The Qadesh Club

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The Qadesh Club Page 6

by David Lashmar

  He looked away quickly as she straightened herself in the plush, leather seat and closed the door not because he was shy, far from it, but because he did not want to ruin his chance of getting a date with her. He done most of the talking on the way home trying his best to impress her by boasting about his job and the good money he earned though he could not resist glancing down at her legs and probably spent as much time looking at her surreptitiously as he did looking at the road.

  When she did speak she only said enough to answer any questions but she had one of her own, “Seems we keep running into each other lately?” she remarked conversationally. She had her own suspicions, though, and thought that four times in less than two weeks was a bit more than just coincidence.

  “Destiny of the gods!” he looked up from her legs and broke hard to avoid hitting the car in front as it slowed down to make a right turn. “Maybe they’re trying to tell us something.”

  Yeah, she thought, like stay away. “It’s just a small part of town. Just coincidence.”

  As they pulled up outside her council house he decided to take a chance, “What about going for a drink tonight?”

  She was taken by surprise even though she had expected it to come sooner or later, “Erm...I’ve made arrangements to go out tonight with some friends.”

  “Tomorrow then?” he tried again.

  “Tomorrow I go bingo with my mum,” at least this was the truth.

  “Okay,” he sounded dejected. Rejection by any girl was never easy to take but coming from her it was especially hard. “Where you off to tonight then?” he asked innocently.

  Before she had time to lie again she told him, “Banjo’s.”

  Yes, he thought with jubilation. It was one of his boss’s clubs, “Okay. You never know might see you there!”

  Kirsty got out of the car cursing herself.


  The club was already busy when Kirsty and her friends arrived. The sound of the over-loud music with its constant deep thump of the base beat which seemed to be obligatory for all modern dance music vibrated through the soft tissue of the body as soon as you entered.

  Out back in a tiny room no bigger than a large closet sat a motionless Grimshawe his eyes wandering from one of the internal security monitors to another as he scanned around the club dance floor and bar area focusing the camera lenses onto those girls with the shortest skirts or almost see-through tops. Trouble-makers, those that had already drunk too much or taken a drug of some sort to enhance their evening were not what he was looking for tonight.

  Finally he saw her with a small group standing over by the bar. He had missed her coming in but he focused the camera on her savouring every curve of her body.

  As usual, she looked absolutely perfect to him. The tight fitting, light blue jeans that showed off her shapely legs and arse immediately started to arouse him. Her white top was just tight enough to show off her ample breast but, unlike the other women in there, not displaying herself like a whore.

  His excitement faded fast though, when he realised that the friends she was with included male as well as female friends. This was not something he had anticipated. Not boyfriends! She was part of a group of ten, five girls and five boys. His heart quickened as jealousy welled up inside him.

  His insecurities that he had suffered from so badly during his adolescent years came back. He so badly wanted to go and talk to her but the group she was with made that impossible and so he spent his time spying on her. He felt the rage and jealousy growing inside of him as he realised that one of the group was her boyfriend. Every time he touched her or kissed her gently on the lips his anger grew.

  Grimshawe burned the image of the mans face into his memory. He did not recognise him but he would make it his job to find out all about him.

  He left the club and went on the hunt. He needed relief. He needed to go where he was not known. After driving about for over an hour he found himself outside a club in south London. Once inside he started scanning around until he saw what he was looking for. A group of drunken girls! Easy prey. Whores that he would use for his own perverted pleasure. He approached them waving a bottle of champagne as the club called it, a cheap sparkling wine from the local supermarket, in their direction. Too drunk to care the girls gratefully accepted a free drink giving him the opportunity to looked them over and decide which was to be the lucky loser tonight.

  He did not really have a specific taste in women usually, as long as she was young and pretty. But tonight was different! Tonight he knew that he was going to be rougher than usual.

  He chose the blond with the long hair not because she was the best looking girl of the group, although she was a good-looking girl, but because she was probably going to be the easiest prey. He refilled their glasses but as he filled hers he added a little something extra in the way of Rohypnol – a date rape drug.

  The girl had no chance. Drunk and high on drugs he took her back to a small bed-sit Thanos kept above a dry cleaners. All the way there he was tormented by the image of Kirsty with another man. The thought of her having sex with another man other than himself kept playing over and over again in his mind. He looked at the already semi-conscious girl on the seat next to him and, reaching down, roughly forced her legs apart grabbing hold of her crotch.

  He vented his frustration and anger on the defenseless blonde sating his particular brand of sexual depravity on the young girl’s innocent body. Forcibly tying her spread-eagled across the bed as small rivulets of blood appeared where the leather belt cut cruelly into her soft flesh.

  The first rape happened quickly as, unable to contain himself, he ejaculated into her unprotected womb then, still not satisfied, the beating started.

  At first he just slapped her face and breast but images of Kirsty and that man kept flashing through his sick mind and the beatings got worse as he no longer held back. Clenched fist landed time after time smashing into her nose and mouth as he continued to rape her.

  Mercifully, the young girl lost consciousness but that only increased the ferocity of the attack. It was savage. The worse he had ever gotten. Up until now he had always known when to hold back and when to stop but tonight he was completely out of control.

  Grimshawe woke the next morning next to a bloody mess. Her hair was matted with blood. Her face almost unrecognizable from the pretty thing of the previous night. The weal marks from the belt criss-crossing her once flawless skin with trickles of blood seeping from them punctuated by bruising the size of his fist.

  He looked coldly at the battered body and felt nothing for her except contempt. To him she was a slut to be used. This time, though, he realized that he had gone too far and that the police would sooner or later be asking questions. He could not have that. Still registering nothing he picked up the pillow alongside her that still had the impression of his head in it and smothered her. In her unconscious state there was no struggle as she slipped peacefully away.

  He wrapped her in the bedclothes and dragged her body into a corner of the room intending to return later that night and clear up the mess.

  Chapter 9

  The two men sat outside the small corner shop and waited impatiently until it was empty before entering the cramped and shabby premises. Morton stopped and closed the doors behind them, easily driving home the stiff bolts to prevent any unwanted interruptions.

  Justino Mendoza looked up from behind the counter and froze as his mouth went dry as he saw them. The fact that Thanos had come to him was worrying enough but it was the presence of the well-dressed man that accompanied him that worried him more.

  “Let’s talk,” there were no pleasantries from Thanos. “You’re six weeks behind on your repayments. Am I right?” it was a superfluous question. Mendoza stared at him, his dry tongue nervously running across his top lip. He carried on, “I lent you a lot of money. We had an arrangement, did we not?”

  Morton noticed that he was remaining unusually calm. Maybe it was the shock of Richards’ death but h
e doubted it. Thanos was as cold as he was.

  They heard her footsteps before they saw her as she entered the shop from an internal door that lead to the small, cramped flat above the shop. Rosa Mendoza was every mans dream. At five feet seven with long dark, straight hair that came well below her trim, narrow waist held back from her face in a ponytail. As beautiful as she was it was her eyes that were, without doubt, her most striking feature; they were large and dark, almost almond shaped, and had a soft, melting quality about them. A man could succumb to this woman very easily. She was absolutely gorgeous.

  Thanos` eyes feasted on her as she smiled nervously at him, a smile that transformed her already beautiful face into something as near perfect as Morton had ever seen. His features, though, remained completely unmoved, as he slowly looked her up and down. He noticed the immediate change in his boss’s composure as soon as she appeared. The way he straightened himself up to look taller, pulled his shoulders back slightly so he was not as stooped forcing his chest out more. But it was the change in attitude that was most apparent. The usual cocky, arrogant Thanos was back as he stood there and unashamedly looked deliberately at the woman’s breast.

  Mendoza was only too aware of what Thanos was looking at. He spoke to his wife in Portuguese, “vá upstairs porque este era negócio!”

  “This is England, pal! You speak in English!” he said sharply. His voice had that dangerous edge back to it. It was not patriotism but frustration at not understanding what was being said.

  “I told my wife to go upstairs as this was business,” translated Mendoza.

  Thanos` eyes were working their way down her body and were now looking at her shapely blue denim clad legs. “I think this involves her as well, don’t you. After all she signed the agreement as well, didn’t she?” His eyes never left the woman as he spoke. “I lent you a substantial amount of money. I’ve been good to you by extending your repayment period and lowering your weekly payments and still you treat me like I’m a schmuck!” Lowering the repayment period but hiking up the interest rate. Who’s the schmuck! thought Thanos.

  “I…I can pay you. I just need a little more time. is bad,” stammered Mendoza in fear. He had heard about Thanos and his short temper. “Please, give me to the end of the week,” he begged.

  “More time! More time!” he said mockingly, “that’s all you people ever want. More time! I have a business to run.” His voice was level but the edge was still detectable. He turned to face Mendoza, his cruel, dark eyes piercing into Mendoza’s. “I want something, now! A token, shall we say, of your integrity,” he thought for a moment,” yes, that’s the word, your integrity to honour our agreement.”

  Mendoza rushed to the till and emptied it out handing over the meagre takings to Thanos who looked at the offerings with contempt. “Please, senior, this is all I have.”

  Thanos let the money drop back onto the counter with an extravagant wave of the hand. “What’s this? This isn’t even a tenth of your weekly repayment. You owe me six fucking weeks, remember!” his voice was low, barely controlled as he spoke through gritted teeth. “Let my associate here explain to you about my late payment policy.”

  Mendoza felt a cold sweat come over him as the blood drain from his face. He knew exactly what was about to happen to him. He was not a fighter or a violent man. As an immigrant it was proving impossible for him to get a loan to start his own business and then someone told him about this man, a Greek, who liked to help other foreign nationals make their way. It was the biggest mistake in his life after leaving his home country of Brazil and one he was about to regret even more.

  Morton stepped forward and nodded his head towards the rear stockroom. Mendoza stood frozen to the spot as the giant man moved towards him his fear induced paralysis only broken by a scream from his wife as she suddenly realised what was about to happen.

  “No!” she screamed, “No! Don’t do this, please!” she begged her heavily accented English adding to her eroticism.” Please!” her eyes were wide in disbelief and fear for her beloved husband. Thanos put his arm out sharply across her as she stepped forward to be with her husband. He nodded at his lieutenant who grabbed hold of Mendoza’s shirt collar and started dragging him in the direction of the stockroom.

  There was a tearing sound of fabric as Mendoza’s collar ripped away from the rest of the cheap shirt as he pulled away from Morton's grip in a vain attempt to avoid the inevitable. He stepped back quickly trying to keep out of arms length but for a big man his torturer was even quicker and before he had the chance to distance himself from Morton he was alongside him and, slipping his right leg behind the retreating Mendoza’s legs, forcing him to lose balance. As he fell backwards Morton’s strong right arm lock itself around his neck and drag him backwards towards the room. His kicking and struggling made no impact, as he was not strong enough to compete against the strength of this man.

  Thanos, meanwhile, swung Rosa Mendoza around forcing her to bend over the shop counter, grabbing the back of her hair and twisting her head forcibly making her look in the direction where her poor husband was about to learn a lesson he was not going to forget – ever!

  This was his chance. Ever since he had first seen her Thanos had wanted this woman. Over the years he had been with many beautiful women of all ages, some had ended up working for him but this one was something special. Apart from her obvious beauty there was something about her that Thanos could not put his finger on. He just knew that he had to have her!

  Forcing her down onto the counter he groped hold of her right breast. Instinctively Rosa fought back trying to pry his fingers off her. Her mind was in turmoil as she was forced to unwillingly watch, as her defenseless husband was set upon and at the same time trying to defend herself. Thanos could feel the stirring in his groin.

  Using both hands she tried unsuccessfully to pull his hand off her breast but the harder she pulled the harder he squeezed until the pain was almost unbearable.

  And then everything seemed to happen in slow motion as the big man pulled his arm back, his huge fist clenched tightly and swung it forward keeping low. The punch landed with practiced accuracy in the midriff causing Mendoza to involuntarily bend over in pain as the air rushed from his lungs at the same time she heard the sickening thud as the hard bone of his knuckles contacted with the soft muscle of her husbands stomach and then he started to fall but before he had gone too far the big man grabbed him by the scruff of the neck and yanked him upright.

  Morton went about his job. To him that was all it was. Just a job but the professional in him required him to get it over as quickly as possible. Gone were the days when he would have beaten a man to a pulp just because he could. Over the years he had learned one thing. A lesson that had served him well and one that helped him cultivate an air of fear for anyone that had to deal with him in person. Always hold back, just a little, so that when he really had to do a number on someone word would go round. He found that this way he enhanced his reputation ten fold and that meant him having to sort out less problems. Basically, his reputation put the fear of God into people so that he did not have to.

  It was not personal so he felt nothing as he hit the defenceless man whom he knew would not be able to defend himself. He had already decided that two or three good hits would be enough.

  He was wondering why Thanos had joined him this afternoon, though, until he saw her. The Greek was so predictable.

  Morton waited for him to take his first shallow breath before delivering the second blow in almost the same place. Mendoza fell to his knees fighting for breath as tears of pain welled up in his eyes.

  “Wait!” instructed Thanos. He spoke softly to Rosa Mendoza. “You know, we could stop this, if you want?” he waited.

  Compelled to watch, the distraught woman breathed quickly as she spoke, “We don’t have the money,” she sobbed not understanding.

  Thanos slid his hand under her jumper and grabbed hold of her again. She did not stop him as his fingers roug
hly pulled at the cup of her bra so that his fat fingers could pinch her nipples. “We can trade!” Rosa could not see his face but if she could she would have seen an evil grin slowing spreading across it.

  Her eyes opened in fear as she realised what it was he wanted, “No!” she stammered before even thinking about it and again tried to pries his fingers off her. Thanos nodded at Morton who took a step back and kicked the winded Mendoza in the stomach causing Mendoza more pain than he thought was humanly possible as he vomited.

  “Okay! Okay!” she screamed, “Please, please stop hurting him! Don’t hurt him anymore!”

  Thanos grinned at Morton, “Keep him company. I have some collecting to do.” He released Rosa from over the counter but kept a tight grip on her arm. “Shall we go upstairs, my dear?” it was more of a command than a question as he pulled her off in the direction of the door that hid the stairs.

  Rosa looked back at her husband as he lay on his side in his own vomit the shame of what she was about to do clearly showing in her eyes. She was, as was her spouse, a devout catholic but under the circumstances maybe God would forgive her this once for being unfaithful to her husband!

  Once alone his attitude changed completely. “Strip slut,” he ordered her. No one had ever spoken to her like before. It was as though she had been slapped around the face. He walked towards her grabbing a handful of her long hair pulling it backwards forcing her head back so that she was looking up. He felt the warm feeling of superiority it gave him when he knew people were frightened of him. He could see it in her eyes. He looked at her face, staring into her large dark eyes for seconds before slowly lowering his gaze to take in the rest of her. His hand instinctively followed his gaze as he reached out and roughly squeezed her left breast.


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