Crazy for You

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Crazy for You Page 10

by Harper Bliss

  “Although we have seen each other half naked,” Jessica said.

  “And we’ve kissed and watched television together,” Liz replied.

  Jessica’s breath stalled in her throat. She was glad she and Liz had only kissed while Liz was on the clock, so to speak. Liz had shown her the message she had sent to the agency. It had sent a clear message to Jessica as well.

  “I’ve introduced you to the wonderful world that is my job.” Jessica rotated a little so she could see Liz’s face better. “You do realize we’re now living in a time dubbed Peak TV.”

  “Aren’t we the lucky ones,” Liz said.

  Jessica snickered. “You can be so snobbish.”

  “Moi?” Liz put a hand to her chest. “With my Scandi-chic furniture?”

  Jessica slapped her on the thigh. “Enough already. I was nervous when I first arrived. Have some mercy.”

  Liz leaned in a little closer and whispered, “Are you begging for mercy already?”

  Jessica swiveled her head and looked Liz straight in the eye. She had a smile on her lips, but her eyes told a different story. Jessica wanted to bridge the few inches between their faces and feel Liz’s lips on hers again, but something was holding her back. The exact same thing that had been holding her back for a long time. Fear.

  “Too much, too soon?” Liz asked and squeezed Jessica’s hand.

  Jessica shook her head while she sank her teeth into her bottom lip.

  “Good.” Liz’s voice had dropped an octave. She did have the guts to bridge the tiny distance between them and pressed her lips softly against Jessica’s. She withdrew for a split second until their lips met again the next moment.

  Liz slid her fingers from between Jessica’s and brought her hand to Jessica’s cheek. She touched the back of her fingers against the spot where Jessica had blushed so feverishly earlier. The touch made Jessica flush again, but she didn’t care this time around. She pushed her cheek against Liz’s hand while she pressed her lips against Liz’s. It was the only logical outcome. Jessica wanted Liz. There had never been any doubt about that.

  And Liz wanted Jessica too. That much was obvious by the way her tongue slipped between Jessica’s lips, by the way her body twisted to meet as much of Jessica’s as possible.

  “Let me get a bit more comfortable,” Liz said when they came up for air. She pushed herself up and crawled onto Jessica’s lap, planting her knees on either side of Jessica. “Hi,” she said, when they were face-to-face again.

  “Hi.” Jessica’s voice was hoarse and deep.

  Liz kissed her again, palming Jessica’s cheeks with both hands. The kiss was deep and impossible to misinterpret.

  “I want you,” Liz said, when they broke from the kiss. She was panting slightly and something had changed in her eyes again. She looked as though she had them firmly on the prize—there was no doubt the prize was Jessica.

  “I want you too,” Jessica managed to say.

  Liz smiled at her. “Come,” she said. She climbed off Jessica and held out her hand. “Let me show you my boudoir.”

  Jessica giggled as she extended her hand and let Liz pull her out of the couch. Liz slung an arm around her and held her tightly as she led Jessica into the bedroom. Jessica had no eyes at all for anything on the walls. She only felt Liz’s arm around her and her own heart beating away in her chest.

  “Welcome,” Liz said, and closed the door behind them. They stood in complete darkness. “Oops, sorry about that.” Liz let go and stumbled around. A few seconds later a lamp on the bedside table lit up the room. “Not as suave as I had hoped to be.” Liz grabbed Jessica’s hand again.

  The sudden illumination drew Jessica’s glance to the wall behind the lamp. A large black and white photo hung above Liz’s bed, portraying a stark naked woman from the back. The woman flexed her muscles and boasted an impressive shoulder line. Jessica couldn’t explain how, but even though she couldn’t see her face, and wasn’t that familiar with her naked shoulder line yet, she knew it was Liz.

  “Is there a particular reason you have a naked picture of yourself hanging above your bed?” Jessica asked.

  “There are many.” Liz stood next to her and looked at the picture with Jessica. “The main one being this type of reaction.” She put her hand in the small of Jessica’s back. “How did you know it was me?”

  “Something about it is just so quintessentially you.”

  “Ah, must be the impressive posterior chain.” Liz let her hand drop and gently slapped Jessica’s bottom.

  “It’s rather intimidating, actually. For women like me who are not exactly in their prime.” Jessica pushed her behind into Liz’s hand regardless.

  “Believe it or not, but not many women make it into my boudoir,” Liz said. “In fact, you’re the first since I hung that up. I’m still kind of testing it out.” Liz followed up with a chuckle.

  “So you’ll get me to fill in a survey later on the effects it had?” Jessica leaned against Liz’s side. She felt so solid and strong.

  “That’s exactly right.” Liz’s hand sneaked up again and slid under the hem of Jessica’s blouse.

  “Who took that picture? It’s hardly a candid shot.”

  “A friend of mine who dabbles in amateur photography.”

  “Impressive for an amateur.”

  Liz’s fingertips traced a line up Jessica’s spine. “Do you mean even more so than the subject of the picture?”

  “God no.” The hair on the back of Jessica’s neck stood up. “Nothing’s more impressive than that.”

  Liz slipped behind her and moved both her hands underneath Jessica’s blouse, coming to rest on her belly. Her lips found Jessica’s neck and traced a path up to her ear.

  “I want you,” Liz repeated her words from earlier in the living room. “So much.” She withdrew her hands from Jessica’s belly and she kissed her neck again, then started to unbutton her blouse. It was obviously a skill she had perfected because mere seconds later, Jessica’s blouse slid off her shoulders.

  Liz brought her hands to Jessica’s hips and gestured for her to turn around. Jessica stood facing Liz in her bra, but she wasn’t engulfed with the familiar trepidation. Liz had already seen her and, more importantly, Jessica had seen herself. Yes, she was missing something, but she didn’t look like the monster she had made up in her head. In fact, when Liz stood in front of her like that, lust brimming in her eyes, her chest rising and falling rapidly, Jessica didn’t think about the prosthesis in one cup of her bra much at all.

  Liz took hold of the hem of her own white-and-blue boat-neck top and hoisted it over her head. Jessica was now faced with a real-life bra-clad Liz. Together with that picture above the bed, it made her pulse pick up speed.

  Liz brought her hand to Jessica’s cheek again and caressed it. Jessica was glad there was no mirror in front of her so she couldn’t see how pink her cheeks were.

  “You’re beautiful,” Liz said. Her hand slipped to the back of Jessica’s head and she pulled her in for another kiss. It was even more insistent than the last intense one they had shared in the living room. Liz was clearly also very skilled at ratcheting up the tension.

  “Do you think I should also hang a naked picture of myself in my bedroom?” Jessica asked when they broke from the kiss, a grin on her face.

  “I most certainly do.” Liz didn’t waste any time and kissed her again. Her hands drifted up Jessica’s sides and all the hairs on her skin rose up in excitement. When Liz’s hands were on their way down, they halted at the button of Jessica’s pants. Liz snapped it open and, in what seemed like one movement, the zipper beneath it as well.

  “I want you naked,” Liz said, then hesitated for the first time. “As naked as you’re comfortable with.”

  Jessica reached for the button of Liz’s jeans and flipped it open. “I’m comfortable with you.”

  That was what it all came down to in the end. The immense sense of comfort Liz had given her, just by being herself, and being there.
  “I’m happy to hear that.” Liz pushed Jessica’s pants down her hips. She waited for Jessica to do the same to hers.

  Jessica wrapped her arms around Liz and drew her nearer to the bed. She took advantage of the situation to unhook Liz’s bra.

  “Can I take yours off?” Liz whispered in her ears.

  Jessica nodded, her chin bumping against Liz’s shoulder.

  “Okay,” Liz said. Before she undid Jessica’s bra, she held her close for a while longer. Only after a few more moments of holding her in her strong arms, did she undo Jessica’s bra. Jessica held the cups against her while she watched Liz slip her arms out of hers and throw it on a chair behind her.

  She swallowed hard at the sight of Liz’s naked torso. At the view of her perfect breasts.

  Jessica slowly let her bra drop away from her, careful to keep the prosthesis in its cup. She folded it up and gave it to Liz to place down.

  Liz laid Jessica’s bra on the seat of the chair, treating it with much more care than her own. “Come here,” she said.

  Jessica stepped into her embrace again and she felt safe and at ease—as at ease as a woman as aroused as her could possibly feel.

  Liz kissed her on the cheek and soon Jessica met her lips. As they kissed, Liz walked them to the bed, until Jessica felt the edge bump against the back of her knees.

  Liz pushed Jessica onto the bed and crawled on it with her. For Jessica, it felt natural to let Liz take the lead. Liz didn’t seem to mind much either. She was probably used to initiating, but no—Jessica willed her thoughts not to go there. This had nothing to do with Liz’s profession.

  They maneuvered until they were both fully supported by the bed, then Liz pressed her body against Jessica’s side.

  “Is there anything I’m not allowed to do? Certain spots I’m not allowed to touch?” Liz asked in a soft voice. Her hand rested on Jessica’s belly.

  Nobody Jessica had ever been in bed with had asked her that question. “I don’t mind you touching my breast, but I’m not sure how I’ll react to you touching my scar.”

  “Understood.” Liz smiled at her.

  Jessica thought it only polite to return the question. “Is there anything I shouldn’t—” It sounded so strange, but maybe this was how it should always be. All lines of communication wide open.

  “With you, I have zero no-go zones.” Liz flashed her a grin, then leaned down to kiss her. She kissed Jessica for a long time, while her hand roamed across her belly and her sides, steering clear of Jessica’s chest.

  When they finally broke from the kiss, Liz slid half on top of her, pushing her knee between Jessica’s legs. She refocused her attention on Jessica’s neck, kissing it softly and slowly in a straight line from Jessica’s ear to her shoulder. The gentle kisses drove Jessica crazy—and made her forget about how she was lying on her back, totally exposed.

  When Liz kissed her like that, and her entire body became one tingling mass, Jessica could almost forget she’d ever had surgery.

  Liz moved on to the other side of her neck as Jessica lay squirming underneath her.

  Jessica ran her fingers through Liz’s straight black hair. It was short in the back and long-ish in the front, so her bangs always threatened to fall into her eyes. She had the most adorable habit of brushing away a strand of hair. And her hair was so soft. As was her skin, although the muscles underneath had nothing of that softness.

  Jessica’s fingers explored Liz’s back. She’d seen it with flexed muscles in that picture above their heads. To now hold that powerful body against hers was a thrill.

  Liz kissed a path down from Jessica’s neck. Her lips touched down on Jessica’s collar bone, then dove south along her left breast. Liz didn’t linger but instead started kissing Jessica’s belly. It wasn’t exactly flabby—Jessica had the good fortune of skinny genes in her family—but it was hardly toned either. Unlike Liz’s hard stomach. Maybe she should go to TRX with her.

  Liz’s tongue dipped into her belly button and the fire that had been steadily building underneath Jessica’s skin grew stronger and hotter. Jessica felt she might burst out of her skin soon if Liz kept this up. And she wasn’t going to stop any time soon.

  It had been a long time since Jessica had really made love to a woman. She’d only met Liz last week, yet she felt like they were making love. Liz had helped her take some steps Jessica wasn’t sure she could have taken with anyone else—or on her own.

  When Liz had shown up on her doorstep instead of Laurel, Jessica’s initial disappointment had quickly been replaced by something else entirely. The undeniable chemistry between them.

  Jessica felt that chemistry flow through her as Liz kissed her way down from her belly button. She pictured Liz’s supple lips touching down on her skin every time their softness sent another pang of arousal up her spine. Soon her thoughts drifted to Liz’s tongue, which had felt so heavenly in her mouth, and would feel even more heavenly elsewhere very quickly if Liz kept up this pace.

  Jessica shuddered in anticipation. She couldn’t believe how much she wanted this—how much she wanted Liz. And how much Liz wanted her. After she’d just had surgery, feeling sorry for herself in the hospital, she could never have dreamed of anything like this happening to her again. Yet, here she lay. And Liz’s lips were closing in.

  Liz gently pulled off Jessica’s underwear. She pushed Jessica’s legs apart and kissed Jessica’s inner thigh. Jessica dug her fingers deeper into the flesh of Liz’s shoulders. She wished she could feel more of her—she wished she could see her face.

  Liz stopped kissing her and looked up. “Are you okay?” she asked.

  Jessica gave a quick nod. Liz smiled in response, then resumed her kissing action. She took her time bestowing kiss after kiss on the sensitive skin there and every single one drove up Jessica’s level of excitement.

  Going to bed with Liz wasn’t only exciting because of how she was falling for her, so quickly and unstoppably, but also because of what she did for a living. Jessica could try and deny it as much as she wanted—and she would if asked point blank—but it was extra arousing. Not so much Liz’s skill, but all the other implications of her job. The emotional intelligence she had to display. The sensitivity and extreme communication she had to employ. Jessica tried to fight it, but Liz was planting kisses on her thigh—closing in on her wildly pulsing clit—and it was the truth of it. Not a simple truth, but a complex, slightly unnerving one.

  Then Liz’s tongue touched down on her clit and Jessica stopped thinking altogether. From the moment Liz had given her that first neck massage, this was what Jessica had wanted. This beautiful, smart, strong woman licking her clit. Now it was happening and it met her every expectation.

  Jessica buried her fingers in Liz’s soft hair. Her entire body felt like a live wire—her clit the spark. She threw her head back and looked at the wall behind her, at the picture of Liz’s impressive backside. Then she looked down and saw the part of Liz’s back that was curved upward while she was licking her.

  It didn’t get much better than this. Not after going through a vicious depression, destroying her business, and losing her right breast. For some reason she would never be able to explain, Jessica brought her hand to where her breast used to be. First, she found the void. Then the scar. She planted her hand down on the flattened part of her torso and let it lie there. Her other hand remained in Liz’s hair.

  For a few moments, Liz stopped licking her clit. Jessica looked down and stared straight into Liz’s eyes.

  Liz didn’t smile, but gave Jessica an altogether different kind of look. One that shivered up Jessica’s spine before lodging itself in her heart, in a spot beneath her flesh not far from where her hand was resting on her chest. It was as though Liz had sensed that Jessica had taken the next step and wanted to take time to mark the moment—wanted Jessica to know that she was with her every step of the way.

  Liz’s head disappeared between Jessica’s legs again and her piercing glance was gone. Jessica
let her head fall back, kept one hand on her scar, and brought the other one to her left breast, which she cupped gently in her palm. Even though she was in the throes of being sexually pleasured, it wasn’t a sexual act. It was one of acceptance.

  Liz upped the ante of her licking action. Hot waves of excitement coursed through Jessica’s body. This could have happened when they’d first met, but it wouldn’t have been the same. It was good that things had played out the way they had. Now, she could meet her orgasm without any reservations. This was right. Liz was right for her. Nothing else mattered.

  The back of Jessica’s head dug deeper into the pillow. The burst of heat in the pit of her stomach became unbearable. As she exploded into orgasm, and the blackness behind her eyelids turned into a kaleidoscope of color, an image emerged. Liz looking at her like she had done earlier. Nothing but complete understanding in her glance.

  Chapter Seventeen

  “Morning,” Jessica said. She’d only just opened her eyes and was already met with Liz’s gaze on hers.

  “Morning, gorgeous.” Liz kissed her on the cheek and pressed her naked body against hers.

  “Please tell me it’s not past eight o’clock yet,” Jessica said on a sigh.

  “It’s just gone seven,” Liz said. “Plenty of time to call in sick.”

  Jessica brought her hands over her eyes. “I really shouldn’t. It’s irresponsible. It sends the wrong kind of message.”

  “Come on, Jess. You only live once. And what’s the worst that can happen? A Kramer might feel a little less special for a minute or so?”

  “God, I hope one day I get the opportunity to introduce you to Kathy Kramer.” Jessica crawled deeper into Liz’s embrace.

  “Tell me, honestly, as a woman who’s had cancer and who appreciates the value of every minute of her life… Wouldn’t you rather spend the morning with me? If you didn’t, you’d miss my super-delicious scrambled eggs, which take time and dedication to prepare.”

  “Well, I couldn’t possibly miss out on your eggs, of course. That would most obviously be a crime against humankind.” Jessica removed her hands from over her eyes. “You really are keeping me off the straight and narrow.”


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