Vince: Book Two of the Perfectly Independent Series

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Vince: Book Two of the Perfectly Independent Series Page 23

by Amanda Shelley

  “Uh-oh,” Abby whispers, then looks to Chloe wide-eyed.

  Apparently, they’re having a secret conversation or can suddenly read each other’s minds because their expression morphs as they nod in agreement at some unspoken topic.

  “What?” I say defensively.

  “Oh…” Chloe draws out as she looks to Abby once more, who only nods in return. “We were talking before about how we think you’re falling for Vince.”

  “And this is a secret?” I ask, knowing there must be more, all the while making sure I neither confirm nor deny their assumption. “What else were you talking about?”

  “Well…” Abby looks to the ceiling before she finally makes eye contact with me. “We were just saying that if you can find someone you’re that compatible with without doing the deed, then he may be the one.”

  “Doing the deed? Okay, Dorothy, did you really just say that? Are you suddenly one of the Golden Girls?”

  “Oh, she’s way more like Blanche. Don’t ya think?” Chloe interrupts, completely missing the point. “Now that she’s getting hot sex regularly, she assumes we all must be getting some.”

  Chloe’s smug expression makes us all bust out laughing.

  “Ohmigod, you guys are awful,” Abby admonishes as she swats the air in our direction. But under her breath, she mumbles, “Everyone should experience hot sex. Mediocre sex just isn’t worth it.”

  “Preach,” Chloe blurts out, which brings more laughter to the room.

  “No kidding,” I agree.

  “To hot sex.” Abby fakes a toast to the air, and we follow her lead.

  God, these girls. What would I do without them?

  But the thought of hot sex…

  I can only imagine what it will be like with Vince. Our chemistry could catch the sheets on fire… if only we’d go there.

  I don’t miss when Chloe pulls in her lower lip and glances my way.

  Shit. She’s caught me contemplating, and she knows it.

  “I still say you should just talk to him,” she whispers between us, though Abby clearly hears.

  “Syd, I love you. But when have you ever held back your thoughts?” Abby points out.

  We all know the answer is never.

  Instead of answering either of them, I deflect by focusing our attention on Abby. “Have you found out when you’re moving to Baltimore?”

  “The plan as of today is after graduation, we’ll fly out for a week to check out apartments and see what we’ll need. Then we’ll come back and drive our things across the country. I might end up selling my vehicle, but it’s still up in the air.”

  “Wow, that’s a lot of changes in the next month or so.”

  “Don’t worry, I’m still planning on paying the rent through our lease. But I’ll likely be gone by the middle of June,” Abby assures us. But that’s the least of our worries.

  “We’re so excited for you, Abs, but I’m not gonna lie…” Chloe holds her hand over her heart as she fights back emotions. “We’re gonna miss you when you’re gone.”

  Nodding my head in agreement, I remain silent because I know I totally suck at goodbyes.



  Sydney and I’ve barely seen one another all week, but I plan to make up for our lost time this weekend. Van and Julia are off to the beach for their mommy date, and I’ve invited Syd over for brunch.

  With Syd having the entire day free, I’m hoping to spend as much of it with her as possible. Normally, Saturdays are for sleeping when Vanessa’s off, but brunch won’t cook itself. For the better part of an hour, I’ve been making Sydney’s favorite breakfast: homemade biscuits with sausage gravy. Thank God, I can follow a recipe on Google.

  Sure, I could have taken her out to eat, but that means sharing her with the public. I want a quiet day hanging at the house so we can relax. With only weeks left of the semester, we could use the rest before finals.

  When the doorbell rings, I set the pan on a different burner and rush to greet her. If I didn’t know better, I’d swear I am addicted to all things Sydney.

  Opening the door, I’m greeted by her beautiful knowing smile, and her green eyes dance as she steps past me. “Mmmm… it smells delicious. I thought we were cooking together?”

  “I was hungry,” I admit. “But I’ve waited for you. Promise.”

  She reaches up on her toes and kisses my cheek. “You’ll never hear me complain if you choose to cook. You can even write that down because I’ll never pass up a homecooked meal I don’t have to cook.”

  “You may change your mind after we eat, but I’ll hold you to your promise,” I tease.

  Her expression clearly reads, oh, shit, what have I gotten myself into?

  It’s fucking comical.

  “Don’t worry, I taste tested it, and it’s edible… or we’d be heading to the nearest diner,” I finally admit as we reach the kitchen.

  I’ve already set the table, so I motion for her to sit as I grab everything we need. Heading to the fridge, I pull out a fruit salad and orange juice. Then I grab the plate of sausage and biscuits I’d left warming in the oven.

  “Wow, Vince, you’ve really gone all out. Thank you,” Syd says as her eyes widen at the mound of food I’m carrying.

  “It’s not a big deal,” I assure her.

  Once I’ve got everything settled, I take a moment to appreciate her beauty. She’s wearing a simple black hoodie with her gorgeous red hair piled on top of her head in one of those messy buns girls always wear. Her face is free of makeup, and her dusting of freckles make her absolutely breathtaking.

  “What? Do I have something on my face?” she asks as she grabs a napkin and pats at her lips.

  “No,” I assure her.

  “Then what are you staring at?” Her tone is clearly defensive as her green eyes scrutinize my face.

  Yeah, I’m not getting out of this one. I’ve been caught redhanded.

  “Uh… Just your gorgeous face,” I admit shyly.

  Rolling her eyes as if she’s unwilling to take the compliment or thinks I’m crazy, she mutters, “Whatever.”

  She has no fucking clue as to what she does to me.

  Before either of us can say a word, she asks, “Did I tell you that Chloe found out she only has one semester left of school?”

  No. “What does this mean for you?”

  “Well, since she won’t be staying all year, she can’t sign our lease. So that means I need to either find two new roommates, or a new place. I can’t afford more than what I’m paying now. But I’ve got a few months to figure things out. I’m not too worried.” She stops for a moment, and her nose crinkles like she’s just tasted something bad. “Ugg…” She exhales heavily. “The thought of living with new roommates sucks. Maybe I can find a studio or something.”

  Never having to deal with living with strangers, I can’t say I can relate, but knowing they’ve lived together for the past few years can’t be easy to give up. “I’m sure you’ll figure something out,” I assure her. “Thankfully, you have until August to settle things.”

  As soon as we finish eating, she’s up and out of her chair to clear her dish. On the way to the sink, she yawns heavily and asks, “After breakfast, what do you say to binge-watching this new show Chloe told me about on Netflix?”

  I don’t care what we do, as long as she’s here is my first thought, though the words, “Sounds good,” somehow spill from my lips coherently.

  “Would it be too much to ask if we watch it in Jules’ favorite place? I promise I won’t put up a fight if we nap either. Last night at work was rough, and I’m dragging today.”

  Snuggling with her will never be a chore. “I think I can manage that.” I smirk at where my thoughts go.

  Of course, my dick likes that idea, too, as it jumps to attention. Denim is my best friend at the moment.

  Dammit, Larson. Get it together. And for the love of God, get your mind out of the fucking gutter.

  Thankfully, Sydney remains n
one the wiser of my trip down Horny Lane.

  God. I’ve got to get things under control, or there’s no way I’ll be able to concentrate on anything but her—I am not a pubescent perv.

  Hand in hand, we walk to my room where my king-sized bed awaits.

  God, this is so not helping.

  Glancing to the bathroom, I quickly say, “I’ll be out in a second,” and dart through the door before she can respond.

  Turning on the water as cold as possible, I rinse off my hands and run it over my wrists as I watch my frustrated expression through the mirror calm. This works for now. Taking some water, I splash my face to clear my thoughts with the help of its frigidness.

  After drying off and making sure there’s no evidence of what I’ve been up to, I leave the bathroom to find Sydney snuggled under the blankets with the show set to start. Her smile lights me up from the inside out, but not necessarily in a sexual way—though there are plenty of thoughts where that’s concerned.

  “You ready?” she asks on another long yawn when I hesitate next to the bed.

  She pats the space beside her, and I comply. Though I lie on top of the covers.

  I’ve never claimed to be a saint, but I’m not tempting myself to join her just yet either.

  I will behave like a gentleman plays on a loop as a constant reminder as I instinctually reach out, pulling her close so her head can rest on my chest.

  Keeping my focus on the program, I will myself to calm down. I feel the rest of me relax and soon, I’m able to pay attention to what the show’s about.

  Feeling Sydney relax fully into me, as her breathing deepens, I’m fairly certain she’s asleep, but I’m not willing to risk waking her to find out. She must be exhausted if she’s out so quickly.

  Somehow, I end up getting sucked into the show. When the episode ends, I find myself letting the next episode cue up. I can’t describe the plot but hell, the characters do crazy shit, and I’m sucked in to see what their consequences are. It’s not my typical choice, but it’s entertaining. With Syd sound asleep, I’m not willing to move anytime soon.

  Just as the second episode finishes, Sydney stirs. Her legs stretch long, and the arm she has draped around my chest tightens. Her long lashes flutter, and her sleepy gaze finds mine in an instant.

  “Hey, sleepyhead,” I whisper. “Get a good nap?”

  Looking around the room confused, she asks, “How long was I out?”

  Brushing the loose strands of hair from her face, I glance at the television. “I just finished the second episode.”

  Sydney winces. “Geez. I’m sorry. I guess I’m not the best of company.”

  “I can’t think of any other way to spend the day.”

  Rolling her eyes, she scoots away. “I’m just going to use your bathroom. I’ll be back out in a minute.”

  Not wanting to watch more of this show, I turn off the TV while I wait for Sydney to return. Leaning back against my headboard, I close my eyes and relax into the pillows behind me. This is just the type of Saturday I needed after the hectic week I’ve had.

  When Sydney returns, her hair is down, and her face looks fresh as if she hadn’t been sleeping mere minutes ago next to me. As soon as her eyes meet mine, her smile turns devious, and she pounces onto the bed, pinning me down.

  “Humpf…” I’m knocked breathless.

  As she straddles my waist, and her hands lock in mine, she pulls them up, placing them on my chest for balance.

  Not putting up a fight, I grin at her playfulness.

  “So, now that you have me, what are you gonna do with me?” I challenge.

  “Oh, I’m sure I can think of something,” she singsongs.

  Damn, she’s adorable when she gets cocky.

  Bucking my hips, I slide down the bed, and her eyes widen.

  “Hey…” She pretends to pout.

  “Not going anywhere,” I assure her. “Just moving down a bit.”

  Liking this new position, she pulls my hands from my chest and places them on each side of my head. “I think I can handle this.”

  Oh, I’m sure she can.

  Sydney’s eyes bore into mine, then they move to my lips as she slants her face over mine. Her tongue darts across her lips, leaving them glossy. Slowly, she lowers her mouth to mine but instead of kissing me like I expect, she runs her tongue lightly along the seam of my lip.

  Fuck, I feel it everywhere.

  Wanting to move things along, I practically growl, “Kiss me, Syd.”

  When our lips meet, my tongue darts out to dance with hers. Her body shifts against mine, and I’m suddenly hypersensitive.

  Fuck… this won’t work.

  As much as I fucking love letting her be in control. I will lose every ounce of mine if I let her continue. Making an executive decision, I release her hands and quickly flip her so she’s on the bottom, as I adjust myself so she’s not gonna set me off before things get started.

  Her hands run through my hair as the temptress tops me from the bottom. Her hips buck into my thigh, and she pulls me closer.

  Nope. Gotta change it up, so she can stop calculating how to turn me on even further. Her force is stronger than a siren call playing only for me.

  Ice Baths.


  How many MVP players have made it to the Hall of Fame?

  Fuck, I can’t remember.

  Maybe if I just focus on her… I can stop focusing on how fucking good she makes me feel.

  Reaching for the hem of her shirt, I run my fingertips from her stomach to her rib cage. When I brush the underside of her bra, I lift it so I can make direct contact with her nipple. Knowing it fucking drives her wild when I alternate between pinching and pulling them, I do just that.

  I won’t deny my pride soars when she bucks and pants, “Take it off.”

  Breaking our kiss only long enough to rip her hoodie and t-shirt up and over her head, she leans toward me and almost as if she’s a contortionist, maneuvers her hands in an instant to unclasp her bra.

  How the fuck she can do it so quick is beyond me, but seeing her full breast on display stops any coherent thought in an instant.

  Gravity causes her perfect round globes to separate as they naturally fall apart. Her nipples stand erect as my eyes roam over them.

  “Damn, you’re beautiful, Syd.” My words escape before I can filter myself.

  A light blush creeps across her cheeks and onto her chest, causing her light freckles to stand out in contrast to her creamy skin.

  When her hand reaches my neck to pull me closer, no words are needed for her intention.

  I need to finish what I’ve started.

  Leaning in, I kiss her once more as I palm her breast and pull at her nipples between my fingers. When she moans, I break our kiss to feather her with kisses along her jawline, to that spot she loves just behind her ear.

  I’m rewarded with a breathless, “Oh, Vince.” So, I continue my quest to pleasure her.

  When my tongue darts around her nipple, I’m rewarded with the pull of my hair. She lets this continue before she pushes me further down the bed.

  “I’m getting there.” I chuckle as I kiss along her ribs to her abdomen.

  Reaching for the waistband of her dark leggings, I quickly drag them down her legs. When I return my focus to her, the movement of her breasts quickly draws my attention as she props herself to watch the show that’s about to rock her world.

  Not being able to help myself, I growl as I lean in and kiss one nipple, as I play with the other. When I pull and suck just the way that drives her mad, she becomes practically feral.

  “God, Vince. You’re gonna make me come, and you’ve barely touched me.”

  “Is this a bad thing?” I tease, knowing I won’t let her down.

  “I swear your tongue is magic.”

  “Well, that’s a first,” I mumble as I kiss my way down her body.

  Brushing my fingers along her seam, I draw her wetness up to circle her clit.

  Sydney’s so fucking responsive. Her back bows as a loud moan escapes, making me grateful we’re alone in this giant house.

  When I lean in to kiss her breast once more, I circle her areola with my tongue and nip her nipple with my teeth all the while strumming her clit the way I’ve learned she likes it. I quickly circle, applying pressure while brushing over her clit every few strokes.

  “More, Vince…” she cries out. “I need more… so close. I’m so… so close.”

  Doubling my efforts at her breast, I lightly pull her nipple with my teeth as I circle her clit with greater speed.

  Sydney fists my hair and pulls at the strands as her entire body tenses then convulses over and over as a scream rips through her.

  Yeah, I’m glad we’re alone.

  And I’m fairly certain there may be a bald spot.

  As she releases my hair and falls back to the pillow beneath her, I can’t help but rub the tender spot on my head. I’m shocked to find I somehow still have hair there.

  Her beautiful blissed-out expression makes it all entirely worth it.

  When I plop down on the pillow next to her, I can’t stop myself from touching her. My fingertips trace her rib and abdomen, drawing unknown patterns as I stare at her flushed face.

  After her breathing returns to normal, her eyes blink open, and a lazy grin forms at her lips. “Hey, you…”

  “Hey, yourself,” I say as I lean in to kiss her once more.

  Instead of her typical comatose state after making her come, I’m greeted with a kiss that has nearly the amount of passion that started this to begin with. She reaches for the hem of my shirt and whispers, “This needs to go.”

  Of course, I comply.

  Naked as the day she was born, she throws a leg over me and straddles me. I can feel her heat on my stomach, and her breasts dangle beautifully in my face. I don’t know what I’ve done to deserve this incredible sight, but I’ve never been more thankful.

  She leans in to kiss me once more, and her nipples graze my chest. “I need you, Vince,” sounds sexy as hell falling from her lips.


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