Shadow Knight

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Shadow Knight Page 10

by M. H. Johnson

  Raphael grimaced. “Frankly, I hate hearing that those bastards got away with anything of worth. The thought of them attacking us at the very heart of our defenses sickens me.”

  All of them nodded in agreement at that.

  “Fear not, my friends,” Alex soothed. “Rens and the other arcane heads of the college have taken additional steps. We think we understand how they burrowed past our defenses previously, and we will not leave ourselves open to such an attack again.” Alex then dipped his head towards Jess and Malek both. “Thank all the angels above that you two were there for us, yet again. The gods only know what would have happened, had you not had your skills at battling figments of Shadow and Dream.”

  Jess felt herself blush happily, knowing her expression was the mirror image of Malek’s pleased smile. “No worries, friend Alex. It’s what heroes are for!” Malek jovially declared.

  Alex chuckled softly. “Of course, dear Malek. Of course.” His expression turned solemn. “When you two are free, later, Rens would like to speak with you both. In the meantime, from what I understand, you may wish to ready yourselves. I understand that our dear general Eloquin wants to show off your skill and prowess before the school body entire.”

  Jess winced.. “I was sort of hoping he would give us a rest, after all we've been through.”

  “No doubt he wants to put us in our place,” Malek grumbled before chuckling wryly. “Lest our heads get too big for our helms, as he says.”

  Raphael gave a considering tilt of his head. “Perhaps there is more to it than that. Perhaps he wishes to show his Squires just how effective they can be, if they train with the same diligence and intensity you two do.”

  Jess and Malek exchanged a knowing glance. “Or, as Malek said, he wants to put us in our place, so our heads don’t get too big for our helms,” Jess said.

  Jess was happy to let her friends wile away the meal with comfortable chatter, focusing on her soup as her fellows conversed about recent events, Jera at last joining their table, sitting beside her beau even as Alex shared his meal with her, looking beautiful as always in her rich forest green dress that so complemented the color of her eyes. Her smile could melt a gorgon’s heart, but of course, Jera had eyes only for Alex. She did, however, congratulate Jess and Malek most profusely on their once again saving the day, as she put it, mentioning much to Jess’s surprise that not only had they stopped some band of dark dream invaders who had been attempting to butcher students in their sleep, but rumor had it that they had also managed to save Lady Vaila and little Louise as well. Though from what, no one was exactly sure, and the head herbalist wasn't telling. Yet more than a few souls had seen Jess and Malek carrying the shaken pair covered in crimson runes and clinging desperately to them, General Eloquin himself by their side.

  A flushing Jess could only smile and shake her head as her friends raised their mugs in toast to her and Malek both.

  “What’s wrong, shieldsister?” Malek gently asked in between his energetic boasts, all too happy to glory in the moment.

  Jess shrugged, smiling sadly and shaking her head. “Nothing, Malek. Believe you me, this is a wonderful change of pace from the odd looks I used to get. It's just that I feel a little awkward having people pay me all these compliments for glorious deeds I don't even remember accomplishing. It’s like we wake up and we're suddenly being hailed as heroes, and we don’t even know the dream that led to this strange change of fortune.”

  Malek grinned. “I know! It’s grand, isn’t it? To wake up and have everyone look at us like we are something other than the black sheep of this fine institution of learning. Even if we can’t remember, who cares? You and I both know how bloody cynical most students of war and magic are. I seriously doubt they’d be giving us this much credit if we hadn’t done something to deserve it. Besides, look at Raphael's copy of the official account of our first Delve." He shook his head. "A Guild sponsored story about us! Who would have thought?"

  Raphael beamed. "Please, consider it a gift for you and Jess both. You two have certainly earned it, and the gratitude of most anyone that attends this school, whether they recall it or not."

  Jess just shrugged and smiled. “Thank you, Raphael. I'm going to have fun reading about our first adventure, especially since I hardly remember a thing." Jess let the warmth and camaraderie of the lunch wash over her, finally relaxing and enjoying her soup and the warm camaraderie of her friends. The rest of the lunch passed uneventfully save for the odd chill Jess felt running up and down her spine.

  Jess snapped around to catch out the source of the cold regard she sensed, instantly recognizing the owner of the icy gaze so focused upon her.

  Mord de Plaga. Dressed in black, his mocking smile didn't touch his dark gaze. Handsome features he might have, but she would always find him repellent. His cold-eyed appraisal left her feeling unclean, made all the worse as Mord’s closest and perhaps only friends, the wiry yet athletic Erno de Vilde and toadlike Vaki de Slaktare, were staring as well.

  Jess lurched out of her chair, unable to help herself. She could feel her fists clench as she strode toward their table.

  Their slimy smiles only widened, and Jess suppressed a shudder.

  “Is there something you wish to say, Mord de Plaga?” Jess asked, no more comfortable having them at her back than a bull would a pack of wolves. Better to face them head on, she thought, even as she suppressed a tremble. Whether from rage or fear, she could not say.

  Mord gave a tilt of his head, his smile one of gentle mockery. “A lovely day, isn't it, Jessica de Calenbry? Did you enjoy your night’s sleep? Did you have pleasant dreams, perchance?” Erno and Vaki chuckled softly at that, their gazes equally mocking her.

  “Enough with your damn games, Mord,” Jess snarled. “If you have something to say, say it. Otherwise, quit your staring and leave me be.” At that moment, Jess felt a comforting weight settle itself upon her shoulder.

  Mord raised a bemused eyebrow. “Say? What could I possibly have to say to the hero of Highrock?” He leaned back, gazing at Jess with a dark little smile, his eyes seeming to slither over every inch of her. Jess had to fight to stand her ground, feeling dirty and unclean under his knowing gaze. “Such a fine filly you are, dear Jess. It will be such a pleasure to break you.”

  “Not likely.” Jess barked cold laughter. “Is that all this is, empty threats?”

  Mord gave a slow shake of his head. “Not a threat, dear Jessica. A promise. I will show you that I am your better. More clever, more ruthless. I will claim you, girl, and over time, you will learn to savor my dominion over you.”

  His cold voice was quiet. Jess could tell it didn’t carry far, but she felt herself flush. Erno and Vaki both remained silent, gazing raptly at Jess, relishing her humiliation. She felt herself shaking, speechless with fury, her fists clenching to her sides.

  Mord gazed once down at her fist, giving a sad little shake of his head, before his coal dark eyes locked once more with her own. “So, ready to break our word already, are we? You know what? I hope you do. I hope you do strike me with all your hate. Then my dominion over you will be complete.”

  Jess lurched back as Mord abruptly slammed out of his chair and was before her, his hands raised in front of him, almost placating, save for his mocking smile. “Don’t be alarmed, my frightened little filly,” he taunted, approaching even closer as Jess instinctively stepped back. “I just want to ask. Do you remember?”

  Jess blinked. “If you don’t step away, I swear I will break that pretty face of yours, Mord!” Jess hissed, eyes blazing with fury, the murmurs around them changing in pitch and intensity as half the dining hall was beginning to take notice.

  “Careful, Jess.” A cool voice of reason, gently cutting into her fear and rage. Twilight’s voice. She sensed him then, gently perched upon her shoulder. “Don’t let him goad you, or he shall be the winner of this engagement, in more ways than one.”

  Mord stopped advancing however, winking at Jess, bold as brass. �
�You made a promise, my dear Jess. One that binds us both. I expect you to honor that promise with absolute devotion, just as one day you will honor my bed.” His taunting grin was all teeth, as he turned about with a nonchalant wave. “See you in the tournament, Jess, though not in the general melee, I’m afraid. But look on the bright side. Perhaps you and I will finally be able to have that rematch you’ve wanted for so long.”

  Jess felt a sudden panicked lurch in her chest, fighting not to stumble back as she at last registered his words. She felt the comforting presence of Malek by her side, growling softly, as Mord and his cohorts left the dining hall in unison, Mord turning back only once to flash Jess a smile so cold she felt her gut twist.

  “Bloody hells, what was all that about?” Malek asked softly.

  Jess shook her head slowly. “Your guess is as good as mine, brother. But he seems to think he holds something over me. Even Twilight counsels caution, as if somehow I’ll get in trouble if I wipe that smarmy smile off his face.”

  Malek chuckled at that. “And you and I could do that so very well, shieldsister.” He sighed playfully. “The hell with consequences. You, Jacob, and I could leave Erovering behind for a life of adventure after we beat Mord to a broken pulp, exploring the lands of our neighbors, hunting down rumors of lost treasures and adventure, earning a fortune in gold and glory, then building ourselves a luxurious palace in the heart of the continent!”

  Jess smiled, already feeling relieved with the presence of her closest friend. “A lovely fantasy, Malek. Who knows? Perhaps we will do just that, particularly if Father actually thinks I will consent to marrying that jackanapes!”

  She turned to gaze thoughtfully at Malek. “Mord did say something about seeing me at tournament. Strange, though, since we have been forbidden to face each other.”

  Malek grinned and nodded. "No doubt he is thinking of the yearly tournament wherein we glorious Squires of War shall soundly trounce those sad excuses for Knight Aspirants once more. You and I shall lead our squad as always, harping on our enemy's weak points and snatching their flag as the opportunity presents itself, even as the fourth years lead the rest of our band to victory."

  Jess grinned at the thought. "What say we hit the practice yards, then? Warm up a bit and take on anyone who would challenge us to a good bout!"

  Eyes twinkling in excitement, Malek nodded, and before long they were both fully suited in padded gambeson, tough lamellar of boiled rawhide plates, and full shirts of mail. Jess was happy to find that for all that she needed leather string to tie the loose mithril mail tightly to her frame when she wore it under any other attire, its size worked beautifully when worn over padding and lamellar, even if she did get more than one curious look as her pearlescent mithril captured the light of the sun in a brilliant display of prismatic color.

  “Isn't your mail supposed to go under your lamellar?" one curious student asked.

  Jess shook her head. "Not if it's indestructible mail comprised of dragon bones, unicorn tears, and wonder."

  Her fellow student whistled, clearly impressed. "Is it really, Jess?"

  Jess laughed. "How should I know? It certainly is shiny, though, and when I tried to shove my dirk in it, the ring didn't give in the least! Eloquin says it could survive a mounted knight's charge."

  "Enough, Jess. Put a tabard over it, like any sensible soldier would!" one of the fourth-years quipped.

  Jess grinned as she donned a pristine white tabard from the training supplies over top of her armor. “I know normally it’s to keep a knight from roasting on a hot sunny day, the white cloth keeping the armor cool for some reason I’m sure Alex could explain. But in this case, I guess the shimmering of my mail might be a bit distracting for my opponent.”

  Malek chuckled softly. "Yes, Jess. Wearing priceless armor that should only exist in legends, torn from the very fabric of living dream, and shimmering like something found in a Faerie forest might be a wee bit distracting for some. But we have more important things to focus on now, yes?”

  Jess grinned. “Oh yes, the bout with our fellows tomorrow! What’s say we get in another match or two, and make sure our fellow commanders in training know what it means to face the best of the best!”

  “I’m all for that.” With that the afternoon passed gently, the unusually warm sun basking their skin in comfort during their brief periods of rest, even as the gentle breeze cooled them while they lost themselves to the glorious song of steel; probing each other’s weaknesses, launching devastatingly fast attacks that would have easily blasted through the defenses of any student not already a master of the blade. Blows they each deflected neatly, their counter-strikes equally deadly and forcing each to take the other's measure cautiously, even as they both strove to seize the Vor and control the initiative.

  “Good strike!” Malek commended with a cheerful laugh even as Jess finally managed to pivot past Malek's guard, knocking her shieldbrother’s blade out of true even as she sidestepped while snapping a Krumphau strike with the back of her blade against his helm.

  As one they stepped back and bowed to each other, both grinning with exhilaration even as they caught their breath, having gone full out against each other during their last bout for the better part of a glass without rest. Each had scored telling blows. Though Jess was in the lead, it was not by much.

  “Thanks, Malek, but even had my blade been sharp, that blow would have done little, banging against your helm, save stun you momentarily. 'Twould have been best had I bound your blade and pommel-struck you in close quarters, tripping you as you stumbled back, with blade to neck when you fell."

  Malek chuckled softly. “If you could have pulled it off, just like that? Definitely a winning maneuver, and one Master Eloquin himself would admire.”

  They shared a grin as they pulled off their helmets and began to head to their rest spot where they kept their water flasks, only to be caught off guard by the silent stares of several dozen students also training for the tournament to come, as it was open not only to the Knight Aspirants and Squires of War, but to any student who wanted to test their martial skill.

  “By the saints, you two move fast," one freckle-faced lad solemnly declared, his training partner giving a slow nod of agreement.

  “Not surprising. They’re Delvers, after all,” murmured another student.

  “Thank the gods we don't have to face them during the tournament, or we'd all be beat!" A fourth sandy-haired lad declared, flashing Jess an admiring smile.

  A couple students even applauded, and Jess turned to Malek, her smile quickly fading with the sudden brooding look in his gaze.

  “Malek, what’s wrong?”

  Malek shook his head, hiding his grimace. "I'm not sure, Jess," he said softly. "Just something one of those younger students said. And Mord looked entirely too smug when he was sniping you with his nasty comments, and I’m beginning to get the feeling that I know why.”

  Jess felt like her insides were twisting into an anxious knot. “Spit it out, already!”

  Malek sighed. "What if Lord Eloquin doesn't let us join in the tournament? What if other students or professors say we now have an unfair advantage?"

  Jess gave an angry shake of her head. “I refuse to believe that! Eloquin himself taught us to use every advantage in battle, and you know how ruthless he trains us to fight. Somehow, I don’t see him caving into the demands of any instructor so craven as to use such a cheap pretext to disqualify us from the matches, especially considering the lives we saved on behalf of the college, risking our very necks stepping out of reality and into realms of dream and nightmare.”

  Malek nodded. “You’re probably right, Jess. And I, for one, am not going to go asking about, lest we put ideas in certain people’s heads. Come, I do believe I hear the dinner bell, and I for one am starving!”

  Jess did indeed enjoy a hearty meal with her friends once more, sharing the gossip about the school, rumors regarding the upcoming tournament just days away, and of course, the admiring an
d highly exaggerated accounts of their mighty battle on the training grounds earlier.

  “Frankly, Jess, I'm just happy to see you in one piece." Alex confided during dinner, which startled a smile from Jess, her friend's conversation taking such a serious turn, in contrast to everyone else's jovial mood.

  “And did you ever doubt for a second Malek and I would triumph over all opposition?” Jess teased, doing her best to keep things light.

  Alex favored Jess with a solemn smile, giving a gentle shake of his head. “Just surviving Shadow speaks so much for your potential, you know. I hope you always stay strong, true to yourself, and that Malek will always be there to look after you. That you two will be there to look after each other, wherever life’s adventures take you.”

  “You’re right on that one, Alex. You know he’s like a brother to me. Where one of us goes, the other will surely follow,” Jess assured her friend, and meant it with all her heart, Alex just giving a soft little nod before looking away.


  It was an unusually pleasant autumn day, especially so early in the morning, the bright sun warming their leathers despite the chill morning breeze. Jess and Malek stood at silent attention with their peers, having dressed and kitted up in full armor as Eloquin had requested. Over fifty Squires were similarly dressed, the best of the best from all classes, Jess liked to think, all of them standing at attention as the well-grazed grass rustled in the ever growing breeze. Jess grimaced as she felt a cold chill wash through her, strangely certain that they had once numbered more. But how could that be? Surely she would remember if there had once been a full three score. Jess did her best to shake away the ghosts of odd memories that seemed strangely out of place, focusing on her mentor once more. Though the distant sounds of a mage's training class could be faintly heard, here in the training grounds, all was unusually silent. There were no jocular comments, discrete whispers, or subtle wagers being placed on student bouts.


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