The Qadesh Club

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The Qadesh Club Page 12

by David Lashmar

  In the beginning it was just pocket money. Small amounts in exchange for what, they considered, useless information. Every week she would report on Thanos and the size of her reward depended on how important the information she provided was. It was then that she offered the information contained within the safe. The payoff was bigger and better than anything she could have imagined. The money allowed them to buy the things that they had always wanted.

  ”On the horses or the lottery? Piss off!” Morton's scorn told Lazensky that he did not believe him. “Let’s try again. Where did you get the money?”

  Lazensky`s eyes flicked from left to right as he tried to watch Morton and his accomplice at he same time. “She won it, honest Mr. Morton!” he haltingly forced the words out and wondered how long he could keep on lying and if it was really worth it.

  Out of the corner of his eye he saw the enforcer walk away and return seconds later with a metal bucket. Fear turned to dread as Morton nodded at Willy and he, too, disappeared returning carrying a large metal cage. Reaching in he pulled out a large, dirty rat by the tail and waved it in the air over Lazensky`s face dangling it just low enough for its sharp teeth to nip the tip of his nose.

  Matt Lazensky, like most people, had a natural loathing and hatred of rats. At the sight of the revolting vermin his eyes opened wide in fear and he struggled in vain against the straps securing him as panic set in.

  “Lovely fucking things, ain`t they?” said Morton not hiding his disgust for the rodent as a smiling Willy lowered the rat again so that its claws scratched lightly against on Lazensky`s face. “Now, let’s try again?”

  Lazensky struggled against his restraints frantically throwing his head from side to side in a hopeless effort to avoid the rat. “No!” he screamed, “get that fucking thing away from me!”

  Morton coldly repeated his question in the same bored voice, “Where did the money come from?”

  Lazensky lied one more time. He knew what would happen if he told the truth, “She fucking won it!” he shouted.

  One look from Morton was all Willy needed. Morton ripped open Lazensky`s cigarette reeking shirt sending buttons cascading onto the floor and placed the bucket upside down on his stomach. The rat was placed inside it!

  Lazensky began to visibly shake with terror as he felt the sharp claws of the rat scrap across his stomach. “How long since that rat was fed?” asked Morton.

  Willy sniffed loudly, “Four days,” an evil grin spread across his wrinkled face showing the gaps where his missing front teeth should have been lost, many years ago, in one of his many pub fights, “reckon he’s hungry by now!” He banged on the side of the bucket causing the rat to scurry around quicker inside its dark cell, its sharp claws digging into the soft flesh of Lazensky`s stomach. “I reckon he’s got enough blubber on `im to feed it for the rest of its fucking life.” Willy`s sadistic nature enjoyed watching Lazensky as he went into a state of sheer terror.

  “There’s only one way that thing to go,” Morton had to almost shout to be heard above Lazensky`s screams, “and that’s down.” Using a stick he banged continuously on the bucket driving the rat into a state of panic-stricken frenzy.

  Confined within a small space the rat ran round and round scratching hard at the sides of the bucket looking for an escape route. When the metallic scratching stopped Lazensky`s screaming got even louder as the rat started to dig into the only soft tissue available to it. Its razor sharp teeth and needle like claws easily ripping into the flabby stomach.

  Uncontrollable fear engulfed Lazensky as nightmare visions of the rat burrowing into his gut began to circulate in his head. With each second the pain intensified quickly sending Lazensky over the top from plain fear to crazed terror. He thrashed around with superhuman strength rocking the table oblivious to the pain caused by the straps as they cut into his flesh which were nothing compared to the pain being caused by the rat. His frenzied screaming filled the room and echoed around the high ceiling of the dilapidated warehouse.

  “Stop! Stop!” he screamed terrified as the rat continued to burrow into him, “Stop! I'll tell you!” Willy reluctantly grabbed the blood covered rat and looked at Lazensky`s stomach which was a mess of scratches and teeth mark made to look worse by the blood that had been smeared around.

  “Talk!” ordered Morton.

  Shaking and rapidly falling into a state of shock he confessed about stealing the information from the safe and about the man paying for the information. Morton made a phone call.

  Rita was called up to see Thanos. “Sweetheart,” he sounded as sweet as sugar, “I have a bit of bad news for you. Nothing serious but a bit unfortunate.” Rita looked at him confused. “Matt, it is Matt isn’t it? Your husband, he was helping Morton with a little job and well…things got a bit out of hand. You know how Morton can be at times! Well, Matt just got in the way. He’s all right, nothing serious but I thought you might like to go to him.”

  “What do you mean, Matt helping Mr. Morton?” she was as shocked as she was surprised at the thought of her husband working. “What happened?”

  Thanos shrugged his shoulders, “Don’t really know, sweetheart. I’m afraid that Morton was his usual self on that. He’s a bit vague on details. You know him, just does his job and moves on.”

  The small hairs on the back of her neck stood up as she realised that something was wrong. If her Matt had been working for Morton he would have told her and besides he did not like working let alone know Morton personally.

  “There’s a driver downstairs to take you there.” Thanos waved his hand in the direction of the door indicating that the conversation was over. As she descended the creaky stairs her mouth went dry as she saw who her driver was. She knew deep down inside that they had discovered her betrayal. Her legs feeling weak she made her way to the waiting van fighting to control her breathing.

  Peewee the pervert stood by his small, dark blue van. He was a nasty piece of work that even the rest of Thanos`s henchmen tried to stay away from. He got his nickname from one of the call girls that he was using after she put it round that he had the smallest dick she had ever had inside her. The girl disappeared without trace. It was rumoured that he had fed her body bit by bit to his dog, Adolf, a giant English mastiff that stood at thirty-two inches high at the shoulder and weighed in at over two hundred pounds. Like its owner it was an ill-tempered brute and hated everyone! She silently climbed into his van. The over-powering stench of dog hung in the air. She did not dare to ask where they were going probably because she knew that he would not answer her anyway. Apart from the grunts emanating from the dog in the back they drove in complete silence for the entire hour that the journey took.


  She walked across the empty warehouse, the tips of her heels echoing eerily around her in the dank air, towards the small office where she could see Morton waiting for her. As she walked through the door her vision was drawn to the other man standing at the back of the room leaning casually against the wall smoking a cigarette. Something about him gave her the creeps and she shivered violently as she felt his eyes undress her. He looked dirty as though he needed a good wash. She swallowed dryly wishing to god that she could turn back time!

  The room was empty except for the pine table, which she automatically walked towards. Nothing was said. This is what Morton done best. He had learnt over the years that the best way to get information was intimidation and then if that failed he would resort to the next level.

  “Where’s Matt?” she asked hesitantly, her small voice quivering.

  “Having a cup of tea,” he lied.

  “Is he all right?” she could not control the trembling.

  “Where did you get the money from?” he did not have time to waste.

  Rita Lazensky froze. So they know, she thought. Her biggest fears had just come to life. She decided to bluff, “What money?”

  Morton shook his head wearily. He was tired of the games and just wanted straight answers to simple questions. Peewee
appeared at the door with his dog. “Get her old man,” he told Willy. “How long have you worked for us, Rita?”

  “Three…four years,” she stammered. She could the small the patch of wetness in her knickers as she began to lose control of her bladder.

  “Four years,” he repeated more for effect than interest. In reality he could not give a toss. He had never really liked her anyway. “Hope they paid you well!” he saw the tears beginning to form in her eyes. “I don't like grasses,” the tone of his voice suddenly changed. Like everybody else she had heard the stories about Morton.

  “Please,” she pleaded, “please, Mr. Morton, I didn't tell them anything they didn't already know!”

  “So they knew what was in the safe, hey? Let me guess, they had x-ray eyes!” he was not trying to be sarcastic, humour was not part of his make-up.

  Willy returned dragging along the dazed Matt Lazensky. If her knees felt weak before they almost gave way under her as she saw her husband. She placed both her clenched fist quickly to her mouth as she struggled to breathe, her eyes were glued to his blood-soaked shirt while he was as white as a sheet and visibly shaking.

  “You bastards!” she screamed at them as she rushed to him, “what have you done to him?” His eyes stared blankly at her.

  “Why did you do it?” asked Morton. Not that he was particularly interested it just seemed like the right question to ask.

  “You bastards! You fucking bastards!” she screamed at them. Tears of fear rolled down her cheeks as she held onto her husband.

  Morton wanted to get this over, “Who were they?” he asked. When she did not answer he repeated the question.

  “I don't know. They never gave me their names. I'm sorry Mr. Morton. Honest I am!” Her apology’s meant nothing to him. The one thing he expected from any employee was loyalty. But he did believe her. These guys were, if anything, professional. He considered his options for a while before making up his mind. If he let them go it would show weakness on his part and that would never do plus, there was always the possibility that they would go to the police after all, that is what he would do if he were in their position. “Get rid of them!” the order was cold-blooded and heartless.

  “Nooo…!” she turned to face him as she screamed realising that she had just heard her death sentence, “Please, I'll do anything! Please!”

  Willy grabbed hold of her as she turned and made to move towards Morton. He made no pretence of restraining her by grabbing hold of her wrist or arms but stepped behind her and reached for her breast. “I `ave a use for her,” he said with a wide, dirty grin plastered across his face. Morton considered it. Willy, like Peewee, was probably his oldest and most loyal friends and he knew that he could trust them.

  Rita’s wide eyes pleaded silently with Morton hoping that he had a soul somewhere in that dark interior. She knew exactly what the disgusting little man wanted from her and if it meant keeping her and her husband alive then she would allow them to use her.

  Eventually he nodded slowly, “Do what you want. Just make sure they don't walk out of here, understood?”

  “Nooo…!” her ear piercing scream reverberated around the room. Willy dragged the fighting Rita off to one side leaving Peewee to take Lazensky out of the room but Lazensky had other ideas.

  Somehow, even in his shocked condition he had understood what was to happen to him and as soon as he was grabbed he fought back. Unfortunately it was the last mistake he was ever to make.

  Adolf, seeing that his master was under attack and not understanding that the attacker could offer no possible threat done what he was trained to do and leapt forward to defend Peewee.

  For a large dog he could move surprisingly quickly and before Peewee could stop him he jumped up at Lazensky his giant paws landing on Lazensky`s shoulders forcing the weakened man to the floor as his huge, powerful jaws locked around his throat slowly crushing his windpipe. Lazensky wrapped his blood-soaked hands around the dog’s throat and fought valiantly with what was left of his rapidly failing strength but in his weakened condition it was never enough.

  The huge ill-tempered dog stood on Lazensky`s chest shaking its massive head from side to side as its sharp teeth easily ripped through the soft flesh before crushing the cartilage of the windpipe and trachea.

  Lazensky`s hands looked small wrapped around the dogs thick neck as he made one last huge effort using up what was left of his strength to push the dog off him and onto its side but still it refused to let go. Lying in an ever-growing pool of his own blood his strength began to fade and as his wide eyes looked on the terrified face of his wife for the last time the dog finally ripped out his windpipe.

  Rita broke free from Willy and staggered four small paces forwards before being easily caught again and fell heavily to her knees with Willy gripping hold of the back of her collar. Horrified at what was happening in front of her she watched as his legs kicked out wildly as Adolf, now completely out of control, emitted a low, rumbling growl biting even deeper as it tried to severe the head completely.

  The struggling stopped as Matt breathed his last, gurgling breath choking in his own blood. Its face and jowls covered in blood the huge mouth finally released its grip and immediately sunk its teeth into the side of the head. There was a sickening sound as its teeth scrapped along bone ripping away muscles and flesh exposing the bone beneath and then came a sickening, crunching sound as the cheek and lower jawbone cracked under the enormous pressure from the monstrously powerful jaws as more blood spilled onto the floor.

  The three watched in silence not a flicker of emotion showed on any of their faces. Suddenly all went quiet as Rita's hysterical screaming stopped as she sunk to the floor in a deep state of shock sobbing uncontrollable after witnessing her husband’s brutal death. She could not understand why no one had gone to help him!

  “Well, that takes care of that!” said Peewee coldly.

  “Yep!” agreed Willy. “What do we do now? I mean, how do we get…him,” he nodded at Lazensky, “away from the dog?”

  Peewee looked at him as though he was mad, “We don't! We let him finish. When he's `ad enough he’ll lay down. Always does after a big meal!”

  Willy nodded slowly, “Looks like we `ave some time to kill. No pun intended,” he grinned at his own joke.

  Chapter 17

  Morton was gripping his phone so tightly it was a wonder that it did not crack under the pressure. Others! He thought, others meaning Grimshawe. It was the only outwardly physical sign of the raging anger slowly building up inside him. It was as much as his stunted emotions would allow. He stared at his reflection in the window not seeing the world beyond. He had always known that his moment would come but had never given a thought as to what he would do or how he would react when it did.

  Over the years he had allowed Thanos to portray himself as the boss. A one man show because it suited him. He was not one for the limelight but he was still half partner in this business enterprise. A small but significant fact that Thanos seemed to be let slipping his mind more and more these days. How dare he dismiss me as just another lackey!

  Morton thought back about their past. How it all began twenty years ago that night when he intervened and prevented Thanos, who, at the time, was a small time minicab owner, from taking a beating from two hired thugs for not keeping up with his weekly protection money.

  It was he that had introduced Thanos to the world of crime that paid for the luxury’s that he and his family had become accustomed too. He was working as a bouncer in a nightclub and soon got to know which of the local girls were turning tricks. In the beginning in return for looking the other way and not turfing them out, which was part of his job, he would receive sexual favours from each of the girls and then one night, after one of the girls was badly beaten he made an arrangement to protect the girls for a small fee as well as still keeping his sexual rights. He saw the opportunity to move his girls around safely and the partnership was formed.

  As the whoring business got big
ger, though, it became too much for Morton to handle. He was a doer not a thinker. That was where Thanos came in and so an amicable business arrangement gradually grew whereon Thanos handled the clients and monetary transactions while Morton handled the more practical side of things. Business flourished and Thanos expanded into more lucrative markets taking Morton along with him as a silent partner. Very silent!

  It was he, though, that took all the chances and done the dirty work because Thanos was a coward and too lily-livered to get his hands dirty.


  The heavy, articulated lorry pulled out of Hull docks after clearing customs and headed for the M62 motorway. The driver did not need any maps or satellite navigation system to help him find his way. It was a journey he done every week and knew the route like the back of his hand along with every pothole on the way. He glanced down at the small portable DVD player he had carefully balanced beside him and kept one eye on the film and the other on the road. He knew it was illegal but he needed something to relieve the boredom of the trip. He thundered along the wet motorway until he came to the M1 turn off and followed the signs for London and made a stop at the first service station he came across.

  Leaving his cab in the emptiest part of the parking lot he walked quickly to the restaurant. Partly to get out of the rain but mainly to get as far from the lorry as possible. He treated himself to a well-earned steak meal.

  The occupants of the large grey panel van watched the driver disappearing in the rain and waited scouring the parking area very carefully. Checking every cab that they could see into looking out for anyone suspicious or especially interested in the parked lorry.


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