Wait for Me

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Wait for Me Page 6

by Louise, Tia

  She lets me kiss her, hold her, but she always sends me out the window before we can do more.

  At night I dream about her. I bury my face in her hair, inhaling her soft scent, until I wake up in the morning hot and bothered and pulling on my clothes so I can get to the kitchen before her brothers, Akela running and jumping beside me all the way. Even if the guys beat me, I get to be near her, touch her, before we start another long, hot day.

  “There’s got to be a place to swim around here that isn’t cold as the devil’s backside.” I’m sitting on the flatbed on Friday afternoon, Noel’s standing between my knees looking up at me.

  Today she’s in a thin flowery dress that ends at the top of her thighs. Her long, dark hair is up in a ponytail, and I run my finger along the thin strap going over her shoulder, catching the ends of her hair in my fingers.

  Leon led the high school crew today, and I barely saw her as she dashed around, gathering the baskets of discarded peaches and taking them to the house.

  Her head tilts to the side. “My aunt used to go fishing at Hayes Lake.”

  “Hayes… as in Digger’s family?” I don’t like that guy.

  He always acts polite and respectful to Sawyer, but I catch him watching Noel as she works. Lechery is all over his face, and I want to punch him in the nuts. Leon doesn’t like him either. Hell, even Akela shows her teeth whenever he’s around.

  “I don’t think anybody fishes there anymore…” Noel seems oblivious. “It’s right out in the sun.”

  “Will anybody care if we swim in it?”

  A mischievous light hits her eye. “One way to find out.”

  “Meet you at the truck.”

  An old red Chevy is parked behind the shed for anyone to use. We take it, and Noel scoots to the center of the bench seat beside me. Her head is on my shoulder and my hand is between her knees as we drive the back roads connecting the properties.

  Akela runs with us the whole way, bouncing in the black-eyed Susans growing in clumps beside the road. We leave the truck in the center of the field, and I help Noel down then strip off my shirt.

  We jog to the pier extending out to the center of the lake, Akela right at our heels. Our feet make thumping noises on the wooden planks as we run, and our hands are clasped as we take a flying leap into the placid, brown water.

  It’s as warm as a bath under the burning-hot sun. A large pipe rises from the center, spraying water in the air like a geyser, keeping it oxygenated, and I reach out, pulling Noel to me, our skin sliding together, slippery as a bar of soap.

  She feels so good in my arms. I claim her mouth, pushing her lips apart and finding her tongue. She melts like peach ice cream, and I kiss her deeper before moving my lips to her ear. Her nipples are taut against my chest, and I know she feels my hardness on her stomach. I’m sure she’s felt it before.

  When I find her eyes, I look deeply into them. “What are you thinking about?”

  She blinks down and hesitates. “I never asked if you had a girlfriend or anything back home.”

  This makes me smile. “Not much point having a girlfriend when I’m about to leave.” Her face falls, and I wish I could take back the words. “I just mean… No, I don’t. It wouldn’t be fair to ask somebody to wait for me.”

  She traces a finger along the line of my jaw not meeting my eyes. “What if somebody wanted to wait for you?”

  My insides churn. I don’t know if she means her—as in, she’d wait for me. I don’t know if I want to hope she would. “Nobody has yet.”

  Moments pass. She doesn’t say anything, so I give her a little squeeze. “What about you? You’re not dating one of these country boys?”

  A little shrug. “Digger’s the most persistent.”

  “That guy.” My voice is more of a growl than I intend.

  Her eyes meet mine sparkling. “What’s wrong with Digger?”

  “He’s the worst.”

  “He’s not so bad.”

  “He is so bad.” Leaning forward, I catch her eye. “You wouldn’t date that guy, would you?”

  Her lips twist, and she gives me a sheepish grin. “I kind of already did.”

  I loosen my hold, and she lunges forward, squeezing me around the shoulders. “It was a long time ago! One summer after harvest… I think the sun had melted my brain cells.”

  She laughs, and I pull her tighter to me. “Do you guys always work this hard in the summer?”

  “Just since we lost Daddy. Up to then, we always had hired help.”

  “You didn’t have any uncles or anything to take over for him, run things?”

  “My momma was an only child.” She props her elbows on my shoulders. “Her family pretty much disowned her when she married my daddy. My grandfather acted like we didn’t exist most of my life.”

  Anger tightens my throat. How could anybody not want to know this beautiful girl? “His loss.”

  She nods absently. “My grandma died years ago, and he was alone afterwards, always. All because my momma didn’t marry a doctor or a lawyer…”

  “Your daddy owned this huge orchard! What’s wrong with that?”

  “He didn’t always own it. His people were sharecroppers. My daddy was a poor kid from the wrong side of town. His daddy died of a heart attack when he was only fifty-five.”

  “Shit.” I pull her into another hug.

  She manages a smile. “But look what he did. He married the woman of his dreams, he built this huge orchard, he got everything he wanted…”

  Her voice trails off, and we don’t continue down that road. I don’t want to think about how he had it all and ultimately lost everything.

  I want to think about right here, right now.

  I want to think about having her with me and life and love. “Tell me about this peach festival coming up.”

  She blinks up at me, her smile returning. “It’s sort of the annual town gathering. We do it every year at the end of the harvest.”

  “Are you saying I’ll get to meet the whole town?”

  She laughs. “I don’t know if the whole town will be there, but a lot of people go. They have pie-eating contests and car shows and pageants and crafts. Mrs. Jenny Ray, Mindy’s mom, is going to put some of my beauty products at her table for me to sell.”

  “Hey! That’s a big deal.”

  “Why do you think I’ve been working so hard every night?”

  “Hell, I don’t know.” I was too focused on her to wonder about what she was doing or why. “I thought you did that every night.”

  “No.” She shakes her head, laughing.

  “Well, I’ll be there with my money in hand.”

  “You don’t need beauty products.” Her arms are around my neck again, and she kisses my nose. “You’re pretty enough without them.”

  “I have to get more of that lip stuff.”

  “What’s wrong with your lips?” Heavy-lidded eyes slide to my mouth, and it’s enough of an invitation for me.

  I pull her to me, parting her lips, nibbling and kissing them, loving the rise of heat between us as our chests move together, only separated by thin cotton. Her skirt floats around us, and I put my hands on her thighs, sliding them higher, wanting to explore her secret places.

  She inhales sharply as I find the line of her panties. She trembles in my arms, and I kiss her deeper now, moving my tongue to hers as I slide my finger back and forth across her clit.

  “Taron…” Her thighs tighten around my hand.

  I’m rock-hard and desperate to be inside her… Still. “It’s okay.” My breath is hot at her ear, and I start to take my hand away.

  “No…” It’s a soft plea, and I grin, finding her eyes. Our gazes lock, and her cheeks flush.

  I back us to the pier post, bracing her as I move my hand again to her warm pussy, massaging and fingering the sweet heat between her legs. Her eyes squeeze shut, and her grip tightens on my shoulders. I keep going, watching as her breath grows faster, shallower.

  “Right the
re… right there…” It’s a soft hiss, and her hips rock.

  She rides my hand, biting her lip and bucking her pelvis. I circle faster, and she holds my arm, focused on what I’m doing to her. I lean forward to kiss her ear, lightly touching it with my tongue, and she breaks with a loud moan.

  “Oh, yes!” She’s crying out, thrusting, fucking my hand like a goddess, and with every stroke, she moans and shudders. “Taron…” She exhales sharply. “It feels so good…”

  My arm is around her shoulders, and I cradle her against my chest. “I want to make you feel good.”

  She holds me a bit longer, riding out the afterglow. Then she stretches up and kisses the side of my jaw, biting it lightly. It’s fucking hot. My hand is out of her panties and on her cute little round ass, cupping it to me. I want her to feel my cock. I want to sink into her so bad right now.

  She hugs me tighter. “I’ve never done this before with a guy.”

  I’m not sure I understand what she means. Still, I don’t want to break this moment. She’s here, just like my dreams. She’s in my arms, and her hair is against my cheek.

  Kissing the side of her face, I whisper in her ear. “I love holding you this way.”

  Her body moves, and she pulls back slightly. “I need to tell you something…”

  I smile, pushing a damp lock of hair behind her ear. “This sounds serious.”

  “Just so you don’t think I know how… I mean, we don’t have much time, so I’m trying—”

  “Hey.” I put my fingers over her lips gently. “You don’t have to feel pressured because of time. I don’t want that.”

  “But I do.” Her eyes are wide, pleading. “I do want it. I just need you to show me how… I’m not sure exactly what to do.”

  My brow furrows. “What do you mean?”

  “Ah, this is so embarrassing… Don’t make me say it.”

  “Say what?” I’m horny as hell, and still she’s able to make me laugh.

  Her chin drops and she says it fast. “I… I’m a virgin.”



  Everything goes quiet like I shouted a swear word in church.

  Even Akela doesn’t make a noise—not that she ever does. The only sound is the constant churning of the aerator in the middle of the pond, and I feel Taron’s eyes on me even if I don’t look up to meet them.

  My cheeks are hot, and I want to die of embarrassment. Naturally, I assumed he wanted to have sex with me. Is it possible I was wrong?

  We have been kissing pretty hot and heavy every night this week before I send him out the window, which by the way, takes the strength of Hercules. He did just make me come right out here in the middle of the lake—and oh, God, did he ever make me come…

  I shiver. I might be a virgin, but my body is ready.

  “Say something.” My voice is quietly cringey.

  He only shakes his head. “Okay.”

  “That’s it?” My eyes flash to his.

  “You’re only eighteen, Noel. You live in this tiny town. I’d be surprised if you weren’t a virgin.”

  Pulling away, he takes my hand and guides me to the shallow waters then leads me out to the truck. My stomach sinks to my feet.

  “Does that mean you don’t want me?”

  “No.” His voice is low and strained, and it’s a thrill in my stomach.

  Still, I’m confused. “Where are we going?”

  “We need to head back.” He still holds my hand warm and strong in his, and when we stop at the truck, he looks down at my wet dress. “I don’t guess you have a towel or anything.”

  “There might be one in the glove box.” I wait, watching him dig around then come back empty-handed.

  “Here.” He pulls his tee over my head, covering my transparent dress.

  His jeans are soaked, but he helps me in the truck and jogs around to the other side. We drive back the way we came—me sitting in the middle with my head on his shoulder. Him looking ahead, his hand between my knees.

  How I wish his hand would move higher, stroke me, and make me come like he did a few minutes ago. Instead, as I feared it would, my confession threw cold water on everything. I expect he won’t touch me again the rest of the week…

  Then he’ll be gone.

  We get back to the house, and he walks me to the back door. “See you in a little while.” With that he kisses my cheek before jogging down to the cottage where he stays.

  I mix up the ingredients I’d set out for dinner, boiled corn on the cob, shake and bake chicken, and fresh tomatoes. The men wolf it down, while I watch them not really hungry. As usual, Taron shoos me out while he and Leon do the dishes. He’s friendly and gives me sweet smiles, but he seems to have completely withdrawn.

  My chest is heavy, and as much as I hate to admit it, I cry in the shower. I hate being a baby. I’m too old to cry over a boy, but it still hurts.

  Lying on my bed, I’m not in the mood to work on my cosmetics stock tonight. I’ve almost met my quota for Mindy’s mom, anyway.

  Snatching up my phone, I send a text to my friend. You around?

  Staring at the face, I wait for her to reply. I need her to reply.

  A few seconds pass then I see the gray dots bouncing.

  What’s up?

  Nothing. Everything’s down. I find the perfect guy, and he’s too nice to punch my V-card.

  More gray dots as I wait.

  I KNEW IT!!!

  “Jeez, Min!” I crossing my arms, staring at the phone a second, then I pick it up again. No shouty caps. I’m in pain.

  Mr. Hemsworth won’t give you his gift? (crying-laugh emoji)

  No, Digger. Who else? (gag emoji)

  She replies with a string of emojis—the gag one, the green-faced vomit one, the one with Xs for eyes.

  I shake my head and tap back. What do I do? I told him the truth, and he shut down on me.

  GOOD. You’re not ready. Are you even on the pill?

  Chewing my lip, I think about this… I hadn’t really considered birth control. Way to use your brain, Noel. Where would I even get birth control? Everybody in town will talk if I go to Dr. Fieldstone…

  My friend doesn’t miss a beat. I’ll take you to the clinic in Shreveport tomorrow. Meet you at eight.

  I’m starting my reply when a tapping on my window makes me throw the phone on my bed. Akela doesn’t even flinch. My eyes fly to the glass, and Taron is outside, smiling like always.

  I go to him and slide it open. “Hey.”

  Everything feels quieter tonight.

  “Hey…” He swings his legs into the room and pulls me between them like always. “You’re not making any lotions or lip balms?”

  My hands are on his shoulders, and I study my fingernails. “I don’t feel like it.”

  He doesn’t say anything, and I steal a glance at his face. He’s looking away, and he seems to be struggling with something.

  My sadness melts into anger. Was he hoping I’d be an easy lay before he left for South America? Is he trying to figure out how to let me down now? I don’t let anyone make me feel inferior. Ever. Dolly Parton says a strong woman looks a challenge in the eye and winks.

  “You’d better head on back to the cottage now. Morning comes early.” Mentally, I pull up my big-girl panties and prepare to push him out the window, out of my heart, when he catches my arms.

  “I’ve been thinking all evening about what you said.” His blue-green eyes are so earnest, I almost feel ashamed for thinking bad thoughts about him. “I can’t take that from you and leave, Noel. It’s the same as asking you to wait for me. It’s not fair…”

  “You didn’t ask me to wait for you.” My voice is quiet, and our gazes mingle in a swirl of longing and sadness and reality hitting us in the face.

  “It doesn’t mean I don’t want to.” His voice drops lower. His hands grasp mine, and I lower my eyes to them—long fingers, neatly trimmed nails. He’s gorgeous, top to bottom.

  Lifting my chin, my voice is sassy
, defiant. “Whatever happens between us is as much my decision as it is yours.”

  “Yes, but I have more experience with this than you do.”

  “You’ve slept with a lot of women?”

  “No,” he answers fast. “When it happens, it matters. Especially the first time.”

  “Well, thank you for being so considerate.” I start to move away. The last thing I need is another know-it-all guy telling me how I feel.

  “Stop.” Taron pulls me firmly against his chest. “Be mad at me if you want—I’m telling you the truth. I won’t hurt you.”

  I see the break in his eyes, and it breaks something in me. I understand deeply he’s not rejecting me. After all we’ve shared, I don’t know how I could ever believe he was.

  Reaching out, I thread my fingers in his hair, looking deeply into his blue-green eyes. “I’ve waited so long for you to appear. You can’t hurt me.”

  Strong hands cup my cheeks, and he pulls my mouth to his. Our lips part, and our tongues entwine. Tears heat my closed eyes, but I won’t allow them to escape. I won’t give him any reason to think I’m not strong enough for this, even if the idea of saying goodbye leaves my insides in shreds.

  He pulls back, looking deep in my eyes. “I’ll see you tomorrow.”

  With that, he’s out the window, heading back across the yard. As I watch him go, I can’t help thinking, Yes, you will. You’ll see me every day as long as you’re here.

  The teams don’t come on the weekends, but that doesn’t mean the work stops. I run down before anyone is up and whip up a batch of pancakes. I cut up fresh peaches and put them in the refrigerator and stick a note on the microwave saying I’ll be back after lunch.

  Sawyer will be bitching, but this appointment is too important to skip. I’ve never visited a Planned Parenthood. Everybody around here thinks they’re evil, but I know a lot of the workers’ wives go to them for free birth control. An hour later, I’m driving home with Mindy and a round, plastic pack of pills in my bag.

  We pull up to a quiet house, and Mindy lets me out at the back door. “Doesn’t look like they’re home.”

  “Probably off picking up more crates.” It’s just as well. I don’t need a bunch of questions about where I’ve been. “I’ll see you tomorrow. Tell your mom I’ll have everything ready for her Wednesday.”


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