Theirs to Ransom

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Theirs to Ransom Page 8

by Stasia Black

  “Come for me,” he demanded, rolling her bud in between his fingers. “Come for me now, wife.”

  And damn him, but she did.

  She came with a keening cry that probably echoed down main street and had every cock in the whole town stiffening. But he was the one who got to be buried inside her and feel every spasm around his cock as she clenched and squeezed on him all through her orgasm.

  When he came, it was with a roar as he spurted his cum deep inside her.

  He collapsed to the side of her, holding her close, eyes closed, just breathing her in.

  He was—

  That had been—

  She was just the most—


  For a moment, just a single fucking moment, his mind was quiet. There was stillness in his soul.




  But then, with the relentlessness of a crashing wave, it all came rushing back. The world had ended. His twin sister was still dead. None of this had any meaning. It was just another fleeting pleasure, here now and gone tomorrow. Just like everything else.

  He untangled himself and rolled away from the woman.

  Finnigan rushed to her side in his absence but Jagger was quick to snap, “Leo, Mario, your turn.”

  Chapter Seven


  “She’s had enough for one night,” Finn said vehemently as he put an arm around Sophia and flipped the blanket off the bed to cover her nakedness.

  She immediately started shaking her head even as she clung to Finn’s forearm. She’d been one hundred percent terrified walking into this room, she wouldn’t lie.

  But then Jagger had been gentle. And the things he’d done to her body… He couldn’t be all bad if he was that considerate in bed, right? He hadn’t violated her. He’d gone slow and attended to her so tenderly. He’d given her her first kiss and all of it had been overwhelming, but in a good way.

  “It’s okay, Finn,” she said, giving his arm a squeeze. “This is how it works. It means the wedding is real.” And it meant there was a chance this would work out after all. If she could connect to each of her husbands like she had Jagger, maybe everything would be okay. “Everyone sleeps with all their husbands the first night.”

  Finn swung his head to look at her incredulously. “How the hell do you know?”

  Sophia felt her cheeks flame. The other girls talked about touching themselves in the dark, but Sophia had never done it. She’d wanted to know it from her husbands or not at all.

  And now she knew. She got to know because she was a woman now. She was a married woman and if there was any way she could reclaim this marriage from the sham it felt like earlier this afternoon, then by God she was going to do it. One way or another, these men were her husbands and she would make it work if at all possible.

  “The women talk,” she whispered.

  “Well were they all virgins?”

  She glared up at Finn. “Yes, in fact. Some of them were. I’m doing this and if you can’t handle it, you can leave.” She couldn’t help her eyes dropping. She hadn’t had a chance to even talk to him since roping him into being her husband and she hated to argue now. God, what must he think of her? “And um, I know I sort of forced you into marrying me. It’s okay if you don’t want to stay and— You don’t have to, is all I mean.”

  She cringed. God, how awkward was this? He’d just watched her have sex. Finnigan Knight had just watched her lose her virginity. Her face flamed even at the thought.

  He only reached out and took her hand though. “I’m not leaving you tonight, Soph. I promise.”

  She looked up at him, unable to help the flood of relief she felt at his answer. This was exactly why she’d wanted him with her in this marriage.

  The thought of being alone with all these strange men… God, it was terrifying enough as it was. But Finn being there, even with all the intimacy that entailed, it made it all better. She reached out and squeezed his hand tight.

  Jagger repeated his earlier snapped order. “Leo. Mario. We don’t have all night.”

  Sophia’s head turned to Jagger in confusion. He’d been oddly gentle with her only moments before. Where had that man gone? Even his face was different. His eyes. He was distant now. All the warmth was absent and the connection she’d felt with him, gone.

  “How should we do this?” she asked, proud when there was only the slightest quaver to her voice.

  “Up on your knees,” Jagger said. She looked toward him. He’d pulled off his shirt and pants and stood there in his boxers. Her eyes widened when she saw he had his long, thick shaft in his hand. That had been inside her? No wonder it had hurt. He stroked it lazily and the sight had her legs shifting and her sex tingling.

  She bit her lip. Because while it had hurt at first, she hadn’t forgotten how good he’d made her feel, either.

  “Knees,” he snapped.

  She scrambled to get to her knees.

  “Hey asshole,” Finn started. He still hadn’t moved from the edge of the bed and she put a hand on his arm.

  Which was when she realized she was almost one hundred percent naked. She still had her bra on, but Jagger had pulled her breasts out of the lacy cups, so it barely counted.

  And Finn was just sitting there. Right beside her. While she was naked.

  But she didn’t have very long to think about it because the two other men in the room were walking her way.

  Sophia was shaking, but she forced herself to look at them and offer a wobbly smile.

  The brothers. Leo and Mario. She blinked up at Mario first. He was a giant. So huge and tall her neck almost hurt as she craned her head backwards to look up at him.

  His face was blank as he stared down at her.

  Talk about terrifying.

  All Sophia wanted to do was to cling to Finn and beg him to take her away from here. Everything with Jagger had been insane enough, but she’d done it.

  Now here were two more men. She had to start all over again.

  But Audrey had done this. So had Shay and Vanessa and Drea and a hundred other women in Jacob’s Well after their lotteries. Was she going to be the first bride to wimp out, especially when it was so diplomatically crucial?

  She pushed the blanket Finn had pulled off and climbed up onto her knees like Jagger had ordered.

  “Leo, tell your brother to sit at the head of the bed. You get behind her. And take off your clothes. You’re fucking your wife, not going to confessional.”

  “Yes, sir, boss,” Leo answered. “Mario, you heard him. Sit in front of her.”

  Sophia swallowed, eyes dancing nervously around the room and quickly darting away as Leo and his brother disrobed.

  And then they were climbing on the bed with her.

  Naked men were climbing on the bed with her.

  More than one of them.

  She’d envisioned this moment so many times. Because while she might have talked about her dream wedding with her girlfriends, it was her wedding night that she’d secretly fantasized about in her bedroom at night.

  But this was so much… more than she ever could have dreamed up.

  Especially when Mario sat down in front of her and his… his… thing seemed to take up her entire sphere of vision.

  Suffice to say, she’d never seen one up close.

  Donna at school said she’d touched Alex’s when they made out behind the schoolhouse and she’d described it. Like a cucumber with two little garlics attached on the bottom, she’d said with a giggle.

  The huge, hard fleshy member in front of Sophia didn’t look anything like a cucumber.

  And then Jagger’s hot breath was on her ear. “Take his cock in your hand.”

  Sophia sucked in a quick hiss of air through her teeth, head swinging his way only briefly. His dark eyes were glittering and his hand on his own shaft tugged more insistently than ever.

  She nodded and swallowed, then reached out for Mario’s… Mario’s cock.

er fingers closed around the middle of it, mimicking how Jagger held his. Mario’s was warm and smooth. The skin was soft and velvety, but underneath, it was so rigid. Like rock.

  “Fuck, that’s hot,” Jagger whispered. “Now lick it. Right there at the slit.”

  Sophia felt her eyes go wide. Of course that was what he meant for her to do. She should have realized. He’d done it to her, after all. Used his mouth to— to—

  She bobbed her head down, afraid if she thought about it anymore, she’d wimp out. She stuck her tongue out and tentatively swiped it over the little slit Jagger was talking about.

  “Now put your mouth around it.” Jagger’s voice sounded a bit ragged as he ordered it, and the fact that she knew she was affecting him had Sophia throbbing again between her legs. God, how did he have that power over her already?

  She’d heard the whispers and giggles among the married women about bedroom play and what it could be like but never thought—

  “Don’t make me say it twice. Suck his cock.”

  She obediently widened her mouth and took the fat head of Mario’s cock into her mouth. His huge, hairy thighs tensed as she closed her lips around the crown of his member. Tentatively, she swiveled her tongue around the smooth surface. Again, she felt the odd little slit at the very tip and tried teasing her tongue back and forth across it.

  Mario’s whole body jumped when she did it and her eyes flew upwards. Was that a good thing or a bad thing?

  By the dark, intense gaze Mario directed at her, she hoped… good? He was younger than she’d initially thought, looking at him now. He was so huge, he’d seemed like he had to be a lot older but now she wondered if he wasn’t only a couple of years older than her. He lifted a hand like he wanted to touch her but then dropped it back down to the bed.

  She pulled back off his shaft to murmur shyly, “It’s okay. You can touch me.”

  Mario’s eyes flashed back to her, almost like he was astonished she would speak to him.

  “Did I say you could stop sucking his cock?” Jagger growled.

  Sophia dropped back down to take Mario back into her mouth.

  “Who the fuck do you think you are?” Finn asked heatedly. “Stop ordering her around.”

  Sophia just reached out for Finn and felt down his arm for his hand. She squeezed it. She didn’t know how to voice it but… she liked it when Jagger did that. It just took all the pressure off. To say she felt in over her head was an understatement. But if he was there telling her what to do and how to do it? Then she didn’t have to think or worry.

  Especially after the week spent second-guessing this entire mission as a colossal screw up that might have gotten her and Finn both killed—it was more than a relief to hand off the reins to someone else.

  Sophia started to experiment with her tongue again. Because she didn’t just want to do this right, she wanted to do it the best. She wanted each of them to leave this room feeling like the luckiest man on earth to have gotten her for a wife. She wanted them to eventually look at her the way Nix did at Audrey or Charlie did at Shay.

  “Now go deeper. Take him to the back of your throat. And Leo, you can start touching her, too. Get her ready for you.”

  Sophia was concentrating on the first part of what he said so she wasn’t quite ready for the touch in her most intimate places.

  “Jesuchristo, she’s so soft,” Leo’s voice came from behind her as fingers slid between her folds. Just like Jagger, Leo seemed to know exactly where to touch her. His fingers zeroed in on that spot at the top of her slit and he rubbed circles so delicious she couldn’t help moaning around Mario’s cock.

  Mario’s hand lifted again when she did, and this time, after a moment’s hesitation, he didn’t drop it.

  She wasn’t sure what she expected when he reached for her. Maybe for his big hand to settle on the back of her head? To push and pull her up and down on his cock, in the rhythm he liked best?

  It sure wasn’t for his thick fingers to ever so gently tuck some stray hair behind her ear. She’d only had time to pull the front part of her hair back into a barrette but after her time with Jagger, she could only imagine how she looked.

  He didn’t pull his hand away. Instead, he caressed his giant thumb down her cheek. She looked up at him with wide eyes, instinctively knowing even before Jagger commanded it that she was supposed to bob up and down.

  She couldn’t read the expression on Mario’s face. But whereas at dinner he’d only stared at his plate and shoveled food in his mouth without a word to anyone, now his focus was entirely on her.

  And when she dipped down, so deep that his cock touched the back of her throat, she saw the way his barrel chest moved up and down.

  He cupped her face and his huge hand easily curved around the back of her neck at the same time. He didn’t apply pressure though. It was like he just had a need to touch her, to connect in a way beyond his cock in her mouth.

  She groaned long and deep when his brother gently breached her from behind, all the while with a hand around her hip strumming her clit.

  She was sore after Jagger, there was no doubt. But she was slick too, with her own juices and Jagger’s cum, and he’d already stretched her out not that long ago. So Leo slid in without nearly the pain of the first time with Jagger.

  And watching the intensity on Mario’s face at the same time Leo rubbed and circled her while the fullness of his cock filled her, such a new sensation but one her body was quickly coming to accommodate and enjoy… it all had the pleasure swooping in her stomach climbing and climbing and—

  Oh God, really? Again?

  Yes, really. It was slower to rise and not as sharp when it hit, but the orgasm soon had her arching back against Leo like a stretching cat as it washed through her.

  “Good girl,” Jagger murmured. “Now pull off Mario and let him come on your face.”

  Sophia let go of Mario’s cock with a slurping noise and looked up in confusion. On her face? What did that—?

  But Mario seemed to understand exactly what Jagger meant because he’d grabbed his shaft and was stroking roughly up and down while she watched.

  “Face up,” Jagger instructed, reaching down a hand underneath her chin to angle her face up to them. Jagger was still pulling on his own cock, too, gripping it hard as he dragged up and down on it, then twisting and squeezing every time he got back up to the head.

  “Christ, I love it when you squeeze me like that, mija,” Leo said from behind her.

  She’d barely registered it, though, because right then Mario’s cock erupted. She squeaked as his seed shot right toward her face. She shut her eyes as it hit her but didn’t miss how Mario groaned in pleasure.

  She blinked her eyes open. The… stuff had only gotten on the lower half of her face so she could still see just fine, and the look of unguarded pleasure on Mario’s face as the last of his seed dribbled from his glistening cock had an aftershock tremoring through her own sex.

  “Now show me all that you learned with Mario,” Jagger said, and the next thing she knew, he’d pushed Mario out of the way and he was pressing his cock between her lips.

  His cock that had been inside her not forty-five minutes ago. Her mouth opened wide as the thick mushroom head popped inside her mouth, salty from Mario’s transferred seed.

  “That’s right,” he cooed, his voice once again going soft, just like it did the first time they’d had sex. But his words weren’t soft. They were shocking. “I’m going to fuck your face now. Suck on it. Suck his cum and mine. I’m going to cum in your mouth and you’re going to swallow every drop.”

  Sophia blinked rapidly and took in a deep breath through her nose as Jagger pulled his cock out of her mouth and then pushed back in again.

  It was overwhelming at first. He was just so big. Far thicker than Mario had been. Her mouth barely fit around him.

  “Shit,” he hissed. “Lips over your teeth!”

  She hurried to comply, wrapping her lips over her teeth protectively and
he continued pushing in and out. She tried to swipe her tongue over his tip and suck on him but he seemed to like it bobbing in and out just on his tip, especially when she applied pressure with her mouth so that it was a tight fit every time he pushed in.

  “Gimme your hand,” he breathed out, his voice gravelly. She was affecting him and just the knowledge sent a thrill through her. He might be pretending to be in charge, but she could affect him, this powerful man who commanded an entire city with thousands relying on him.

  She did as he asked and lifted her hand towards him.

  He placed it around the base of his cock, his around hers to show her how he liked to be stroked. But she’d been watching earlier and she mimicked him, quickly getting the hang of dragging his skin up and down while she took him in and out of her mouth.

  “Fuuuuuck, that’s good. That’s so fuckin’ good.”

  She looked up and saw his stomach flexing in response to her every movement. All the while, Leo was still taking her from behind. She was totally stretched and used to it now so it didn’t hurt at all.

  From time to time Leo would grab her hips and drive in harder, but then that hand of his would go seeking again for her clitoris and the swoopy feelings would start all over again.

  She wasn’t Sophia Wolford in this moment. She was a goddess and they were her supplicants worshiping her.

  It was nothing like she’d expected but everything she’d wanted.

  She wasn’t a girl anymore.

  She was finally a woman.

  She sucked even more strenuously at Jagger’s cock.

  “Fuck, I’m coming. Swallow it down. Swallow it all, baby. Swallow it all for me.”

  Jagger pushed back in and then her mouth filled with the same salty substance that she’d only had a mere taste of. She choked on it at first, it was such a surprise.

  But then she started to swallow, almost convulsively. She swallowed and swallowed and swallowed. Jagger’s hand came to the back of her head, his fingers sifting through her hair as his hips thrust again and again into her mouth and she slurped the last of his essence from him.


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