Heart Ripper

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Heart Ripper Page 6

by K. A. Merikan

  Raja was already at the end of the row of bikes in front of the building, by a Harley painted in black and white flames. David took a deep breath of air that had a faint scent of gasoline before choosing his most confident gait and heading Raja’s way.

  The man stiffened but then slouched and finally met David’s gaze. “Hey.”

  David looked back at the door to make sure they were alone. “Hey.” He came closer, desperately trying to remember all the witty lines he’d come up with in the last hour. “I just wanted to clear up some things between us,” he said, proud of how confident that came out.

  Raja exhaled deeply, which only made the dark blue fabric slide against his amazing chest. His eyes moved left and right, assessing their surroundings. “Not here,” he said in the end and walked right past David, along the side of the clubhouse.

  David trailed behind in silence, unable to tear his eyes away from Raja’s silhouette, his wide shoulders, his muscular arms... his ass, which hypnotized David with its casual sway. He didn’t even notice when they reached an old shed made of metal sheets. Raja opened the door and gestured inside without looking at David.

  So maybe this wasn’t the most glamorous place for a conversation, but it had to do. David pouted at the dirty tools on the wall, displayed as if they were pieces of modern art. He put his bag on the counter and looked around for a light switch. It was stuffy inside, but he stopped thinking about it the moment Raja closed the door and turned toward him. He slowly leaned against the wall and crossed his arms on his chest.

  “I didn’t know you were his brother.”

  David swallowed, now unsure if there was even a light switch in this old shed, or if they were stuck with the rays of sunlight coming through the dusty blinds. “That’s fine. Hunter has nothing to do with this. And I’m assuming you wouldn’t tell him what happened.”

  Raja looked out the window, showing off his strong profile. “Of course not. I would have never done this to him if I knew.”

  That was what mattered? What Hunter thought of this? “Well, that’s fine, because I shouldn’t have done it either. You see this?” David pointed to his fingers. “It’s my purity ring. And I’m wearing it, because what happened didn’t count.” It felt so good to get that off his chest.

  Raja frowned, but when a sharp chuckle left his lips, he covered them with his palm. “Sure. I bet that’s why you’ve been messaging me.”

  “I only messaged you twice.” An emoji didn’t count. “I wanted to clear the air.”

  “If neither of us wants to hook up again, then there’s nothing to clear,” said Raja, pushing his hands into his pockets. He was not allowed to look so cool and suave, as if he didn’t care at all about what David was saying.

  “Fine.” David crossed his arms on his chest. “But I need to know how big of a mistake I’ve made. Do you have any diseases I should know of?”

  The metal wall thumped when Raja rested more of his weight on it. His thick black eyebrows lowered over those smoky-looking eyes. “Come again? And think carefully about what you say.”

  David took a deep breath, suddenly out of words. “I mean… I’ve heard things about you, and I just… I need to know. I’ve never done anything like that, and I never will again, but I need to be safe.” The air in the shed seemed to be getting thicker by the second.

  Raja’s nostrils flared, and he stepped forward, his presence pushing David back. “Who have you told?”

  David raised his hands, unable to tear his eyes away from Raja despite the nervous atmosphere. He’d masturbated to fantasies of the guy more than he could count. And he tried not to, he really did, but every time he started off thinking of girls, he’d always end up on his knees in front of Raja’s thick cock.

  “No one, I swear! I don’t want anyone to know either. Especially that I’ve got the ring, and I’m waiting until marriage, and I’m not even gay anyway.”

  Raja squinted at him. “You’re so fucking sad, kid. No straight guy sucks cock like you did. You even wanted to swallow.”

  The heat of the shed was getting too much. It had to be the metal absorbing warmth and turning the space into a giant natural microwave. “That is so not true. You just barged in there, didn’t give me time to think.”

  “Of course I did,” said Raja, with a smirk tugging at the corner of his mouth, but none of that playfulness was present in his dark eyes. “That’s what we, the gays, do to good God-fearing boys. You just cannot protect yourself from such mindless violence.”

  David sucked his lips in and looked down at his purity ring, hoping it would give him strength, as if it could create a magnetic field to push away all the sizzling electricity Raja was sending his way. “Well… yeah. Kinda. I wasn’t seeking it out.”

  Raja moved closer, and for each step he took forward, David took one back, until his ass pressed against a table and Raja leaned over him, placing his hands on both sides of David’s hips.

  David’s senses were flooded with the intoxicating mixture of fresh cologne and a musk that was bound to be Raja’s own. Either way, David’s head spun, and he was losing the ability to form coherent sentences.

  “What was it that you heard about me, and who said it?” Raja whispered, breathing on David’s forehead.

  David swallowed, overwhelmed by the unexpected closeness. They were almost touching. Raja’s chest was almost pressing against his. Raja’s hips were almost pushing into his. David hated the word ‘almost’.

  “I heard you sleep around a lot,” David muttered, trying not to say the word ‘manwhore’.

  Raja smirked. “That’s correct.”

  David’s heart started thudding so loudly he couldn’t hear his own thoughts, and his brain wasn’t working correctly, because all he could imagine was Raja fucking faceless, hot male bodies. One of those bodies wasn’t faceless though. It was his.

  “That’s so crude,” David uttered.

  “And why is that?” asked Raja, distracting David with the heat of his body. He was right there, so close David could bury his face in that soft beard if he wanted to.

  “Because it’s dirty.” Raja definitely wasn’t though. His cologne smelled fresh and whispered to David in invitation.

  “You think? I remember you being very tasty and clean back at Hunter’s,” whispered Raja, lowering himself to David.

  David’s eyes went wide when they met Raja’s piercing dark gaze. Too close. Nowhere to run. He put his hands on the table behind him, just to make sure they wouldn’t wander to Raja when David wasn’t paying attention. “What can you even remember if you do it all the time, with anyone.”

  Raja snorted. “You’re such a little judgmental prick. Maybe you should get off your high horse for once, because you sucked my cock, and you loved it.”

  David licked his lips. This was not how he’d planned this conversation to go. “I was confused, but I’ve had the time to think it through.” He had to gasp, because there was no other way for him to breathe.

  Raja leaned closer, and his nose brushed over David’s cheek. His beard smelled of something fresh but earthy, and once David got a single whiff of it, he was rendered speechless.

  “There is no time to think. Ever,” whispered Raja, and the heat of his soft lips opened up to David.

  Time stood still, and all his conviction went out the window. David’s hands traveled to Raja’s strong shoulders on their own accord, and his lips didn’t just part in invitation. No, he leaned forward and pleaded for more with his tongue. Logical thinking didn’t even exist in him anymore, he was completely overpowered by a primal need.

  The guttural sound that came from the depths of Raja’s chest sent sparks all over David’s body. He didn’t know when, but Raja’s arms were around him, fingers gently spiraling over his skin as they kissed. Raja’s facial hair was as soft as David remembered, and it tickled his face during the kiss, spurring even more sensations.

  Raja’s body pressed against him was so incredibly solid, and the kiss became frantic once
David realized just how different it felt from the few fumbly kisses he’d shared with girls. Raja was the gas for his fire. Breathing seemed like a chore when all he wanted to do forever was just kiss kiss kiss. The hot tongue knew exactly how to pleasure David’s mouth, and no matter how much shame it brought him, there was no denying that his hard-on was pressing against Raja’s thigh.

  Raja pulling away was physically painful, as it left David with swollen lips and a throbbing cock waking up in his pants.

  Raja licked his lips, watching David for a few seconds before he spoke. “If you’re afraid of ‘diseases’, ask the guy to pull out of your mouth as he comes, or better yet—use condoms. Because it’s gonna be a guy, and you’re gonna be on the receiving end of things. Stop lying to yourself.”

  David opened his lips in shock, and then closed them again, only to repeat the cycle a few more times. His hands still tingled with Raja’s body heat, and he stared, not sure if he should cry or run. So the kiss was just to prove a point? A kiss like that?

  The giant oven of a shed was boiling David alive. Nothing was going as planned. Nothing. “You are so wrong,” he whined and pulled his hands into fists, humiliated by his still hard dick. It sensed Raja and just wouldn’t stay down.

  “I just proved you wrong, little boy. I suggest you make peace with your needs as soon as possible, because that ring of yours is ridiculous.”

  David grabbed his bag and pushed at Raja’s chest, confused that it only felt nice to touch him again. “It isn’t. It’s a commitment. It’s saved for someone special, someone I care for, not a filthy encounter in a bathroom. It means something. And you’re the one who’s wrong actually. There are facilities where I can be helped with my… feelings. I’m just not ready to go, but it looks like I’ll have to, because it’s spinning out of control.”

  Raja’s jaw clenched. “What facilities?”

  “There’s even something like a summer camp where I would go for a few months, do therapy, and not be a pervert anymore. There’s lots of people who have succeeded.” David took a deep breath, but it didn’t help him calm down. The kiss with Raja felt more real than anything before. The only thing in focus in a sea of blur.

  Raja pulled away. “You’re shitting me! I get it that you’re young and stupid, but this is just beyond! Of course they tell everyone it works. That’s how they earn money.”

  David crossed his arms on his chest, relieved that at least his erection was slowly going away. “And how would you know anything about that?”

  There was a short pause in the conversation, as if David had finally managed to show Raja the error in his argument, but Raja growled and looked straight into David’s eyes.

  “I’ve been to one.” He turned around and stormed out, shutting the door with a loud clang of metal.

  David watched the door, unsure if he’d heard that correctly. His brain was a fuzzy mess of confused questions, but one thought did stick out. If Raja had been to one, it clearly hadn’t helped him be less gay.

  The conversion therapy didn’t seem like such a good idea all of a sudden.

  David touched his lips, knowing that he needed to forget that kiss he’d been tricked into.

  Abstinence. That was the answer. And since Raja didn’t want to have anything to do with his friend’s brother, it looked like abstinence wouldn't be that hard to maintain.

  Chapter 7

  Raja slipped out of bed and pulled out a few tissues from the box to clean himself. He dumped them along with the condom into a small metal bin nearby and picked up his jeans from the floor. His flesh buzzed with a satisfaction that made him feel as if there was a layer of marshmallows just beneath his skin. His head was light, his throat dry, and his back still sweaty. He’d shower once he got home.

  The handsome blond guy looked up at Raja from the bed with a lazy grin. “Fuck, you’re hot…”

  Raja smirked but quickly pulled his pants on, not wanting to overstay this hookup. He hated waking up in a bed he didn’t know, and the awkwardness of fighting over who showered first, being forced to talk over breakfast, was just beyond him. If he left soon, he’d have fond memories.

  The guy sat up in the bed, and for a moment he did make Raja pause. Tom, or Peter, since Raja wasn’t sure, was quite the hunk. Big, nicely muscular, and a bottom boy with a great ass to top it off.

  “You wanna stay and get some pizza? I wouldn’t mind doing this again in a few hours.”

  The smile froze on Raja’s lips. It was time to abort his stay here. What did this guy think this was? They hadn’t arranged for anything but a fuck, and Raja was waiting for an answer from the Detroit chapter anyway. He didn’t have the whole night. With his own club being so small, and with both the chapters having a joint operation going, he didn’t want to leave the area at a time that could possibly be crucial.

  “I have places to be.”

  “Like a party? Can I come?” The guy’s smile widened, and it seemed he wasn’t taking the hint. He walked up to Raja in all his naked glory.

  Raja turned around and stood his ground. “Hand me the top?” he asked, ignoring the question.

  The guy sighed and reached for Raja’s tank top. “Oh, come on…” But then he frowned. “Is it like, a cultural thing? Do you live with your parents?”

  Raja sighed and took the garment out of the guy’s hand, quickly pulling it on. It was definitely a cultural thing, but not the way Peter/Tom probably imagined. “I don’t think it’s your kind of crowd.”

  “You could try me, and you might be surprised.” The guy grinned and put his hands on Raja’s shoulders. “I’ve seen a few Bollywood movies.” He swayed his hips and moved one of his hands in what had to be his impression of an Indian dancer.

  This time, Raja didn’t even bother to pretend he was still smiling. “I’ve not seen a single Indian movie in my life.” In fact, he made a point of not seeing one. He made sure he was as far from the stereotype of an Indian guy as possible. The last thing he needed was assholes who thought they knew everything about him just because of his skin color. He even got tattoos of all sorts of Americana to drive that message home. At least his biker friends got the point. After he’d smashed the face of a guy who tried to put a bindi on Raja’s forehead, the topic had died.

  The guy put his hands up and rolled his eyes. “Okay, okay, jeez. You wanna do this again?”

  Raja’s mind drifted back to that bubble butt enveloping his cock just moments ago. “Sure. I’ll call you when I’m back in Detroit,” he said in the end, adding a bit of a smile for good measure. Peter/Tom wasn’t the only Detroit-based hookup on his list, but it never hurt to have backup plans.

  The man leaned in for a kiss, pushing his fingers into Raja’s beard, and even though he seemed passionate, it felt different to the fumbly kiss that had been on Raja’s mind for a few days now.

  David had been so clumsy at the beginning, clearly unsure how to work his tongue as he pushed into Raja’s arms in the heat of the old workshop. Drawn like a kitten to the sunshine. It had likely been his first real kiss, and Raja would occasionally let his mind drift to the soft lips and sweet breath. Such a cute boy.

  Raja had stormed off, not wanting to keep talking, but now that David’s questions weren’t an immediate danger, he wondered whether David had reconsidered his plans. Would he still want therapy after what Raja told him? Maybe Raja had been a bit harsh, but the little Bible basher had stepped out of line.

  Tom/Peter’s naked body pushing into his arms as they kissed was pleasant, there was no denying that. Having all that male flesh to grab would make Raja stay those few minutes longer. But he knew it was time to go. If he stayed, the guy would probably start talking about something else than Raja’s body and his dick. If there was something Raja didn’t need in his life, it was yet another sob story of a man who got a shot of endorphins and now felt somehow close to the hookup who’d plowed his ass moments ago. He didn’t need any more unnecessary baggage. Bikers were easy, frank, honest when needed, and spars
e in words. They didn’t ask questions that could bring back unwanted memories.

  The guy pulled away with a long sigh. “Thanks for a great fuck.” He stretched, as if he wanted to show off once more, and walked Raja to the door.

  Raja rubbed his pec and winked before walking off down the corridor. He didn’t look back, and as soon as he turned into the staircase, relief relaxed his body. He wished there was a ‘really no strings attached’ filter on Grindr.

  He left the building and walked through the parking lot in front of it, all the way to his bike. It was a quiet night, the air smelled of wet grass, and the distant buzz of traffic was a welcome white noise to calm him down after the unpleasant ending of the night.

  Raja didn’t mount his ride yet, and instead sat on a low concrete fence next to it.

  He still wasn’t sure if leaving Toledo for so long was a good idea, but he’d made his decision, and he would stick to it. Being the club president had been much easier in his fantasies. He never thought he’d actually be chosen. Back when their chapter was still Rabid Hogs MC, he was fighting tooth and nail with some of the older members, just to keep his position as a full patch. Racist fucks were always on his case, and he didn’t even dare come out about being gay. Spin had been like some fucked-up biker fairy godfather to have his back.

  Raja smiled, remembering the time he first met Spin. It was at a diner outside Toledo, and it had been a rough night for Raja. Spin happened to be there on a surveillance job and invited Raja to have breakfast with him. The rest was history, and it was hard to imagine now what turn Raja’s life could have taken if it weren’t for that chance encounter years ago. Spin hadn’t wanted to know much about Raja even on that first day, at least not about who he was. The man lived completely in the present, something Raja had immediately taken a liking to. It had to be what made Spin so youthful despite his age.

  As Raja scrolled through the contacts on his phone, he inadvertently stopped at David’s number. Unlike Raja, David did not have a mentor figure that could lead him away from a destructive path. Not that Raja wanted to be some lost boy’s mentor, but he could imagine himself teaching David a thing or two. He snorted at the fantasy of coaching David into dating after giving the boy extensive blowjob practice. David had to get ready for the outside world after all. What if he met his prince charming and failed at giving head, ruining his chances with the man of his life? It was Raja’s duty to help him out.


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