Tank: A Motorcycle Club Romance (Chrome Kings MC) (Bad Boy Bikers Club Book 7)

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Tank: A Motorcycle Club Romance (Chrome Kings MC) (Bad Boy Bikers Club Book 7) Page 1

by Naomi West


  A Motorcycle Club Romance (Chrome Kings MC)

  Naomi West

  Copyright © 2020 by Naomi West

  All rights reserved.

  No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without written permission from the author, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

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  Books by Naomi West

  Tank: A Motorcycle Club Romance (Chrome Kings MC)

  1. Tank

  2. Piper

  3. Tank

  4. Piper

  5. Tank

  6. Piper

  7. Tank

  8. Piper

  9. Tank

  10. Piper

  11. Tank

  12. Piper

  13. Piper

  14. Tank

  15. Tank

  16. Piper

  17. Tank

  18. Piper

  19. Tank

  20. Piper

  21. Tank

  22. Tank

  23. Tank

  24. Tank

  25. Piper


  AVAILABLE NOW! Devil’s Outlaws (An MC Romance Box Set)

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  Books by Naomi West

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  Books by Naomi West

  Bad Boy Biker’s Club

  *Read in any order!







  Outlaw Biker Brotherhood Series

  *Read in any order!

  Devil's Revenge

  Devil’s Ink

  Devil’s Heart

  Devil’s Vow

  Devil’s Sins

  Devil’s Scar

  Box Sets

  Devil’s Outlaws: An MC Romance Box Set

  Other MC Standalones

  *Read in any order!





  Tank: A Motorcycle Club Romance (Chrome Kings MC)

  She followed the devil right into the fire.

  The little reporter girl thought snooping around my MC was a good idea.

  She was very, very wrong.

  And it’s about to cost her everything.

  She’s locked in my basement right now.

  And when I go down there, I’m gonna bend her ’til she breaks.

  ’Til she moans.

  ’Til she begs for more, more, more.

  But I’m the only one who gets to touch her.

  Anyone else who lays a finger on her will feel my wrath.

  So buckle up, sweetheart.

  You’re in for one wild ride.



  Tank folded his arms in front of his chest and surveyed the men in front of him. He had been explaining their latest business venture, and he was pleased to see that they were all listening intently. He had chosen his men carefully, only allowing those who were loyal and determined to join the Chrome Kings. It looked like it was paying off well. The new venture they were about to embark on was going to be a big one, and he could tell that everyone was on board.

  Their clubhouse was a big one, a former factory that had gone down the tubes a decade ago and been abandoned until Tank bought it and had it remodeled. The main structure of the brick building had still been intact, and it provided a good start. All the old equipment and machinery had been junked for the metal parts, too rusty or outdated to bother trying to sell. There had been a few pieces that Tank knew would be useful, but the rest he had let go and used that money to create a haven for the Chrome Kings. The upper floors had been converted into rooms for the men, so none of them ever had to worry about where they were going to sleep at night. The lower floor held a nice bar, a common living area, and a massive meeting room where they all sat now. It was a far cry from the former clubhouse downtown, and Tank liked the privacy of being just outside the city limits.

  “The basic point here, guys, is that this is going to bring in a ton of money for us. It’s going to take a lot of hard work, though. I’m not going to lie about that. I’ll need you men out on the streets working transportation, meeting shipments at the docks, making the right trades with the right people. I need to know that you’re willing to do that.” He looked around expectantly, but he knew that nobody would argue. They wanted the club to succeed just as much as he did. After all, it provided them with everything they needed.

  The members nodded in agreement. Eagle, a prominent member, stepped forward. “This is going to be a great thing for us, Tank. It’s not the way we usually do business, but maybe that’s exactly what we need.”

  “I agree. Working with the Red Devils is going to benefit both them and us.” It had taken a lot of negotiations to get it done, but in the end the Devils knew that it was a contract that would be mutually beneficial. “They’ll steal all the goods, which keeps us from having to get our hands dirty with it. They, on the other hand, won’t need to worry about where to sell those goods. They can offload the evidence before anyone even realizes it’s gone.”

  “What if we can’t resell it?” asked Tar from the front row. He was a grizzled man who had been riding since even before Tank was born. The scars that stippled one side of his face still told the story of a vicious motorcycle accident that he had been lucky to live through.

  Tank always welcomed input from his men. That was how he had come so far in this business, after all. “I made sure I was specific about what goods we were willing to take. I don’t just want random shit from people’s houses. We’re not going to set up a yard sale with old vases and some grandma’s linens.” A ripple of laughter went through the crowd. “We’re talking guns, high-end car parts, electronics, things that always sell well on the black market and at a high profit.”

  Tar nodded his approval, and Tank knew the others felt the same way. They were all on the same page.

  “By tomorrow, I’ll have everyone assigned to a specific job. But for now, let’s go enjoy our night!”

  The Chrome Kings cheered their agreeance and followed him to the garage. There was nothing better than the roar of over a hundred motorcycles starting up at once, the vibration nearly shaking the building as they zoomed out the overhead door and onto the road. The sun was just starting to go down, a ball of liquid gold on the horizon. Tank turned away from it and into the city, heading to The Dive. There were plenty of other places they could have gone for some drinks, places that were cleaner or had better liquor. But the Chrome Kings needed a place that was big enough to hold all of them, which wasn’t easy to come by considering that so many places were small pubs that catered to businessmen on weeknights. It didn’t hurt that The Dive also gave them free drinks.

  Pulling into the gravel lot, the other men didn’t dare turn off their bikes or head into the building until Tank did so. He was the leader of the pack, and they treated him as such. It was that sort of hard loyalty that he needed from his men to know that the new deal would work, and he felt his shoulders straighten with confidence. He stepped through the door, knowing that the othe
rs had his back and he had their respect. “Evening, Tommy.”

  The man behind the bar looked up, startled, his face paling slightly. “Tank! Um, hi. I wasn’t expecting you guys this evening.” The skinny man had been drying a beer mug, and it shook in his hands as he spoke.

  Tank leaned heavily on the old bar, the ancient wood marred by numerous mugs of beer and the generations of customers who had consumed them. It probably hadn’t been wiped down in a century. “Why not? It’s Saturday, isn’t it?”

  “Well, yes. What I mean to say is that our latest shipment of beer is running behind. There was supposed to be a truck in here this morning, but they had some sort of issue and they didn’t show. I’m afraid I might be running a little low, is all.” He gestured vaguely toward the back room where the stock was kept, his eyebrows rising further and further toward his hairline.

  Tank ran a hand through his long dark hair and grinned, a smile that he knew could intimidate even the most noble into breaking the law. “I’m sure you’ll find a way to accommodate us, Tommy. You always do. I’m awful thirsty after that ride.”

  “Yes, sir. Coming right up.” Tommy quickly drafted a foamy mug for him before dispatching one of his workers to the local liquor store.

  “But sir, that will be so expensive!” the worker protested, obviously new to The Dive and oblivious to the fact of just who his boss was dealing with.

  Tommy was a timid man when speaking to Tank, but he was suddenly menacing as he reprimanded his employee. “You do as I said,” he hissed through his teeth. “It’s my money, not yours, and if you don’t want to mind your own business then you can go find a job somewhere else.”

  “Yes, sir.”

  “Do you need a little help keeping your employees in line?” Tank leaned over the bar and gave a dark look to the employee. “I’m known to be very persuasive when I need to be.”

  “No, no! I’m going!” The worker ran out the back door of the bar. He was either on his way to the liquor store to make sure there was plenty of beer in stock, or he had decided that working at The Dive wasn’t for him. Either way, Tank was satisfied that he had frightened the man into action.

  Tommy said nothing and went to work, ignoring his paying customers while he pulled beers for the Chrome Kings. It was an agreement that the two of them had worked out a long time ago. Tommy provided free beer, and the Chrome Kings didn’t cause too much trouble. The men could have just as easily indulged at their private bar back at the clubhouse, but Tank knew they enjoyed getting out once in a while.

  “Hey.” Tar was at his side, a look of approval on his scarred face. “I’m impressed with this deal you’ve worked out with the Red Devils. Back in my day, an MC wouldn’t dare work with anyone else. But I think this is really going to be good for us.”

  “I’m glad you think so.” And Tank meant it. Tar had been part of the Kings when he had first joined at the ripe age of fourteen, just after his mother had been violently killed. It had been a tough time in Tank’s life, and one he hadn’t been certain he would recover from, but Tar had stepped up to the plate and shown him the ropes. If it hadn’t been for the older man, Tank might not have made it to adulthood, much less become the president.

  “I do. It’ll keep the men busy, which means they’ll stay out trouble—at least, too much trouble. We’ll be making money hand over fist. It can’t get any better than that.” Tar took a long pull of his beer and wiped foam from his upper lip with the back of his hand. “I have to hand it to you, Tank. You’ve worked hard to climb the ranks, and you certainly deserve your position at the top.”

  “Are you the only one who thinks so?” Tank asked quietly. “Or have you heard any rumors of discontent lately?” For quite some time now, Tank had been suspicious that there was someone in the club who wasn’t entirely on their side. He had no proof of it; it was just a hunch for the moment.

  “I keep telling you, that’s all in your head. Nobody in their right mind would want to boot you and choose a new president.” Tar’s words were genuine, but the nervous look in the back of his dark eyes told Tank that his suspicions weren’t entirely unreasonable. “At any rate, I haven’t heard anything,” he finally mumbled.

  “You probably wouldn’t. They know you and I are close, and these men aren’t stupid. I only hope that it really is all in my head, or else I made a big mistake with someone.”

  “Nah, you don’t have anything to worry about. Things are good, and we should be enjoying that.” Tar held up his mug before downing half its contents.

  “Maybe you’re right.” Tank looked around the bar, noticing that quite a few of the club girls had come with them. There were a few other women in here as well, but Tank didn’t always like having to work for it. He spotted a smoking hot brunette lounging near the jukebox. She took a drink of her beer and winked at him, her denim shorts hugging her ass tightly. Rita was one of his favorites right now. She was always ready for a good time. Her crop top showed the smooth planes of her tanned stomach, a tiny crystal winking at him from her navel. “I think I’ll enjoy myself right now. You should do the same.”

  Tar had seen where Tank was looking, and he shook his head. “Maybe some other time. I’m too old for that.”

  “If you say so.” Tank chugged down the last of his beer and left the bar, heading across the room.

  Rita saw him approach and smiled, uncrossing her long, tan legs and sitting up a little straighter. “I hear you’re having a good night.” She bit her lip as her eyes trailed down to his chest.

  Tank felt his jeans suddenly tighten. She knew how to play him, and he didn’t mind. That was what the game was all about, anyway. “I am, and I think you can make it a little better.” He tipped his head toward a door on the other side of the room.

  Rita didn’t need to ask him any questions or make any formalities. She got up from the table and followed him to the bathroom. “How do you want me tonight?” she said huskily as soon as he had closed and locked the door behind them. She played with the knot at the center of her crop top, which nestled just below her full breasts.

  Grinning, Tank grabbed her by the waist and spun her around, pushing her forward so that her hands splayed out against the wall. He yanked down those sexy denim shorts, pleased to see that she hadn’t worn any panties. He gave her bare ass a slap before undoing his fly and shoving his dick inside her, satisfied at the little squeal she gave, quickly followed by a moan.

  “You’re so big,” she gushed as she spread her legs a little wider.

  Tank put his hand on her back to make her bend forward a little more. “You can handle it, though, can’t you?” He pumped his hips against her. Yeah, this was what he needed. There was nothing better than a quick and dirty fuck after a long day of hard work, and he knew Rita was always willing to give it to him. She was just a club girl, and this was basically her job, but he still liked knowing that he could get off without having to go through a lot of fuss. He could have it done in a few minutes, and she would never ask if they could cuddle afterwards or what their lovemaking meant for their relationship. Every now and then, he made sure he got her off, too, and that was good enough for the both of them.

  With her braced against the wall, Tank shoved his hands under her top to squeeze her breasts. He slammed into her until he was satisfied, getting just the release he needed. He gave her another quick slap on the rear before zipping up his fly and unlocking the door. “Thanks, Rita.”

  He didn’t wait for her reply before heading back out into the bar. The place was full, and mostly with his men. Most of the regular patrons had been driven off by the arrival of the Chrome Kings, which was just fine for Tank. It was better if they didn’t have to put up with anyone else’s bullshit, anyway. He strode through the room full of leather, tattoos, and scraggly beards, thinking that all was as it should be, when his eyes landed on her.

  She sat at the bar, turned slightly toward the crowd on the floor. Her brilliant blonde hair was cut bluntly just above her shoulders, a strai
ght curtain of liquid white gold. Her white tank top and black jeans were meant to blend in, but Tank could tell immediately that this woman was out of her element. Her ears were so tuned to the room that he could practically see it, and she watched everyone with her big brown eyes.

  Including him. Tank paused a moment in her gaze, wondering just what the hell this woman wanted with him. She definitely wasn’t one of the club girls that had tagged along with the Chrome Kings. She wasn’t the type, and he knew every woman they kept around. She didn’t even look like one of the regular patrons of The Dive. She was too clean.

  He had just gotten off, but maybe he had been too quick about it. He should have made Rita suck his dick first, made it last a little longer. He did like the sight of a woman down on her knees in front of him, and Rita was decent at giving head.

  Tank grinned and strode across the room. This was his favorite type of conquest: the ones who had no idea what they were getting into.



  Piper Davis strode into the office of the Morning Star, ready for a new day. She had dressed in a new skirt suit—dressing for the job she wanted instead of the one she had, as all the motivational speakers said was imperative—and she felt confident that today would be a different day. She didn’t have any specific reason to think so, but it was a beautiful morning and she just felt good. There had to be some reason for it.


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