asks, “Are you busy tomorrow morning?”

  “How early are you talking?” After this week, I’m sleeping in.

  “Whenever you wake up. Vanessa’s off tomorrow, so I thought I’d pick you up tonight and maybe stay at your place. Then we can sleep in, and I’ll teach you how to drive a stick.”

  “You don’t have to do that,” I offer, knowing he’s likely got better things to do than teach me how to drive.

  “Uh… it’s for completely selfish reasons—trust me.” He chuckles at the end.

  “Really? Why’s that?”

  “Well, since you’re gonna be without a car for a week or so, there’s no way I’ll be able to pick you up at closing on the nights you work. I’d rather you have a vehicle so you’re not relying on others at that hour. I’ll teach you how to drive this, so you can.”

  I’d rather not rely on rides either, but am I putting him out?

  Apparently, he’s also a mind reader because he quickly tacks on, “I only use my Jeep when I have plans after my last class. Stop thinking I’ll be inconvenienced.” Then he goes for my Achille’s heel. “I know it’s hard to let others help you, but everyone needs to know how to drive a stick. This is a life lesson you’ll thank me for. Trust me.”

  Yeah, I hate asking for help.

  But it would be fun to drive this beast.

  “And you won’t be mad if I mess up your clutch?” I ask, thinking of all the potential problems we could encounter.

  “Uh… if you learn how to drive it right, that won’t be an issue. Besides, you can’t be as bad as Vanessa was when she learned how to drive. It survived then, and I’m sure it’ll survive you, too. Besides. I know a guy who can fix it if necessary.”

  “And would that guy be you?”

  He just shrugs and gives me a sexy as fuck grin.

  That look alone could get me to do nearly anything.

  When I walk out to the parking lot that night, I’ve never been happier to see Vince waiting in his Jeep for me. He gets out to greet me as Asher watches from the door that I make it to a vehicle safely.

  Vince looks sexy as hell, even though he has dark circles under his eyes. He’s wearing a pair of dark-gray sweats and a black hoodie. When he greets me with, “Hey, Beautiful,” I’ll admit I swoon a bit. He pulls me in for a quick kiss before helping me into the Jeep.

  Once we’re on the road, he’s quieter than normal as he reaches for my hand and drives us to my place. He looks exhausted, and I feel a twinge of guilt for keeping him up.

  He parks in my spot in my apartment complex, since mine is on the street outside his house at the moment. He grabs a backpack then reaches for my hand as we walk up the stairs to my apartment. Once inside my room, Vince’s sleepiness disappears as he kisses me properly now that we have privacy. />
  When we break apart breathless, he asks about my night.

  “It was good, but we’re training a new bartender.” Shaking my head, I cringe at the memory. “Man, the girl doesn’t understand that you don’t stand between another person and the bar. To the side, yes… directly behind them, no. I turned around in a hurry to serve the next order and ended up wearing not one but two glasses full. I desperately need a shower.”

  I pull back my sticky shirt at the reminder. “Don’t get too close to me.”

  “I’m sure a little drink won’t hurt me,” he says as he leans in to kiss me once more but keeps our bodies from pressing together, per my request. Damn. The man can kiss. He tastes entirely of him, and all I want to do is take him right here and now.

  Before I can get too lost in the moment, I force myself to break our kiss then suggest, “Why don’t you climb into bed and get comfortable? I’ll be right back.” I’d love to have him join me, but it’ll be much faster with a solo trip.

  Nodding, Vince sits on the edge of the bed and toes off his sneakers. “Sounds good. Take your time, I’m not going anywhere.”

  His sexy grin makes my body light up and my eagerness to return even greater. Rushing to my dresser, I grab a pair of undies, a tank, and some sleep shorts. I zip to the bathroom and turn on my shower to warm it up while I get undressed.

  Of course, the thought of Vince waiting on the other side of my door has my hormones flying into overdrive. I rush through washing my hair, but wanting things to be perfect for us, I take a few extra minutes to shave everywhere necessary. Guys have it so easy as most women won’t mind a bit of scruff, but prickly legs might not have the same effect.

  By the time I towel off, brush through my hair, and quickly braid it so I won’t wake up like Medusa, a lot more time has passed than I realized. Not wanting to skip my nightly routine, I quickly apply some moisturizer and eagerly step into my sleep shorts and pull my tank over my head.


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