Just Me

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Just Me Page 6

by Lexy Timms

  In that moment, Katherine realized it was the happiest, and most excited she had ever been. What many women took for granted, a simple girl’s night out, was the most exciting thing she had done in months. Her neighborhood seemed to get better every day, and she’d made a friend at her new job who doubled as the perfect tour guide.

  Feeling like a tourist in a new world, Katherine reached for the ripest tomatoes, quickly filling a bag. Suddenly, the hairs on her arm stood, her heart fluttering as if something was wrong. It was an uneasiness that could sneak up on her at the drop of the dime. While it was usually all in her mind, Katherine just knew she could feel someone watching her.

  Glancing over her right shoulder, she was relieved to see nothing unusual. It was what was over her left shoulder that took her breath away.

  “Hello,” he said, his voice as smooth as chocolate. It was the man who had first come into her job, ordering a dozen pastries. He was so blunt when he first approached her, and then again at the gym, he had asked to take her out like it was a formality.

  With the memory of their last encounter, her tongue felt heavy and thicker than usual in her mouth. His deep green eyes glanced over her body in one subtle look and Katherine felt weak. He was confident, but still relatable.

  She could read softness in his eyes, but life had taught her that it meant nothing. Still, her breath was rushed looking over his body as he smiled back at her, the same dangerous smile that had plagued her thoughts. Words evaded her as she watched him run his manicured nails through his thick, dark hair. She could tell he took care of himself and was a type of man who was used to getting his way. She was at a loss for words, left staring as the bag of tomatoes slipped from her hand, spilling all over the ground.

  Chapter Eight


  BENJAMIN WATCHED WITH interest as the brunette woman he’d been lusting about knelt quickly to pick up each tomato from the floor. She was flustered from the sight of him, which he took as a good sign. After the way she had rejected him at the gym, he had feared he was losing his way with women. But the look on her face when her eyes had landed on him was all the indication he needed to know that she was most certainly affected.

  “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to startle you,” he started, hoping this would be a lengthier conversation than their last interaction.

  “No-no, it’s not your fault,” she said, so softly Benjamin had to lean in to make out her words. Never did she look up to him, focusing more on the task than him.

  “I was just shocked to see you again. You remember me, don’t you?” Benjamin asked, with a tone that commanded her attention.

  Those blue eyes were more remarkable every time he saw them. Filled with curiosity and a dangerous emotion he couldn’t exactly place, Ben felt he could get lost in her beauty, delving deep into the rich blue of her eyes.

  “Yes. From the gym,” she admitted after a long pause, turning away as she stood.

  “Yes, from the gym. My name is Benjamin,” he extended his hand. She watched him closely, with a look of concern that made Ben slightly uneasy.

  He couldn’t begin to understand why she was so resistant to him. Nothing seemed to come easy with this woman who wanted nothing to do with him. She forced him to work for every inch, but in a torturous way, he enjoyed the fun of it all.

  She shook his hand and in that instant, knew that everything he’d felt had been real. There was an electricity between them, and her skin was the softest he had ever felt in in his life.

  “Katherine,” she finally offered, a hint of a smile on her lips.

  Benjamin allowed her name to roll of his tongue twice, enjoying the sweet taste as he stared deep into her eyes. There was something about her that left him longing for more. Still standing in front of each other, surrounded by shoppers, and he already missed her. It was strange, something he had never experienced in his life.

  “You have to let me take you out,” Benjamin said, hating the desperation in his tone. He needed more time with her, and he could see she wasn’t much more interested than she had been at the gym.

  She shifted her weight nervously from one foot to the other as she glanced over her shoulder as if waiting for someone to rescue her. Trying not to dominate the conversation, Ben waited silently for her to respond, pleading with his eyes for good news.

  “I don’t like to go out. I just moved here,” she explained, her words rushed and forced.

  “Well, you’ve got to eat. I mean, that’s why you’re here, right?” He holding his hands up as he looked around the market.

  Hendrick’s was Ben’s favorite market. In fact, it was the only place he ever shopped for groceries. The owner was one of his premiere clients, so he made a point to stop by regularly to show his face. Unlike any other grocery store in the city, Hendrick’s only sold locally sourced products and donated a portion of the proceeds to the community.

  “Well, yeah,” Katherine finally answered, still looking over her shoulder.

  She was beyond timid, almost afraid, but Ben had no idea how to make her more comfortable. His charm usually made everyone lighten up. He was known for his charisma and likable personality, but whenever he was around Katherine, he felt out of his element.

  “So, how about you let me take you to dinner,” he suggested, trying hard to close the deal.

  His mind was already racing with ideas. Ben knew he wanted to take her to the finest restaurant in the city. She deserved caviar and high-end champagne, and he wanted to be the one who gave it to her. Something about her told him she was used to nice things, but that didn’t tame his desire to shower her with gifts in the least.

  She was watching him closely, twisting her lips as she tried to find the words to answer. If only he could explain that there was nothing for her to worry about, but instead he stood quiet, waiting for her response.

  “I just—” Katherine began, but her words faded. She was nervous, Ben could sense it, but this time he didn’t want to let her off the hook so easily.

  “I don’t give up easily, Katherine. If you keep turning me down, I’ll just have to keep asking. I don’t want to have to stalk you, but I’ll do what I must,” Ben smiled, shrugging his shoulders as he teased her.

  To his surprise, Katherine didn’t look the least bit amused. Her face went pale as her eyes widened with shock. Ben instantly knew that his joke had went left, but how could he fix it? Just when he started to stumble over his words, searching aimlessly for a way out of the awkward situation, a red-headed woman appeared out of nowhere.

  Ben recognized the familiar face from the bakery. She was the overzealous girl who had helped him when he stopped in to grab treats that day he was late for the meeting.

  “Hi! I’m Talia,” The red-haired woman announced herself enthusiastically, as she extended her hand to Ben.

  “Nice to meet you, Talia. I’m Ben,” he announced, glancing at Katherine as he spoke. She still looked uncomfortable, but her friend’s presence seemed to give her some relief.

  “Is everything okay here?” Talia asked, speaking more to Katherine than Ben.

  There was a long awkward pause before Katherine nodded, silently assuring her friend as the color returned to her face. He had blown it and felt awful, already planning ways to make it up to the blue-eyed beauty.

  “We were just getting ready for a girl’s night, Ben. You have some fun yourself, we’re going to get some wine.”

  “Allow me to help,” he quickly suggested, holding his arm up to lead the way towards the alcohol aisle.

  “Really?” Talia asked, surprised by his generous offering.

  “Yeah, let me show you my favorite wine,” Ben said, stealing glances at Katherine as the trio walked through the market together.

  She was much more relaxed, but it did little to calm the guilt and embarrassment he felt for the horrible way he had blown their conversation. Of all the thing you didn’t want to tell a prospective date, your intent to stalk them was undoubtedly at the top of the list.
  “Here it is. This is my favorite red. You can only get it at Hendrick’s, so I always make sure to get a few bottles every time I’m here,” Ben explained, as he held the bottle of wine up, offering it to Talia after Katherine refused to accept it.

  “Well, how much is it?” Talia asked, turning the bottle in circles as she searched for a price tag.

  “Oh, just go to the customer service counter. Tell them Benjamin sent you,” he smiled, hoping the kind gesture would go over well with Katherine. Unfortunately, she didn’t reward him with a smile, choosing instead to watch her friend Talia with amusement dancing on her pink lips.

  Talia went on and on about what types of wine she prefers and explaining the sales that Hendrick’s usually has. Ben was more focused on memorizing every detail of her face, like the small brown mole just above her left eyebrow.

  She was stunning, and Ben was happy to have the attention off of him so he could stare without apology. When Talia finally paused for a breath, Katherine turned to face him, and Ben felt the wind leave his lungs. It was a vulnerability he had never experienced before, and all from looking into her eyes.

  “It was nice to meet you, Katherine,” he extended his hand again, eager to feel the softness of her hand.

  “Same to you,” she offered a small smile this time, her voice still weak and unsure.

  “And you as well, Talia,” he turned his attention to the rambunctious redhead.

  “Thanks, Ben! Come by the bakery for another variety dozen,” she winked. He had wondered if the woman recognized him, and he was happy to learn that she had. Katherine was beginning to make him believe women didn’t notice him anymore.

  Walking away, he heard the giggles behind him and thought there might be a chance for him to salvage something with Katherine. While he was certain he had put his foot in his mouth, he knew there was still a chance to get her attention, in a good way.

  Careful not to be spotted, Ben watched Talia and Katherine from a distance as they went about their shopping before heading towards the checkout. He watched them complete their transaction before continuing to do the small shopping he came in for.

  While he might have been strolling through the pasta aisle, his mind was anywhere but on dinner. Rachel, his oldest friend and assistant, had gotten into his head with her accusations. All he could think was that he had in fact become too committed to work, leaving little to no time for anything else, and that maybe he had become the ‘boring tycoon’ she had alluded to.

  Success had never scared Benjamin, and everyone around him was fast to remark about how it had not changed him. Ben liked to think he was still in touch with normal society, despite the exceptional privileges his wealth afforded him.

  For the first time in his life, he felt different. When he was around Katherine, he felt like there was something wrong with him. Much more than nerves, he found it nearly impossible to spark a conversation with her, stumbling over words and embarrassing himself like never before.

  After deciding on a meal, Benjamin made his way to the checkout before heading home. He still had plans for work, which now made him feel guiltier. The more he thought of it, the more he had to admit that he never truly left the office, always bringing work home with him.

  Driving through the city, he began to wonder what a different life would look like. It had been so long since he shared his life with anyone, he questioned if he could even be a good boyfriend now. Pulling down his street, he had to laugh at the outrageous thoughts rushing through his mind.

  The way he had gone from finding a way to talk to a mysterious girl, to wondering about their compatibility was more than desperate. He was getting way ahead of himself, especially considering that Katherine had done everything she could to make it clear she wanted nothing to do with him.

  For now, he figured his best plan was to apologize formally. He would need to make a grand gesture if he had any chance to make things right with her and finally get the date he had been trying for. Somehow, he had to show her that he was just a normal guy worthy of her time. There was no way he could back down without a fight.

  Katherine had no idea who she was dealing with. The benefit to working so much was that Benjamin was an extremely good negotiator and masterful at cleaning up messes. All he had to do was apply the same skills that made him so successful in the board room, only this time it would be for Katherine. It was all for Katherine.

  Chapter Nine


  “THAT WAS DELICIOUS, Talia!” Katherine exclaimed after finishing her last bite.

  “Pesto is the easiest dish ever! I’ll write the recipe out for you,” Talia smiled, beaming with pride.

  The two women had shared a chicken pesto pasta, with salad and breadsticks. After unpacking the box marked with ‘kitchen’ in bold black marker, Talia began cooking while Katherine continued to unpack, organizing the cabinets with glasses and dinnerware.

  Katherine was finally feeling like her old self again, thanks in some ways to the wine. She had unwound a bit, pouring one glass after another until they had gone through two bottles of the expensive wine Ben recommended.

  “How about you just come over and make it whenever I order?” Katherine teased, laughing at her own joke as Talia joined in.

  “This is such a cute place, Katherine,” Talia admired, glancing around the small apartment.

  “Thanks. It’ll feel more like home once I get everything unpacked,” she giggled, before taking the last sip of her wine.

  “Yes, it’s time to get back on the job,” Talia decided, as she carefully placed their dirty dishes in the sink. Having taken a break for dinner, they had gotten pretty far behind on the unpacking.

  “How long have you worked at A Slice of Sicily?” Katherine asked. It was a basic question she’d wondered since her first day at the bakery, but for some reason had never asked.

  Being on the run, Katherine was always very secretive, unsure of who to trust. Her own secrecy had made her believe others wanted the same privacy. Luckily for her, Talia was an open book and appeared to have no problem with her prying.

  “Almost two-years now. Wow, I hadn’t even realized I was coming up on another anniversary,” she paused, excited about the upcoming milestone.

  “We’ll have to celebrate,” Katherine teased.

  “No, really. We always celebrate everyone’s anniversary—and birthdays!” She happily clapped her hands together like a child.

  “No way,” Katherine said, reaching for the third bottle of wine as she filled up both glasses.

  “You’re going to turn this into a slumber party if you don’t slow down with that wine,” Talia huffed.

  “You can’t walk home alone his late anyway,” Katherine sobered up, her fear coming to the forefront regardless of her alcohol intake.

  Walking alone was one of her greatest fears, but walking alone in the dark was the worst of the worst. Whenever she had the opportunity to walk with a friend, she would. And there was no way she could begin to imagine allowing Talia to walk home alone in the middle of the night after drinking so much wine.

  Talia tilted her head, watching Katherine closely as if she were trying to figure something out. Noticing her friend was serious, Talia relaxed her shoulders, moving closer to Katherine before pulling the two barstools up to the small island in the kitchen.

  “Okay, Mom, but I’m going to need to know why you’re so overly protective,” she smiled, sipping her wine.

  “What do you mean?” Katherine asked, instantly defensive.

  Of course she knew how ridiculous her routines and ways were, but because she went out of her way to hide her safety precautions, she thought no one knew. Talia had exposed the fact that she wasn’t doing the best job at pretending everything was okay. In fact, it only took a stranger a few days to put the pieces together that Katherine was worried about something, although her true secret—Tim—had remained hidden.

  “You know what I mean. And I don’t want you to think you have
to tell me your life story, because you don’t. It’s just—well, I can tell there’s something bothering you. It’s like a heavy cloud following you around. I saw it the first time you walked in the bakery, and I’ve been dying to help you ever since.”

  “Help me?” Katherine repeated the words, confused. How did Talia think she could possibly help her? Although she doubted her new friend would actually be able to help, the fact that she volunteered before even learning what kind of trouble she was in made her feel trustworthy.

  “You know, lighten the load. My mom used to be able to spot when something was troubling me. And I mean, she was good. It didn’t matter how hard I tried to hide it or pretend I as okay, she would know. She would ask if she could help carry the burden that was weighing me down, saying it would be lighter if we both took part of the load. I wanted to do that for you. Hell, I still do. But only if you’d like that. It can be hard keeping too much bottled in,” Talia reasoned, her eyes soft and caring.

  Katherine was shocked by Talia’s boldness. Not only did she know something was troubling her, but she wanted to address it and find a way to help. The wine was swirling in Katherine’s belly at a dangerous speed as her nerves began to get the best of her.

  She had never even come close to telling anyone about what happened with her and Tim, afraid of who they would tell or how they would look at her. The idea that she was a battered woman still bothered Katherine. She hated to think of herself as a victim, but Talia had made a good point.

  It could do Katherine no good to carry around all of the guilt and shame in addition to trying to stay away from the lunatic she had married. Everything about her life felt controlled, and every day the walls seemed to close in a little tighter. Could telling Talia relieve some of the pressure she was constantly living with? Katherine was silent as she tried to answer these questions for herself.

  After a long pause, Katherine spoke. “What do you want to know?”


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