Serina: Awakened

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Serina: Awakened Page 13

by LH Bondi

  I have to admit even though I was reluctant to leave. A break was much needed.

  Aunt Viv had sealed the deal by showing me a spell in case of an emergency. Where I could portal to Eden in a moment. A spell my grandmother had used from time to time. It was to be used as a last resort as any portal other than the original portal keys. Could possibly end very badly if not closed properly.

  Not only could things possibly get in. If something not meant for Eden entered. It wasn’t known if the paradise it was would continue. “I really don’t need anything else to worry with. I have enough on my plate in Eden as it is.” Serina had thought to herself.

  As her knowledge and strength grew so did her connection to Eden. She could feel the peace love and hope . But under it all she could also feel the darkness lingering, lurking waiting it seemed. “Waiting for what?” She asked herself in a low whisper.

  Shaking her head to clear her thoughts. “No Serina, not today. No Eden. No Joshua. No Raifs. You are going to relax and think about nothing.”

  So here I was for my long Halloween weekend. And I was planning on enjoying every minute.

  Feeling quite good about myself for relaxing and not worrying for a change.

  That’s when Cin tapped me on my shoulder.

  I jumped taking in a sharp breath.

  “Oh yeah, ya definitely relaxed.” Cin winked. “Wanna go for a walk?”

  I should have known Cin was up to something. But as usual my mind just wasn’t thinking that way.

  “Mom, if you don’t need us any more at the moment. Me and Cin are gonna walk around. Check things out. If that’s ok with you?”

  “Sure hunny y’all go on and have some fun.”

  So, we started down the steps when we heard her holler. “Check on your dad will y’all. He thinks he’s an expert because he watched a few online videos. Oh, and tell him I’ll be there in a minute k. Just putting some of my cloths away.”

  “Yes ma’am.” Me and Cin spoke at the same time.

  “Jinx!” Cin hollered. “Ya owe me a soda!”

  Smiling and rolling my eyes. “This was gonna be a great weekend.” I thought to myself as I opened the door missed the step completely and fell right into some guy’s arms.

  “Oh! I am so sorry.” Immediately bringing my hands between us and pushing myself trying desperately to separate myself from this person. My feet still scrambling to find stability and being myself tripped sideways. Strong hands encircled my waist steadying me for the moment. Followed by a male voice that seemed amused.

  “Hold on there I got ya.”

  Mortified at her clumsiness she gathered her strength to look up at her rescuer. Ice blue eyes that were framed with slight crinkles from the amused smile that played across his lips. His eyes slightly covered by long blond hair. That as he released my waist he brought his hand up to quickly comb the stray strands back as they feel perfectly into place.

  He was handsome she had to admit. In that kind of surfer guy way. If you were into that. Him being handsome seemed to intensify her embarrassment.

  Serina’s face felt like it was on fire her cheeks surely were scarlet red. She could feel the heat all the way to the tips of her ears. Say something Serina she thought to herself. “Umm, hi that last steps a doozy. Watch out!”

  Oh my god what was wrong with me. Closing her eyes trying to will herself elsewhere. A doozy? What in the world? I thought to myself as I was standing up. Trying to regain some of my dignity. I’m a protector, I thought to myself. Surely I can regain some of my dignity.

  Putting a stray lock of hair behind my ear. I looked up. “Thanks for holding me. I mean groping me.” If possible, her ears felt like they were on fire now.

  “Uhm... I mean thanks. That could have really hurt.” And reluctantly I met his eyes.

  He was still smiling, thank goodness. By this time, I’m sure he thought I was some sorta of crazy person.

  “Hi, I’m Gabriel. My dad Hank and I have been helpin out a little.”

  My dad began walking over. “Hey honey. Isn’t this nice of Hank and Gabriel. Maybe figured out we haven’t done this before.” Scratching his head as he spoke.

  “Yeah we just met.” All Serina could think of at the moment was…. I gotta leave now!

  She spoke backing away grabbing Cin’s hand yanking her along. “Me and Cin are gonna go walking around. Mom said it was ok. And to tell you she would be out in a min.”

  “Sure hunny. Got your phones?”

  Me and Cin held them up together. And began walking off. My dad talking and laughing with his new friends.

  “Maybe we’ll see ya round later Gabriel?” Cin added as we walked off.

  “That’s a promise!”

  I heard him say as we turned right and began walking down one of the many roads that were winding through the campground.

  Once we were out of sight. I elbowed Cin.

  Her response was laughter. “Ok, ok. I should have warned ya. And yes, I saw the whole thing. It was funny. Girly, you a walkin disaster. So much power and talent. And can’t even walk down stairs.” She was keeping the tears from flowing with her fingertips. “Your face.” And she started all over again.

  Serina picked up her pace, “I’m so glad you find my bumbling funny.” She was trying to keep her anger, but a smile was slowly forming at the corners of her mouth. And besides she just couldn’t stay mad at Cin.

  “Oh, come on. He’s cute. And how else was I gonna get ya to say hi to him. If’n ya wouldn’t have fell on him. Ya never would have. And besides he gives ya options.”

  “Options? What in the world are you talking about? Options for what?”

  “Oh, come on now Rina. Ya had to see it, that boy likes you. Likes ya a lot. Didn’t ya see how he was a lookin at ya?”

  “Of course, he was a looking at me. I fell on him. Geez Cin. And besides. It’s not there.” Serina looked ahead and placed her hands in her pockets.

  Elbowing her friend back. “What ya mean “it’s” not there?” Then Cin placed her hand on Serina’s arm and they stopped.

  “Look Serina. I never said he was Joshua.”

  Serina turned her head.

  “You have promised Joshua nothin. And ya said yourself he has someone else. No one said ya had to bond to this guy for life. Girly, he’s handsome, nice. And hey it’s one weekend. What’s it gonna hurt. Even if he turns out to be just a friend. Would that be so bad?”

  “You tell me Cin. You saw him in a vision before we walked out of the bus. You say he likes me. What if I don’t like him back. Will it hurt Cin?” Serina paused and looked to the ground. “Look, I know your just trying to help and I know Joshua has someone else. I also know how that feels to like someone who doesn’t like you back. Not in the same way.”

  “Rina, again, I’m not tellin ya to marry Gabriel for goodness sake. All I’m sayin is we’re here to have a little fun, relax and take our minds off everythin for a bit.”

  Then Cin smiled, “and if that somethin happens to be cute.”

  Rolling her eyes and shaking her head Serina began walking once more. “You are simply incorrigible.”

  “Just promise me when that boy comes around again. And he will. Be nice. K?”

  Raising one eyebrow I agreed. And as I did my stomach lurched. There went my peaceful relaxing weekend. But I wasn’t gonna think about that. Nope I was going to enjoy my walk.

  The campground was rather large. It had 400 R.V. sites not to mention cabins and places for tents. To Serina and Cin’s amazement every last site, cabin and tent space was occupied. It seemed her father had been very lucky to get their spot. Halloween weekend was very popular here. Almost every site was decorated in typical scary and not so scary decor. Everything from jack o’ lanterns to zombies. It was definitely a fun time to be here.

  Her and Cin were walking slow enjoying the scenery. It was a nice fluffy cloud day with blue skies and a cool breeze blowing. You could actually smell the fall. Serina laughed to herself a huge smile
on her face. For the first time in what seemed forever. She was actually relaxed. And very glad she had come.

  Their walking found them at the camp store. A couple of kids walked out with ice cream making her stomach growl.

  “Hey Cin, you know that soda you say I owe you?”

  “I’m way ahead of ya, girly.”

  Laughing the two girls made their way hurriedly into the store.

  After getting their ice cream the two found themselves sitting on a picnic table that overlooked a beautiful lake. There were several people here some walking others fishing and some like her and Cin just simply enjoying the view. It was all so peaceful. Soon Serina found herself daydreaming. The water the peacefulness of the setting. Reminded her of her moment with Joshua that last encounter. The one at the mirror pond. She could swear she could almost feel him. Picture them walking around the lake. His hand reaching out to hers. Her arm tingled. And she turned her head and took in a sharp breath.

  Her brows creased, “Gabriel?” And her hand came up to her chest. “You startled me!”

  “Sorry bout that.” As he spoke he walked around to the front of the table. “Mind if I join you two?”

  “Well,” I began to say. Then was cut off by Cin.

  “Of course, ya can join us. It’s a public table.”

  “Right, Rina?” The look she sent me was a, hey you promised. So, I smiled my most fake smile and looked straight at her. Then him. “Sure, but I don’t know how much longer we will be here. Probably need to help my parents with something or other by now.”

  Gabriel sat then turned to me smiling. “That’s fine. Then I can walk you two back when you’re ready. We’re neighbors remember.”

  Closing my eyes and telling myself a few colorful words. I mean how could I have forgotten that. Then again why would he have asked? Confusion across my face. I opened my eyes. And for a reason unknown to myself blurted.

  “What’s your deal? I mean what do you want with us?”

  I guess it came from years of no attention from boys. Then whatever her relationship with Joshua was, then this guy. She wasn’t anyone’s prank or joke.

  Gabriel calmly answered with a half-smile, “I don’t know really. But you interest me. So, I figured it was worth a shot. Just to get to know you. Be your friend maybe.”

  For some reason the word friend when he spoke relaxed her. And she felt more at ease around him. She felt like a jerk for jumping on him with words. So, she smiled and answered with a, “ok then you can walk us back. And with any luck you won’t even have to rescue me again.” And she laughed.

  “Well, now that’s what I was hoping for.” And he laughed carefree and stood up. “Now I have to run go pick up a few things for our site. Y’all still gonna be here when I get back?”

  “Oh, we’ll be here.” Cin answered. “Don’t cha worry none bout that.”

  Gabriel nodded then turned walking towards the store.

  “Well at least you thawed a little towards the boy. Darn girly, you can be quite snippy. What’s up with that. I ain’t never seen ya act like that towards anyone.”

  Serina looked out into the lake. Rubbing her hands, she spoke. “I know Cin. But boys like that don’t like girls like me. And if they do. They are just acting for some prank. Not to mention it just feels wrong.” She turned to Cin. “Just wrong here.” And she placed her hand on her heart.

  “Ok, to start with girls like you. You mean pretty girls with a awesome to die for curvy figure. Beautiful hair, I need to go on?”

  Serina shook her head.

  “Girly, you need to have as much confidence in your outer self as you have in your abilities. And besides no boys, even where ya were from before, stayed away cause of ya looks.”

  Serina looked at her surprised.

  “That surprised ya didn’t it. We’ll they stayed away cause ya weird girly.” And Cin reached out pushing her arm this caused Serina to bust out laughing.

  “Ya know I’m tellin the truth. And that boy there,” and she pointed to the store. “He ain’t a prankin ya. Ya should know ain’t no way I’m gonna let anything happen to ya Rina.”

  “As for what I see for the two of ya. Not much, just friendship. But he seems nice Rina. So be nice k. Like I said earlier. What would be wrong with another friend?”

  “Ok, ok me and my weird self will be nice.”

  The two friends were still sitting next to each other in silence looking out at the lake. When Cin broke it. “But he is cute.”

  Serina shook her head and rolled her eyes as an answer.

  “Hope I didn’t keep you ladies waiting too long.” Holding up two bags he carried in one hand. “Saw some things and just knew I had to buy them as a surprise.” Placing the bags on the bench he retrieved three objects holding them up. “S’mores!” He declared.

  The looks of amusement clearly written on mine and Cin’s face spoke more than words possibly could have.

  “That was sweet Gabriel. Although, if I had to guess it’s more of a treat for you. Judging by the way you are eyeballing the ingredients.”

  Placing the chocolate, gram crackers and marshmallows back in the bag, “ya got me. But. I’m willing to share. Does that count?”

  “I suppose we’ll give you a pass this once.” Serina spoke hopping off the table.

  “Ready to go back Cin?”

  Her answer was her hopping down as well joining the two. And then they were off back to their campsite.

  “So, Gabriel, I’m Century but everyone calls me Cin, and this here is Serina.”

  His answer was a simple smile and a nod to Cin. “Thanks. I felt kinda rude asking. And then it just felt awkward.”

  “Kinda figured who was who. You two are all your dad talks about. Serina and Cin this and that.”

  “So, you two sisters?”

  Both girls raised eyebrows. And spoke at the same time. “Might as well be. Closer than most.”

  This caused Gabriel to raise his eyebrow. “Ok, I think?” Then he just looked confused. Even more so than before.

  “It’s not that complicated. We obviously have different parents. But us two were meant to be. Yep, same birthday and all. The day we met. We just clicked. And here we are.” Serina answered.

  Followed by a, “ain’t nothin gonna bust us up!” Cin spoke followed by a wink directed at Serina.

  “A package deal then.” And he smiled. “I can see that. I think that’s pretty neat. I always wanted a brother or sister. And you two found each other. I like that.”

  “So, umm you two live around here or where y’all from?”

  “Not here but we ain’t too far off. We from Bayou Barataria in Jefferson Parish.” Cin had answered.

  “Ah bayou country, I hear it’s beautiful over there. I’ve always meant to check things out down there. Maybe I’ll have to take a drive one day. Maybe you two could show me around?” Gabriel spoke to both the girls but was looking at Serina.

  The way he looked at her made Serina uneasy. Mostly because she felt nothing. And it was clear he was interested in something she didn’t feel right giving. Not to him. She told herself she was just being silly. He had said friend. And Serina would make it clear that’s all they would be. She would leave no doubt. But she had promised Cin she would be nice, and he had given her no reason to be otherwise. So, she answered.

  “We’ll see. Maybe one day.” Serina made it a point to look ahead. This caused another elbow from Cin.

  “So ya not a bayou guy. From what cha sayin anyhow.” Cin spoke in a nice tone trying to lighten the mood. “So, where ya from then? If’n ya don’t mind me askin?”

  “No, no not at all.”

  “Not to terribly far from here. St. James Parish, in a little town close to the Mississippi River. So, no, not a bayou guy. But maybe a little bit of a river rat.” He paused briefly before continuing.

  “Come Christmas time you would love coming to see the bonfires. Me and my family go every year to welcome in Papa Noel. It’s beautiful
not anything like it anywhere I bet.”

  Cin elbowed her again. “Bonfires for Papa Noel?” Serina was proud of herself. It was actually a nice tone. Completely curious sounding. Maybe because she actually was curious.

  “Papa Noel. Simply what some folks call Santa around these parts. The bonfires are huge 30 plus feet all along the levees of the Mississippi lighting the way for Papa Noel to come Christmas Eve. It’s a huge celebration me and my family been a part of it since even before I was born.”

  “That actually sounds really cool. Cin and I just might have to take you up on that.” She was starting to lose some of the ice that had formed around her exterior. Her protective barrier one might say.

  They were back at their respective campsites now. Gabriel had walked them back to their patio area.

  “Well, I’m gonna go check on my parents see if they need me to do anything and drop off this stuff.” His head nodding next door. “You guys are welcome to come by. But we’re on for, later right? S’mores?” And held up the bag as he walked off.

  “Yep, we’ll be here. Just come on over when ya smell the fire.” Cin hollered back at him.

  “Well look at you girly. Bein all nice and stuff. I’m right proud of ya. Knew ya could do it.”

  “Well he seems really nice. And would be possibly a good friend. We’ll have to see.”

  Serina walked over to a nice fold out chair and plopped down. Cin was right behind her. Followed by the both of them propping their feet up on the round stone fire pit.

  Serina suddenly noticed how quiet it was and started looking around.

  “They not here. Rode with the neighbors to go get some firewood and trick or treat candy. They left a note on the table if’n ya want to go n get it.”

  Cin flipped down her sunglasses to the tip of her nose. “Nope he ain’t a comin over. Thinks it’ll be too pushy. Poor guy don’t know ya ain’t gonna even give him a smidge of a chance.”

  “Cin I can’t help...”

  “Rina, now I didn’t say that was a bad thing. And ya got nothin to be sorry for. Ya ain’t given that boy no reason to think otherwise. All ya been is honest. If’n he keeps a hopin that’s on him not you. Ya remember that Rina. All I said was to be nice. But not that nice. Just ain’t there for the two of ya. Shame nice guy. Real nice.”


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