Rebel Bachelor

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Rebel Bachelor Page 3

by Kayla Hensen

  Duncan folded a pancake and stuffed it in his mouth. “What? Is it wrong to thank the staff for serving me?”

  “No, it’s the way you do it that’s the problem. Never mind. Thank you for showing to breakfast. I wanted to update the both of you. Mom and Dad are coming in before lunch, not tonight. We’re going to need to welcome them with open arms and make sure the house is running in order.”

  “I don’t think it’s running anywhere.”

  Matthew gave our young brother a level stare. “Jackson, please.”

  Jackson shrugged. “Just trying to keep things civil. You know how Duncan feels.”

  “I’m right in the room. And how I feel is this place runs fine without us. There’s no reason for us to be here to receive Mom and Dad like they’re royalty. They can handle the staff without us. The staff can handle it on their own, to be honest. This place is a well oiled machine.”

  “Mom and Dad want to see us all. They want… family time.”

  Jackson sunk into his chair and groaned. “I have a ride this afternoon. We were going down the coast.”

  “Well, you’ll have to find another time to do it,” Matthew said.

  Jackson bit into his toast silently.

  “Don’t you think of getting out of this.” Matthew pointed at Duncan. “You can’t disappear like you always do. They know what you’re up to. And whatever your big plans are for Christopher Sinclair, you need to put the breaks on it.”

  “What I do or don’t do, isn’t up for discussion, Matt.”

  “All right. Fair. That’s fair. Listen, I don’t like putting the screws to you guys—”

  “Liar,” Jackson muttered under his breath.

  Duncan nearly laughed. Jackson had it pretty easy as far as he was concerned. Dad loved the guy and was proud of what little achievements he had. Or at least that was the way it seemed to him.

  “I don’t but Dad put pressure on me. One day…”

  “One day you’ll be in charge.” Jackson rolled his eyes. “I remember. You don’t need to throw it in our faces all the time.”

  Matthew’s mouth dropped open. “That’s not what I’m doing. Not at all.”

  Duncan had enough of the Williamsworth civil war. He tossed his napkin down and stood up.

  “Where are you going?”

  “I’ve lost my appetite. I’m going to go for a walk. I don’t need to get permission, do I?”

  Matthew shook his head. “Of course not.”

  “Good.” Duncan took his leave, walking through the house. Instead of going out the front door, he went around the back so he could wander through the flower garden. It reminded him of his mother, whom he adored. His problem wasn’t with her and he was sorry she got stuck in the crossfire sometimes. What Duncan really wanted was some distance from his father. Or for his father to accept him for who he was. Maybe a bit of praise.

  Why was that so hard?


  Duncan walked through the rose garden when his cell phone rang. The number came up as unavailable but he answered it anyway, welcome for the distraction when it came to his family obligations.

  “Mr. Williamsworth, this is Logan. Logan Sinclair.”

  His eyes widened that not only had the richest man in all of Hamilton Springs knew his cell phone number but that he actually called Duncan himself. “Sir, it’s an honor.”

  “It generally is. I heard there was a little problem last night. I’m not judging you but since I’m returning home this afternoon, I thought I would invite you to stop by my office. I think it’s time we meet again face to face. I haven’t seen you, after all, since the college graduation.”

  Logan Sinclair wanted to meet with him? Duncan felt a little hot under the collar but he found himself nodding in agreement. If he really wanted to show his old man what he was made of, meeting Mr. Sinclair in person was the first step. Working the deal and his plan. How could Duncan even begin to say no?

  “Does one P.M. work for you?”

  “Perfect,” Logan said. “I’ll have my assistant grab us a quick lunch. I promise this will be worth your time.”

  His assistant. That would be Penny, wouldn’t it? “I don’t doubt it will be. Not at all, sir.” Duncan ended the call and felt a spring in his step. Maybe he could find a way to make up for the position he had put her in. Something subtle and not over the top. He could save face but make sure her life wasn’t too impacted by his choices.

  Plus, let’s face it, it’d get him out of the mansion before his parents arrived. He felt like he was suffocating already. Seeing Penny Reynolds again was just the icing on the cake.


  “Come in, come in!” Logan Sinclair stood from behind his desk as Duncan entered the impressively large room. It wasn’t as gaudy as Duncan had expected and he found himself almost a little disappointed. Where was the life size painting of the man on the wall? Or the giant stone fountain of some reclusive Sinclair in the lobby?

  “Mr. Sinclair, it’s a pleasure.” Duncan crossed the room in wide steps but made sure he didn’t appear to be rushing through the room. Calm and cool, it was important to him to remain in control.

  Though on the inside Duncan shook. Logan Sinclair had been the most powerful man in Hamilton Springs for decades. At least since he took over for his father and Duncan’s grandfather left town, leaving the rich life behind.

  “The pleasure is mine.” Logan slapped him on the back. “I haven’t seen a Williamsworth in… well, a long time. I knew your father, never had the pleasure to meet the senator. He was an inspiration to us all. A great loss to Hamilton Springs when he left. How is he?” Logan grinned, putting his hands in his pockets.

  Well, Duncan officially felt buttered up. Whatever Logan was angling toward, it would be a dozy and he expected it. Men like Logan Sinclair didn’t just ask you to stop by for no reason. “Doing great. He and granny are enjoying the good life on the other side of the country. They’re still well, so maybe someday they’ll come visit.”

  Like when I’m running your company, Duncan thought.

  “Excellent! And granny, I love that. We’re never too old for our granny’s and our grandpops are we? When mine were still with us, they wouldn’t hesitate to smack me upside the head when I deserved it. And trust me, I always deserved it.”

  Duncan chuckled. “Oh, I believe it, Mr. Sinclair.”

  Logan led him into the next room and toward the conference room table. “Now, last I saw you was university graduation for both you and my boy, Chris. I’m guessing from last night’s stories maybe you never got along. I haven’t seen him that wound up in a long time. Such a long time.” Logan scowled as he gestured to an empty seat.

  Duncan knew when to push his luck and when not to. He sat without argument. “I guess you could say I was excited to show him up. It was the wrong time to do it. I should’ve let him and his future bride have their day.”

  “I’m glad you recognize that,” Logan said as he took his seat at head of the table. “It makes me feel better about my decision.”

  “Decision?” Duncan wasn’t sure what kind of decision he could’ve reached. Did he think Duncan would go on national news and apologize for what he’s done.

  “The gossip wheel never stops, especially when you’re as rich as I am. Rich as your family once was. I know the Williamsworth family’s been hurting a long time. They need a reputation boost.”

  Duncan felt like Logan was telling tall tales. There was no way his family was in trouble financially or the family business. If they were, he’d know about it.

  “Don’t get me wrong, my reputation’s suffered too over the last few months. I’m sure you’ve heard about my legal trouble in Sweet Falls.”

  Heard about it? Duncan practically threw a party. “I saw something about it on the news.”

  Logan cracked a smile. “I need an olive branch in the community and the Williamsworths may need something from me in the future. The animosity between our two family’s has long since been buried
but last night you tried to stir it back up. I can’t have that. So, I’m offering you a job in Sinclair Enterprises. You’ll work with me side by side. I can be your… mentor.” He rubbed his chin thoughtfully. “I love the way that sounds, don’t you?”

  Truth was, Duncan didn’t. He thought Logan might need to retire early but he was happy to help him out with that. In fact, Duncan thought the job offer from Logan could’ve been the old man’s undoing. If Duncan was inside Sinclair Enterprises and close enough to manipulate information and the board members…

  “It sounds like an amazing opportunity to me, sir. I can’t thank you enough and I’d hate to look a gift horse in the mouth but…”

  “Salary?” Logan narrowed his eyes, a look of amusement on his face.

  “Stock options. I have enough money to get me by, don’t worry about me.”

  Logan laughed. “That can be arranged I think. It’ll take some time.”

  Duncan held his hands up in surrender. “Mr. Sinclair, I’m not going anywhere.”

  “Good. Great! This is going to work out for the both of us. I can tell you that!” Logan hit a button on the corner of the table. “You can come in now, Penny.”

  Penny. Duncan sat up straighter and fixed the collar on his jacket. Penny entered a moment later in a blue pencil skirt and a matching fitted blazer. Duncan decided he liked how she filled out her outfits. There was something about the way she moved, too. With purpose and determination, even if she was just carrying lunch.

  She unpacked two bags onto the table with a few different options. Turkey sandwiches, chef salads and hot soups. It filled the room with an aroma of spices and comforting flavors. She barely looked at Duncan but kept her eyes fixed on Logan Sinclair. “Is there anything else I can get you, sir?”

  “We have plenty here, Penny. Why don’t you say hello to Duncan Williamsworth? He’s going to be working with us, not against us. I’d say we’ve come to an amicable arrangement.”

  But would Christopher think so? Duncan was excited to find out.

  Penny tapped her foot twice before turning around. Her hands clasped together as she took in the sight of him. Her nostrils flared and her breath quickened. “Good afternoon, Mr. Williamsworth.”

  He immediately stood and buttoned his jacket. “Ms. Reynolds, about last night…”

  “You’re sorry, are you?” Penny’s mouth twisted. “Well, there’s no reason to. Mr. Sinclair and his family have been gracious to me and to the rest of their staff. No real harm was done.”

  “Even so, I shouldn’t have put you in that position.” Duncan offered Penny his hand.

  Penny glared at it but wouldn’t touch it. “Good afternoon, Mr. Williamsworth. If you won’t be needing anything else…” Penny turned back to her boss.

  “Go back to work but grab some lunch first,” Logan said. “That’s an order.”

  Penny cracked a smile. “Yes, sir.” She hurried from the room and closed the door on her way out.

  “Great assistant. Stellar worker. Really bad at self-care.” Logan bit into a sandwich. “My wife says I can be intimidating sometimes but I don’t know what she’s talking about.”

  Duncan stretched forward and grabbed himself a sandwich and some soup. “Well maybe I’ll catch up with Penny later. Maybe I do owe her a few more words.” Duncan shrugged.

  Logan chewed his sandwich thoughtfully. He stopped and rocked his chair backward. “It couldn’t hurt.”

  Chapter Six

  Meeting Logan Sinclair had gone better than she expected. He was fair, kind and charming. Sure, he expected perfection but when it wasn’t achieved, Penny felt he was reasonable. More reasonable than she had been led to believe. Maybe he really had turned over a new leaf.

  All that aside, Penny couldn’t believe what she heard. Duncan was going to be working with Logan? She thought maybe he had lost his mind. Christopher hated him and Penny couldn’t see how any of them would get along well enough to work together.

  Penny could see exactly what would happen. Duncan would lie and cheat, maybe even steal. He’d do it to get back at Christopher for some perceived wrong. It made her stomach sick to think about it. So instead of eating lunch out, she got it to go and kept it wrapped up tight in it’s bag. It sat on her desk while Penny replied to emails.

  The office buzzed with excitement around her thanks to Logan being in the office. He inspired loyalty but he also inspired fear. Penny could understand it. She was terrified, too, even if he seemed only a little tougher than a teddybear.

  “That’s because you’ve only just met him,” Sophie told her as they headed to the copier together. “You didn’t meet tough as a pile of nails Mr. Sinclair. He had no qualms about firing people. Or ruining their lives for the slightest mistake. He’s changed a lot since he went to, you know…”

  Jail. Penny knew but she couldn’t bring herself to say it, ether. It seemed like such a scary thing. The Sinclairs were such an important family. Penny couldn’t believe Logan had actually been arrested. By his future daughter-in-law, no less. She couldn’t even imagine the amount of courage Lana must’ve had.

  “I’ll catch up with you later,” Penny said as her phone rang. Sophie waved goodbye and continued on with her day. Leaning against the wall she answered her phone. “Mom? What’s the matter?”

  “Dinner plans have changed, sweetheart. One of your father’s business partners has to fly out of town, so it’ll be tonight. Your father would like you and your plus one to show around seven. That’s when the first course will be served. He’d appreciate your support.’

  “Mom, my boss just got into town. I don’t see how I can make the dinner. I also don’t know who could be my plus one.”

  “Well, I’m sure you must know someone. These people are very old fashioned. They like to see a nice, traditional family. With a daughter who is… with someone. You don’t need to be married but I might need you to play it up just a little bit.”

  “Mom, I’m not pretending to be in a relationship with a man to please dad’s business partner.”

  “I know it’s not very up and coming of him but this deal means a lot to your father. It could be the different between getting the deal or… or your father looking for a new job. You know how the market is right now.”

  Penny sighed. “Mom, that’s not fair. None of this is fair. You’re making all this up just because you feel your grandmother clock ticking in the background.”

  “I want grandchildren, of course, Penny but that has nothing to do with what I’ve said. I’m hurt you’d think so!”

  Penny cringed as her mother sniffled into the phone. “All right, all right. I’ll do my best but no promises. All right?”

  ‘All right, dear.” Penny could hear the smile in her mother’s voice. “But please remember, dinner is at seven. Oh, and you look beautiful in ruby red.”

  Penny stared at her phone as the line went dead. How did she always end up in these situations with her mother controlling everything? Penny tried so hard to do her own thing but underneath she was an old softie. With a sigh, she slipped the phone into her pocket and turned the corner back toward her desk when she bumped into Duncan.

  From the look on his face, he had been listening to her conversation or at least overheard some of it. “I was trying not to listen, really I was. But, you know, it sounded a little juicy.”

  Penny rolled her eyes and pushed past him to get to her desk. “I have work to do. I know that’s probably a novel concept for you.”

  “But?” Duncan asked.

  “But nothing. What is it you want anyway?” Penny sat down in her chair and scooted forward.

  “To apologize for us not getting off on the right foot. I don’t apologize a lot. I’m not good at it. But please, know it’s sincere.”

  Sincere? Penny doubted that Duncan had ever had a sincere thought in his entire life. “Logan might’ve bought your act, but I don’t. I know you haven’t turned over a new leaf. You want to take advantage of him and his son. I don’t
know what your angle is but I’m going to figure it out.”

  Duncan grinned. “I doubt anyone has ever taken advantage of Logan Sinclair. Quite the opposite, don’t you think?”

  Penny wasn’t sure. So she leveled him a stare, her hand stroking her chin. “How about we both agree to go our separate ways? I’ll do my best to keep things civil for the Sinclairs but I will be keeping an eye on you.”

  “Orrrr…”Duncan sat on the edge of her desk. “We do one better. I escort you to your special dinner you have going on. I impress your parents and get them off your back. Meanwhile, you can check me out up close. Figure out my master plan.” Duncan wiggled his eyebrows up and down.

  Penny couldn’t believe his nerve. “You really think I’m going to take you to dinner? You’re not that hard up for a meal, are you?”

  “Of course I’m not, Reynolds. Look,” Duncan pushed his finger into the desk, “your parents are riding you, mine are riding me. It gives me a reason to not be home when they arrive. You can use me to please your parents.” Duncan grinned.

  Penny rolled her eyes and groaned. “Are you always this full of yourself?”

  “Pretty much, yeah. But it’ll work. You know it. And you can check me out. Figure out what my master plan is for the Sinclairs. You know you want to do it.”

  “And what do you get out of all of this?”

  “Me? I get to have dinner with a beautiful woman. I owe you.What do you say?”

  Beautiful? Who was he talking about? “All right. It’s a deal but no reason to lay your compliments on so thick.”

  “I’m not saying anything that isn’t true.” He laid his elbow onto his lap and leaned forward. “I never joke about beautiful woman, Penny.” He wrapped his knuckles onto the desktop. “I’ll pick you up here tonight!”

  Penny felt her cheeks turn pink under Duncan’s intense gaze. It threw her but she cleared her throat and recovered quickly. “Fine with me. I have to get back to work. If you don’t mind…” She gestured for him to get off.

  He did and Duncan went on his way with a bounce in his step—even more than usual. Penny watched him leave. The way he moved, like he was the coolest cat in the room. Maybe he was. But Penny was determined not to fall for it.


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