Player Reached the Top. LitRPG Series. Book IV

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Player Reached the Top. LitRPG Series. Book IV Page 18

by Rick Scar

  “I think it’s a temporary effect. The thing inside that box… it’s a trickster. And it must have been saving the worst part for the moment when you – happily – look at your character stats. I’ll stay by your side until you can see again. Don’t worry. You can tell me about what happened if you like.”

  “Okay. Thanks. Your theory sounds a bit scary, but the bit about it being a trickster… I couldn’t agree more. That’s the best word to describe it.” Breathing deeply to calm down, she wrapped herself up in the fabric until a sudden realization dawned upon her. “Hey! Am I… am I naked?”

  “You were,” Raven corrected her. “You have a beautiful body. Or rather, your character does, I mean…”

  “It’s my real body,” she replied, blushing red with embarrassment. “Or… almost real. You know that your real appearance gets slightly modified by the system to match the selected race.”

  “Then my compliment goes directly to you.”

  “That’s not what I’m really worried about,” she said, slowly starting to seethe with rage.

  “Okay. Down to body…er… to business then. Sorry. Just a slip of tongue.”

  “Yes, of course,” she said in a disbelieving voice. “I know it wasn’t you who took my clothes off, but I really needed a distraction…It was really, really scary in there. No, ‘scary’ isn’t the right word… It was mind-numbingly terrifying. It was like my own personal torture chamber that played on all my secret desires and fears.

  “Did you see who was speaking to you?”

  “Course, I did. Right at the beginning… this thing asks you what you want. And then judges how difficult the task of granting the wish will be based on some obscure criteria of its own.”

  “Is that all? No other interaction with it?”

  “None at all.” She twitched her shoulders at the creepy memories, and then suddenly screamed, “Oh, my sight’s coming back! You were ri… AAAAH! Shit! Ugh. What the fuck is that?”

  Her reaction was quite understandable. The first thing she saw when her personal darkness dispersed was the pile of dead vermin. “Oh, man. You could’ve warned me!”

  “Sorry. It just didn’t occur to me. Can you see the menu?”

  “Yes, I can. My sight is fully restored. Now, let’s see…”

  She peered at the status window for a while until her eyes widened in shock. “My mana is… is… minus one million!”

  “Your mana? Is it that the only thing that’s gone?”

  “Just a moment. Lemme see… No. I’ve also lost my mana crystals and mana-restoring potions. And all mana-activated items.”

  “So, you’ve lost everything that used mana, or contained it. Looks like that thing took a million mana points as a kind of debt. By restoring your mana, you’ll gradually pay it off. But why the fuck would it need that much mana?”

  “Why should I know?”

  “Did you see anything weird? Maybe it told you something else?”

  “Sorry, but I was so creeped out I wasn’t paying any attention to it really. Maybe if I watch the recording… But, honestly, I’m not ready for that yet.”


  “No. Don’t even ask. It’s too personal.”

  “Okay.” Standing up, Will offered her a hand.

  “Thanks. I…” Reaching for his hand, she was taken aback by his next words.

  “Sorry for bringing it up so late. Give me the box, please.”

  “Wow, a gentleman indeed,” she snorted, but her attempt to shame him was shattered by his indifferent stare and unwavering hand.

  “The box. Please.”

  “Okay. Just a moment.”

  Taking the item, Raven extended his hand again, but before the smiling Elf could use it to stand, another sudden remark came, “You forgot the stone arm.”

  “Can we sort that out after you’ve helped me up?”

  Glancing to the sides and scratching his nose with his free hand, Will replied, “Sure. Welcome aboard.” He jerked her up to her feet and looked into her eyes. “Now, give me that stone.”

  “You’re really weird.” Handing him the item, Mystical Darkness smiled. “Nice doing business with you, anyway. I’ll watch the video a bit later, and message you about anything worth knowing about, so please don’t remove me as a friend.”

  “I won’t. I’m still waiting for the tomb’s coordinates.”

  “Course, you are.” Putting a wizarding robe on, she smiled again. “I’ll send them. Now I can see all the rumors about you are actually understatements. I’ve got to run. Bye, Number One.”

  The female player disappeared, leaving Will alone with the stone arm. It was small, its description virtually identical to that of the stone head that Daltaro had identified.

  Another step closer to re-uniting them.


  With 39 days remaining before the tournament, and his space tunnel nearing expiration, Will resumed leveling Hades up. He was going to tell the archer the good news once his pet reached the next evolution stage, but this process turned out to be much slower than he had anticipated. To reach the next evolution stage, the dog had to devour 2,000 bodies, which was a lot. After spending four days attempting to do this, Will revised his plan and headed for his floor.

  Chapter 224. Family Matters

  T he king’s arrival did not go unnoticed. Even before Will had acquired his Royal Blood skills, all the servants would bow down to him and all the guards would salute; but now the servants also gazed at him with so much admiration and awe that it actually made him uneasy. At least they’re not falling to their knees. That would interfere with their work.

  “Greetings, my king.” The captain looked relaxed; there were no bags under his eyes. “I have some good news.”

  “Hi Emin. You have no idea how happy I am to hear that.” Will shook the captain’s hand and followed him into the office as they had met in the hallway.

  After waiting for Will to sit down into the visitor’s armchair, Emin took his seat across the table and immediately got down to business: “The first piece of good news is that our guess that Latians were after the Monarch’s Ring has been proven wrong.”

  “Hmmm. Come on.”

  “They are raising a wall around the challenge spot to prevent anyone from approaching. We can’t rule out the possibility that some of their nobility will soon try the Door, but according to what we’ve heard, this is because a dangerous and powerful creature has settled in that land. The adventurers that have been trying to penetrate the enclosed space all say that it is extremely large. So large, in fact, that they weren’t even able to see its whole body.”

  “Stop. Why haven’t you told me about this huge thing before?”

  “Please forgive me, Your Majesty.” Springing up, the guard captain suddenly took a knee and bowed his head.

  “Stand up!” Will barked. “And never do that again. I can tolerate you addressing me as ‘my king’, but not you bowing before me like that.”

  Looking up at him slowly, Emin stood up silently and took his seat. “Please, forgive me. I did it reflexively, without thinking.”

  Raven sighed. “Good. I’m glad we’ve sorted it out.” An idea suddenly occurred to Will and he clicked his fingers. He then opened his inventory and took out a small bottle—another of the many prizes he had obtained in the arena. “Do you have any glasses?”

  “Sure.” Emin walked up to the shelves and took down two stone cups masterfully decorated with an intricate pattern. “The late king’s gift,” he said as he passed one of the cups to Will.

  “Okay. Let’s drink to that.”

  The wine tasted sweet and somewhat spicy. Will was no connoisseur, but he liked it. This drink was worth its price: 50 gold coins on Floor 3.

  “Now, tell me, why have you only just found out about that monster?”

  “We didn’t have enough scouts until recently.”

  “Oh shit. I totally forgot… So, that’s your news. Actually, I wouldn’t call that good news.”

>   “That monster poses no threat to your rule.”

  “Did you forget that I’m taking a trip there soon?”

  “No, my king. But you’re a messenger. No monster in this world can kill you for real. Am I right?”

  “Er… Emin?”

  “Yes?” The captain stared at Will with surprise, sensing that something was wrong.

  “Don’t you know the queen is going with me?”

  Emin froze as if he had suddenly been struck on the head. A weird sound came from his throat, “Ehhhh…”

  “So, now you do. Please, tell me, where does this piece of news stand on your personal scale between awesome and what the hell?”


  “Oh, I see. You take your time to wrap your head around it while I pay Daltaro a visit. Do you know where he is?”


  “I see. I see, my dear friend.” After rounding the table and clapping the captain on the shoulder, Will headed for the door, followed by Emin’s drawling voice. Apparently, the poor man was struggling to overcome the shock of learning that his king was taking his queen to the lion’s den.


  On his way to the castle exit, Raven suddenly spotted Nanel talking to a guy he didn’t know. He was standing too far away, and something about this guy seemed really familiar. Coming closer with each step, Will heard their voices – and then remembered the man’s face. Paul es Galaker II. Nanel’s suitor, who had once ambushed Will.

  Hey. Where are her guards?


  “Raven?! When did you come back?” She flashed a radiant smile while Galaker’s faded, his face turning to stone.

  “Your Majesty.” Observing the rules of etiquette, the young noble bowed to his king, but his dry voice and cold eyes gave away his displeasure at this encounter.

  “Where are Emin’s guards, darling?”

  “I’d like to take my leave, Your Majesties.” The noble was about to walk away from his enemy, but Raven stopped him.

  “No, Galaker. I’d like a word with you.” Fixing the young man to the spot with his pressing stare, Will smiled with his lips, but not his eyes. “Nanel?”

  “Ah? I’ve asked them to stay at a distance. I don’t like being followed like that. Oh… speak of the devils.” Wincing, she stared over his shoulder, at the four men greeting their king before surrounding their small group.

  “Did you check his identity?” Will asked the guards.

  “Of course, Your Majesty.”

  “Why did you leave her alone?”

  “No reason to worry, Your Majesty. There’s no one around here but the two servant maids we checked long ago.”

  “Oh, I see. Thank you for your service, gentlemen. Now, go back to your places and watch us from there. The queen is safe with me.”

  “Yes, Your Majesty.”

  Once the three of them were in private, Raven turned to the nobleman. “So, how long have you been sniffing around my wife?”

  “I’m not doing anything wrong, Your Majesty. The queen and I…we just engage in small talk from time to time. You have no reason to worry.”

  “So, you haven’t opened up to her about your feelings?”

  This question cracked the young man’s confidence. “I… I have long let those go, Your Majesty.”

  “Oh. Is that true, Lord Galaker?” Furrowing her brow, Nanel stared at the sweating young noble whose feelings were suddenly revealed to his secret love.

  “Once… I once felt that way, yes, but time heals everything. It is a true healer. The only feeling I have for you now is that of deep respect. Please, forgive me, Your Majesties, but if you have no more questions, may I take my leave?”

  “Yes. You may go.”

  “Thank you, Your Majesty.” Bowing again, the young noble left Will and Nanel alone.

  “What do you think about him?” Will asked.

  “I’m afraid I don’t understand your question.”

  “What do you think about him as a man? Is that better?”

  “Ah.” She slowly started towards the double doors. “A good conversationalist, somewhat boring but smart. Has some weird interests. He could make a good manager, but he wouldn’t be half as good as his father was. I had no idea he was in love with me.” She turned her head to look at Will over her shoulder, smiled. A teasing gleam sparkled in her eyes. “Unlike some of us.”

  “If you had known, what would have changed?”

  “Er… Nothing, I don’t think. He’s really not my type.” Nanel shrugged. “He has no spirit of adventure. He’s happy with a little roof over his head and a warm fireplace. Honestly, I’d rather fall in love with the poorest adventurer than with him.”

  “Wow.” Following her with a smirk on his lips, Raven considered whether he should take any steps to make Nanel his real wife. I’m doing things the other way around. Not like any normal man would.


  “Oh, you’re so gentle today. Calling me darling and dear… Is there something in the air? Maybe you’ll even ask me out? Ahahaha.”

  “Wow. You’re reading my mind.”

  Upon hearing his response, she wheeled around to stare at Will with wide eyes. “I’m sorry. This place has a weird echo. Is it just me or did you… did you just mention a date?”

  You were the one who mentioned it, Will thought, but out loud he said, “Yes. I did. We’ve known each other for quite a while now, and I… I feel like a fool. How could I have been so oblivious to your beauty? Your strength? Your intelligence? I’ve been a total idiot. To make up for it, I’d like to ask you out to dinner. Will you come?” He poured these sweet words into her ears without stopping.

  Nanel tapped on her lips as she pondered over why her fake husband, who used to be rather cold with her, would suddenly become so nice and gallant. Something was definitely wrong.

  Knitting her brows together and peering into the rogue’s face, she came up for a closer look, then put the back of her hand to his forehead. After removing it with a snicker and taking two steps back, she finally spoke, “Who the devil are you and what have you done to Raven?”

  “I know that was a bit of sudden. But I really want you to know how much you mean to me.”

  After hesitating for a few more minutes, Nanel gave her consent in a way that sounded more like she was agreeing just to keep an eye on him and make sure he hadn’t gone crazy.

  “I’m glad to hear that you’ll join me. By the way, where are you going?”

  “To the courtyard. The freshly recruited guards are having a contest. Emin asked me to attend to cheer them up.”

  “Ah. I see. He hasn’t told me anything about that.”

  “You left before I could.” The voice coming from behind him was Emin’s; the captain had finally regained his senses. “I was too stunned by your plans, my king.”

  “Ah, I see.” Will nodded. “Have a good time, Emin.”

  He didn’t finish his sentence, leaving the captain to guess what he actually meant. And Emin guessed. “Everything will be all right.”

  “I hope so. Well, Nanel. See you after the contest.”

  “Oh. Tonight? I didn’t realize you wanted to do it so soon.”

  “Is something wrong?”

  “Er… No. I’m just not ready.”

  “Then get ready, will you?”

  As Will stared at Nanel in confusion, she arched a brow and stared back at him, her eyes full of compassion.

  “Oh yeah, I forgot who I’m talking to.”



  “Oh, dear friend!”


  “Rinnah! You’re here too?”

  The three of them had met at the large construction site Will had been storing lots of resources in over the past few months. It was to become a vast, Colosseum-like theater. It was Zarnitsa that had come up with this idea and Leah had supported it. The construction works were to take four years, provided that no war or other force majeure interrupted t

  Why would he fund such a large-scale, high-risk, and insanely expensive project? The answer was: money. This building was to generate a tremendous stream of income in the future. It was to accommodate the digital, Ascension-adapted copies of all the wonders of the real world. A unique theme park. Out of several hundreds of millions of players, including large corporations and very rich people, Raven was the only one in the position to do it. He was ahead of everyone else.

  “What are you doing here?”

  “She just couldn’t believe you’re really trying to do something like this.”

  Will smiled upon seeing Rinnah hit Daltaro on the shoulder as though to mean Shut up, you!

  “It’s a good thing your housekeeper knew where you were. Or I’d be have been running about forever… I need to give you something.” As he said this, Will took out the stone arm and handed it to the archer.

  Daltaro snatched it from him immediately. As he used Identification on the item, his eyes misted up with tears. “Damn you, Raven. You did it. You did it! You found another part. I… you… I… Oh my God!”

  The legendary adventurer struggled to find the words to express how grateful he was. Rinnah took his arm and put her head on his shoulder, smiling at the rogue. “That’s what I like most in you, brother.”

  It had been a while since she had last called him that. Will had almost forgot he was a member of the mysterious Shadow Order.

  “I made you a promise.”

  “Yes. And you’ve delivered. Thank you.” Daltaro returned the arm to him. “I hope I live to see it.”

  “You have no other choice.” Rinnah smirked, biting at the archer’s shoulder. “Okay. Where are we going?”

  Chapter 225. Meeting the Observer. Shocking News.

  W ill was standing next to Nanel’s door, watching the time pass by. It’s almost 9 p. m. He had come here about half an hour ago after spending five hours checking the local construction sites and working with the state management menu. The small tasks he had solved could, technically, have resolved themselves, but that would have been much slower.


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