Serina: Awakened

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by LH Bondi

  Joshua yeah that’s who I wanna see now. Sit there and watch him and Marsha. “Well you tell him I said hi. Ok.”

  “Ok.” Greyson added his little happy ego deflated a little.

  Waving goodbye Marsha took her brothers hand and began walking away.

  Feeling a little deflated herself she sat on the curb and remembered that time not so long ago when she had first met Joshua, Marsha, and Greyson. Seemed just a moment ago.

  Enough of that she thought to herself. And stretched out her feelings and there it was again. Just under the surface. Something wasn’t right here.

  Getting to her feet and putting a protective barrier around herself she began to walk towards the source of the strange feelings. Something compelling her to walk on. She was nervous, but her gut told her to go on.

  Serina began walking farther and farther. Finding herself at a path at the edge of some woods. She had never been in this part of Eden.

  She stopped at the edge of the woods hesitating for a moment she picked up her foot to take a step and a nervous quiver interned her gut. Then it became quiet. It seemed her gut was telling her she must go on and then at the same moment telling her danger was near. Her fingers sparked with electricity and she intensified the protection spell around herself. Throwing in a special stealth spell to quiet her walking.

  She walked deeper and deeper into the woods. The path becoming narrow and overgrown as if it hadn’t been used in a long time. There were vines along the path making her stumble now and again as they seemed to reach out to grab her feet. “Fussing at herself for her silliness after all the vines weren’t alive.” As she stumbled once more. She rolled her eyes as she thought, “well maybe they are.” The darkness was closing in as the woods grew thicker and dense. The branches seeming to twist the light out of every crack.

  Remembering a spell to help her see through times of darkness. Serina focused on her sight and inwardly felt the words come to her as she spoke them out loud. “*Nefries oculus nelforn.”*Her eyes were now alight with the fires of the night. She could see as clearly as it was day.

  Quite pleased with herself she walked on. When she came upon a clearing. It was a strange place and the presence she felt here made her skin crawl. Even though the trees were scarce no light shown in this evil place.

  Her whole body seemed to shake, and she took a step forward then another. As she walked a house came into view. It was an older looking home. Why hadn’t she seen it when she entered the clearing? She wondered. Where had it come from? The house came closer and closer drawing her in. She found herself behind a bush right outside a window as she saw movement. Her breathing stopped, and she realized it was the black mist. It was slinking around the grounds. Lurking as if it were on patrol.

  It crept closer and closer to her as if sensing something. It was inches from her when it suddenly stopped. A large Raif appeared at the edge of the clearing and within a blink it had entered the old home. The mist left, slinking away to greet its master.

  Serina exhaled and walked to another dirty old window pane. The glass was so old it wasn’t flat it was curved and wavy. This house was strange in its build she thought. Who would have built this and when? Peeking through the house she saw a man and once again her breath stopped. She knew him. She didn’t know where, but she knew him. The black mist surrounded him, and the man’s eyes turned black and glossed over he smiled revealing gnarled teeth. Then ran his tongue over his lips and laughed a bitter laugh that chilled Serina to her core.

  She felt a hand on her shoulder and jumped. She frowned,

  “Joshua, what are you doing here?” She whispered. Holding his hand over her mouth he pointed to the window.

  The man had obviously heard something outside and was walking to inspect what was going on outside the window. Seeing nothing a quizzical look crossed his features as he sent the black mist to investigate.

  Seeing this man up close it dawned on her where she had seen him before. Her house had shown him to her in a vision. She remembered him clearly now. He was the first Raif. She had seen him turn. Had seen him kill his own niece.

  “Oh my god. He was still alive.” She thought. Her eyes large. Her stomach lurched. Joshua wrapped her tightly in his arms. “Serina concentrate please. You must hide us. Serina, do you hear me?” He lightly shook her causing her to come back to the present.

  The cloaking spell began in her brain and she felt her power in her gut. The electricity shot through her body engulfing both her and Joshua in the nick of time. The thing slithered around them in all directions. Till its master called it back. It seems they were expecting someone. But Serina wasn’t waiting to see who or what.

  The stealth, cloaking and night vision spell once again in place the two made it quietly to the woods being extra careful and hoping not to run into whatever was coming to meet the man or better the thing he had become.

  After they had reached a safe distance from the creepy house they stopped and sat. Both letting out a huge gasp of air they had both been holding in.

  Once again breathing normally. “Joshua, what were you doing there?” Her eyes speaking more than words could say.

  “Me, what was I doing there. I followed you. What were you doing there? That forest is forbidden. Everyone knows not to go there.”

  Looking perplexed, “what did you follow me for?”

  “What did I follow you for? Is that a joke?” He looked angry. “Because I care about you Serina. Because I don’t want anything to happen to you!”

  She looked puzzled. “You don’t need to do that. I can take care of myself, really, I can. I’m not some helpless little girl you know.”

  “I know that. Don’t you think I know you aren’t helpless?” He ran his fingers through his hair in more of an effort to think than it had any grooming intentions. “Look, maybe I can’t be there for you like I want out there in your world. Maybe I can’t carry you after you fall off a bike. Or be there to bring you things. But here. Here I can be there I can try to keep you safe.” The anger was gone now replaced by concern. “Don’t ask me to stop. Please, because I don’t think I can.”

  She was confused. Serina knew he was there when she had wrecked her bike. Knew he had been at the dance. All out of friendly concern. She didn’t quite know what to say.

  “If it makes you feel better.” Then she saw his anger again. That was the last thing she wanted. She was truly tired from the anger and the last thing she wanted right now was a fight. Changing her tone, she spoke.

  “Joshua,” and she reached out touching his hand. “What I mean is thank you for caring.” Their eyes met.

  “I will always care for you Serina, always.”

  She could see it in his eyes. He meant every word. And her heart sank a little as she heard Marsha’s words that he thought of himself as her brother.

  Not able to meet his gaze any longer she looked away. And their hands fell apart as he loosened his grip.

  She stood and started walking again. Only a second or two passed and he was right along beside her.

  “Joshua, have you ever seen that place or that man?”

  “No neither, and I thought I knew about everyone here in these parts.”

  They walked a few more steps and Joshua asked, “what made you go in there anyway? Everyone knows that place isn’t right. It’s located on the boundaries of Eden. Some say it just showed up one day and it fades in and out as if not quite knowing where it belongs. Folks for the most part just decided to leave it be. Things stay in there, and we stay out here.”

  “I don’t know. Something called me in there. My gut told me to go.”

  Serina paused. “I still think there is something I need to find out about that place. As evil as it seems. I might sound crazy, but I felt goodness from the house. Like it had something it wanted to tell something it wanted to show me.” Glancing sideways. “But for some reason.” And she bumped into him a little. “I didn’t get to finish.”

  Smiling at her playfulness he
bumped her back. “Well, in my opinion, you shouldn’t have been there anyway.”

  Returning his smile, she answered, “it’s my job, Joshua.”

  “Yeah, well mine is to keep you safe.”

  “Who says it’s your job?”

  “Me, I say. That, and I promised you grandmother.” And he met her gaze once more. “It’s a promise I intend to keep.”

  Those eyes. She could stare into them forever when he looked at her like that. “Friends” she heard whispered in the back of her head. She turned and began walking once more.

  They walked the rest of the short walk in silence. Till they made it to the port key.

  “Going back so soon?” He asked. She could swear she saw hope in his eyes. Hope that he wanted her to stay.

  “Yeah, it’s been a long weekend and an interesting day to say the least.” She looked down.

  “Joshua?” She almost asked what he felt for her. Almost. Then looked towards the playground. And thought of Marsha and Greyson. No, it had to be his decision.


  “Thank you for being there. It was nice not being alone in there.”

  “I’ll always be there for you Serina. Never forget that.” Reaching out he grabbed her hand holding her on the brink of pulling her to him. She could feel her body gravitating to him. And she stopped. She wouldn’t do this to herself today.

  Nodding she began to open the portal.

  “Hey, maybe next time we could have a picnic or something. Maybe by the mirror pond your grandma showed me?”

  He was trying so hard to be nice. To be her friend. And if that’s all it was going to be then she would cherish every moment. “I’d love that.”

  She walked through the portal. The last thing she saw was his hopeful eyes staring into hers. Then Marsha walking towards him in the background.

  Chapter 19

  Holiday Blessings

  It had been a while since Serina had seen Joshua. There was no doubt she had checked the boundaries. Luckily whatever was going on there was keeping at bay. But at times she still thought about that house. Something nagging at her that the house wanted to show her. And she would return to that house, she would. She just needed a little distance from Joshua. Just for the time being.

  Cin had called earlier and was on her way over. Serina had put on her bathing suit and was waiting in the mineral bath. She was sitting on a bench deep in thought. Worried with Eden and the whole situation and hoping that whatever was happening her and Cin could handle it. And of course, she began thinking of Joshua. Wondering if he had been thinking of her. Suddenly her phone made a sound. Smiling she figured it was Cin.

  “Nope, not me girly. It’s ya other man.” Cin was there already in the water walking towards the bench.

  Frowning more out of curiosity. I picked up my phone. Then rolled my eyes. It was a text from Gabriel. How in the world could I have forgotten about that? “Me and you were supposed to meet him at the theater.” I spoke biting my lower lip.

  “I completely forgot.” She looked down at her phone. Then back at Cin. “I’m a horrible person. I just said we would go because he kept asking. And I got tired of not trying to blow him off.”

  Cin said nothing. Just sat there relaxed and breathing deep with her eyes closed.

  Elbowing her she opened one eye and spoke. “What?”

  My voice raising slightly. “That’s it ‘what’ that’s all you have to say to me!? No, no Rina. You aren’t a bad person. It just slipped your mind. You were just being nice. And besides you have so much on your mind.”

  Never moving Cin simply closed her eye and answered. “Nope, I’m not gonna tell ya that. Cause ya are a bad person for tellin that boy ya was a gonna go. When the whole darn time ya never intended to.”

  “Now Cin. I would never have done that.”

  “Rina, look who ya tryin to fool girly. Nah, ya maybe didn’t do it on purpose exactly. But still you and I both know ya were never a gonna show.” Cin stopped and sat up looking me in the eye. “And right now, ya stallin tellin the boy ya forgot.”

  Looking down quite ashamed of myself. “Your right.”

  I spoke picking up my phone to call Gabriel at least I was doing the honorable thing and calling. Not doing the back out text.

  Scrolling through the contacts list searching till I found his name. Sighing deep I touched the call button. The dreaded ringing started. I guess a part of me still hoped maybe he wasn’t getting signal. Or maybe his phone was turned off. One ring, two, three. Oh, my heart started racing. Then I started hoping for voicemail. The next moment he answered. The next my stomach knotted.

  “Hey Serina, ya’ll on your way?”

  Looking down in complete and total shame. She took a deep breath and decided to just say it and get it over.

  “Gabriel, I’m so sorry. I’m not gonna lie to you. So, I’m just gonna tell you.” She paused for a split second. “Gabriel, again I’m sorry, but I forgot.”

  The phone was quiet for a minute. Then he spoke his voice still happy with a touch of sadness. “Nah, it’s ok. Look at least you didn’t lie to me and tell me some story about someone’s sick or something. So, hey. We’ll just do it some other time. K?”

  “Sure Gabriel, some other time.” She looked at Cin who was still laying there. Some help she was. An uncomfortable silence was there on this phone and she could think of nothing to say save one thing. She couldn’t help herself. The guilt was killing her. “Hey, I tell you what.”

  Suddenly Cin sat up shaking her head NO! And mouthed ‘don’t do it!’

  But I had already started and didn’t know how to get out of it without finishing. “Would you like to come here for Thanksgiving dinner? Cin and her family are coming over and you haven’t lived till you’ve ate Aunt Viv’s cooking.”

  “I would love too!” He sounded so happy. But me I was just mad I hadn’t just let it go.

  “Just text me your address and the time. And I’ll be there.”

  “Ummm, sure. Will do.”

  “Talk to you later, k.” Oh my god. I thought to myself. Then added quickly. “Friends are always welcome.”

  He had hung up though, so I wasn’t sure he had heard that last part.”

  Putting my phone down. I covered my face with my hands.

  “Girly, only you can get outta one bad thang and end up even worse.” And she laughed at me. Not a true laugh, but one that said ‘ha ha, better you than me. One of those laughs.

  Uncovering my face, I pushed her off the bench into the water. Coming up for air Cin splashed me good.

  “Oh god Cin, why did I just do that?”

  “Cause ya to darn nice for ya own good.” She hopped back on the bench. “Well, Thursday should prove intrestin.”

  Cin elbowed me and I put my head on her shoulder.

  The next few days went by relatively fast. Me and Cin always together. Making plans or studying spells. Either here or at granny’s shop in town or at the houseboat. Cin’s parents were coming in for the holiday, but still weren’t home and so some time had also been spent hanging out on the massive back deck at her home. It was really peaceful there. Watching the wind blowing the spanish moss in the trees. The water lapping up against the dock. And Annie the housekeeper always made sure there was plenty of fresh snacks and homemade lemonade. I have to admit Annie’s lemonade was delicious.

  Besides a part of me really liked being there. Cell service was bad and so not so many texts from Gabriel. Who was still determined to come for Thanksgiving dinner. I had even asked him twice if he was sure his family wouldn’t mind him coming over. To which he had emphatically replied both times that he would spend late evening with them.

  He really wasn’t blowing up my phone or anything. But I had never been one to text or talk on the phone much. It just wasn’t my thing. Just being by myself or with Cin. That was how I liked things. Another one of my quirks I supposed.

  It was Thanksgiving and Aunt Viv was all in a tizzy she had been preparing thi
s meal for a week straight. And today the kitchen was strictly off limits. Unless she specifically asked for help. Which of course my dad ignored completely. Getting Aunt Viv all worked up was one of his joys in life. I would swear by it. Watching Aunt Viv get the last word every time was everyone else’s.

  This time she had gotten him good. Knowing he wouldn’t be able to resist the deserts she had made. A particular chocolate pie had a very special ingredient. Nothing that would hurt him just a simple swelling potion that wouldn’t last too terribly long. When my dad emerged from the kitchen his bottom lip was the size of his thumb.

  “He walked out laughing. “Should have known better. When she offered a piece.” As he spoke drool rolled down his lip and he wiped it up with a napkin. The words spoken brokenly, sounding like someone who had just returned from the dentist. After one of those numbing shots where you couldn’t feel half of your face.

  After about thirty minutes his lip was back to normal. Just in time for Cin and her family to arrive. Our families were meeting for the first time. And I had to admit I was a little curious about the parents that had raised Cin. Granny had arrived earlier and had found her way into the kitchen. Aunt Viv for once actually seemed grateful for the help. But of course, she would never have admitted it.

  Cin introduced her mom Dauphine and her dad George. Her mom looked a lot like Cin she was tiny and short with a small pretty pixie face that seemed ageless. Her dress was very classy modern and Serina could tell straight off the lady loved her accessories. And it looked good. Big chunky gold bracelets and a thick gold choker accented a beautiful lemon colored Maxie dress that made the lady’s figure stand out. The fabric light and airy flowing free in the humid Louisiana heat.

  Her dad looked like someone that had stepped straight off the plane from the tropics. A button-down shirt with large yellow flowers. And khaki shorts. He had finished the look with loafers. While Serina thought he seemed a very nice man. She couldn’t help but think ‘thank goodness Cin got her pretty looks from her mom.’

  A short while later Gabriel made it. The look on his face stunned as he drove up and still more so as he entered my home. “Wow!” Was all he said as he entered the front doorway.


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