Church Boys

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Church Boys Page 4

by Ronnie

  "Yeah it's great, but it's just one more thing that'll make it all perfect...."




  "Aaron, I love you so much, when we met in church I knew you were special! I want to share my life with you, we can't move into this house unless you be my right here right now....will you marry me?" 

  "YESSSSSSSSS I LOVE YOU YESSSS! I yelled out so loud 

  Then Bryson put the ring on my finger, and we both sealed it with such a long kiss! I CANT BELIVE THE BOY WHO I MET IN CHURCH 2 YEARS AGO WAS GONNA BE MY HUSBAND!!!

  Chapter 9: Ten Years Later…..

  March 25th, 2017

  OMG TIME REALLY FLEW BY!! Me an Bryson have been officially married for 10 years. We got married on the coast of Cape Cod, and our honeymoon was just amazing, I was GETTIN DICK ON THE DAILY, and I was looking forward to our life, I saw it like a lifelong sleepover with my best friend an lover!!!  Every year we gotten better and better, Bryson had his construction job and he was a joint partner with some big developer in NYC, and then lil ol me....After that big break at Covertoons I was Partner permanently and I helped make cartoons for PBS,  which was a huge accomplishment! There were some bumps in the road tho, difficult things happened such as Bryson's parents both split up back in 09, and then I had a lil health scare when I found out I had Chrons Disease.....I had to get a surgery and be on tough medications but Bryson was there thru everything! I took every moment we had as something special, like every anniversary we travel some place exotic like Peru, Egypt or Paris, and we even thought about having kids thru a surrogate but with our busy lives we decided to get like 2 Siberian huskies and a pet hamster lol, THOSE WERE OUR KIDS! And how can I forget our house....the same place Bryson proposed to me and where we cuddle every winter around the fireplace, invited Erica from the old school days (she actually had a longtime girlfriend) an we got to connect and we kept in touch ever since...things were going good one day until Bryson recommended we do something that was very hard but had to be done.....go back down south and tell our parents about our relationship!

  "Babe I know you aren't really keen on doin this but we been hiding it the best we can, it's time to let them know!" Said Bryson

  "I don't know, I mean do really need to tell them, and go off on like when they caught us years ago!"

  "Well whether they accept it or not we gotta get this load off our chest!" Said Bryson 

  We been kinda playing our folks throughout the years telling them stupid shit like "oh I'm dating here an there but still single" or "I'm too busy to get married" but we never came out and told them about our marriage or our lives, how we kept it up especially around holidays I don't know but I was ready this time to revisit the past...

  The Weekend Before my Birthday....

  Me an Bryson packed our car for a lil trip to South Carolina, on the highway he held my hand throughout the trip and as I was looking out the window, I was getting flashbacks of when my parents found out about us, when they came for me an made the love between us feel like it was totally wrong. But whatever happens on this trip im ready to deal with it this time......

  We came back to Columbia our old town and a lot had changed, but one thing still remained untouched an that was the old church! The same church I was in most of my life, in almost every aspect, where I met the love of my life and where I almost got disowned too. Me and Bryson walked around church property and just reminiscing at some things, we just wondered......if being gay was such a bad thing then God wouldn't have let us experience love like this! After walking around church we went to my old house, which had been 10 years, and as I knocked on the door I was so nervous but I had to deal with it....

  "AARON....WHAT YOU DOIN HERE!" Mom shouted 

  "I wanted to see y'all it's been awhile!"

  "How your chrons? Is it getting better?" 

  "Hey son how you been?" Dad as he came in 

  "Everything's alright but mom, dad it's been a long time but I have to tell you something..."

  "What is it baby?" 

  Then Bryson came inside an stood next to me, we were both nervous, my parents hadn't seen Bryson in 10 years pretty much so they didn't know the man next to me! But I couldn't keep it in no longer....

  "Yall remember Bryson that boy from church, you know you caught us kissin years ago?"

  "Yeah....Aaron what's goin on who's this man?" Mom asked 

  "I'm Bryson, and 10 years ago me an Aaron here got married in New York," 


  "I always been gay.....I thought I was over him and then Joslyn came along but I couldn't help the way I feel about him.....DAD I LOVE HIM!!" I pleaded 

  Soon my dad just stared at me for like a minute I thought he was about to hit me but instead he just walked away and locked himself in his on the other wasn't exactly done with me,


  "Mom I wanted to tell you many times, but we knew it be like this and I didn't want you to hate me, that's why I didn't tell you!

  "I......I NEED A MINUTE!!" 

  Then my mom rushed into my old room an slammed the door, and after this moment my hear just kinda sank, Bryson saw my face like I was literally about to cry, I just felt so bad!!

  "Babe it'll be okay, don't cry," Bryson said tryna comfort me 

  "(Crying) I just.....feel so fuckin bad.....I just want them to understand how much I love you!!" 

  "Look I think we just gotta give them some time, C’mon I don't like seeing you like this it hurts!" Bryson pleaded 

  "Okay babe......"

  So Bryson took my teary eyed self to the car, and he gave me some tissue and then wrapped his arms around me...trying to comfort me, and we sat there just holding each other for like 10 minutes. We kinda got hungry so after that depressing moment we went to Randy's which was like my fav spot just up the road from the church, I had a coke float with whip cream my fav drink an some hot dogs, It put a smile on my face that was for sure! Bryson decided that maybe it would best if we left South Carolina for good since there was so much tension from our loved ones!

  "I’m sorry babe, I thought coming here for our anniversary would be like special but it made you cry and quite frankly I'm feelin kinda uncomfortable too,"

  "Well since we down here, you wanna go to Myrtle Beach like we did before, watch the waves and just sit in the together!" 

  "That sounds like an idea, it'll be better than dealing with this homophobia we walked into," 

  Our minds were practically made up at that point, and we decided to ditch town and head for the beach! But suddenly my mom walked in and she had somethin in her hand.....

  "Aaron I need to talk to you!"

  "Yeah what is it?" 

  "I was in your room an I just.....I was crying and lookin at your old stuff thinkin how much my child changed and then I found this picture of you Bryson together 12 years ago!"

  "Wow babe look it the pic this woman drew of us at that art festival, that was like our first date!" 

  "So you guys been together for that long?" 

  "Yeah, when my parents found out and I ran-away from home, damn they was angry! I joined the army and even tho we was apart for a long time I never stopped thinkin bout him....he got rid of his girlfriend for me!" Bryson explained 

  "Yeah an when we ran into each other in New York it was like the love never left.....we wanted to tell you all these years but I didn't wanna lose you,"

  "You guys really look good together, listen Aaron I been selfish, all those years in church we taught not to judge an here I am pushing you away because you're different.....IM SO SORRY!!" Cried my mom as she hugged me 

  "I love you mom!" I cried as I hugged back 

  "Bryson I'
m sorry, you seem to make Aaron very happy, and it'll take me awhile but I'm not gonna stand in y'all way!"

  And then at that moment I felt kinda closer to my mom, and then as she hugged Bryson too I felt like we were this big happy family, well not totally but we getting there.....but mom proposed that before we leave back to New York me an Bryson come to church service just one last time, my dad is now head preacher and speaks the word every third Sunday, and mom thought it would be the loving Christian thing to do by inviting me an my husband! We were kinda hesitant at first but we decided to let everybody know bout us!!

  Sunday Morning, OUR TENTH ANNIVERSARY.....

  It was our 10th anniversary omg!!! I been officially married to this man for 10 years! I couldn't believe it, after we had amazing anniversary sex....I mean mind blowing smashing!! We both got ready to go to church but only for a lil while before we have to go back to New York (before a lil stop on the beach tho). When we got to the church we saw mom in the front pew and as we sat behind her we didn't hold hands or nothin because we didn't want to attract attention. We watched my dad preach for like an hour or so and it was time to leave, when my mom got up and took the microphone,

  "Y'all I was just wanna say my son is back in town and he brought a special person with him..."

  Then my mom came to me an gave me the microphone, and that's when in front of all these church people told about our relationship...

  "Hi everyone you might remember me I'm pat son Aaron, I remember this church a lot, and it where 12 years ago I met somebody husband Bryson,"

  Then everybody in church just looked at us, soon me and Bryson walked up to the front an my dad stared at me from the podium, then my dad finally spoke....

  "Aaron an Bryson I just wanna say that I was wrong, the church says come as you are, and we welcome all who love the lord, an if I can let a crackhead in the ministry....I'll have more than enough room for my gay son!" Said my dad as he hugged me an Bryson 

  Then the church slowly clapped for us, and folks an friends started to come up to us! We felt the love in the room, and I soon didn't feel bad about my gayness anymore! Suddenly thru the crowd was a woman, IT WAS BRYSONS MOM, she hugged me an Bryson tightly and basically was emotional because she hadn't seen Bryson in so long....but she was glad he was happy and that's all that mattered!!

  After we hung out with a few church Friends for a while me an Bryson said goodbye to our parents and went to Myrtle Beach just like old times, we got there just in time for the sunset over the water and when me an Bryson looked out over the water, we held hands and just kissed.....didn't care who was lookin! And I couldn't believe the Rocky road that was our love....from teens to being split up by ignorance, to finding each other again and makin this fire burn as long as we I was lookin forward to forever with this amazing man!!



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